
Ext.layout.SlideLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.FitLayout, {
    deferredRender : false,
    renderHidden : false,
    easing: "none",
    duration: .5,
    opacity: 1,
    setActiveItem : function(itemInt) {
        if (typeof(itemInt) == "string")  {
            itemInt = this.container.items.keys.indexOf(itemInt);
        } else if (typeof(itemInt) == "object") {
            itemInt = this.container.items.items.indexOf(itemInt);
        var item = this.container.getComponent(itemInt);
        if(this.activeItem != item) {
            if(this.activeItem) {
                if(item && (!item.rendered || !this.isValidParent(item, this.container))) {
                    this.renderItem(item, itemInt, this.container.getLayoutTarget());
                var s = [this.container.body.getX() - this.container.body.getWidth(), this.container.body.getX() + this.container.body.getWidth()];
                    duration: this.duration,
                    easing: this.easing,
                    opacity: this.opacity,
                    x:(this.activeItemNo < itemInt ? s[0] : s[1] )
                item.el.setX((this.activeItemNo < itemInt ? s[1] : s[0] ));
                    duration: this.duration,
                    easing: this.easing,
                    opacity: 1,
            this.activeItemNo = itemInt;
            this.activeItem = item;
    renderAll : function(ct, target) {
        if(this.deferredRender) {
            this.renderItem(this.activeItem, undefined, target);
        } else {
            Ext.layout.CardLayout.superclass.renderAll.call(this, ct, target);
Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["slide"] = Ext.layout.SlideLayout;
 * LICENSE: None
 * @author Mitchell Simoens
 * @copyright 2009 Mitchell Simoens
 * @license Private use only
 * @since November 10 2009
 * @class Ext.ux.Tutorial
 * @extends Ext.Window

Ext.ux.Tutorial = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, {
     * Title of the window
     * @type String
    title: "Tutorial",
     * Width of the window
     * @type Int
    width: 800,
     * Height of the window
     * @type Int
    height: 800,
     * Set to true to mask everything behind it
     * @type Boolean
    modal: false,
     * Set to false to display a light color to the background
     * @type Boolean
    plain: true,
     * Set to true to allow the resizing of the window
     * @type Boolean
    resizable: false,
     * Set to true to allow to close the window
     * @type Boolean
    closable: true,
     * Set to true to allow the window to collapse
     * @type Boolean
    collapsible: false,
     * Set to true to constrain the movement of
     * the window to it's containing element
     * @type Boolean
    constrain: true,
     * Set to true to allow dragging of the window
     * @type Boolean
    draggable: true,
     * Set to true to show a shadow
     * @type Boolean
    shadow: false,
     * Offset of the shadow in pixels
     * @type Int
    shadowOffset: 4,
     * DOM ID of whre to render the window to
     * @type String
    renderTo: null,
     * Array of steps. Each step is created as a seperate Panel
     * @type Array
    steps: null,
     * Set true to animate the updating of the ProgressBar
     * @type Boolean
    pbarAnim: true,
     * Height of the ProgressBar
     * @type Int
    pbarHeight: 20,
     * Function that handles the cancel
     * @type Function
    cancel: function() {
     * Function that handles the finish
     * @type Function
    finish: Ext.emptyFn,
    initComponent: function() {
        if (this.shadow === true) {
            this.floating = true;
        this.pbar = new Ext.Panel({
            id: "progressPanel",
            frame: false,
            border: false,
            height: this.pbarHeight,
            items: [new Ext.ProgressBar({
                id: "pbar",
                animate: this.pbarAnim
        this.cPanel = new Ext.Panel({
            id: "cardPanel",
            frame: false,
            border: false,
            layout: "slide",
            flex: 1,
            layoutConfig: {
                easing: "none",
                duration: .5,
                opacity: .1
            activeItem: 0,
            listeners: {
                "add": function(thisPanel, addedCmp, Index) {
                    addedCmp.initialConfig.index = Index;
        if (this.steps) {
            if (this.steps.length > 0) {
                for (var i = 0; i < (this.steps.length); i++) {
        var config = {
            layout: "vbox",
            items : [this.pbar, this.cPanel],
            layoutConfig: {
                align: "stretch",
                pack: "start"
            bbar: [{
                id: "move-prev",
                text: "上一步",
                disabled: true,
                hidden: true,
                handler: this.navHandler.createDelegate(this, [-1])
                id: "cancel",
                text: "关闭",
                handler: function(){
                id: "move-next",
                text: "下一步",
                disabled: false,
                handler: this.navHandler.createDelegate(this, [1])
                id: "finish",
                text: "完成",
                disabled: false,
                hidden: true,
                handler: function() {
        Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));
        Ext.ux.Tutorial.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
        this.on("show", this.onShow, this);
    onShow: function() {
        Ext.ux.Tutorial.superclass.onShow.apply(this, arguments);
        var tmp = "步骤 1/"+this.cPanel.items.length+" /""+this.cPanel.layout.activeItem.initialConfig.title1+"/"";
        Ext.getCmp("pbar").updateProgress((this.cPanel.layout.activeItem.initialConfig.index+1)/this.cPanel.items.length, tmp);
    navHandler: function(direction) {
        currStepPanel = this.cPanel.layout.activeItem;
