
很早开始就想用WebSocket完成即时消息推送功能。之前本打算用WebSocket + C#实现的,结果人上了年纪变笨了,弄了一天也没弄好 ⊙﹏⊙
nodeJs的环境搭建之类的知识这里就不提了,暂提供一个入门的文章Node入门 ,Socket.IO的官网

再推荐一篇不错的外文:Comet and Socket.io deployment

后台代码 server.js

var fs = require('fs'),
    http = require('http'),
    sio = require('socket.io');

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-type': 'text/html' });
server.listen(8888, function() {
    console.log('Server listening at http://localhost:8888/');
// Attach the socket.io server
io = sio.listen(server);
// store messages
var messages = [];
// Define a message handler
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
    socket.on('message', function(msg) {
        console.log('Received: ', msg);
        socket.broadcast.emit('message', msg);
    // send messages to new clients
    messages.forEach(function(msg) {

前台代码 index.htm

  <style type="text/css">
    #messages { padding: 0px; list-style-type: none;}
    #messages li { padding: 2px 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; }
  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
  <script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
      $(function() {
          var socket = io.connect();
          socket.on('connect', function() {
              socket.on('message', function(message) {
              socket.on('disconnect', function() {

          var el = $('#chatmsg');
          $('#chatmsg').keypress(function(e) {
              if (e.which == 13) {
 <ul id="messages"></ul>
 <input type="text" id="chatmsg">


  1. 在命令行输入 node server.js 打开服务器
  2. 打开两个页面,分别输入地址 http://localhost:8888/




In this chapter, I:
  • present an overview of the techniques to implement Comet
  • introduce Socket.io and a basic application
  • discuss the complexities of real-world deployment with Socket.io

So... do you want to build a chat? Or a real-time multiplayer game?

In order to build a (soft-) real-time app, you need the ability to update information quickly within the end user's browser.

HTTP was not designed to support full two-way communication. However, there are multiple ways in which the client can receive information in real time or almost real time:

Techniques to implement Comet

Periodic polling. Essentially, you ask the server whether it has new data every n seconds, and idle meanwhile:

Client: Are we there yet?
Server: No
Client: [Wait a few seconds]
Client: Are we there yet?
Server: No
Client: [Wait a few seconds]
... (repeat this a lot)
Client: Are we there yet?
Server: Yes. Here is a message for you.

The problem with periodic polling is that: 1) it tends to generate a lot of requests and 2) it's not instant - if messages arrive during the time the client is waiting, then those will only be received later.

Long polling. This is similar to periodic polling, except that the server does not return the response immediately. Instead, the response is kept in a pending state until either new data arrives, or the request times out in the browser. Compared to periodic polling, the advantage here is that clients need to make fewer requests (requests are only made again if there is data) and that there is no "idle" timeout between making requests: a new request is made immediately after receiving data.

Client: Are we there yet?
Server: [Wait for ~30 seconds]
Server: No
Client: Are we there yet?
Server: Yes. Here is a message for you.

This approach is slightly better than periodic polling, since messages can be delivered immediately as long as a pending request exists. The server holds on to the request until the timeout triggers or a new message is available, so there will be fewer requests.

However, if you need to send a message to the server from the client while a long polling request is ongoing, a second request has to be made back to the server since the data cannot be sent via the existing (HTTP) request.

Sockets / long-lived connections. WebSockets (and other transports with socket semantics) improve on this further. The client connects once, and then a permanent TCP connection is maintained. Messages can be passed in both ways through this single request. As a conversation:

Client: Are we there yet?
Server: [Wait for until we're there]
Server: Yes. Here is a message for you.

If the client needs to send a message to the server, it can send it through the existing connection rather than through a separate request. This efficient and fast, but Websockets are only available in newer, better browsers.


As you can see above, there are several different ways to implement Comet.

Socket.io offers several different transports:

  • Long polling: XHR-polling (using XMLHttpRequest), JSONP polling (using JSON with padding), HTMLFile (forever Iframe for IE)
  • Sockets / long-lived connections: Flash sockets (Websockets over plain TCP sockets using Flash) and Websockets

Ideally, we would like to use the most efficient transport (Websockets) - but fall back to other transports on older browsers. This is what Socket.io does.

