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原创 【UVA11426】GCD - Extreme (II)——欧拉函数

Given the value of N, you will have to find the value of G. The definition of G is given below: G=∑i=1n∑j=i+1nGCD(i,j)G= \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} \sum\limits_{j=i+1}^nGCD(i,j) Here GCD(i, j) means the gr

2016-03-30 18:07:27 855

原创 【UVA11361】Investigating Div-Sum Property——数位DP

An integer is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is also divisible by 3. For example, 3702 is divisible by 3 and 12(3+7+0+2) is also divisible by 3. This property also holds for the integer 9. I

2016-03-28 19:52:17 915 2

原创 【LA3516】Exploring Pyramids——动态规划+乘法原理

Archaeologists have discovered a new set of hidden caves in one of the Egyptian pyramids. The decryption of ancient hieroglyphs on the walls nearby showed that the caves structure is as follows. Ther

2016-03-28 08:21:07 716

原创 【UVA11174】Stand in a Line——逆元+树形Dp

All the people in the byteland want to stand in a line in such a way that no person stands closer to the front of the line than his father. You are given the information about the people of the bytela

2016-03-27 19:53:19 570

原创 【UVA11137】Ingenuous Cubrency——完全背包

题意:给你一个数n,将n分解成若干个正整数的立方之和,问有多少种方式。 分析:将一个数ii的立方数作为一个物品,体积为i3i^3,每一个物品的个数没有限制,转化为完全背包的形式。 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <alg

2016-03-27 17:16:52 455

原创 【UVA11806】Cheerleaders——容斥

题意:给你一个n×mn \times m的矩阵网格和k个人,问有多少种方法使得每一个格子只放一个人,并且第一行,最后一行,第一列,最后一列都有人。 分析:如果没有限制条件,我们知道答案是ans=C(nm,k),但是有限制条件,我们定义A表示第一行没有人,B表示最后一行没有人,C表示第一列没有人,D表示最后一列没有人,我们可以得到答案是ans=ans−A−B−C−D+AB+AC+AD⋯+AB

2016-03-25 19:47:40 574

原创 【PAT天梯赛练习集L2-1】紧急救援——SPFA


2016-03-24 22:02:56 3578

原创 【UVA10325】The Lottery——简单容斥定理

题意:给你一个数组,问[1,n][1,n]中有多少个数不能整除数组的任何一个数 分析:对于这种问题,我们可以求其逆问题,就是在区间[1,n]中存在多少数可以整除数组中的只少一个数 对于a[i],可以整除它的数的数量为Ai=na[i],但是我们不能将每一个数的数量加起来,因为存在重复元素a[i],可以整除它的数的数量为A_i = \frac{n}{a[i]},但是我们不能将每一个数的数

2016-03-24 21:41:38 738

原创 【UVA11401】Triangle Counting——计算方法

题意:从 1,2,3⋯,n1,2,3\cdots ,n中选出三个不同的整数,使它们能够组成三角形,问有多少种方法 分析:设最长的边为xx,另外的两条边为y,z\quad y,z ,所以y+z>x\quad y+z>x,所以z的范围为x>z>x−yx>z>x-y 当y=1时,x>z>x−1显然无解当\quad y =1 时,x>z>x-1\quad 显然无解 当y=2时,x>z>

2016-03-24 20:55:24 853

原创 【UVA11538】Chess Queen——简单组合

题意:给你一个n×mn \times m 的棋盘,在上面放两个皇后,(一黑一白)问有多少种放的方法 分析:皇后的攻击的范围为同一行或者同一列或者在同一对角线,这三种情况没有交集,利用加法原理,对于同一行的放置数目为A(n,m)=n×m×(m−1)A(n,m) = n\times m\times (m-1),同一列的放置为B(m,n)=m×n×(n−1)B(m,n) = m\times n

2016-03-24 19:54:28 749

原创 【Ural1073】 Square Country——完全背包

Time limit: 1.0 second Memory limit: 64 MBThere live square people in a square country. Everything in this country is square also. Thus, the Square Parliament has passed a law about a land. According

