
1  NLTK 包含古腾堡项目(Project Gutenberg)电子文本档案的经过挑选的一小部分文本。该项目大约有25,000(现在是36,000 了)本免费电子图书,放在上。我们先要用Python 解释器加载NLTK 包,然后尝试nltk.corpus.gutenberg.fileids(),下面是这个语料库中的文件标识符:

>>> nltk.corpus.gutenberg.fileids()
['austen-emma.txt', 'austen-persuasion.txt', 'austen-sense.txt', 'bible-kjv.txt', 'blake-poems.txt', 'bryant-stories.txt', 'burgess-busterbrown.txt', 'carroll-alice.txt', 'chesterton-ball.txt', 'chesterton-brown.txt', 'chesterton-thursday.txt', 'edgeworth-parents.txt', 'melville-moby_dick.txt', 'milton-paradise.txt', 'shakespeare-caesar.txt', 'shakespeare-hamlet.txt', 'shakespeare-macbeth.txt', 'whitman-leaves.txt']


>>> emma = nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt')
>>> len(emma)



>>> emma = nltk.Text(nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt'))
>>> emma.concordance("surprize")
Building index...
Displaying 25 of 37 matches:
er father , was sometimes taken by surprize at his being still able to pity `
hem do the other any good ." " You surprize me ! Emma must do Harriet good : a
Knightley actually looked red with surprize and displeasure , as he stood up ,
r . Elton , and found to his great surprize , that Mr . Elton was actually on
d aid ." Emma saw Mrs . Weston ' s surprize , and felt that it must be great ,
father was quite taken up with the surprize of so sudden a journey , and his f
y , in all the favouring warmth of surprize and conjecture . She was , moreove
he appeared , to have her share of surprize , introduction , and pleasure . Th
ir plans ; and it was an agreeable surprize to her , therefore , to perceive t
talking aunt had taken me quite by surprize , it must have been the death of m
f all the dialogue which ensued of surprize , and inquiry , and congratulation
 the present . They might chuse to surprize her ." Mrs . Cole had many to agre
the mode of it , the mystery , the surprize , is more like a young woman ' s s
 to her song took her agreeably by surprize -- a second , slightly but correct
" " Oh ! no -- there is nothing to surprize one at all .-- A pretty fortune ;
t to be considered . Emma ' s only surprize was that Jane Fairfax should accep
of your admiration may take you by surprize some day or other ." Mr . Knightle
ation for her will ever take me by surprize .-- I never had a thought of her i
 expected by the best judges , for surprize -- but there was great joy . Mr .
 sound of at first , without great surprize . " So unreasonably early !" she w
d Frank Churchill , with a look of surprize and displeasure .-- " That is easy
; and Emma could imagine with what surprize and mortification she must be retu
tled that Jane should go . Quite a surprize to me ! I had not the least idea !
 . It is impossible to express our surprize . He came to speak to his father o
g engaged !" Emma even jumped with surprize ;-- and , horror - struck , exclai


在我们定义的emma 时,我们调用了NLTK 中的corpus 包中的gutenberg 对象的words()函数。但因为总是要输入这么长的名字很繁琐,Python 提供了另一个版本的import 语句

>>> from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
>>> gutenberg.fileids()
['austen-emma.txt', 'austen-persuasion.txt', 'austen-sense.txt', 'bible-kjv.txt', 'blake-poems.txt', 'bryant-stories.txt', 'burgess-busterbrown.txt', 'carroll-alice.txt', 'chesterton-ball.txt', 'chesterton-brown.txt', 'chesterton-thursday.txt', 'edgeworth-parents.txt', 'melville-moby_dick.txt', 'milton-paradise.txt', 'shakespeare-caesar.txt', 'shakespeare-hamlet.txt', 'shakespeare-macbeth.txt', 'whitman-leaves.txt']
>>> emma = gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt')
>>> len(emma)


from nltk.corpus import gutenberg   //导入gutenberg对象

for fileid in gutenberg.fileids():
    num_chars = len(gutenberg.raw(fileid))    //得到对象中有多少个字符
    num_words = len(gutenberg.words(fileid))   //得到对象中有多少个单词
    num_sents = len(gutenberg.sents(fileid))    //得到对象中有多少个句子
    num_vocab = len(set([w.lower() for w in gutenberg.words(fileid)]))    // 得到对象中有多少个不同单词
    print int(num_chars/num_words),int(num_words/num_sents),int(num_words/num_vocab),fileid       //平均词长、平均句子长度和本文中每个词出现的平均次数





 >>> macbeth_sentences = gutenberg.sents('shakespeare-macbeth.txt')
>>> macbeth_sentences[0]
['[', 'The', 'Tragedie', 'of', 'Macbeth', 'by', 'William', 'Shakespeare', '1603', ']']



>>> longest = max([len(s) for s in macbeth_sentences])
>>> [s for s in macbeth_sentences if len(s) == longest]
[['Doubtfull', 'it', 'stood', ',', 'As', 'two', 'spent', 'Swimmers', ',', 'that', 'doe', 'cling', 'together', ',', 'And', 'choake', 'their', 'Art', ':', 'The', 'mercilesse', 'Macdonwald', '(', 'Worthie', 'to', 'be', 'a', 'Rebell', ',', 'for', 'to', 'that', 'The', 'multiplying', 'Villanies', 'of', 'Nature', 'Doe', 'swarme', 'vpon', 'him', ')', 'from', 'the', 'Westerne', 'Isles', 'Of', 'Kernes', 'and', 'Gallowgrosses', 'is', 'supply', "'", 'd', ',', 'And', 'Fortune', 'on', 'his', 'damned', 'Quarry', 'smiling', ',', 'Shew', "'", 'd', 'like', 'a', 'Rebells', 'Whore', ':', 'but', 'all', "'", 's', 'too', 'weake', ':', 'For', 'braue', 'Macbeth', '(', 'well', 'hee', 'deserues', 'that', 'Name', ')', 'Disdayning', 'Fortune', ',', 'with', 'his', 'brandisht', 'Steele', ',', 'Which', 'smoak', "'", 'd', 'with', 'bloody', 'execution', '(', 'Like', 'Valours', 'Minion', ')', 'caru', "'", 'd', 'out', 'his', 'passage', ',', 'Till', 'hee', 'fac', "'", 'd', 'the', 'Slaue', ':', 'Which', 'neu', "'", 'r', 'shooke', 'hands', ',', 'nor', 'bad', 'farwell', 'to', 'him', ',', 'Till', 'he', 'vnseam', "'", 'd', 'him', 'from', 'the', 'Naue', 'toth', "'", 'Chops', ',', 'And', 'fix', "'", 'd', 'his', 'Head', 'vpon', 'our', 'Battlements']]





>>> from nltk.corpus import webtext
>>> for fileid in webtext.fileids():
... print fileid, webtext.raw(fileid)[:65], '...'
firefox.txt Cookie Manager: "Don't allow sites that set removed cookies to se...
grail.txt SCENE 1: [wind] [clop clop clop] KING ARTHUR: Whoa there! [clop...
overheard.txt White guy: So, do you have any plans for this evening? Asian girl...
pirates.txt PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST, by Ted Elliott & Terr...
singles.txt 25 SEXY MALE, seeks attrac older single lady, for discreet encoun...
wine.txt Lovely delicate, fragrant Rhone wine. Polished leather and strawb...


















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