Writing a basic application

I almost left this part out, since I can't really do justice to Socket.io in one section of a full chapter. But here it is: a simple example using Socket.io. In this example, we will write simple echo server that receives messages from the browser and echoes them back.

Let's start with a package.json:

  "name": "siosample",
  "description": "Simple Socket.io app",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "main": "server.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "socket.io": "0.8.x"
  "private": "true"

This allows us to install the app with all the dependencies using npm install.

In server.js:

var fs = require('fs'),
    http = require('http'),
    sio = require('socket.io');

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-type': 'text/html'});
server.listen(8000, function() {
  console.log('Server listening at http://localhost:8000/');
// Attach the socket.io server
io = sio.listen(server);
// store messages
var messages = [];
// Define a message handler
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  socket.on('message', function (msg) {
    console.log('Received: ', msg);
    socket.broadcast.emit('message', msg);
  // send messages to new clients
  messages.forEach(function(msg) {

First we start a regular HTTP server that always respondes with the content of "./index.html". Then the Socket.io server is attached to that server, allowing Socket.io to respond to requests directed towards it on port 8000.

Socket.io follows the basic EventEmitter pattern: messages and connection state changes become events on socket. On "connection", we add a message handler that echoes the message back and broadcasts it to all other connected clients. Additionally, messages are stored in memory in an array, which is sent back to new clients so that the can see previous messages.

Next, let's write the client page (index.html):

  <style type="text/css">
    #messages { padding: 0px; list-style-type: none;}
    #messages li { padding: 2px 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; }
  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
  <script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
    var socket = io.connect();
    socket.on('connect', function () {
      socket.on('message', function(message) {
      socket.on('disconnect', function() {

    var el = $('#chatmsg');
    $('#chatmsg').keypress(function(e) {
      if(e.which == 13) {
 <ul id="messages"></ul>
 <input type="text" id="chatmsg">

BTW, "/socket.io/socket.io.js" is served by Socket.io, so you don't need to have a file placed there.

To start the server, run node server.js and point your browser tohttp://localhost:8000/. To chat between two users, open a second tab to the same address.

Additional features

Check out the Socket.io website (and Github for serverclient) for more information on using Socket.io.

There are two more advanced examples on Github.

I'm going to focus on deployment, which has not been covered in depth.

Deploying Socket.io: avoiding the problems

As you can see above, using Socket.io is fairly simple. However, there are several issues related to deploying an application using Socket.io which need to be addressed.

Same origin policy, CORS and JSONP

The same origin policy is a security measure built in to web browsers. It restricts access to the DOM, JavaScript HTTP requests and cookies.

In short, the policy is that the protocol (http vs https), host (www.example.com vs example.com) and port (default vs e.g. :8000) of the request must match exactly.

Requests that are made from Javascript to a different host, port or protocol are not allowed, except via two mechanisms:

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is a way for the server to tell the browser that a request that violates the same origin policy is allowed. This is done by adding a HTTP header (Access-Control-Allow-Origin:) and applies to requests made from Javascript.

JSONP, or JSON with padding, is an alternative technique, which relies on the fact that the <script> tag is not subject to the same origin policy to receive fragments of information (as JSON in Javascript).

Socket.io supports these techniques, but you should consider try to set up you application in such a way that the HTML page using Socket.io is served from the same host, port and protocol. Socket.io can work even when the pages are different, but it is subject to more browser restrictions, because dealing with the same origin policy requires additional steps in each browser.

There are two important things to know:

First, you cannot perform requests from a local file to external resources in most browsers. You have to serve the page you use Socket.io on via HTTP.

Second, IE 8 will not work with requests that 1) violate the same origin policy (host/port) and 2) also use a different protocol. If you serve your page via HTTP (http://example.com/index.html) and attempt to connect to HTTPS (https://example.com:8000), you will see an error and it will not work.

My recommendation would be to only use HTTPS or HTTP everywhere, and to try to make it so that all the requests (serving the page and making requests to the Socket.io backend) appear to the browser as coming from the same host, port and protocol. I will discuss some example setups further below.

