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125条常见的java面试笔试题大汇总, 125条常见的java面试笔试题大汇总 ,125条常见的java面试笔试题大汇总



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深入 HashCode 方法~

深入 HashCode 方法~~~~~


Java 多线程编程中的设计模式~

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Java Examples in a Nutshell

反正让我受益匪浅~!<br> Copyright <br> Preface <br> New in This Edition <br> Java Examples Online <br> Related Books from O'Reilly <br> Conventions Used in This Book <br> Request for Comments <br> Acknowledgments <br> <br> Part I: Learning Java <br> Chapter 1. Java Basics <br> Section 1.1. Hello World <br> Section 1.2. FizzBuzz <br> Section 1.3. The Fibonacci Series <br> Section 1.4. Using Command-Line Arguments <br> Section 1.5. Echo in Reverse <br> Section 1.6. FizzBuzz Switched <br> Section 1.7. Computing Factorials <br> Section 1.8. Recursive Factorials <br> Section 1.9. Caching Factorials <br> Section 1.10. Computing Big Factorials <br> Section 1.11. Handling Exceptions <br> Section 1.12. Interactive Input <br> Section 1.13. Using a StringBuffer <br> Section 1.14. Sorting Numbers <br> Section 1.15. Computing Primes <br> Section 1.16. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 2. Objects, Classes, and Interfaces <br> Section 2.1. A Rectangle Class <br> Section 2.2. Testing the Rect Class <br> Section 2.3. A Rect Subclass <br> Section 2.4. Another Subclass <br> Section 2.5. Complex Numbers <br> Section 2.6. Computing Statistics <br> Section 2.7. An Integer List <br> Section 2.8. Tokenizing Text <br> Section 2.9. Exercises <br> <br> <br> Part II: Core Java APIs <br> Chapter 3. Input/Output <br> Section 3.1. Files and Streams <br> Section 3.2. Working with Files <br> Section 3.3. Copying File Contents <br> Section 3.4. Reading and Displaying Text Files <br> Section 3.5. Listing Directory and File Information <br> Section 3.6. Compressing Files and Directories <br> Section 3.7. Filtering Character Streams <br> Section 3.8. Tokenizing a Character Stream <br> Section 3.9. Random Access to Files <br> Section 3.10. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 4. Threads <br> Section 4.1. Thread Basics <br> Section 4.2. Thread-Safe Classes <br> Section 4.3. Threads and Thread Groups <br> Section 4.4. Deadlock <br> Section 4.5. Timers <br> Section 4.6. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 5. Networking <br> Section 5.1. Downloading the Contents of a URL <br> Section 5.2. Using a URLConnection <br> Section 5.3. Sending Email Through a URLConnection <br> Section 5.4. A Simple Network Client <br> Section 5.5. A Generic Client <br> Section 5.6. An HTTP Client <br> Section 5.7. A POP Client <br> Section 5.8. A Simple Web Server <br> Section 5.9. A Proxy Server <br> Section 5.10. A Generic Multithreaded Server <br> Section 5.11. Sending Datagrams <br> Section 5.12. Receiving Datagrams <br> Section 5.13. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 6. New I/O <br> Section 6.1. Locking Files <br> Section 6.2. Copying Files <br> Section 6.3. Regular Expressions and Character Decoding <br> Section 6.4. File Copying with Buffers <br> Section 6.5. Advanced Byte-to-Character Conversion <br> Section 6.6. Tokenizing Byte Buffers <br> Section 6.7. A Simple HTTP Client <br> Section 6.8. The Daytime Service <br> Section 6.9. A Multiplexed Server <br> Section 6.10. A Multiplexed Network Client <br> Section 6.11. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 7. Security and Cryptography <br> Section 7.1. Running Untrusted Code <br> Section 7.2. Loading Untrusted Code <br> Section 7.3. Message Digests and Digital Signatures <br> Section 7.4. Cryptography <br> Section 7.5. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 8. Internationalization <br> Section 8.1. A Word About Locales <br> Section 8.2. Unicode <br> Section 8.3. Character Encodings <br> Section 8.4. Handling Local Customs <br> Section 8.5. Localizing User-Visible Messages <br> Section 8.6. Formatted Messages <br> Section 8.7. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 9. Reflection <br> Section 9.1. Obtaining Class and Member Information <br> Section 9.2. Invoking a Named Method <br> Section 9.3. Proxy Objects <br> Section 9.4. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 10. Object Serialization <br> Section 10.1. Simple Serialization <br> Section 10.2. Custom Serialization <br> Section 10.3. Externalizable Classes <br> Section 10.4. Serialization and Class Versioning <br> Section 10.5. Exercises <br> <br> <br> Part III: Desktop Java APIs <br> Chapter 11. Graphical User Interfaces <br> Section 11.1. Components <br> Section 11.2. Containers <br> Section 11.3. Layout Management <br> Section 11.4. Event Handling <br> Section 11.5. A Complete GUI <br> Section 11.6. Actions and Reflection <br> Section 11.7. Custom Dialogs <br> Section 11.8. An Error Handler Dialog <br> Section 11.9. Displaying Tables <br> Section 11.10. Displaying Trees <br> Section 11.11. A Simple Web Browser <br> Section 11.12. Describing GUIs with Properties <br> Section 11.13. Themes and the Metal Look-and-Feel <br> Section 11.14. Look-and-Feel Preferences <br> Section 11.15. The ShowBean Program <br> Section 11.16. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 12. Graphics <br> Section 12.1. Graphics Before Java 1.2 <br> Section 12.2. The Java 2D API <br> Section 12.3. Drawing and Filling Shapes <br> Section 12.4. Transforms <br> Section 12.5. Line Styles with BasicStroke <br> Section 12.6. Stroking Lines <br> Section 12.7. Filling Shapes with Paint <br> Section 12.8. Antialiasing <br> Section 12.9. Combining Colors with AlphaComposite <br> Section 12.10. Image Processing <br> Section 12.11. Image I/O <br> Section 12.12. Custom Shapes <br> Section 12.13. Custom Strokes <br> Section 12.14. Custom Paint <br> Section 12.15. Advanced Animation <br> Section 12.16. Displaying Graphics Examples <br> Section 12.17. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 13. Printing <br> Section 13.1. Printing with the Java 1.1 API <br> Section 13.2. Printing with the Java 1.2 API <br> Section 13.3. Printing with the Java 1.4 API <br> Section 13.4. Printing Multipage Text Documents <br> Section 13.5. Advanced Printing with Java 1.4 <br> Section 13.6. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 14. Data Transfer <br> Section 14.1. Simple Swing Data Transfer <br> Section 14.2. A Clock with Drag and Copy Support <br> Section 14.3. Data Transfer Architecture <br> Section 14.4. Dropping Multiple Datatypes <br> Section 14.5. A Transferable Shape <br> Section 14.6. Custom Data Transfer <br> Section 14.7. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 15. JavaBeans <br> Section 15.1. Bean Basics <br> Section 15.2. A Simple Bean <br> Section 15.3. A More Complex Bean <br> Section 15.4. Custom Events <br> Section 15.5. Specifying Bean Information <br> Section 15.6. Defining a Simple Property Editor <br> Section 15.7. Defining a Complex Property Editor <br> Section 15.8. Defining a Bean Customizer <br> Section 15.9. Manipulating Beans <br> Section 15.10. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 16. Applets <br> Section 16.1. Introduction to Applets <br> Section 16.2. A First Applet <br> Section 16.3. A Clock Applet <br> Section 16.4. A Timer Applet <br> Section 16.5. Applets and the Java 1.0 Event Model <br> Section 16.6. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 17. Sound <br> Section 17.1. Ringing the Bell <br> Section 17.2. Swing Aural Cues <br> Section 17.3. Playing Sounds with AudioClip <br> Section 17.4. Playing Sounds with javax.sound <br> Section 17.5. Streaming Sounds with javax.sound <br> Section 17.6. Synthesizing a MIDI Sequence <br> Section 17.7. Real-Time MIDI Sounds <br> Section 17.8. Exercises <br> <br> <br> Part IV: Enterprise Java APIs <br> Chapter 18. Database Access with SQL <br> Section 18.1. Accessing a Database <br> Section 18.2. Using Database Metadata <br> Section 18.3. Building a Database <br> Section 18.4. Using the API Database <br> Section 18.5. Atomic Transactions <br> Section 18.6. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 19. XML <br> Section 19.1. Parsing with JAXP and SAX <br> Section 19.2. Parsing and Manipulating with JAXP and DOM <br> Section 19.3. Transforming XML with XSLT <br> Section 19.4. An XML Pull Parser <br> Section 19.5. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 20. Servlets and JavaServer Pages <br> Section 20.1. Servlet Setup <br> Section 20.2. A Hello World Servlet <br> Section 20.3. Another Simple Servlet <br> Section 20.4. Servlet Initialization and Persistence: A Counter Servlet <br> Section 20.5. Hello JSP <br> Section 20.6. Hello JSP2 <br> Section 20.7. Hello XML <br> Section 20.8. The MVC Paradigm for Web Applications <br> Section 20.9. ListManager Model Classes <br> Section 20.10. ListManager Controller <br> Section 20.11. ListManager Views <br> Section 20.12. Custom Tags in JSP 2.0 <br> Section 20.13. Packaging a Web Application <br> Section 20.14. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 21. Remote Method Invocation <br> Section 21.1. Remote Banking <br> Section 21.2. A Bank Server <br> Section 21.3. A Persistent Bank Server <br> Section 21.4. A Multiuser Domain <br> Section 21.5. Remote MUD Interfaces <br> Section 21.6. The MUD Server <br> Section 21.7. The MudPlace Class <br> Section 21.8. The MudPerson Class <br> Section 21.9. A MUD Client <br> Section 21.10. Advanced RMI <br> Section 21.11. Exercises <br> <br> Chapter 22. Example Index <br> Section 22.1. Symbols <br> Section 22.2. A <br> Section 22.3. B <br> Section 22.4. C <br> Section 22.5. D <br> Section 22.6. E <br> Section 22.7. F <br> Section 22.8. G <br> Section 22.9. H <br> Section 22.10. I <br> Section 22.11. J <br> Section 22.12. K <br> Section 22.13. L <br> Section 22.14. M <br> Section 22.15. N <br> Section 22.16. O <br> Section 22.17. P <br> Section 22.18. Q <br> Section 22.19. R <br> Section 22.20. S <br> Section 22.21. T <br> Section 22.22. U <br> Section 22.23. V <br> Section 22.24. W <br> Section 22.25. X <br> Section 22.26. Y <br> Section 22.27. Z <br> <br> <br> Colophon <br> Index <br>






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