Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) 4 - RAC Cluster(example)

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6 篇文章 0 订阅

    本文为Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) 4 在RAC上的一个使用实例,具体的可参考metalink文章[314422.1]、[359395.1]

[oracle@db2 ~]$ unzip

[oracle@db2 ~]$ cd rda/

[oracle@db2 rda]$ mkdir output

[oracle@db1 ~]$ unzip

[oracle@db1 ~]$ cd rda/

[oracle@db1 rda]$ mkdir output

[oracle@db1 rda]$ . -vX RDA::Remote setup_cluster

dirname: invalid option -- b

Try `dirname --help' for more information.


Requesting common information


Enter the absolute path of the directory where RDA will be installed on the

remote nodes.

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (/home/oracle/rda)


Enter the absolute path of the directory where setup files and reports will be

stored on the remote nodes?

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (/home/oracle/rda)


Do you want RDA to use an alternative login to execute remote requests (Y/N)?

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (N)


Enter an Oracle User ID (user ID only) to view DBA_ and V$ tables. If RDA is

to be run under the user ID of the Oracle software owner, then enter a forward

slash (/) here, and enter Y at the SYSDBA prompt. This prevents a prompt for

the database password at collection time.

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (system)

> /

Is '/' a SYSDBA user (will connect as SYSDBA) (Y/N)?

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (N)

> Y


Requesting information for node db1


Enter the Oracle home to be analyzed on the node db1

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)


Enter the Oracle SID to be analyzed on the node db1

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (db1)



Requesting information for node db2


Enter the Oracle home to be analyzed on the node db2

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)


Enter the Oracle SID to be analyzed on the node db2

> db2


RAC Setup Summary



. NOD001  db1/db1

. NOD002  db2/db2

2 nodes found


S000INI: Initializes the Data Collection


RDA uses the output file prefix to identify all files belonging to the same

data collection. The prefix must start with a letter and must contain only

alphanumeric characters.

Enter the prefix to be used for all the generated files

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (RDA)


Enter the directory used for all the files to be generated

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (/home/oracle/rda/output)


Do you want to keep report packages from previous runs (Y/N)?

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (N)


Enter the Oracle home to be used for data analysis

Hit 'Return' to accept the default (/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)


Enter the network domain name for this server



Warning: No domain has been specified

Do you want to specify a new value (Y/N)?N


S010CFG: Collects Key Configuration Information



S090OCM: Set up the Configuration Manager Interface



S919LOAD: Produces the External Collection Reports



S999END: Finalizes the Data Collection



S909RDSP: Produces the Remote Data Collection Reports


        Updating the setup file ...

[root@db1 ~]# su - oracle

[oracle@db1 ~]$ cd rda/

[oracle@db1 rda]$ . -v -e REMOTE_TRACE=1

dirname: invalid option -- b

Try `dirname --help' for more information.

        Collecting diagnostic data ...


RDA Data Collection Started 06-Apr-2011 14:45:40


Processing Initialization module ...

Processing OCM module ...

Processing CFG module ...

Processing REXE module ...

NOD001>         Setting up ...

NOD002>         Setting up ...

NOD002>         Collecting diagnostic data ...

NOD002> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOD002> RDA Data Collection Started 06-Apr-2011 14:42:09

NOD002> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOD002> Processing Initialization module ...

NOD002> Processing OCM module ...

NOD002> Processing PERF module ...

NOD002> Processing CFG module ...

NOD001>         Collecting diagnostic data ...

NOD001> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOD001> RDA Data Collection Started 06-Apr-2011 14:45:53

NOD001> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOD001> Processing Initialization module ...

NOD001> Processing OCM module ...

NOD002> Processing Sampling module ...

NOD002> Processing OS module ...

NOD001> Processing PERF module ...

NOD001> Processing CFG module ...

NOD001> Processing Sampling module ...

NOD001> Processing OS module ...

NOD002> Processing PROF module ...

NOD002> Processing NET module ...

NOD002> Processing ONET module ...

NOD002> Listener checks may take a few minutes. please be patient...

NOD001> Processing PROF module ...

NOD001> Processing NET module ...

NOD001> Processing ONET module ...

NOD001> Listener checks may take a few minutes. please be patient...

NOD002>   Processing listener LISTENER_db2

NOD002> Processing Oracle installation module ...

NOD002> Processing RDBMS module ...

NOD001>   Processing listener LISTENER_db1

NOD001> Processing Oracle installation module ...

NOD001> Processing RDBMS module ...

NOD001> Processing RDBMS Memory module ...

NOD002> Processing RDBMS Memory module ...

NOD002> Processing LOG module ...

NOD002> Processing Cluster module ...

NOD001> Processing LOG module ...

NOD001> Processing Cluster module ...

NOD002> Processing RDSP module ...

NOD002> Processing LOAD module ...

NOD002> Processing End module ...

NOD002> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOD002> RDA Data Collection Ended 06-Apr-2011 14:43:37

NOD002> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOD002>         Generating the reports ...

NOD002>                 - RDA_OS_sysdef.txt ...

NOD002>                 ```

NOD002>                 ```

NOD002>                 - RDA_DBM_lchitrat.txt ...

NOD002>                 - Report index ...

NOD002>         Packaging the reports ...

NOD002>        created for transfer

NOD002>         Updating the setup file ...

NOD001> Processing RDSP module ...

NOD001> Processing LOAD module ...

NOD001> Processing End module ...

NOD001> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOD001> RDA Data Collection Ended 06-Apr-2011 14:47:38

NOD001> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOD001>         Generating the reports ...

NOD001>                 - RDA_RAC_cluvfy.txt ...

NOD001>                 ```

NOD001>                 ```

NOD001>                 - RDA_OS_cpu_info.txt ...

NOD001>                 - Report index ...

NOD001>         Packaging the reports ...

NOD001>        created for transfer

NOD001>         Updating the setup file ...

Processing RDSP module ...

Processing LOAD module ...

Processing End module ...


RDA Data Collection Ended 06-Apr-2011 14:47:47


        Generating the reports ...

                - RDA_END_files.txt ...

                - RDA_END_report.txt ...

                - RDA_RDSP_results.txt ...

                - RDA_CFG_homes.txt ...

                - RDA_RDSP_overview.txt ...

                - RDA_CFG_oh_inv.txt ...

                - RDA_END_system.txt ...

                - Report index ...

        Packaging the reports ...

 You can review the reports by transferring the contents of the

 /home/oracle/rda/output directory to a location where you have web-browser

 access. Then, point your browser at this file to display the reports:


 Based on your server configuration, some possible alternative approaches are:

 - If your client computer with a browser has access to a web shared

   directory, copy the /home/oracle/rda/output directory to the web shared

   directory and visit this URL:



 - If your client computer with a browser has FTP access to the server

   computer with the /home/oracle/rda/output directory, visit this URL:


 If this file was generated to assist in resolving a Service Request, please

 send /home/oracle/rda/output/ to Oracle Support by uploading

 the file via My Oracle Support. If ftp'ing the file, please be sure to ftp in

 BINARY format.

        Updating the setup file ...





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