MainLoop.c (4)结构体PGconn 和 PGresult

MainLoop.c 文件中重要的结构体

 * Global psql options

PsqlSettings pset 中的PGconn

 * PGconn stores all the state data associated with a single connection
 * to a backend.
struct pg_conn
	/* Saved values of connection options */
	char	   *pghost;			//服务器主机名称
	char	   *pghostaddr;		//服务器主机IPV4地址
	char	   *pgport;			//与服务器通讯端口
	char	   *pgunixsocket;	/* the Unix-domain socket that the server is
								 * listening on; if NULL, uses a default
								 * constructed from pgport */
	char	   *pgtty;			/* tty on which the backend messages is
								 * displayed (OBSOLETE, NOT USED) */
	char	   *connect_timeout;	//超时时间
	char	   *client_encoding_initial;		/* encoding to use */
	char	   *pgoptions;		/* options to start the backend with */
	char	   *appname;		/* application name */
	char	   *fbappname;		/* fallback application name */
	char	   *dbName;			/* database name */
	char	   *replication;	/* connect as the replication standby? */
	char	   *pguser;			/* Postgres username and password, if any */
	char	   *pgpass;
	char	   *keepalives;		/* use TCP keepalives? */
	char	   *keepalives_idle;	/* time between TCP keepalives */
	char	   *keepalives_interval;	/* time between TCP keepalive
										 * retransmits */
	char	   *keepalives_count;		/* maximum number of TCP keepalive
										 * retransmits */
	char	   *sslmode;		/* SSL mode (require,prefer,allow,disable) */
	char	   *sslkey;			/* client key filename */
	char	   *sslcert;		/* client certificate filename */
	char	   *sslrootcert;	/* root certificate filename */
	char	   *sslcrl;			/* certificate revocation list filename */
	char	   *requirepeer;	/* required peer credentials for local sockets */

#if defined(KRB5) || defined(ENABLE_GSS) || defined(ENABLE_SSPI)
	char	   *krbsrvname;		/* Kerberos service name */

	/* Optional file to write trace info to */
	FILE	   *Pfdebug;

	/* Callback procedures for notice message processing */
	PGNoticeHooks noticeHooks;

	/* Event procs registered via PQregisterEventProc */
	PGEvent    *events;			/* expandable array of event data */
	int			nEvents;		/* number of active events */
	int			eventArraySize; /* allocated array size */

	/* Status indicators */
	ConnStatusType status;
	PGAsyncStatusType asyncStatus;
	PGTransactionStatusType xactStatus; /* never changes to ACTIVE */
	PGQueryClass queryclass;
	char	   *last_query;		/* last SQL command, or NULL if unknown */
	char		last_sqlstate[6];		/* last reported SQLSTATE */
	bool		options_valid;	/* true if OK to attempt connection */
	bool		nonblocking;	/* whether this connection is using nonblock
								 * sending semantics */
	char		copy_is_binary; /* 1 = copy binary, 0 = copy text */
	int			copy_already_done;		/* # bytes already returned in COPY
										 * OUT */
	PGnotify   *notifyHead;		/* oldest unreported Notify msg */
	PGnotify   *notifyTail;		/* newest unreported Notify msg */

	/* Connection data */
	int			sock;			/* Unix FD for socket, -1 if not connected */
	SockAddr	laddr;			/* Local address */
	SockAddr	raddr;			/* Remote address */
	ProtocolVersion pversion;	/* FE/BE protocol version in use */
	int			sversion;		/* server version, e.g. 70401 for 7.4.1 */
	bool		auth_req_received;		/* true if any type of auth req
										 * received */
	bool		password_needed;	/* true if server demanded a password */
	bool		dot_pgpass_used;	/* true if used .pgpass */
	bool		sigpipe_so;		/* have we masked SIGPIPE via SO_NOSIGPIPE? */
	bool		sigpipe_flag;	/* can we mask SIGPIPE via MSG_NOSIGNAL? */

	/* Transient state needed while establishing connection */
	struct addrinfo *addrlist;	/* list of possible backend addresses */
	struct addrinfo *addr_cur;	/* the one currently being tried */
	int			addrlist_family;	/* needed to know how to free addrlist */
	PGSetenvStatusType setenv_state;	/* for 2.0 protocol only */
	const PQEnvironmentOption *next_eo;
	bool		send_appname;	/* okay to send application_name? */

