Checkbox Text List :: Extension of Iconified Text tutorial

 Checkbox Text List :: Extension of Iconified Text tutorial

What you will learn: How to create a list of items with Checkboxes 

Difficulty: 2.0 / 5 

What it will look like: 

This tutorial grew from another tutorial here which dealt with making lists with icons attached to each list item. (IconifiedTextView tutorial). 

1. In order to make a List which includes checkboxes, we need to modify a few things. In, we made a String to hold the text of our list item. We also need a boolean value to keep track of the status of the checkbox (checked = true, unchecked = false). The constructor will initialize the checkbox to be checked or unchecked.

public  class CheckBoxifiedText  implements Comparable { 

private  String mText =  ""
private  boolean mChecked; 
public CheckBoxifiedText ( String text,  boolean checked )  { 
/* constructor */ 
mText = text; 
mChecked = checked; 

2. Second, we need to look at We need to add code to support our checkbox. (src.getChecked()will tell us whether our box is checked or not. 

public  View getView ( int position,  View convertView, ViewGroup parent ) { 
CheckBoxifiedTextView btv; 
if  (convertView ==  null )  { 
btv =  new CheckBoxifiedTextView (mContext, mItems. get (position ) )
}  else  {  // Reuse/Overwrite the View passed 
// We are assuming(!) that it is castable! 
CheckBoxifiedText src = mItems. get (position )
btv =  (CheckBoxifiedTextView ) convertView; 
btv. setCheckBoxState (src. getChecked ( ) )
btv =  (CheckBoxifiedTextView ) convertView; 
btv. setText (mItems. get (position ). getText ( ) )
return btv; 

We also want to add some methods for doing things like getting the state of the checkbox, or selecting all the items. 

public  void selectAll ( ) { 
for (CheckBoxifiedText cboxtxt: mItems ) 
cboxtxt. setChecked ( true )
/* Things have changed, do a redraw. */ 
this. notifyDataSetInvalidated ( )

3. Open up We need to set up where we want the checkbox to be located, the text location, and whether the box is checked or not. 

public CheckBoxifiedTextView ( Context context, CheckBoxifiedText aCheckBoxifiedText )  { 
super (context )

/* First CheckBox and the Text to the right (horizontal), 
* not above and below (vertical) */
this. setOrientation (HORIZONTAL )
mCheckBoxText = aCheckBoxifiedText; 
mCheckBox =  new CheckBox (context )
mCheckBox. setPadding ( 00200 )// 5px to the right 

/* Set the initial state of the checkbox. */ 
mCheckBox. setChecked (aCheckBoxifiedText. getChecked ( ) )

/* At first, add the CheckBox to ourself 
* (! we are extending LinearLayout) */
addView (mCheckBox,  new LinearLayout. LayoutParams ( 
LayoutParams. WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams. WRAP_CONTENT ) )

mText =  new TextView (context )
mText. setText (aCheckBoxifiedText. getText ( ) )
//mText.setPadding(0, 0, 15, 0); 
addView (mText,  new LinearLayout. LayoutParams ( 
LayoutParams. WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams. WRAP_CONTENT ) )

4. Finally, we can look at our ListActivity code which will be using the classes we just made. In the attached source code, this is file. For this example, i am using an array of strings which contain the text we want in each list item. We create a checkboxlist adapter, cbla, first. 

Then, we loop through each item in the array and add it to the list adapter (using cbla.addItem()). I am setting all the checkboxes to initially be unchecked by passing the value of FALSE. 

public  class  Checkbox  extends ListActivity  { 
/** Called when the activity is first created. */ 

private CheckBoxifiedTextListAdapter cbla; 
// Create CheckBox List Adapter, cbla 
private  String [ ] items =  { "Box 1""Box 2""Box 3""Box 4" }
// Array of string we want to display in our list 

public  void onCreate (Bundle icicle )  { 
super. onCreate (icicle )
setContentView (R. layout. main )

cbla =  new CheckBoxifiedTextListAdapter ( this )
for ( int k= 0; k length; k++ ) 
cbla. addItem ( new CheckBoxifiedText (items [k ]false ) )
// Display it 
setListAdapter (cbla )

Thats pretty much it. Not much work! Attached are all the source files you will need for this tutorial. I have also added functions such as select all, and deselect all which will come in handy.





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