





1.USC Computer Vision Group:南加大,多目标跟踪/检测等;

2.ETHZ Computer Vision Laboratory苏黎世联邦理工学院,欧洲最好的几个CV/ML研究机构;主要研究方向:

3.Helmut Grabner:Online Boosting and Vision的作者,tracking by online feature selection的早期经典,貌似现在不是很活跃了,跑去创业了;

His research interests are mainly on-line and incremental machine learning for computer vision (e.g., object detection, tracking, recognition and event detection) in particular in the field of visual surveillance.


4.Robert T. Collins:PSU,也是跟踪界的大牛;

video scene understanding, human body segmentation, activity analysis, and real-time tracking。

5.Ying Wu:美国西北大学,华人学者中的翘楚;

  • Computer Vision, Visual Motion Tracking/Capturing/Recognition
  • Statistical Learning and Pattern Recognition
  • Vision-based Interaction, Image/Video Analysis and Understanding
  • Multimedia Processing, Management and Data Analysis
  • Biomedical Image Processing and Medical Applications

6.Junsong Yuan:NTU,上面Wu老师的学生;

· Computer Vision, Video Analytics

· Large-Scale Visual Search and Mining

· Statistical Learning and Pattern Recognition

· Vision based Human Computer Interaction

· Biomedical Image Analysis and Applications

7.James W. Davis:俄亥俄州立,视频监控;

8. The Australian Centre for Visual Technologies:阿德莱德大学的CV组,最近也是exceedingly active & fruitful;

9.Chunhua Shen:属上面的ACVT组,最近非常活跃;

  • Scalable optimisation
  • Scene parsing, pixel labelling, learning and inference of MRF models
  • Real-time object detection, in particular, human detection
  • Hashing, large-scale image retrieval
  • Deep learning, unsupervsied feature learning, and generic image classification

10.Xi Li:同属ACVT,之前是中科院的PHD,跟踪方面的论文很多,有理论深度;

  • Visual Tracking
  • Motion Analysis
  • Face Recognition
  • Data Mining
  • Image Annotation and Retrieval
  • Video Retrieval

11.Haibin Ling:天普大学,L1-Tracker及后续扩展,源码分享;

computer vision, medical image analysis, visual privacy protection, and human computer interaction.

12.Learning, Recognition, and Surveillance:奥地利 TU Graz,在线学习,跟踪/检测等,active!源码分享;

machine learning and object recognition/detection/tracking, where the main focus of application is visual surveillance

13.Statistical Visual Computing Laboratory:UCSD,光听名字就很学术吧,Saliency研究很有名;


14.David Ross:多伦多大学,IVT的作者,跟踪中Generative表观的经典中的经典,提供源码,IVT的代码结构被后来很多人引用,值得一读;

15.EPFL, Computer Vision Laboratory:洛桑理工的学院,和上面的的ETHZ CV lab同样是欧洲最好的CV研究大组;

multi-camera surveillance, augmented reality, and medical image processing,博客中说提供tracking的相关代码。

16.Jamie Shotton(非常值得推荐):属微软剑桥研究中心,Decision/Regression Forests


17.Sinisa Todorovic:俄勒冈州立,行为分析等;

18.Shi Jianbo(比较相关,包括手势识别、肢体追踪等):大名鼎鼎的Good Feature to Track作者,目前方向行为分析和多目标跟踪等;

  • Human Recognition: We are developing computer algorithms to recognize human at multiple levels of abstractions: from the basic body limb tracking, to human identification, to gesture recognition, to activity inference. The ultimate goal is to develop computation algorithms to understand human behavior in video.

  • Image Segmentation and Object Recognition: Our research is motivated by two sets of questions,1) how to extract “interesting” patterns from data, and 2) how to guide the grouping process to achieve specific vision tasks, such as recognizing familiar object shapes. In this direction, we have been pursuing a line of research building upon spectral graph theory.

19.Shai Avidan:特拉维夫大学,大牛级,可算是Tracking-by-detection的开创者,Ensemble Tracking, SVM Tracking;

20.Visual Information Processing and Learning:中科院计算所,山世光老师的研究组,不需介绍了吧;

face detection and recognition, visual modeling and recognition, visual perception and coding, gesture and sign language recognition, object detection and event analysis for intelligent video surveillance, and multimedia analysis/retrieval.


[1] Qi Wang, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao, Skin Color Weighted Disparity Competition for Hand Segmentation from Stereo Camera, in Processing of British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC, Aberystwyth, UK, Aug. 2010

[2] X. Chai, Y. Tang, S. Shan, X. Chen, B. Ma. Image and Depth Fusion Based Hand Tracking and Application. The 7-th Chinese Human Computer Interaction Conference, Sep. 2011.

21.Shaogang Gong:Queen Mary University of London,各种PAMI,IJCV;

Human Idenfitication, Behaviour Recognition, Video Content Analysis, and Visual Surveillance

22.Yang Jian:南京理工大学,2DPCA,人脸识别;

Statistical methods for pattern recognition and computer vision with emphases on discriminant analysis, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction (subspace learning), manifold learning, kernel methods and sparse representation;

Biometrics particularly on face recognition


23.CALVIN:weakly supervised learning,objectness;

We research several topics related to learning in computer vision. Our current focus is on weakly supervised learning of object classes, semantic segmentation, and large-scale auto-annotation. CV东西不多

24.Learning & Vision Group:NUS,稀疏表示;


26.Xiaogang Wang:CUHK,active & fruitful,行人检测,群体行为分析;

His research interests include computer vision, medical imaging, machine learning, and applications to visual surveillance, face recognition, image and video searching, and diffusion weighted imaging. 

27.Zhou, Bolei:上面Wang老师硕士研究生,群体行为,看看人家的Publications已经轻松甩国内博士好几条街;

computer vision and machine learning.

28.Computational Vision Group:Leader--Deva Ramanan

We are interested theoretical questions as well as practical applications ranging from motion capture to biological image analysis.

29.Zhang Lei:香港理工,稀疏表示,人脸识别,可以算大中华区比较活跃的研究组了,几乎每篇论文都有对应源码


·       Sparse Representation, Dictionary Learning and Low Rank Methods for Image Restoration and Low Level Vision

·       Collaborative Representation based Classifier

·       Image Quality Assessment

·       Visual Tracking

·       Image Segmentation and Image Segmentation Evaluation

·       Biometrics (face, finger-knuckle-print and palmprint) 

30.Zhang Kaihua:上面Zhang老师学生,Compressive Tracking

31.Pramod Sharma:离线训练检测器的在线自适应,貌似是个不错的topic;

32.Loris Bazzani:person re-id,他的SDALF(code)描述子经常被用来做为比较对象,说明还是有参考价值的;

33.Pedro Felzenszwalb:布朗大学,目标检测,新新N人一枚;

34.Vijayakumar Bhagavatula:IEEE Fellow, correlation filters;

35.Laurens van der Maaten:MLer.

36.Joost van de Weijer:color attributes

  • Computer Vision, Visual Motion Tracking/Capturing/Recognition
  • Statistical Learning and Pattern Recognition
  • Vision-based Interaction, Image/Video Analysis and Understanding
  • Multimedia Processing, Management and Data Analysis
  • Biomedical Image Processing and Medical Applications
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