Flashsockets support requires TCP mode support

Flash sockets have their own authorization mechanism, which requires that the server first sends a fragment of XML (a policy file) before allowing normal TCP access.

This means that from the perspective of a load balancer, flash sockets do not look like HTTP and thus require that your load balancer can operate in tcp mode.

I would seriously consider not supporting flashsockets because they introduce yet another hurdle into the deployment setup by requiring TCP mode operation.

Websockets support requires HTTP 1.1 support

It's fairly common for people to run nginx in order to serve static files, and add a proxy rule from nginx to Node.

However, if you put nginx in front of Node, then the only connections that will work are long polling -based. You cannot use Websockets with nginx, because Websockets require HTTP 1.1 support throughout your stack to work and current versions of nginx do not support this.

I heard from the nginx team on my blog that they are working on HTTP 1.1 support (and you may be able to find a development branch of nginx that supports this), but as of now the versions of nginx that are included in most Linuxdistributions do not support this.

This means that you have to use something else. A common option is to use HAProxy in front, which supports HTTP 1.1 and can thus be used to route some requests (e.g. /socket.io/) to Node while serving other requests (static files) from nginx.

Another option is to just use Node either to serve all requests, or to use a Node proxy module in conjuction with Socket.io, such as node-http-proxy.

I will show example setups next.

Sample deployments: scaling

Single machine, single stack

This is the simplest deployment. You have a single machine, and you don't want to run any other technologies, like Ruby/Python/PHP alongside your application.

[Socket.io server at :80]

The benefit is simplicity, but of course you are now tasking your Node server with a lot of work that it wouldn't need to do, such as serving static files and (optionally) SSL termination.

The first step in scaling this setup up is to use more CPU cores on the same machine. There are two ways to do this: use a load balancer, or use node cluster.

Single machine, dual stack, node proxies to second stack

In this case, we add another technology - like Ruby - to the stack. For example, the majority of the web app is written in Ruby, and real-time operations are handled by Node.

For simplicity, we will use Node to perform the routing.

[Socket.io server at :80]
  --> [Ruby at :3000 (not accessible directly)]

To implement the route, we will simply add a proxy from the Socket.io server to the Ruby server, e.g. using node-http-proxy or bouncy. Since this mostly app-specific coding, I'm not going to cover it here.

Alternatively, we can use HAProxy:

[HAProxy at :80]
  --> [Ruby at :3000]
  --> [Socket.io server at :8000]

Requests starting with /socket.io are routed to Socket.io listening on port 8000, and the rest to Ruby at port 3000.

To start HAProxy, run sudo haproxy -f path/to/haproxy.cfg

The associated HAProxy configuration file can be found here for your cloning and forking convinience.

I've also included a simple test server that listens on ports :3000 (http) and :8000 (websockets). It uses the same ws module that Socket.io uses internally, but with a much simpler setup.

Start the test server using node server.js, then run the tests using node client.js. If HAProxy works correctly, you will get a "It worked" message from the client:

$ node client.js
Testing HTTP request
Received HTTP response: PONG. EOM.
Testing WS request
Received WS message a
Received WS message b
Received WS message c
Received WS message d
Received WS message e
Successfully sent and received 5 messages.
Now waiting 5 seconds and sending a last WS message.
It worked.
Single machine, SSL, dual stack, static assets served separately

Now, let's offload some services to different processes and start using SSL for Socket.io.

First, we will use nginx to serve static files for the application, and have nginx forward to the second technology, e.g. Ruby.

Second, we will start using SSL. Using SSL will increase the complexity of the setup somewhat, since you cannot route SSL-encrypted requests based on their request URI without decoding them first.

If we do not terminate SSL first, we cannot see what the URL path is (e.g. /socket.io/ or /rubyapp/ ). Hence we need to perform SSL termination before routing the request.

There are two options:

  • Use Node to terminate SSL requests (e.g. start a HTTPS server).
  • Use a separate SSL terminator, such as stunnel, stud or specialized hardware

Using Node is a neat solution, however, this will also increase the overhead per connection in Node (SSL termination takes memory and CPU time from Socket.io) and will require additional coding.

I would prefer not to have to maintain the code for handling the request routing in the Node app - and hence recommend using HAProxy.

