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转载 多核危机:Scala vs Erlang

近来在博客上关于Scala与Erlang之间的争论越来越热。未来注定是多核的世界,问题在于如何去解决多核的危机。Scala和Erlang是两门渴望成为其解决方案的语言,但它们也有些许的不同。那么它们所采取的方式各有什么利弊呢? 引入问题 摩尔定律已经改变了。我们不再获得和以前一样的时钟频率增长,取而代之,我们得到了更多的(CPU)核心。今天,也许你的笔记本都已经是双核的了。 为了利用多核的特性,应用程序需要支持并发。如果你的客户买了一台八核的机器,要向他们解释清楚正常情况下应用程序只会用到12%的CPU能力

2010-06-06 10:31:00 591

转载 因并发而生 因云计算而热:Erlang专家访谈实录(1)

Erlang并行计算主持人 : 我们目前谈到了很多Erlang在语言特性方面的问题,我们知道Erlang最大的特点是分布式、并行计算的特性,有人说如果一门语言不能很好地处理并行计算的问题,将来很可能会失去生存的权利,二位对于这个观点怎么看?赵东炜 : 我分成两个部分来说,第一个是现在的计算环境已经到了云计算、多核计算、分布式,已经是一个常态,如果一个语言不能很好地处理并行计算的问题,它肯定会出问题。我觉得它不能够说是一个很伟大的语言,至少是不能够担当大任。第二个部分,未来也不是很绝对的,未来这个计算的模式会

2010-06-06 10:26:00 589

转载 Erlang,让我找到了云计算时代的编程语言

<br />从去年开始研究java并发编程,对java的多线程,各种锁,线程池都有一定的了解。再加上看了一部分周伟明老师的《多核计算与程序设计》和《多核编程艺术》,总感觉多核时代的编程模式让程序员很痛苦。程序员不对软件和硬件知识做深入了解,要开发出具有高性能,高可用,高伸缩性的程序不是那么容易,特别是同步,锁,原子性,程序活性让很多从事软件开发多年的资深程序员都搞得不太清楚。而云计算时代,多核,多任务,多系统交互,程序之间的独立性和依赖性都变得越来越强,如何系统之间的关系更简单,如何能充分系统的资源,如何让

2010-06-03 17:41:00 1033

转载 SWT:实现自我绘制的Button组件

<br />在所有SWT组件中,Button几乎是最常用的,其功能在对于一般的情况来说也足够丰富了。你可以为Button组件设置要显示在其中的文本或者图像、设定ToolTip,甚至只要修改一个风格样式就能得到一个看上去相当不错的方向箭头按钮。<br /><br />  然而,我对Button组件还是不能感到满意。最大的遗憾就是:对它的外观,所能做的工作也就仅限于此了。如果你想让按钮拥有一个漂亮的、渐变色的背景和一些特殊的文字效果,怎么办呢?答案是没有办法。Button类里面似乎没有任何方法提供我想要的功能。

2010-06-01 13:50:00 484 1

原创 swt与swing的比较

<br />1. 组件体系:<br />  a) Swing:通过在父组件上动态调用add()和remove()方法,来对组件树进行动态维护,因此,可以存在没有父组件的子组件。<br />  b) SWT:通过在构造函数的参数中,指定父组件,因此,不可能存在没有父组件的子组件。<br />2. 组件绘制:<br />  a) Swing:通过调用组件的paint()方法来进行组件的绘制,组件进一步对他的子组件调用paint(),从而完成整棵组件树的绘制。通过子类化,重写paint()方法,可以完

2010-06-01 13:34:00 443

转载 App widgets

App Widgets are miniature application views that can be embedded in other applications (such as the Home screen) and receive periodic updates. These views are referred to as Widgets in the user interf

2009-12-05 19:45:00 663

转载 2D Graphics

Android offers a custom 2D graphics library for drawing and animating shapes and images. The android.graphics.drawable and android.view.animation packages are where youll find the common classes used

2009-12-05 19:44:00 757

转载 Graphics

Android graphics are powered by a custom 2D graphics library and OpenGL ES 1.0 for high performance 3D graphics. The most common 2D graphics APIs can be found in the drawable package. OpenGL APIs are