2016-03-22 17:37:50 574

原创 【Ural1167】 Bicolored Horses——基础Dp

Time limit: 1.0 second Memory limit: 64 MBEvery day, farmer Ion (this is a Romanian name) takes out all his horses, so they may run and play. When they are done, farmer Ion has to take all the horses

2016-03-22 17:06:00 711

原创 【SDUT2414】An interesting game——最小费用

题目描述 Xiao Ming recently designs a little game, in front of player there are N small hillsides put in order, now Xiao Ming wants to increase some hillsides to block the player, so he prepared another M

2016-03-20 20:52:00 513

原创 【SDUT2416】Fruit Ninja II——积分

Fruit Ninja II题目描述Have you ever played a popular game named “Fruit Ninja”?Fruit Ninja (known as Fruit Ninja HD on the iPad and Fruit Ninja THD for Nvidia Tegra 2 based Android devices) is a video game

2016-03-20 19:58:48 505

原创 【SPOJ375】 Query on a tree——树链剖分

You are given a tree (an acyclic undirected connected graph) with N nodes, and edges numbered 1, 2, 3…N-1.We will ask you to perfrom some instructions of the following form:CHANGE i ti : change the cos

2016-03-20 19:49:56 448

原创 【POJ1204】Word Puzzles——AC自动机

Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 10594 Accepted: 4002 Special Judge DescriptionWord puzzles are usually simple and very entertaining for all ages. They are

2016-03-19 09:29:50 603

原创 【HDU2896】病毒侵袭——AC自动机基础

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem Description当太阳的光辉逐渐被月亮遮蔽,世界失去了光明,大地迎来最黑暗的时刻。。。。在这样的时刻,人们却异常兴奋——我们能在有生之年看到500年一遇的世界奇观,那是多么幸福的事儿啊~~ 但网路上总有那么些网站

2016-03-17 20:55:15 415

原创 【HDU2222】Keywords Search——AC自动机基础

Keywords SearchTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)Problem Description In the modern time, Search engine came into the life of everybody like Google, B

2016-03-17 19:37:57 526

原创 【POJ2750】Potted Flower——线段树

Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K DescriptionThe little cat takes over the management of a new park. There is a large circular statue in the center of the park, surrounded by N pots of flow

2016-03-17 18:19:49 396

原创 【POJ2886】Who Gets the Most Candies?-线段树+反素数

Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 131072K Case Time Limit: 2000MSDescriptionN children are sitting in a circle to play a game. The children are numbered from 1 to N in clockwise order. Each of th

2016-03-05 16:55:16 424

原创 【HDU2255】奔小康赚大钱-KM算法

Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem Description传说在遥远的地方有一个非常富裕的村落,有一天,村长决定进行制度改革:重新分配房子。 这可是一件大事,关系到人民的住房问题啊。村里共有n间房间,刚好有n家老百姓,考虑到每家都要有房住(如果有老百姓没房子

2016-03-04 19:54:34 497

原创 Manthan, Codefest 16 -C. Spy Syndrome 2

time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output After observing the results of Spy Syndrome, Yash realised the errors of his w

2016-03-03 15:42:16 693

原创 Topcoder SRM 683 Div2 B

贪心的题,从左向右推过去即可#include <vector> #include <list> #include <map> #include <set> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <bitset> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <numeric> #include

2016-03-03 15:20:59 589

原创 Topcoder SRM 683 Div2 - C

树形Dp的题,根据题意建树。DP[i][0] 表示以i为根节点的树的包含i的时候的所有状态点数的总和Dp[i][1] 表示包含i结点的状态数目对于一个子节点vDp[i][0] = (Dp[v][1]+1)*Dp[i][0]+Dp[v][0]*Dp[i][1]表示子节点的所有状态与i的所有的状态之间的组合(可以不组合,所以DP[v][1]+1),接下来更新i的状态数目DP[i][1] = Dp[i][

2016-03-03 15:18:21 664

原创 Manthan, Codefest 16 -B. A Trivial Problem

time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Mr. Santa asks all the great programmers of the world to solve a trivial probl

2016-03-02 20:53:12 499

原创 Manthan, Codefest 16 -A Ebony and Ivory

time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Dante is engaged in a fight with “The Savior”. Before he can fight it with his

2016-03-02 20:48:20 389


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