Nitrate XML-RPC Service API

Nitrate XML-RPC Service(Beta)

You need to invoke it using an XML-RPC Client!

python-nitrate is a Python interface to the Nitrate test case management system.

Changes from testopia

  • [Model].filter- The 'filter' method is the replacement of list method in testopia.
    It's a full featured wrapper of the 'filter' method of Django QuerySet.

    It have following star features:
    • Relationship- For example to get all of test cases belong to 'RHEL 5'
      We use the category path for recommend:
      >>> TestCase.filter({'category__product__name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5'})
    • Field lookups- For example to get all test cases with summary starts with 'test':
      >>> TestCase.filter({'summary__startswith': 'test'})
      Access this URL for more information.

  • [Model].filter_count - See [Model].filter.
  • Multiple operations- In Nitrate, most of functions are change to support multiple operations,
    including add_bug, remove_bug, add_tag, remove_tag
  • Argument and response changes- Most of the function argument are compatible with testopia,
    exclude some special function that not supported or deprecated.
    And the response changes to hash not a array of hash, not just a array only.

How to handle ForeignKey arguments

In addition to the basic types such as Integers, Strings, Boolean, there is a relationship type called ForeignKey.

The syntax of using ForeignKey in our XMLRPC API is quite simple:

foreignkey + '__' + fieldname + '__' + query_syntax.

Taking TestCase.filter() for example, if the query is based on a default_tester's username starts with 'John', the syntax will look like this:

TestCase.filter({'user__username__startswith': 'John'})

In which case, the foreignkey is 'user', fieldname is 'username', and query_syntax is 'startswith', they are joined together using double underscores '__'.

For all the XMLRPC API, we have listed the available ForeignKey, however, for the available foreignkey field names that can be used in a query, please check out Nitrate source code on fedora. The definitions are located in files named ''; for a detailed query syntax documentation, please check out the Django documentation:

Available methods



Description: Login into Nitrate
Params:      $parameters - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.
|                    Login Parameters                               |
|        Key          |          Valid Values                       |
| username            | A nitrate login (email address)             |
| password            | String                                      |

Returns:     String: Session ID.

>>> Auth.login({'username': 'foo', 'password': 'bar'})


Description: Login into the Nitrate deployed with mod_auth_kerb

Returns:     String: Session ID.

$ kinit
Password for

$ python
>>> Auth.login_krbv()


Description: Delete session information.


Description: Looks up and returns a build by name.

Params:      $name - String: name of the build.
             $product - product_id of the product in the Database

Returns:     Hash: Matching Build object hash or error if not found.

# Get with product ID
>>> Build.check_build('2008-02-25', 61)
# Get with product name
>>> Build.check_build('2008-02-25', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5')


Description: Creates a new build object and stores it in the database

Params:      $values - Hash: A reference to a hash with keys and values
             matching the fields of the build to be created.

    | Field       | Type           | Null      | Description               |
    | product     | Integer/String | Required  | ID or Name of product     |
    | name        | String         | Required  |                           |
    | description | String         | Optional  |                           |
    | is_active   | Boolean        | Optional  | Defaults to True (1)      |

Returns:     The newly created object hash.

# Create build by product ID and set the build active.
>>> Build.create({'product': 234, 'name': 'tcms_testing', 'description': 'None', 'is_active': 1})
# Create build by product name and set the build to inactive.
>>> Build.create({'product': 'TCMS', 'name': 'tcms_testing 2', 'description': 'None', 'is_active': 0})


Description: Used to load an existing build from the database.

Params:      $id - An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     A blessed Build object hash

>>> Build.get(1234)


Description: Returns the list of case-runs that this Build is used in.

Params:      $id -  Integer: Build ID.

Returns:     Array: List of case-run object hashes.

>>> Build.get_caseruns(1234)


Description: Returns the list of runs that this Build is used in.

Params:      $id -  Integer: Build ID.

Returns:     Array: List of run object hashes.

>>> Build.get_runs(1234)


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use Build.check_build instead


DEPRECATED Use Build.get instead


Description: Updates the fields of the selected build or builds.

Params:      $id - Integer: A single build ID.

             $values - Hash of keys matching Build fields and the new values
             to set each field to.

    | Field       | Type           | Null      | Description               |
    | product     | Integer/String | Optional  | ID or Name of product     |
    | name        | String         | Optional  |                           |
    | description | String         | Optional  |                           |
    | is_active   | Boolean        | Optional  | True/False                |

Returns:     Hash: The updated Build object hash.

# Update name to 'foo' for build id 702
>>> Build.update(702, {'name': 'foo'})
# Update status to inactive for build id 702
>>> Build.update(702, {'is_active': 0})


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of env groups.

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

|               Product Search Parameters                          |
|        Key          |          Valid Values                      |
| id                  | Integer: ID of env group                   |
| name                | String                                     |
| manager             | ForeignKey: Auth.user                      |
| modified_by         | ForeignKey: Auth.user                      |
| is_active           | Boolean                                    |
| property            | ForeignKey: TCMSEnvProperty                |

Returns:     Array: Matching env groups are retuned in a list of hashes.

# Get all of env group name contains 'Desktop'
>>> Env.filter_groups({'name__icontains': 'Desktop'})


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of env properties.

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

|               Product Search Parameters                          |
|        Key          |          Valid Values                      |
| id                  | Integer: ID of env properties              |
| name                | String                                     |
| is_active           | Boolean                                    |
| group               | ForeignKey: TCMSEnvGroup                   |
| value               | ForeignKey: TCMSEnvValues                   |

Returns:     Array: Matching env properties are retuned in a list of hashes.

# Get all of env properties name contains 'Desktop'
>>> Env.filter_properties({'name__icontains': 'Desktop'})


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of env properties.

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

|               Product Search Parameters                          |
|        Key          |          Valid Values                      |
| id                  | Integer: ID of env value                   |
| value               | String                                     |
| is_active           | Boolean                                    |
| property            | ForeignKey: TCMSEnvProperty                |

Returns:     Array: Matching env values are retuned in a list of hashes.

# Get all of env values name contains 'Desktop'
>>> Env.filter_values({'name__icontains': 'Desktop'})


Description: Get the list of properties associated with this env group.

Params:      $env_group_id - Integer: env_group_id of the env group in the Database
                             Return all of properties when the argument is not specific.
             $is_active    - Boolean: True to only include builds where is_active is true.
                             Default: True
Returns:     Array: Returns an array of env properties objects.

# Get all of properties
>>> Env.get_properties()
# Get the properties in group 10
>>> Env.get_properties(10)


Description: Get the list of values associated with this env property.

Params:      $env_property_id - Integer: env_property_id of the env property in the Database
                                Return all of values when the argument is not specific.
             $is_active       - Boolean: True to only include builds where is_active is true.
                                Default: True
Returns:     Array: Returns an array of env values objects.

# Get all of properties
>>> Env.get_properties()
# Get the properties in group 10
>>> Env.get_properties(10)


Description: Add component to selected product.

Params:      $product - Integer/String
                        Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                        String: Product name
             $name    - String: Component name
             [$initial_owner_id] - Integer: (OPTIONAL) The numeric ID or the login of the author.
                                Defaults to logged in user.
             [$initial_qa_contact_id] - Integer: (OPTIONAL) The numeric ID or the login of the author.
                                     Defaults to logged in user.