Here we will use stunnel (alternative: stud) to offload this work. Nginx will proxy to Ruby only and Socket.io is only accessible behind SSL.

[Nginx at :80]
  --> [Ruby at :3000]
[Stunnel at :443]
  --> [HAProxy at :4000]
    --> [Socket.io at :8000]
    --> [Nginx at :80]
      --> [Ruby at :3000]

Traffic comes in SSL-encrypted to port 443, where Stunnel removes the encryption, and then forwards the traffic to HAProxy.

HAProxy then looks at the destination and routes requests to /socket.io/ to Node at port 8000, and all other requests to Ruby/Nginx at port 3000.

To run Stunnel, use stunnel path/to/stunnel.conf.

The associated HAProxy and Stunnel configuration files can be found here for your cloning and forking convinience.

To make connections to port 443 over SSL, run the connection tests for the testing tool using node client.js https. If your HAProxy + Stunnel setup works correctly, you will get a "It worked" message from the client.

Multiple machines, SSL, dual stack, static assets

In this scenario, we are deploying to multiple machines running Socket.io servers; additionally, we have multiple machines running the second stack, e.g. Ruby.

For simplicity, I'm going to assume that a single machine is going to listen to incoming requests and handle load balancing and SSL decryption for the other servers.

Non-SSL traffic uses a slightly different HAProxy configuration, since non-SSL connections to Socket.io are assumed to be unwanted.

SSL traffic is first de-encrypted by Stunnel, then forwarded to HAproxy for load balancing.

[HAProxy at :80]
  --> Round robin to Ruby pool
[Stunnel at :443]
  --> [HAProxy at :4000]
    --> Round robin to Ruby pool
    --> Source IP based stickiness to Socket.io pool

The configuration here is essentially the same as in the previous scenario (you can use the same config), but instead of having one backend server in each pool, we now have multiple servers and have to consider load balancing behavior.

Load balancing strategy and handshakes

HAproxy is configured with the same (URL-based) routing as in the previous example, but the traffic is balanced over several servers.

Note that in the configuration file, two different load balancing strategies are used. For the second (non-Socket.io) stack, we are using round robin load balancing. This assumes that any server in the pool can handle any request.

With Socket.io, there are two options for scaling up to multiple machines:

First, you can use source IP based sticky load balancing. Source IP based stickiness is needed because of the way Socket.io handles handshakes: unknown clients (e.g. clients that were handshaken on a different server) are rejected by the current (0.8.7) version of Socket.io.

This means that:

  1. in the event of a server failure, all client sessions must be re-established, since even if the load balancer is smart enough to direct the requests to a new Socket.io server, that server will reject those requests as not handshaken.
  2. load balancing must be sticky, because for example round robin would result in every connection attempt being rejected as "not handshaken" - since handshakes are mandatory but not synchronized across servers.
  3. doing a server deploy will require all clients to go through a new handshake, meaning that deploys are intrusive to the end users.

Example with four backend servers behind a load balancer doing round robin:

[client] -> /handshake -> [load balancer] -> [server #1] Your new Session id is 1
[client] -> /POST data (sess id =1) -> [load balancer] -> [server #2] Unknown session id, please reconnect
[client] -> /handshake -> [load balancer] -> [server #3] Your new Session id is 2
[client] -> /POST data (sess id =2) -> [load balancer] -> [server #4] Unknown session id, please reconnect

This means that you have to use sticky load balancing with Socket.io.

The second alternative is to use the Stores mechanism in Socket.io. There is aRedis store which synchronizes in memory information across multiple servers via Redis.

Unfortunately, the stores in Socket.io are only a partial solution, since stores rely on a pub/sub API arrangement where all Socket.io servers in the pool receive all messages and maintain the state of all connected clients in-memory. This is not desirable in larger deployments, because the memory usage now grows across all servers independently of whether a client is connected to a particular server (related issue on GitHub).

Hopefully, in the future, Socket.io (or Engine.io) will offer the ability to write a different kind of system for synchronizing the state of clients accross multiple machines. In fact, this is being actively worked on in Engine.io - which will form the basis for the next release of Socket.io. Until then, you have to choose between these two approaches to scale over multiple machines.





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