//#include "double1.h"头文件
template <class T>
class DoubleNode {
friend Double<T>;
friend DoubleCircular<T>;
friend DoubleCircularIterator<T>;
friend HDoubleCircular<T>;
friend HDoubleCircularIterator<T>;
// private:
T data;
DoubleNode<T> *left, *right;
// doubly linked list
#ifndef Double_
#define Double_
#include <iostream.h>
template<class T>
class Double {
Double() {LeftEnd = RightEnd = 0;}
bool IsEmpty() const {return LeftEnd == 0;}
int Length() const;
bool Find(int k, T& x) const;
int Search(const T& x) const;
Double<T>& Delete(int k, T& x);
Double<T>& Insert(int k, const T& x);
void Output(ostream& out) const;
DoubleNode<T> *LeftEnd, // pointer to leftmost node
*RightEnd; // pointer to rightmost node
template<class T>
{// Double destructor. Delete all nodes.
DoubleNode<T> *curr = LeftEnd, // current node
*next; // next node
while (curr) {
next = curr->right;
delete curr;
curr = next;
template<class T>
int Double<T>::Length() const
{// Return the number of elements in the list.
// count nodes
DoubleNode<T> *curr = LeftEnd;
int len = 0; // number to left of curr
while (curr) {
curr = curr->right;
return len;
template<class T>
bool Double<T>::Find(int k, T& x) const
{// Set x to the k'th element in the list.
// Return false if no k'th; return true otherwise.
if (k < 1 || !LeftEnd) return false;
DoubleNode<T> *curr = LeftEnd;
int index = 1; // index of curr
while (index < k && curr) {
// move to next node
curr = curr->right;
if (index == k) {x = curr->data;
return true;}
return false; // no k'th element
template<class T>
int Double<T>::Search(const T& x) const
{// Locate x. Return position of x if found.
// Return 0 if x not in the chain.
if (!LeftEnd) return 0; // list is empty
// examine nodes
DoubleNode<T> *curr = LeftEnd;
int index = 1; // index of curr
while (curr && curr->data != x) {
// move to next node
curr = curr->right;
if (curr) return index;
return 0;
template<class T>
Double<T>& Double<T>::Delete(int k, T& x)
{// Set x to the k'th element and delete it.
// Throw OutOfBounds exception if no k'th element.
if (k < 1 || !LeftEnd)
throw OutOfBounds(); // no k'th
// p will eventually point to k'th node
DoubleNode<T> *p = LeftEnd;
int index = 1; // index of p
// move p to k'th
for (; index < k && p; index++)
p = p->right;
// make sure p is at the k'th element
if (index != k) throw OutOfBounds(); // no k'th
// remove p from list
if (p == LeftEnd) {
// delete first node
LeftEnd = LeftEnd->right;
if (!LeftEnd) // list is empty
RightEnd = 0;
else // list is not empty
LeftEnd->left = 0;
else if (p == RightEnd) {
// delete last node
RightEnd = RightEnd->left;
RightEnd->right = 0;
else {
// delete an interior node
p->right->left = p->left;
p->left->right = p->right;
// save k'th element and free node p
x = p->data;
delete p;
return *this;
template<class T>
Double<T>& Double<T>::Insert(int k, const T& x)
{// Insert x after the k'th element.
// Throw OutOfBounds exception if no k'th element.
// Pass NoMem exception if inadequate space.
if (k < 0) throw OutOfBounds();
if (k) {// locate k'th node
if (!LeftEnd) throw OutOfBounds(); // empty list
// p will eventually point to k'th node
DoubleNode<T> *p = LeftEnd;
int index = 1;
// move p to k'th
for (; index < k && p; index++)
p = p->right;
if (index != k) throw OutOfBounds(); // no k'th
// insert after p
DoubleNode<T> *y = new DoubleNode<T>;
y->data = x;
y->right = p->right;
p->right = y;
y->left = p;
if (p == RightEnd) // y is now the last node
RightEnd = y;
else // y is not the last node
y->right->left = y;
else {// insert as first element
DoubleNode<T> *y = new DoubleNode<T>;
y->data = x;
if (LeftEnd) {// insert into nonempty list
y->right = LeftEnd;
y->left = 0;
LeftEnd->left = y;
else {// insert into an empty list
LeftEnd = RightEnd = y;
y->left = y->right = 0;
LeftEnd = y;
return *this;
template<class T>
void Double<T>::Output(ostream& out) const
{// Insert the chain elements into the stream out.
for (DoubleNode<T> *curr = LeftEnd;
curr; curr = curr->right)
out << curr->data << " ";
// overload <<
template <class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Double<T>& x)
{x.Output(out); return out;}
// test doubly linked class
#include <iostream.h>
#include "double1.h"
void main(void)
try {
Double<int> L;
cout << "Length = " << L.Length() << endl;
cout << "IsEmpty = " << L.IsEmpty() << endl;
cout << "List is " << L << endl;
cout << "IsEmpty = " << L.IsEmpty() << endl;
int z;
cout << "First element is " << z << endl;
cout << "Eighth element is " << z << endl;
cout << "Fourth element is " << z << endl;
cout << "Length = " << L.Length() << endl;
cout << "8 is in position " << L.Search(8) << endl;
cout << "1 is in position " << L.Search(1) << endl;
cout << "10 is in position " << L.Search(10) << endl;
cout << "6 is in position " << L.Search(6) << endl;
cout << "Deleted element from position 1 is " << z << endl;
cout << "List is " << L << endl;
cout << "Deleted element from position 7 is " << z << endl;
cout << "List is " << L << endl;
cout << "Deleted element from position 3 is " << z << endl;
cout << "List is " << L << endl;
int z1, z2, z3;
cout << "Deleted elements are " << z1
<< " " << z2 << " " << z3 << endl;
cout << "List is " << L << endl;
cout << "Deleted elements are " << z1
<< " " << z2 << endl;
cout << "List is " << L << endl;
cout << "List is " << L << endl;
catch (...) {
cerr << "An exception has occurred" << endl;