Returns:     Hash: Component object hash.

>>> Product.add_component(71, 'JPBMM')


Description: Add version to specified product.

Params:      $product - Integer/String
                        Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                        String: Product name
             $value   - String
                        The name of the version string.

Returns:     Array: Returns the newly added version object, error info if failed.

# Add version for specified product:
>>> Product.add_version({'value': 'devel', 'product': 272})
{'product': 'QE Test Product', 'id': '1106', 'value': 'devel', 'product_id': 272}
# Run it again:
>>> Product.add_version({'value': 'devel', 'product': 272})
[['__all__', 'Version with this Product and Value already exists.']]


Description: Looks up and returns a category by name.

Params:      $name - String: name of the category.
             $product - Integer/String
                        Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                        String: Product name

Returns:     Hash: Matching Category object hash or error if not found.

# Get with product ID
>>> Product.check_category('Feature', 61)
# Get with product name
>>> Product.check_category('Feature', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5')


Description: Looks up and returns a component by name.

Params:      $name - String: name of the category.
             $product - Integer/String
                        Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                        String: Product name

Returns:     Hash: Matching component object hash or error if not found.

# Get with product ID
>>> Product.check_component('acpi', 61)
# Get with product name
>>> Product.check_component('acpi', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5')


Description: Looks up and returns a validated product.

Params:      $name - Integer/String
                     Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                     String: Product name

Returns:     Hash: Matching Product object hash or error if not found.

# Get with product ID
>>> Product.check_product(61)
# Get with product name
>>> Product.check_product('Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5')


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of products.

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

|               Product Search Parameters                          |
|        Key          |          Valid Values                      |
| id                  | Integer: ID of product                     |
| name                | String                                     |
| classification      | ForeignKey: Classfication                  |
| description         | String                                     |

Returns:     Array: Matching products are retuned in a list of hashes.

# Get all of product named 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5'
>>> Product.filter({'name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5'})


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of categories.

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

|              Component Search Parameters                         |
|        Key          |          Valid Values                      |
| id                  | Integer: ID of product                     |
| name                | String                                     |
| product             | ForeignKey: Product                        |
| description         | String                                     |

Returns:     Array: Matching categories are retuned in a list of hashes.

# Get all of categories named like 'libvirt'
>>> Product.filter_categories({'name__icontains': 'regression'})
# Get all of categories named in product 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5'
>>> Product.filter_categories({'product__name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5'})


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of components.

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

|              Component Search Parameters                         |
|        Key          |          Valid Values                      |
| id                  | Integer: ID of product                     |
| name                | String                                     |
| product             | ForeignKey: Product                        |
| initial_owner       | ForeignKey: Auth.User                      |
| initial_qa_contact  | ForeignKey: Auth.User                      |
| description         | String                                     |

Returns:     Array: Matching components are retuned in a list of hashes.

# Get all of components named like 'libvirt'
>>> Product.filter_components({'name__icontains': 'libvirt'})
# Get all of components named in product 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5'
>>> Product.filter_components({'product__name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5'})


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of versions.

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

|              Component Search Parameters                         |
|        Key          |          Valid Values                      |
| id                  | Integer: ID of product                     |
| value               | String                                     |
| product             | ForeignKey: Product                        |

Returns:     Array: Matching versions are retuned in a list of hashes.

# Get all of versions named like '2.4.0-SNAPSHOT'
>>> Product.filter_versions({'value__icontains': '2.4.0-SNAPSHOT'})
# Get all of filter_versions named in product 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5'
>>> Product.filter_versions({'product__name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5'})


Description: Used to load an existing product from the database.

Params:      $id - An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     A blessed TCMS Product object hash

>>> Product.get(61)


Description: Get the list of builds associated with this product.

Params:      $product  -  Integer/String
                          Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                          String: Product name
             $is_active - Boolean: True to only include builds where is_active is true.
                          Default: True
Returns:     Array: Returns an array of Build objects.

# Get with product id including all builds
>>> Product.get_builds(61)
# Get with product name excluding all inactive builds
>>> Product.get_builds('Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5', 0)


Description: Get the list of cases associated with this product.

Params:      $product - Integer/String
                        Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                        String: Product name

Returns:     Array: Returns an array of TestCase objects.

# Get with product id
>>> Product.get_cases(61)
# Get with product name
>>> Product.get_cases('Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5')


Description: Get the list of categories associated with this product.

Params:      $product - Integer/String
                        Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                        String: Product name

Returns:     Array: Returns an array of Case Category objects.

# Get with product id
>>> Product.get_categories(61)
# Get with product name
>>> Product.get_categories('Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5')


Description: Get the category matching the given id.

Params:      $id - Integer: ID of the category in the database.

Returns:     Hash: Category object hash.

>>> Product.get_category(11)


Description: Get the component matching the given id.

Params:      $id - Integer: ID of the component in the database.

Returns:     Hash: Component object hash.

>>> Product.get_component(11)


Description: Get the list of components associated with this product.

Params:      $product - Integer/String
                        Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                        String: Product name

Returns:     Array: Returns an array of Component objects.

# Get with product id
>>> Product.get_components(61)
# Get with product name
>>> Product.get_components('Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5')






Description: Get the list of plans associated with this product.

Params:      $product - Integer/String
                        Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                        String: Product name

Returns:     Array: Returns an array of Test Plan objects.

# Get with product id
>>> Product.get_plans(61)
# Get with product name
>>> Product.get_plans('Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5')


Description: Get the list of runs associated with this product.

Params:      $product - Integer/String
                        Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                        String: Product name

Returns:     Array: Returns an array of Test Run objects.

# Get with product id
>>> Product.get_runs(61)
# Get with product name
>>> Product.get_runs('Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5')


Description: Get the list of tags.

Params:      $id   - Integer: ID of the tag in the database.

Returns:     Array: Returns an array of Tags objects.

>>> Product.get_tag(10)


Description: Get the list of versions associated with this product.

Params:      $product - Integer/String
                        Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                        String: Product name

Returns:     Array: Returns an array of Version objects.

# Get with product id
>>> Product.get_runs(61)
# Get with product name
>>> Product.get_runs('Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5')


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use Product.check_product instead


DEPRECATED Use Product.get instead


Description: Update component to selected product.

Params:      $component_id - Integer: ID of the component in the database.

             $values   - Hash of keys matching TestCase fields and the new values
                         to set each field to.

    | Field                 | Type           | Null                                    |
    | name                  | String         | Optional                                |
    | initial_owner_id      | Integer        | Optional(int - user_id)                 |
    | initial_qa_contact_id | Integer        | Optional(int - user_id)                 |

Returns:     Hash: Component object hash.

>>> Product.update_component(71, {'name': 'NewName'})


Description:  Get the list of tags.

Params:      $values - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.
    |                   tag Search Parameters                    |
    | Key                     | Valid Values                     |
    | ids                     | List of Integer                  |
    | names                   | List of String                   |

Returns:     Array: An array of tag object hashes.


>>> values= {'ids': [121, 123]}
>>> Tag.get_tags(values)


Description: Adds comments to selected test cases.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of case_ids, or a string of comma separated case_ids.

             $comment - String - The comment

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Add comment 'foobar' to case 1234
>>> TestCase.add_comment(1234, 'foobar')
# Add 'foobar' to cases list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestCase.add_comment([56789, 12345], 'foobar')
# Add 'foobar' to cases list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestCase.add_comment('56789, 12345', 'foobar')


Description: Adds one or more components to the selected test cases.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of case_ids, or a string of comma separated case_ids.