2009-12-05 19:43:00 441

转载 The AndroidManifest.xml File

Every application must have an AndroidManifest.xml file (with precisely that name) in its root directory. The manifest presents essential information about the application to the Android system, infor

2009-12-05 19:38:00 1257

转载 Security and Permissions

Android is a multi-process system, in which each application (and parts of the system) runs in its own process. Most security between applications and the system is enforced at the process level throu

2009-12-05 19:37:00 463

转载 Content Providers

Content providers store and retrieve data and make it accessible to all applications. Theyre the only way to share data across applications; theres no common storage area that all Android packages c

2009-12-05 19:36:00 632

转载 Data Storage

A typical desktop operating system provides a common file system that any application can use to store files that can be read by other applications (perhaps with some access control settings). Android

2009-12-05 19:35:00 490

转载 Intents and Intent Filters

Three of the core components of an application — activities, services, and broadcast receivers — are activated through messages, called intents. Intent messaging is a facility for late run-time bindin

2009-12-05 19:34:00 913

转载 Available Resource Types

This page describes the different types of resources that you can externalize from your code and package with your application. For more details on how to use resources in your application, please s

2009-12-05 19:33:00 992

转载 Resources and Internationalization

Resources are external files (that is, non-code files) that are used by your code and compiled into your application at build time. Android supports a number of different kinds of resource files, incl

2009-12-05 19:31:00 478

转载 How android draws views

 When an Activity receives focus, it will be requested to draw its layout. The Android framework will handle the procedure for drawing, but the Activity must provide the root node of its layout hi

2009-11-11 10:39:00 340

转载 Common layout objects

 This section describes some of the more common types of layout objects to use in your applications. Like all layouts, they are subclasses of ViewGroup.Also see the Hello Views tutorials for some

2009-11-11 10:38:00 423

转载 Build custom components

 Android offers a sophisticated and powerful componentized model for building your UI, based on the fundamental layout classes: View and ViewGroup. To start with, the platform includes a variety of

2009-11-11 10:37:00 432

转载 Binding to data with AdapterView

 The AdapterView is a ViewGroup subclass whose child Views are determined by an Adapter that binds to data of some type. AdapterView is useful whenever you need to display stored data (as opposed to

2009-11-11 10:37:00 394

转载 Notifying the user

 Several types of situations may arise that require you to notify the user about an event that occurs in your application. Some events require the user to respond and others do not. For example:

2009-11-11 10:35:00 399

转载 Applying styles and themes

 When designing your application, you can use styles and themes to apply uniform formatting to its various screens and UI elements. A style is a set of one or more formatting attributes that you

2009-11-11 10:35:00 466 1

转载 Handling UI events

 On Android, theres more than one way to intercept the events from a users interaction with your application. When considering events within your user interface, the approach is to capture the eve

2009-11-11 10:34:00 366

转载 Create dialogs

 A dialog is usually a small window that appears in front of the current Activity. The underlying Activity loses focus and the dialog accepts all user interaction. Dialogs are normally used for noti

2009-11-11 10:33:00 408

转载 Create menus

 Menus are an important part of any application. They provide familiar interfaces that reveal application functions and settings. Android offers an easy programming interface for developers to provi

2009-11-11 10:32:00 458

转载 Declare layout

 Your layout is the architecture for the user interface in an Activity. It defines the layout structure and holds all the elements that appear to the user. You can declare your layout in two ways:

2009-11-11 10:30:00 401 1

转载 User Interface

 In an Android application, the user interface is built using View and ViewGroup objects. There are many types of views and view groups, each of which is a descendant of the View class.View object

2009-11-11 10:28:00 335

转载 android guide

Android applications are written in the Java programming language. The compiled Java code — along with any data and resource files required by the application — is bundled by the aapt tool into an And

2009-10-30 13:12:00 541

转载 java程序员面试必备的32个要点

很经典的东西,被转的到处都是, 先写原文: 第一,谈谈final, finally, finalize的区别。  final 用于声明属性,方法和类,分别表示属性不可变,方法不可覆盖,类不可继承。finally是异常处理语句结构的一部分,表示总是执行。finalize是 Object类的一个方法,在垃圾收集器执行的时候会调用被回收对象的此方法,可以覆盖此方法提供垃圾收集时的其他资源回收,例如关闭文

2009-01-12 15:25:00 268



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