
//#include "double1.h"头文件

template <class T>
class DoubleNode {
   friend Double<T>;
   friend DoubleCircular<T>;
   friend DoubleCircularIterator<T>;
   friend HDoubleCircular<T>;
   friend HDoubleCircularIterator<T>;
//   private:
      T data;
      DoubleNode<T> *left, *right;


// doubly linked list

#ifndef Double_
#define Double_

#include <iostream.h>

template<class T>
class Double {
      Double() {LeftEnd = RightEnd = 0;}
      bool IsEmpty() const {return LeftEnd == 0;}
      int Length() const;
      bool Find(int k, T& x) const;
      int Search(const T& x) const;
      Double<T>& Delete(int k, T& x);
      Double<T>& Insert(int k, const T& x);
      void Output(ostream& out) const;
      DoubleNode<T> *LeftEnd,   // pointer to leftmost node
                    *RightEnd;  // pointer to rightmost node

template<class T>
{// Double destructor. Delete all nodes.
   DoubleNode<T> *curr = LeftEnd,  // current node
                 *next;            // next node
   while (curr) {
      next = curr->right;
      delete curr;
      curr = next;

template<class T>
int Double<T>::Length() const
{// Return the number of elements in the list.
   // count nodes
   DoubleNode<T> *curr = LeftEnd;
   int len = 0;  // number to left of curr
   while (curr) {
     curr = curr->right;
   return len;

template<class T>
bool Double<T>::Find(int k, T& x) const
{// Set x to the k'th element in the list.
 // Return false if no k'th; return true otherwise.
   if (k < 1 || !LeftEnd) return false;

   DoubleNode<T> *curr = LeftEnd;
   int index = 1;  // index of curr
   while (index < k && curr) {
      // move to next node
      curr = curr->right;
   if (index == k) {x = curr->data;
                    return true;}
   return false; // no k'th element

template<class T>
int Double<T>::Search(const T& x) const
{// Locate x.  Return position of x if found.
 // Return 0 if x not in the chain.
   if (!LeftEnd) return 0;  // list is empty

   // examine nodes
   DoubleNode<T> *curr = LeftEnd;
   int index = 1;  // index of curr
   while (curr && curr->data != x) {
      // move to next node
      curr = curr->right;
   if (curr) return index;
   return 0;

template<class T>
Double<T>& Double<T>::Delete(int k, T& x)
{// Set x to the k'th element and delete it.
 // Throw OutOfBounds exception if no k'th element.
   if (k < 1 || !LeftEnd)
      throw OutOfBounds(); // no k'th
   // p will eventually point to k'th node
   DoubleNode<T> *p = LeftEnd;
   int index = 1;  // index of p

   // move p to k'th
   for (; index < k && p; index++)
      p = p->right;

   // make sure p is at the k'th element
   if (index != k) throw OutOfBounds(); // no k'th

   // remove p from list
   if (p == LeftEnd) {
      // delete first node
      LeftEnd = LeftEnd->right;
      if (!LeftEnd)  // list is empty
         RightEnd = 0;
      else  // list is not empty
         LeftEnd->left = 0;
   else if (p == RightEnd) {
           // delete last node
           RightEnd = RightEnd->left;
           RightEnd->right = 0;
         else {
            // delete an interior node
            p->right->left = p->left;
            p->left->right = p->right;

   // save k'th element and free node p
   x = p->data;
   delete p;

   return *this;

template<class T>
Double<T>& Double<T>::Insert(int k, const T& x)
{// Insert x after the k'th element.
 // Throw OutOfBounds exception if no k'th element.
 // Pass NoMem exception if inadequate space.
   if (k < 0) throw OutOfBounds();

   if (k) {// locate k'th node
      if (!LeftEnd) throw OutOfBounds();  // empty list

      // p will eventually point to k'th node
      DoubleNode<T> *p = LeftEnd;
      int index = 1;
      // move p to k'th
      for (; index < k && p; index++)
         p = p->right;
      if (index != k) throw OutOfBounds(); // no k'th

      // insert after p
      DoubleNode<T> *y = new DoubleNode<T>;
      y->data = x;
      y->right = p->right;
      p->right = y;
      y->left = p;
      if (p == RightEnd) // y is now the last node
         RightEnd = y;
      else  // y is not the last node
         y->right->left = y;
   else {// insert as first element
         DoubleNode<T> *y = new DoubleNode<T>;
         y->data = x;
         if (LeftEnd) {// insert into nonempty list
            y->right = LeftEnd;
            y->left = 0;
            LeftEnd->left = y;
         else {// insert into an empty list
               LeftEnd = RightEnd = y;
               y->left = y->right = 0;
         LeftEnd = y;

   return *this;

template<class T>
void Double<T>::Output(ostream& out) const
{// Insert the chain elements into the stream out.
   for (DoubleNode<T> *curr = LeftEnd;
        curr; curr = curr->right)
      out << curr->data << "  ";