             $component_ids - Integer/Array/String - The component ID, an array of Component IDs
                              or a comma separated list of component IDs

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Add component id 54321 to case 1234
>>> TestCase.add_component(1234, 54321)
# Add component ids list [1234, 5678] to cases list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestCase.add_component([56789, 12345], [1234, 5678])
# Add component ids list '1234, 5678' to cases list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestCase.add_component('56789, 12345', '1234, 5678')


Description: Add one or more tags to the selected test cases.

Params:     $case_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                        an array of case_ids, or a string of comma separated case_ids.

            $tags - String/Array - A single tag, an array of tags,
                    or a comma separated list of tags.

Returns:    Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                   codes if a failure occured.

# Add tag 'foobar' to case 1234
>>> TestCase.add_tag(1234, 'foobar')
# Add tag list ['foo', 'bar'] to cases list [12345, 67890]
>>> TestCase.add_tag([12345, 67890], ['foo', 'bar'])
# Add tag list ['foo', 'bar'] to cases list [12345, 67890] with String
>>> TestCase.add_tag('12345, 67890', 'foo, bar')


Description: Add one or more cases to the selected test runs.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of case_ids, or a string of comma separated case_ids.

             $run_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database
                         an array of IDs, or a comma separated list of IDs.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Add case 1234 to run id 54321
>>> TestCase.add_to_run(1234, 54321)
# Add case ids list [56789, 12345] to run list [1234, 5678]
>>> TestCase.add_to_run([56789, 12345], [1234, 5678])
# Add case ids list 56789 and 12345 to run list 1234 and 5678 with String
>>> TestCase.add_to_run('56789, 12345', '1234, 5678')


Description: Add one or more bugs to the selected test cases.

Params:     $values - Array/Hash: A reference to a hash or array of hashes with keys and values
                                  matching the fields of the test case bug to be created.

  | Field             | Type           | Null      | Description                   |
  | case_id           | Integer        | Required  | ID of Case                    |
  | bug_id            | Integer        | Required  | ID of Bug                     |
  | bug_system_id     | Integer        | Required  | 1: BZ(Default), 2: JIRA       |
  | summary           | String         | Optional  | Bug summary                   |
  | description       | String         | Optional  | Bug description               |

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
             codes if a failure occured.

>>> TestCase.attach_bug({
    'case_id': 12345,
    'bug_id': 67890,
    'bug_system_id': 1,
    'summary': 'Testing TCMS',
    'description': 'Just foo and bar',


Description: Returns an average estimated time for cases.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database.

Returns:     String: Time in "HH:MM:SS" format.

>>> TestCase.calculate_average_time([609, 610, 611])


Description: Returns an total estimated time for cases.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database.

Returns:     String: Time in "HH:MM:SS" format.

>>> TestCase.calculate_total_time([609, 610, 611])


Description: Looks up and returns a case status by name.

Params:      $name - String: name of the case status.

Returns:     Hash: Matching case status object hash or error if not found.

>>> TestCase.check_case_status('proposed')


Description: Looks up and returns a priority by name.

Params:      $value - String: name of the priority.

Returns:     Hash: Matching priority object hash or error if not found.

>>> TestCase.check_priority('p1')


Description: Creates a new Test Case object and stores it in the database.

Params:      $values - Array/Hash: A reference to a hash or array of hashes with keys and values
             matching the fields of the test case to be created.
  | Field                      | Type           | Null      | Description                           |
  | product                    | Integer        | Required  | ID of Product                         |
  | category                   | Integer        | Required  | ID of Category                        |
  | priority                   | Integer        | Required  | ID of Priority                        |
  | summary                    | String         | Required  |                                       |
  | case_status                | Integer        | Optional  | ID of case status                     |
  | plan                       | Array/Str/Int  | Optional  | ID or List of plan_ids                |
  | component                  | Integer/String | Optional  | ID of Priority                        |
  | default_tester             | String         | Optional  | Login of tester                       |
  | estimated_time             | String         | Optional  | 2h30m30s(recommend) or HH:MM:SS Format|
  | is_automated               | Integer        | Optional  | 0: Manual, 1: Auto, 2: Both           |
  | is_automated_proposed      | Boolean        | Optional  | Default 0                             |
  | script                     | String         | Optional  |                                       |
  | arguments                  | String         | Optional  |                                       |
  | requirement                | String         | Optional  |                                       |
  | alias                      | String         | Optional  | Must be unique                        |
  | action                     | String         | Optional  |                                       |
  | effect                     | String         | Optional  | Expected Result                       |
  | setup                      | String         | Optional  |                                       |
  | breakdown                  | String         | Optional  |                                       |
  | tag                        | Array/String   | Optional  | String Comma separated                |
  | bug                        | Array/String   | Optional  | String Comma separated                |
  | extra_link                 | String         | Optional  | reference link                        |

Returns:     Array/Hash: The newly created object hash if a single case was created, or
                         an array of objects if more than one was created. If any single case threw an
                         error during creation, a hash with an ERROR key will be set in its place.

# Minimal test case parameters
>>> values = {
    'category': 135,
    'product': 61,
    'summary': 'Testing XML-RPC',
    'priority': 1,
>>> TestCase.create(values)


Description: Remove one or more bugs to the selected test cases.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of case_ids, or a string of comma separated case_ids

             $bug_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                       an array of bug_ids, or a string of comma separated primary key of bug_ids.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
             codes if a failure occured.

# Remove bug id 54321 from case 1234
>>> TestCase.detach_bug(1234, 54321)
# Remove bug ids list [1234, 5678] from cases list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestCase.detach_bug([56789, 12345], [1234, 5678])
# Remove bug ids list '1234, 5678' from cases list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestCase.detach_bug('56789, 12345', '1234, 5678')


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of test cases.

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

    |                 Case Search Parameters                           |
    |        Key          |          Valid Values                      |
    | author              | A bugzilla login (email address)           |
    | attachment          | ForeignKey: Attchment                      |
    | alias               | String                                     |
    | case_id             | Integer                                    |
    | case_status         | ForeignKey: Case Stat                      |
    | category            | ForeignKey: Category                       |
    | component           | ForeignKey: Component                      |
    | default_tester      | ForeignKey: Auth.User                      |
    | estimated_time      | String: 2h30m30s(recommend) or HH:MM:SS    |
    | plan                | ForeignKey: Test Plan                      |
    | priority            | ForeignKey: Priority                       |
    | category__product   | ForeignKey: Product                        |
    | summary             | String                                     |
    | tags                | ForeignKey: Tags                           |
    | create_date         | Datetime                                   |
    | is_automated        | 1: Only show current 0: show not current   |
    | script              | Text                                       |

Returns:     Array: Matching test cases are retuned in a list of hashes.

# Get all of cases contain 'TCMS' in summary
>>> TestCase.filter({'summary__icontain': 'TCMS'})
# Get all of cases create by xkuang
>>> TestCase.filter({'author__username': 'xkuang'})
# Get all of cases the author name starts with x
>>> TestCase.filter({'author__username__startswith': 'x'})
# Get all of cases belong to the plan 137
>>> TestCase.filter({'plan__plan_id': 137})
# Get all of cases belong to the plan create by xkuang
>>> TestCase.filter({'plan__author__username': 'xkuang'})
# Get cases with ID 12345, 23456, 34567 - Here is only support array so far.
>>> TestCase.filter({'case_id__in': [12345, 23456, 34567]})


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting count of cases.