        otherStepPanel = Ext.getCmp("card-"+(currStepPanel.initialConfig.index+direction));
        var tmp = "步骤 "+(otherStepPanel.initialConfig.index+1)+"/"+this.cPanel.items.length+" "+otherStepPanel.initialConfig.title1;
        Ext.getCmp("pbar").updateProgress((otherStepPanel.initialConfig.index+1)/this.cPanel.items.length, tmp);
        if (otherStepPanel.initialConfig.index === 0) {
        } else {
        if (otherStepPanel.initialConfig.index === (this.cPanel.items.length-1)) {
        } else {
    createSteps: function(i) {
        if (!this.steps[i].bodyStyle) {
            this.steps[i].bodyStyle = "";
        if (!this.steps[i].cls) {
            this.steps[i].cls = "";
        this.cPanel.add(new Ext.Panel({
            id: "card-"+i,
            frame: false,
            bodyStyle: this.steps[i].bodyStyle,
            cls: this.steps[i].cls,
            title1: this.steps[i].title,
//            html: this.steps[i].html
Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType("ux-tutorial", Ext.ux.Tutorial);
Ext.onReady(function() {
    var finishFn = function() {
    var cancelFn = function() {
    var win = new Ext.ux.Tutorial({
        id: "simple-tutorial",
        title: "布局",
        width: 500,
        height: 350,
        cancel: cancelFn,
        finish: finishFn,
        steps: [{
            title: "第一步(基本信息)",
            border: false,
            layout: "fit",
            items: {
                xtype: "form", border: false, labelWidth: 60, bodyStyle: "padding:20px;", defaults: { defaults: { border: false, defaults: { border: false} }, border: false },
                items: [
                        layout: "column",
                        items: [
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "姓名", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 },
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "年龄", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 }
                        layout: "column",
                        items: [
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "性别", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 },
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "籍贯", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 }
                        layout: "column",
                        items: [
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "学历", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 },
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "地址", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 }
        }, {
            title: "第二步(详细信息)",
            border: false,
            layout: "fit",
            items: {
                xtype: "form", border: false, labelWidth: 60, bodyStyle: "padding:20px;", defaults: { defaults: { border: false, defaults: { border: false} }, border: false },
                items: [
                        layout: "column",
                        items: [
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "公司", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 },
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "邮箱", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 }
                        layout: "column",
                        items: [
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "网站", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 },
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "行业", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 }
                        layout: "column",
                        items: [
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "身高", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 },
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "体重", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 }
        }, {
            title: "第三步(扩展信息)",
            border: false,
            layout: "fit",
            items: {
                xtype: "form", border: false, labelWidth: 60, bodyStyle: "padding:20px;", defaults: { defaults: { border: false, defaults: { border: false} }, border: false },
                items: [
                        layout: "column",
                        items: [
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "扩展信息1", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 },
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "扩展信息2", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 }
                        layout: "column",
                        items: [
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "扩展信息3", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 },
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "扩展信息4", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 }
                        layout: "column",
                        items: [
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "扩展信息5", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 },
                            { layout: "form", items: { xtype: "textfield", name: "", fieldLabel: "扩展信息6", anchor: "90%" }, columnWidth: .5 }
        <title>ExtJS Tutorial Extension</title>
        <link href="../Ext/resources/css/ext-all.css" mce_href="Ext/resources/css/ext-all.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <mce:script src="../Ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js" mce_src="Ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js" type="text/javascript"></mce:script>
        <mce:script src="../Ext/ext-all.js" mce_src="Ext/ext-all.js" type="text/javascript"></mce:script>
        <mce:script type="text/javascript" src="Ext.layout.SlideLayout.js" mce_src="Ext.layout.SlideLayout.js"></mce:script>
        <mce:script type="text/javascript" src="Ext.ux.Tutorial.js" mce_src="Ext.ux.Tutorial.js"></mce:script>
        <mce:script type="text/javascript" src="main.js" mce_src="main.js"></mce:script>





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