	/* Miscellaneous stuff */
	int			be_pid;			/* PID of backend --- needed for cancels */
	int			be_key;			/* key of backend --- needed for cancels */
	char		md5Salt[4];		/* password salt received from backend */
	pgParameterStatus *pstatus; /* ParameterStatus data */
	int			client_encoding;	/* encoding id */
	bool		std_strings;	/* standard_conforming_strings */
	PGVerbosity verbosity;		/* error/notice message verbosity */
	PGlobjfuncs *lobjfuncs;		/* private state for large-object access fns */

	/* Buffer for data received from backend and not yet processed */
	char	   *inBuffer;		/* currently allocated buffer */
	int			inBufSize;		/* allocated size of buffer */
	int			inStart;		/* offset to first unconsumed data in buffer */
	int			inCursor;		/* next byte to tentatively consume */
	int			inEnd;			/* offset to first position after avail data */

	/* Buffer for data not yet sent to backend */
	char	   *outBuffer;		/* currently allocated buffer */
	int			outBufSize;		/* allocated size of buffer */
	int			outCount;		/* number of chars waiting in buffer */

	/* State for constructing messages in outBuffer */
	int			outMsgStart;	/* offset to msg start (length word); if -1,
								 * msg has no length word */
	int			outMsgEnd;		/* offset to msg end (so far) */

	/* Status for asynchronous result construction */
	PGresult   *result;			/* result being constructed */
	PGresAttValue *curTuple;	/* tuple currently being read */

#ifdef USE_SSL
	bool		allow_ssl_try;	/* Allowed to try SSL negotiation */
	bool		wait_ssl_try;	/* Delay SSL negotiation until after
								 * attempting normal connection */
	SSL		   *ssl;			/* SSL status, if have SSL connection */
	X509	   *peer;			/* X509 cert of server */
	ENGINE	   *engine;			/* SSL engine, if any */
	void	   *engine;			/* dummy field to keep struct the same if
								 * OpenSSL version changes */
#endif   /* USE_SSL */

	gss_ctx_id_t gctx;			/* GSS context */
	gss_name_t	gtarg_nam;		/* GSS target name */
	gss_buffer_desc ginbuf;		/* GSS input token */
	gss_buffer_desc goutbuf;	/* GSS output token */

#ifndef ENABLE_GSS
	gss_buffer_desc ginbuf;		/* GSS input token */
	char	   *gsslib;			/* What GSS librart to use ("gssapi" or
								 * "sspi") */
	CredHandle *sspicred;		/* SSPI credentials handle */
	CtxtHandle *sspictx;		/* SSPI context */
	char	   *sspitarget;		/* SSPI target name */
	int			usesspi;		/* Indicate if SSPI is in use on the
								 * connection */

	/* Buffer for current error message */
	PQExpBufferData errorMessage;		//错误信息缓存

	/* Buffer for receiving various parts of messages */
	PQExpBufferData workBuffer; //工作缓存

SendQuery函数中的PGresult   *results 

struct pg_result
	int			ntups;
	int			numAttributes;
	PGresAttDesc *attDescs;
	PGresAttValue **tuples;		/* each PGresTuple is an array of
								 * PGresAttValue's */
	int			tupArrSize;		/* allocated size of tuples array */
	int			numParameters;
	PGresParamDesc *paramDescs;
	ExecStatusType resultStatus;
	char		cmdStatus[CMDSTATUS_LEN];		/* cmd status from the query */
	int			binary;			/* binary tuple values if binary == 1,
								 * otherwise text */

	 * These fields are copied from the originating PGconn, so that operations
	 * on the PGresult don't have to reference the PGconn.
	PGNoticeHooks noticeHooks;
	PGEvent    *events;
	int			nEvents;
	int			client_encoding;	/* encoding id */

	 * Error information (all NULL if not an error result).  errMsg is the
	 * "overall" error message returned by PQresultErrorMessage.  If we have
	 * per-field info then it is stored in a linked list.
	char	   *errMsg;			/* error message, or NULL if no error */
	PGMessageField *errFields;	/* message broken into fields */

	/* All NULL attributes in the query result point to this null string */
	char		null_field[1];

	 * Space management information.  Note that attDescs and error stuff, if
	 * not null, point into allocated blocks.  But tuples points to a
	 * separately malloc'd block, so that we can realloc it.
	PGresult_data *curBlock;	/* most recently allocated block */
	int			curOffset;		/* start offset of free space in block */
	int			spaceLeft;		/* number of free bytes remaining in block */





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