Params:      $values - Hash: keys must match valid search fields (see filter).

Returns:     Integer - total matching cases.

# See TestCase.filter()


Description: Used to load an existing test case from the database.

Params:      $id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     A blessed TestCase object Hash

>>> TestCase.get(1193)


Description: Used to load an existing test case bug system from the database.

Params:      $id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of bug object hashes.

>>> TestCase.get_bug_systems(1)


Description: Get the list of bugs that are associated with this test case.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of bug object hashes.

# Get bugs belong to ID 12345
>>> TestCase.get_bugs(12345)
# Get bug belong to case ids list [12456, 23456]
>>> TestCase.get_bugs([12456, 23456])
# Get bug belong to case ids list 12456 and 23456 with string
>>> TestCase.get_bugs('12456, 23456')


*** FIXME: NOT IMPLEMENTED - Case run history is different than before***
Description: Get the list of case-runs for all runs this case appears in.
             To limit this list by build or other attribute, see TestCaseRun.filter.

Params:      $case_id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of case-run object hashes.

>>> TestCase.get_case_run_history(12345)


Description: Get the case status matching the given id.

Params:      $id - Integer: ID of the case status in the database.

Returns:     Hash: case status object hash.

# Get all of case status
>>> TestCase.get_case_status()
# Get case status by ID 1
>>> TestCase.get_case_status(1)


*** FIXME: NOT IMPLEMENTED - Case history is different than before***
Description: Get the list of changes to the fields of this case.

Params:      $case_id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of hashes with changed fields and their details.

>>> TestCase.get_change_history(12345)


Description: Get the list of components attached to this case.

Params:      $case_id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of component object hashes.

>>> TestCase.get_components(12345)


Description: Get the list of plans that this case is linked to.

Params:      $case_id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of test plan object hashes.

>>> TestCase.get_plans(12345)


Description: Get the priority matching the given id.

Params:      $id - Integer: ID of the priority in the database.

Returns:     Hash: Priority object hash.

>>> TestCase.get_priority(1)


Description: Get the list of tags attached to this case.

Params:      $case_id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of tag object hashes.

>>> TestCase.get_tags(12345)


Description: The associated large text fields: Action, Expected Results, Setup, Breakdown
             for a given version.

Params:      $case_id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database

             $version - Integer: (OPTIONAL) The version of the text you want returned.
                        Defaults to the latest.

Returns:     Hash: case text object hash.

# Get all latest case text
>>> TestCase.get_text(12345)
# Get all case text with version 4
>>> TestCase.get_text(12345, 4)


Description: Link test cases to the given plan.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of case_ids, or a string of comma separated case_ids.

             $plan_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of plan_ids, or a string of comma separated plan_ids.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occurs

# Add case 1234 to plan id 54321
>>> TestCase.link_plan(1234, 54321)
# Add case ids list [56789, 12345] to plan list [1234, 5678]
>>> TestCase.link_plan([56789, 12345], [1234, 5678])
# Add case ids list 56789 and 12345 to plan list 1234 and 5678 with String
>>> TestCase.link_plan('56789, 12345', '1234, 5678')


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use Product.check_category instead


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use Product.get_category instead


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use TestCase.check_priority instead


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use TestCase.get_priority instead


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use TestCase.check_case_status instead


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use TestCase.get_case_status instead


Description: Add email addresses to the notification CC list of specific TestCases

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/Array: one or more TestCase IDs

             $cc_list - Array: one or more Email addresses, which will be
                        added to each TestCase indicated by the case_ids.

Returns:     JSON. When succeed, status is 0, and message maybe empty or
             anything else that depends on the implementation. If something
             wrong, status will be 1 and message will be a short description
             to the error.


Description: Return whole CC list of each TestCase

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/Array: one or more TestCase IDs

Returns:     An dictionary object with case_id as key and a list of CC as the value
             Each case_id will be converted to a str object in the result.


Description: Remove email addresses from the notification CC list of specific TestCases

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/Array: one or more TestCase IDs

             $cc_list - Array: contians the email addresses that will
                        be removed from each TestCase indicated by case_ids.

Returns:     JSON. When succeed, status is 0, and message maybe empty or
             anything else that depends on the implementation. If something
             wrong, status will be 1 and message will be a short description
             to the error.


Description: Removes selected component from the selected test case.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of case_ids, or a string of comma separated case_ids.

             $component_ids - Integer: - The component ID to be removed.

Returns:     Array: Empty on success.

# Remove component id 54321 from case 1234
>>> TestCase.remove_component(1234, 54321)
# Remove component ids list [1234, 5678] from cases list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestCase.remove_component([56789, 12345], [1234, 5678])
# Remove component ids list '1234, 5678' from cases list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestCase.remove_component('56789, 12345', '1234, 5678')


Description: Remove a tag from a case.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of case_ids, or a string of comma separated case_ids.

             $tags - String/Array - A single or multiple tag to be removed.

Returns:     Array: Empty on success.

# Remove tag 'foo' from case 1234
>>> TestCase.remove_tag(1234, 'foo')
# Remove tag 'foo' and bar from cases list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestCase.remove_tag([56789, 12345], ['foo', 'bar'])
# Remove tag 'foo' and 'bar' from cases list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestCase.remove_tag('56789, 12345', 'foo, bar')


Description: Update the large text fields of a case.

Params:      $case_id - Integer: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database.
             $action, $effect, $setup, $breakdown - String: Text for these fields.
             [$author_id] = Integer/String: (OPTIONAL) The numeric ID or the login of the author.
                            Defaults to logged in user

Returns:     Hash: case text object hash.

# Minimal
>>> TestCase.store_text(12345, 'Action')
# Full arguments
>>> TestCase.store_text(12345, 'Action', 'Effect', 'Setup', 'Breakdown', 2260)


Description: Unlink a test case from the given plan. If only one plan is linked, this will delete
             the test case.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database.
             $plan_id  - Integer: An integer representing the ID in the database.

Returns:     Array: Array of plans hash still linked if any, empty if not.

>>> TestCase.unlink_plan(12345, 137)


Description: Updates the fields of the selected case or cases.

Params:      $case_ids - Integer/String/Array
                         Integer: A single TestCase ID.
                         String:  A comma separates string of TestCase IDs for batch
                         Array:   An array of case IDs for batch mode processing

             $values   - Hash of keys matching TestCase fields and the new values
                         to set each field to.

Returns:  Array: an array of case hashes. If the update on any particular
                 case failed, the has will contain a ERROR key and the
                 message as to why it failed.
    | Field                 | Type           | Null                                    |
    | case_status           | Integer        | Optional                                |
    | product               | Integer        | Optional(Required if changes category)  |
    | category              | Integer        | Optional                                |
    | priority              | Integer        | Optional                                |
    | default_tester        | String/Integer | Optional(str - user_name, int - user_id)|
    | estimated_time        | String         | Optional(2h30m30s(recommend) or HH:MM:SS|
    | is_automated          | Integer        | Optional(0 - Manual, 1 - Auto, 2 - Both)|
    | is_automated_proposed | Boolean        | Optional                                |
    | script                | String         | Optional                                |
    | arguments             | String         | Optional                                |
    | summary               | String         | Optional                                |
    | requirement           | String         | Optional                                |
    | alias                 | String         | Optional                                |
    | notes                 | String         | Optional                                |
    | extra_link            | String         | Optional(reference link)

# Update alias to 'tcms' for case 12345 and 23456
>>> TestCase.update([12345, 23456], {'alias': 'tcms'})


Description: Used to load an existing test-case-plan from the database.