// overload <<
template <class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Double<T>& x)
   {x.Output(out); return out;}





// test doubly linked class

#include <iostream.h>
#include "double1.h"

void main(void)
   try {
      Double<int> L;
      cout << "Length = " << L.Length() << endl;
      cout << "IsEmpty = " << L.IsEmpty() << endl;
      cout << "List is " << L << endl;
      cout << "IsEmpty = " << L.IsEmpty() << endl;
      int z;
      cout << "First element is " << z << endl;
      cout << "Eighth element is " << z << endl;
      cout << "Fourth element is " << z << endl;
      cout << "Length = " << L.Length() << endl;
      cout << "8 is in position " << L.Search(8) << endl;
      cout << "1 is in position " << L.Search(1) << endl;
      cout << "10 is in position " << L.Search(10) << endl;
      cout << "6 is in position " << L.Search(6) << endl;
      cout << "Deleted element from position 1 is " << z << endl;
      cout << "List is " << L << endl;
      cout << "Deleted element from position 7 is " << z << endl;
      cout << "List is " << L << endl;
      cout << "Deleted element from position 3 is " << z << endl;
      cout << "List is " << L << endl;
      int z1, z2, z3;
      cout << "Deleted elements are " << z1
           << "  " << z2 << "  " << z3 << endl;
      cout << "List is " << L << endl;
      cout << "Deleted elements are " << z1
           << "  " << z2 << endl;
      cout << "List is " << L << endl;
      cout << "List is " << L << endl;
   catch (...) {
      cerr << "An exception has occurred" << endl;








源码,经典。 CARD *myinsert(LCARD *head, LCARD *insert) { LCARD *temp = NULL; if (head==NULL)//表为空 { head = insert; insert->next = insert; insert->prior = insert; } else//表非空 { temp = head; if (head->cardnum>insert->cardnum)//插入到头前边,并且把自己当作头 { head->prior->next = insert; insert->prior = head->prior; insert->next = head; head->prior = insert; head = insert; } if (insert->cardnum0<50)//小于50正向插入 { while ((temp->cardnum<insert->cardnum)&&(temp->next!=head))//循环 { temp = temp->next; } if (temp->cardnum>insert->cardnum)//第一个条件终止的 { temp->prior->next = insert; insert->prior = temp->prior; insert->next = temp; temp->prior = insert; } else//第二个条件终止的 { head->prior->next = insert; insert->prior = head->prior; insert->next = head; head->prior = insert; } } else//大于50反向插入 { while ((temp->cardnum>insert->cardnum)&&(temp->prior!=head))//循环,第二个条件禁止跑飞 { temp = temp->prior; } if (temp->cardnum<insert->cardnum)//只有第一个条件可以终止的 { temp->next->prior = insert; insert->next = temp->next; insert->prior = temp; temp->next = insert; } } } //printf("%d\t%d\n", insert->id, insert->cardnum); return head; } void swap_id(SWID *sw) { LCARD *temp = sw->head; if (sw->head->cardnum==sw->swapcardnum) { printf("out person cardnum=%d\n", sw->head->id); sw->head->id = sw->inID; return ; } if ((sw->swapcardnum0)<50) { while ((temp->cardnum!=sw->swapcardnum)&&(temp->next!=sw->head)) { temp = temp->next; } if (temp->cardnum==sw->swapcardnum) { printf("out person cardnum=%d\n", sw->head->id); temp->id = sw->inID; } } else { while ((temp->cardnum!=sw->swapcardnum)&&(temp->prior!=sw->head)) { temp = temp->prior; } if (temp->cardnum==sw->swapcardnum) { printf("out person cardnum=%d\n", sw->head->id); temp->id = sw->inID; } } } LCARD *mydel(LCARD *head, LCARD *del) { LCARD *temp = NULL; if (head==NULL)//没有表 { printf("there is no card\n"); } else//有表 { if(head->next==head)//表里就有一个节点并且为头结点 { if (head->cardnum==del->cardnum) { free(head); head = NULL; } else { printf("in mydel error\n"); } } else//表里有超过一个的节点 { temp = head; if (del->cardnum0<50)//成立则正向删除 { while ((temp->cardnum!=del->cardnum)&&(temp->next!=head)) { temp = temp->next; } if (temp->cardnum==del->cardnum) { temp->prior->next = temp->next; temp->next->prior = temp->prior; free(temp); } } else//反向删除 { while ((temp->cardnum!=del->cardnum)&&(temp->prior!=head)) { temp = temp->prior; } if (temp->cardnum==del->cardnum) { temp->prior->next = temp->next; temp->next->prior = temp->prior; free(temp); } } } } return head; }




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