Params:      $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
             $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test plan in the database.

Returns:     A blessed TestCasePlan object hash

>>> TestCasePlan.get(81307, 3551)


Description: Updates the sortkey of the selected test-case-plan.

Params:      $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
             $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test plan in the database.
             $sortkey - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the sortkey in the database.

Returns:     A blessed TestCasePlan object hash

# Update sortkey of selected test-case-plan to 450
>>> TestCasePlan.update(81307, 3551, 450)


Description: Adds comments to selected test case runs.

Params:      $case_run_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of case_run_ids, or a string of comma separated case_run_ids.

             $comment - String - The comment

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Add comment 'foobar' to case run 1234
>>> TestCaseRun.add_comment(1234, 'foobar')
# Add 'foobar' to case runs list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestCaseRun.add_comment([56789, 12345], 'foobar')
# Add 'foobar' to case runs list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestCaseRun.add_comment('56789, 12345', 'foobar')


Description: Add one or more bugs to the selected test cases.

Params:     $values - Array/Hash: A reference to a hash or array of hashes with keys and values
                                  matching the fields of the test case bug to be created.

  | Field             | Type           | Null      | Description            |
  | case_run_id       | Integer        | Required  | ID of Case             |
  | bug_id            | Integer        | Required  | ID of Bug              |
  | bug_system_id     | Integer        | Required  | 1: BZ(Default), 2: JIRA|
  | summary           | String         | Optional  | Bug summary            |
  | description       | String         | Optional  | Bug description        |

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
             codes if a failure occured.

>>> TestCaseRun.attach_bug({
    'case_run_id': 12345,
    'bug_id': 67890,
    'bug_system_id': 1,
    'summary': 'Testing TCMS',
    'description': 'Just foo and bar',


Description: Add new log link to TestCaseRun

Params:     $caserun_id - Integer
            $name       - String: A short description to this new link, and accept 64 characters at most.
            $url        - String: The actual URL.


Params:      $name - String: the status name.

Returns:     Hash: Matching case run status object hash or error if not found.

>>> TestCaseRun.check_case_run_status('idle')


  *** It always report - ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '' ***

  Description: Creates a new Test Case Run object and stores it in the database.

  Params:      $values - Hash: A reference to a hash with keys and values
                         matching the fields of the test case to be created.
| Field              | Type           | Null      | Description                                    |
| run                | Integer        | Required  | ID of Test Run                                 |
| case               | Integer        | Required  | ID of test case                                |
| build              | Integer        | Required  | ID of a Build in plan's product                |
| assignee           | Integer        | Optional  | ID of assignee                                 |
| case_run_status    | Integer        | Optional  | Defaults to "IDLE"                             |
| case_text_version  | Integer        | Optional  | Default to latest case text version            |
| notes              | String         | Optional  |                                                |
| sortkey            | Integer        | Optional  | a.k.a. Index, Default to 0                     |

  Returns:     The newly created object hash.

  # Minimal test case parameters
  >>> values = {
      'run': 1990,
      'case': 12345,
      'build': 123,
  >>> TestCaseRun.create(values)


Description: Remove one or more bugs to the selected test case-runs.

Params:      $case_run_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                                                   an array of case_run_ids, or a string of comma separated case_run_ids.

             $bug_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                       an array of bug_ids, or a string of comma separated primary key of bug_ids.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Remove bug id 54321 from case 1234
>>> TestCaseRun.detach_bug(1234, 54321)
# Remove bug ids list [1234, 5678] from cases list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestCaseRun.detach_bug([56789, 12345], [1234, 5678])
# Remove bug ids list '1234, 5678' from cases list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestCaseRun.detach_bug('56789, 12345', '1234, 5678')


Description: Remove log link to TestCaseRun

Params:     $case_run_id - Integer
            $link_id     - Integer: Id of LinkReference instance


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of test cases.

Params:      $values - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

    |               Case-Run Search Parameters                       |
    |        Key          |          Valid Values                    |
    | case_run_id         | Integer                                  |
    | assignee            | ForeignKey: Auth.User                    |
    | build               | ForeignKey: Build                        |
    | case                | ForeignKey: Test Case                    |
    | case_run_status     | ForeignKey: Case Run Status              |
    | notes               | String                                   |
    | run                 | ForeignKey: Test Run                     |
    | tested_by           | ForeignKey: Auth.User                    |
    | running_date        | Datetime                                 |
    | close_date          | Datetime                                 |

Returns:     Object: Matching test cases are retuned in a list of hashes.

# Get all case runs contain 'TCMS' in case summary
>>> TestCaseRun.filter({'case__summary__icontain': 'TCMS'})


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting count of cases.

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields (see filter).

Returns:     Integer - total matching cases.

# See distinct_count()


Description: Used to load an existing test case-run from the database.

Params:      $case_run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in
                                     the database for this case-run.

Returns:     A blessed TestCaseRun object hash

>>> TestCaseRun.get(1193)


Description: Get the list of bugs that are associated with this test case.

Params:      $case_run_ids - Integer: An integer representing the ID in
                           the database for this case-run.

Returns:     Array: An array of bug object hashes.

>>> TestCase.get_bugs(12345)


Description: Get the list of bugs that are associated with this test case.

Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
             $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
             $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
             $environment_id - Optional Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

Returns:     Array: An array of bug object hashes.

>>> TestCaseRun.get_bugs_s(3113, 565, 72, 90)


Params:      $case_run_status_id - Integer(Optional): ID of the status to return

Returns:     Hash: Matching case run status object hash when your specific the case_run_status_id
                   or return all of case run status.
                   It will return error the case run status you specific id not found.

# Get all of case run status
>>> TestCaseRun.get_case_run_status()
# Get case run status by ID 1
>>> TestCaseRun.get_case_run_status(1)


Description: Returns the time in seconds that it took for this case to complete.

Params:      $case_run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in
                                     the database for this case-run.

Returns:     Integer: Seconds since run was started till this case was completed.
                      Or empty hash for insufficent data.

>>> TestCaseRun.get_completion_time(1193)


Description: Returns the time in seconds that it took for this case to complete.

Params:      $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
             $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
             $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
             $environment_id - Optional Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

Returns:     Integer: Seconds since run was started till this case was completed.
                      Or empty hash for insufficent data.

>>> TestCaseRun.get_completion_time_s(3113, 565, 72, 90)


*** FIXME: NOT IMPLEMENTED - Case history is different than before ***
Description: Get the list of case-runs for all runs this case appears in.
              To limit this list by build or other attribute, see TestCaseRun.query

Params:      $caserun_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in
                                    the database for this case-run.

Returns:     Array: An array of case-run object hashes.


*** FIXME: NOT IMPLEMENTED - Case history is different than before ***
Description: Get the list of case-runs for all runs this case appears in.
              To limit this list by build or other attribute, see TestCaseRun.filter.

Params:      $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
             $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
             $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
             $environment_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

Returns:     Array: An array of case-run object hashes.


Description:  Get log links to TestCaseRun

Params:     $case_run_id - Integer:


Description: Used to load an existing test case from the database.

Params:      $case_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test case in the database.
             $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test run in the database.
             $build_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the test build in the database.
             $environment_id - Optional Integer: An integer representing the ID of the environment in the database.

Returns:     A blessed TestCaseRun object hash

>>> TestCaseRun.get_s(3113, 565, 72, 90)


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use TestCaseRun.check_case_run_status instead


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use TestCaseRun.get_case_run_status instead


Description: Updates the fields of the selected case-runs.

Params:      $caserun_ids - Integer/String/Array
                    Integer: A single TestCaseRun ID.
                    String:  A comma separates string of TestCaseRun IDs for batch
                    Array:   An array of TestCaseRun IDs for batch mode processing

             $values - Hash of keys matching TestCaseRun fields and the new values
             to set each field to.
                     | Field              | Type           |
                     | build              | Integer        |
                     | assignee           | Integer        |
                     | case_run_status    | Integer        |
                     | notes              | String         |
                     | sortkey            | Integer        |

Returns:     Hash/Array: In the case of a single object, it is returned. If a
             list was passed, it returns an array of object hashes. If the
             update on any particular object failed, the hash will contain a
             ERROR key and the message as to why it failed.

# Update alias to 'tcms' for case 12345 and 23456
>>> TestCaseRun.update([12345, 23456], {'assignee': 2206})


Description: Adds one or more components to the selected test plan.

Params:      $plan_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID of the plan in the database.
             $component_ids - Integer/Array/String - The component ID, an array of Component IDs
                              or a comma separated list of component IDs.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Add component id 54321 to plan 1234
>>> TestPlan.add_component(1234, 54321)
# Add component ids list [1234, 5678] to plan list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestPlan.add_component([56789, 12345], [1234, 5678])
# Add component ids list '1234, 5678' to plan list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestPlan.add_component('56789, 12345', '1234, 5678')


Description: Add one or more tags to the selected test plans.

Params:      $plan_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID of the plan in the database,
                  an arry of plan_ids, or a string of comma separated plan_ids.

              $tags - String/Array - A single tag, an array of tags,
                  or a comma separated list of tags.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
              codes if a failure occured.

# Add tag 'foobar' to plan 1234
>>> TestPlan.add_tag(1234, 'foobar')
# Add tag list ['foo', 'bar'] to plan list [12345, 67890]
>>> TestPlan.add_tag([12345, 67890], ['foo', 'bar'])
# Add tag list ['foo', 'bar'] to plan list [12345, 67890] with String
>>> TestPlan.add_tag('12345, 67890', 'foo, bar')


Params:      $name - String: the plan type.

Returns:     Hash: Matching plan type object hash or error if not found.

>>> TestPlan.check_plan_type('regression')


Description: Creates a new Test Plan object and stores it in the database.

Params:      $values - Hash: A reference to a hash with keys and values
              matching the fields of the test plan to be created.
  | Field                                     | Type           | Null      | Description                               |
  | product                                   | Integer        | Required  | ID of product                             |
  | name                                      | String         | Required  |                                           |
  | type                                      | Integer        | Required  | ID of plan type                           |
  | product_version(default_product_version)  | Integer        | Required  | ID of version, product_version(recommend),|
  |                                           |                |           | default_product_version will be deprecated|
  |                                           |                |           | in future release.                        |
  | text                                      | String         | Required  | Plan documents, HTML acceptable.          |
  | parent                                    | Integer        | Optional  | Parent plan ID                            |
  | is_active                                 | Boolean        | Optional  | 0: Archived 1: Active (Default 0)         |

Returns:     The newly created object hash.

# Minimal test case parameters
>>> values = {
    'product': 61,
    'name': 'Testplan foobar',
    'type': 1,
    'parent_id': 150,
    'default_product_version': 93,
    'text':'Testing TCMS',
>>> TestPlan.create(values)


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of test plans.

Params:      $values - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

    |                   Plan Search Parameters                   |
    |        Key              |          Valid Values            |
    | author                  | ForeignKey: Auth.User            |
    | attachment              | ForeignKey: Attachment           |
    | case                    | ForeignKey: Test Case            |
    | create_date             | DateTime                         |
    | env_group               | ForeignKey: Environment Group    |
    | name                    | String                           |
    | plan_id                 | Integer                          |
    | product                 | ForeignKey: Product              |
    | product_version         | ForeignKey: Version              |
    | tag                     | ForeignKey: Tag                  |
    | text                    | ForeignKey: Test Plan Text       |
    | type                    | ForeignKey: Test Plan Type       |

Returns:     Array: Matching test plans are retuned in a list of plan object hashes.

# Get all of plans contain 'TCMS' in name
>>> TestPlan.filter({'name__icontain': 'TCMS'})
# Get all of plans create by xkuang
>>> TestPlan.filter({'author__username': 'xkuang'})
# Get all of plans the author name starts with x
>>> TestPlan.filter({'author__username__startswith': 'x'})
# Get plans contain the case ID 12345, 23456, 34567
>>> TestPlan.filter({'case__case_id__in': [12345, 23456, 34567]})


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting count of plans.

Params:      $values - Hash: keys must match valid search fields (see filter).

Returns:     Integer - total matching plans.

# See distinct_count()


Description: Used to load an existing test plan from the database.

Params:      $id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID of this plan in the database

Returns:     Hash: A blessed TestPlan object hash

>>> TestPlan.get(137)


Description: Get the list of tags attached to this plan's testcases.

Params:      $plan_id - Integer An integer representing the ID of this plan in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of tag object hashes.

>>> TestPlan.get_all_cases_tags(137)


*** FIXME: NOT IMPLEMENTED - History is different than before ***
Description: Get the list of changes to the fields of this plan.

Params:      $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of this plan in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of hashes with changed fields and their details.


Description: Get the list of components attached to this plan.

Params:      $plan_id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of component object hashes.

>>> TestPlan.get_components(12345)


Description: Get the list of env groups to the fields of this plan.

Params:      $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of this plan in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of hashes with env groups.


Params:      $id - Integer: ID of the plan type to return

Returns:     Hash: Matching plan type object hash or error if not found.

>>> TestPlan.get_plan_type(3)


Description: Get the Product the plan is assiciated with.

Params:      $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the plan in the database.

Returns:     Hash: A blessed Product hash.

>>> TestPlan.get_product(137)


Description: Get the list of tags attached to this plan.

Params:      $plan_id - Integer An integer representing the ID of this plan in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of tag object hashes.

>>> TestPlan.get_tags(137)


Description: Get the list of cases that this plan is linked to.

Params:      $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the plan in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of test case object hashes.

>>> TestPlan.get_test_cases(137)


Description: Get the list of runs in this plan.

Params:      $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of this plan in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of test run object hashes.

>>> TestPlan.get_test_runs(plan_id)


Description: The plan document for a given test plan.

Params:      $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of this plan in the database

             $version - Integer: (OPTIONAL) The version of the text you want returned.
                                 Defaults to the latest.

Returns:     Hash: Text and author information.

# Get all latest case text
>>> TestPlan.get_text(137)
# Get all case text with version 4
>>> TestPlan.get_text(137, 4)


Description: Add cases to plan via XML file

Params:      $plan_id - Integer: A single TestPlan ID.

             $values - String: String which read from XML file object.

Returns:     String: Success update cases

# Update product to 61 for plan 207 and 208
>>> fb = open('tcms.xml', 'rb')
>>> TestPlan.import_case_via_XML(3798,


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use TestPlan.check_plan_type instead


DEPRECATED - CONSIDERED HARMFUL Use TestPlan.get_plan_type instead


Description: Removes selected component from the selected test plan.

Params:      $plan_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of plan_ids, or a string of comma separated plan_ids.

             $component_ids - Integer: - The component ID to be removed.

Returns:     Array: Empty on success.

# Remove component id 54321 from plan 1234
>>> TestPlan.remove_component(1234, 54321)
# Remove component ids list [1234, 5678] from plan list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestPlan.remove_component([56789, 12345], [1234, 5678])
# Remove component ids list '1234, 5678' from plan list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestPlan.remove_component('56789, 12345', '1234, 5678')


Description: Remove a tag from a plan.

Params:      $plan_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                                               an array of plan_ids, or a string of comma separated plan_ids.

             $tag - String - A single tag to be removed.

Returns:     Array: Empty on success.

# Remove tag 'foo' from plan 1234
>>> TestPlan.remove_tag(1234, 'foo')
# Remove tag 'foo' and 'bar' from plan list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestPlan.remove_tag([56789, 12345], ['foo', 'bar'])
# Remove tag 'foo' and 'bar' from plan list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestPlan.remove_tag('56789, 12345', 'foo, bar')


Description: Update the document field of a plan.

Params:      $plan_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of this plan in the database.
             $text - String: Text for the document. Can contain HTML.
             [$author] = Integer: (OPTIONAL) The numeric ID or the login of the author.
                  Defaults to logged in user.

Returns:     Hash: The new text object hash.

>>> TestPlan.store_text(1234, 'Plan Text', 2207)


Description: Updates the fields of the selected test plan.

Params:      $plan_ids - Integer: A single TestPlan ID.

             $values - Hash of keys matching TestPlan fields and the new values
                       to set each field to.
  | Field                                     | Type           | Description                                |
  | product                                   | Integer        | ID of product                              |
  | name                                      | String         |                                            |
  | type                                      | Integer        | ID of plan type                            |
  | product_version(default_product_version)  | Integer        | ID of version, product_version(recommend), |
  |                                           |                | default_product_version will be deprecated |
  |                                           |                | in future release.                         |
  | owner                                     | String/Integer | user_name/user_id                          |
  | parent                                    | Integer        | Parent plan ID                             |
  | is_active                                 | Boolean        | True/False                                 |
  | env_group                                 | Integer        |                                            |

Returns:     Hash: The updated test plan object.

# Update product to 61 for plan 207 and 208
>>> TestPlan.update([207, 208], {'product': 61})


Description: Add one or more cases to the selected test runs.

Params:      $run_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database
                                              an array of IDs, or a comma separated list of IDs.

             $case_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                                              an arry of case_ids or aliases, or a string of comma separated case_ids.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Add case id 54321 to run 1234
>>> TestRun.add_cases(1234, 54321)
# Add case ids list [1234, 5678] to run list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestRun.add_cases([56789, 12345], [1234, 5678])
# Add case ids list '1234, 5678' to run list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestRun.add_cases('56789, 12345', '1234, 5678')


Description: Add one or more tags to the selected test runs.

Params:      $run_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                                              an arry of run_ids, or a string of comma separated run_ids.

             $tags - String/Array - A single tag, an array of tags,
                                    or a comma separated list of tags.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Add tag 'foobar' to run 1234
>>> TestPlan.add_tag(1234, 'foobar')
# Add tag list ['foo', 'bar'] to run list [12345, 67890]
>>> TestPlan.add_tag([12345, 67890], ['foo', 'bar'])
# Add tag list ['foo', 'bar'] to run list [12345, 67890] with String
>>> TestPlan.add_tag('12345, 67890', 'foo, bar')


Description: Creates a new Test Run object and stores it in the database.

Params:      $values - Hash: A reference to a hash with keys and values
                       matching the fields of the test run to be created.
  | Field             | Type           | Null      | Description                           |
  | plan              | Integer        | Required  | ID of test plan                       |
  | build             | Integer/String | Required  | ID of Build                           |
  | errata_id         | Integer        | Optional  | ID of Errata                          |
  | manager           | Integer        | Required  | ID of run manager                     |
  | summary           | String         | Required  |                                       |
  | product           | Integer        | Required  | ID of product                         |
  | product_version   | Integer        | Required  | ID of product version                 |
  | default_tester    | Integer        | Optional  | ID of run default tester              |
  | plan_text_version | Integer        | Optional  |                                       |
  | estimated_time    | String         | Optional  | 2h30m30s(recommend) or HH:MM:SS Format|
  | notes             | String         | Optional  |                                       |
  | status            | Integer        | Optional  | 0:RUNNING 1:STOPPED  (default 0)      |
  | case              | Array/String   | Optional  | list of case ids to add to the run    |
  | tag               | Array/String   | Optional  | list of tag to add to the run         |

Returns:     The newly created object hash.

>>> values = {'build': 384,
    'manager': 137,
    'plan': 137,
    'errata_id': 124,
    'product': 61,
    'product_version': 93,
    'summary': 'Testing XML-RPC for TCMS',
>>> TestRun.create(values)


Description: add/remove env values to the given runs, function is same as link_env_value/unlink_env_value

Params:      $action        - String: 'add' or 'remove'.
             $run_ids       - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                              an array of run_ids, or a string of comma separated run_ids.

             $env_value_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                              an array of env_value_ids, or a string of comma separated env_value_ids.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Add env value 13 to run id 8748
>>> TestRun.env_value('add', 8748, 13)


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of test runs.

Params:      $values - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

    |                 Run Search Parameters                  |
    |        Key          |          Valid Values            |
    | build               | ForeignKey: Build                |
    | cc                  | ForeignKey: Auth.User            |
    | env_value           | ForeignKey: Environment Value    |
    | default_tester      | ForeignKey: Auth.User            |
    | run_id              | Integer                          |
    | manager             | ForeignKey: Auth.User            |
    | notes               | String                           |
    | plan                | ForeignKey: Test Plan            |
    | summary             | String                           |
    | tag                 | ForeignKey: Tag                  |
    | product_version     | ForeignKey: Version              |

Returns:     Array: Matching test runs are retuned in a list of run object hashes.

# Get all of runs contain 'TCMS' in summary
>>> TestRun.filter({'summary__icontain': 'TCMS'})
# Get all of runs managed by xkuang
>>> TestRun.filter({'manager__username': 'xkuang'})
# Get all of runs the manager name starts with x
>>> TestRun.filter({'manager__username__startswith': 'x'})
# Get runs contain the case ID 12345, 23456, 34567
>>> TestRun.filter({'case_run__case__case_id__in': [12345, 23456, 34567]})


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting count of runs.

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields (see filter).

Returns:     Integer - total matching runs.

# See distinct_count()


Description: Used to load an existing test run from the database.

Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the run
                                in the database

Returns:     Hash: A blessed TestRun object hash

>>> TestRun.get(1193)


*** FIXME: BUGGY IN SERIALISER - List can not be serialize. ***
Description: Get the list of bugs attached to this run.

Params:      $run_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database
                                              an array of integers or a comma separated list of integers.

Returns:     Array: An array of bug object hashes.

# Get bugs belong to ID 12345
>>> TestRun.get_bugs(12345)
# Get bug belong to run ids list [12456, 23456]
>>> TestRun.get_bugs([12456, 23456])
# Get bug belong to run ids list 12456 and 23456 with string
>>> TestRun.get_bugs('12456, 23456')


*** FIXME: NOT IMPLEMENTED - History is different than before ***
Description: Get the list of changes to the fields of this run.

Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the run in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of hashes with changed fields and their details.


Description: Get a report of the current status of the selected runs combined.

Params:      $runs - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database
                    an array of integers or a comma separated list of integers.

Returns:     Hash: A hash containing counts and percentages of the combined totals of
                    case-runs in the run. Counts only the most recently statused case-run
                    for a given build and environment.


Description: Get the list of env values to this run.

Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the run in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of tag object hashes.

>>> TestRun.get_env_values(8748)


Description: Get the list of tags attached to this run.

Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID of the run in the database

Returns:     Array: An array of tag object hashes.

>>> TestRun.get_tags(1193)


Description: Get the list of cases that this run is linked to.

Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in the database
                                for this run.

Returns:     Array: An array of test case-run object hashes.

# Get all of case runs
>>> TestRun.get_test_case_runs(1193)


Description: Get the list of cases that this run is linked to.

Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in the database
                                for this run.

Returns:     Array: An array of test case object hashes.

>>> TestRun.get_test_cases(1193)


Description: Get the plan that this run is associated with.

Params:      $run_id - Integer: An integer representing the ID in the database
                                for this run.

Returns:     Hash: A plan object hash.

>>> TestRun.get_test_plan(1193)


Description: Link env values to the given runs.

Params:      $run_ids       - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                              an array of run_ids, or a string of comma separated run_ids.

             $env_value_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                              an array of env_value_ids, or a string of comma separated env_value_ids.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Add env value 13 to run id 8748
>>> TestRun.link_env_value(8748, 13)


Description: Remove one or more cases from the selected test runs.

Params:      $run_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database
                                              an array of IDs, or a comma separated list of IDs.

             $case_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                                              an arry of case_ids or aliases, or a string of comma separated case_ids.

Returns:     Array: empty on success

Exception:   When any exception is thrown on the server side, it will be
             returned as JSON, which contains two items:

             - status: 1.

             - message: str, any message specific to the error on the server

# Remove case 54321 from run 1234
TestRun.remove_cases(1234, 54321)
# Remove case ids list [1234, 5678] from run list [56789, 12345]
TestRun.remove_cases([56789, 12345], [1234, 5678])
# Remove case ids list '1234, 5678' from run list '56789, 12345' with String
TestRun.remove_cases('56789, 12345', '1234, 5678')


Description: Remove a tag from a run.

Params:      $run_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                         an array of run_ids, or a string of comma separated run_ids.

             $tag - String - A single tag to be removed.

Returns:     Array: Empty on success.

# Remove tag 'foo' from run 1234
>>> TestRun.remove_tag(1234, 'foo')
# Remove tag 'foo' and 'bar' from run list [56789, 12345]
>>> TestRun.remove_tag([56789, 12345], ['foo', 'bar'])
# Remove tag 'foo' and 'bar' from run list '56789, 12345' with String
>>> TestRun.remove_tag('56789, 12345', 'foo, bar')


Description: Unlink env values to the given runs.

Params:      $run_ids       - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                              an array of run_ids, or a string of comma separated run_ids.

             $env_value_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer representing the ID in the database,
                              an array of env_value_ids, or a string of comma separated env_value_ids.

Returns:     Array: empty on success or an array of hashes with failure
                    codes if a failure occured.

# Unlink env value 13 to run id 8748
>>> TestRun.unlink_env_value(8748, 13)


Description: Updates the fields of the selected test run.

Params:      $run_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                        an array of run_ids, or a string of comma separated run_ids.

             $values - Hash of keys matching TestRun fields and the new values
                       to set each field to. See params of TestRun.create for description
| Field             | Type           | Description                    |
| plan              | Integer        | TestPlan.plan_id               |
| product           | Integer        |                     |
| build             | Integer        |                       |
| errata_id         | Integer        |                      |
| manager           | Integer        |                   |
| default_tester    | Intege         |                   |
| summary           | String         |                                |
| estimated_time    | TimeDelta      | 2h30m30s(recommend) or HH:MM:SS|
| product_version   | Integer        |                                |
| plan_text_version | Integer        |                                |
| notes             | String         |                                |
| status            | Integer        | 0:RUNNING 1:FINISHED           |
+-------------------+----------------+ -------------------------------+
Returns:     Hash: The updated test run object.

# Update status to finished for run 1193 and 1194
>>> TestRun.update([1193, 1194], {'status': 1})


Description: Return the API version of Nitrate.


Log XMLRPC-specific invocations

This is copied from kobo.django.xmlrpc.decorators to add custom abitlities,
so that we don't have to wait upstream to make the changes.


    from tcms.core.decorators import log_call
    def func(request):
        return None


Description: Returns the version of Nitrate on this server.


Description: Returns the version of Nitrate on this server.


Description: Returns the version of Nitrate on this server.


Description: Performs a search and returns the resulting list of test cases

Params:      $query - Hash: keys must match valid search fields.

    |                 Case Search Parameters                           |
    |        Key          |          Valid Values                      |
    | id                  | Integer: ID                                |
    | username            | String: User name                          |
    | first_name          | String: User first name                    |
    | last_name           | String: User last  name                    |
    | email               | String Email                               |
    | is_active           | Boolean: Return the active users           |
    | groups              | ForeignKey: AuthGroup                      |

Returns:     Array: Matching test cases are retuned in a list of hashes.

>>> User.filter({'username__startswith': 'x'})


Description: Used to load an existing test case from the database.

Params:      $id - Integer/String: An integer representing the ID in the

Returns:     A blessed User object Hash

>>> User.get(2206)


Description: Get the information of myself.

Returns:     A blessed User object Hash

>>> User.get_me()


Description: Add user to a group specified by name.

Returns: None

Raises: PermissionDenied

>>> User.join('username', 'groupname')


Description: Updates the fields of the selected user. it also can change
             the informations of other people if you have permission.

Params:      $values   - Hash of keys matching TestCase fields and the new
                         values to set each field to.

             $id       - Integer/String(Optional)
                         Integer: A single TestCase ID.
                         String:  A comma string of User ID.
                         Default: The ID of myself

Returns:     A blessed User object Hash

| Field        | Type   | Null                                    |
| first_name   | String | Optional                                |
| last_name    | String | Optional(Required if changes category)  |
| email        | String | Optional                                |
| password     | String | Optional                                |
| old_password | String | Required by password                    |

>>> User.update({'first_name': 'foo'})
>>> User.update({'password': 'foo', 'old_password': '123'})
>>> User.update({'password': 'foo', 'old_password': '123'}, 2206)


Description: Retrieve XMLRPC's version

Params:      No parameters.

Returns:     A list that represents the version.





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