C++0X Basic Knowledge


Moving semantics

C++ has supported copying object,but it is less efficient when a large object is copying. So C++0x adds supportfor move object state:

Widget   w1;
Widget   w2(w1); //copy w1 to w2
Widget   w3;
Widget   w4(std::move(w3)); //move w3 to w4, and w3 w4 point to the same object.
Typedef vector<T> Vec;
Vec   createVec();
Vec   tv = createVec(); //implicit move request in C++0x

Rvalue Reference

Syntax: T&&

As always:

                Lvaluesmay bind to lvalue references

                Rvaluesmay bind to lvalue references to const

In addition:

                Rvaluesmay bind to rvalue references to non-const

                Lvaluesmay not bind to rvalue references

class Widget {
Widget(const Widget&);	 // copy constructor
Widget(Widget&&); 	// move constuctor
Widget& operator=(const Widget&); // copy assignment op
Widget& operator=(Widget&&); 	// move assignment op
Widget createWidget(); 	// factory function
Widget w1;
Widget w2 = w1; 		// lvalue src ⇒ copy req’d
w2 = createWidget(); 	// rvalue src ⇒ move okay
w1 = w2; 		// lvalue src ⇒ copy req’d

class Widget {
Widget(Widget&& rhs): pds(rhs.pds) // take source’s value
{ rhs.pds = nullptr; } 		// leave source in valid state
Widget& operator=(Widget&& rhs)
	if (this == &rhs) return *this;
delete pds;	 // get rid of current value
pds = rhs.pds;	 // take source’s value
rhs.pds = nullptr;	 // leave source in valid state
return *this;
struct DataStructure;
DataStructure *pds;

Explicit Move Request
class WidgetBase { … };
class Widget: public WidgetBase {
Widget(Widget&& rhs) // move constructor
: WidgetBase(std::move(rhs)), // request move
s(std::move(rhs.s)) // request move
{ … }
Widget& operator=(Widget&& rhs) // move assignment
WidgetBase::operator=(std::move(rhs)); // request move
s = std::move(rhs.s); // request move
return *this;

New Container

·        Unordered_map

         map -> log(n) insertion, retrieval, iteration is efficient (and ordered by keycomparison).

         unordered_map-> constant time insertion and retrieval, iteration time is not guarantee tobe efficient.

·        array

·        forward_list

·        unordered_set

·        unordered_multiset

·        unordered_multimap

Lambda Expression 

It is also called anonymousfunction, and a function defined, and possibly called without being bound to anidentifier.


[](int x, int y) { return x + y; } // implicit return type from 'return' statement
[](int& x) { ++x; }   // no return statement -> lambda functions' return type is 'void'
[]() { ++global_x; }  // no parameters, just accessing a global variable
[]{ ++global_x; }     // the same, so () can be omitted

A lambda function can refer to identifiers declared outside thelambda function. The set of these variables is commonly called a closure. Closures are defined between square brackets [ and ] in the declaration of lambda expression. The mechanismallows these variables to be captured by value or by reference. The followingtable demonstrates this:

[]        //no variables defined. Attempting to use any external variables in the lambda is an error.
[x, &y]   //x is captured by value, y is captured by reference
[&]       //any external variable is implicitly captured by reference if used
[=]       //any external variable is implicitly captured by value if used
[&, x]    //x is explicitly captured by value. Other variables will be captured by reference
[=, &z]   //z is explicitly captured by reference. Other variables will be captured by value

Lambda functions are function objects of animplementation-dependent type; this type's name is only available to thecompiler. If the user wishes to take a lambda function as a parameter, the typemust be a template type, or they must create a std::function or a similar object to capture the lambda value. The use ofthe auto keyword can help store the lambdafunction,

auto my_lambda_func = [&](int x) { /*...*/ };
auto my_onheap_lambda_func = new auto([=](int x) { /*...*/ });
double eval(std::function<double(double)> f, double x = 2.0){return f(x);}
int main(){
   std::function<double(double)> f0    = [](double x){return 1;};
   auto                          f1    = [](double x){return x;};
   decltype(f0)                  fa[3] = {f0,f1,[](double x){return x*x;}};
   std::vector<decltype(f0)>     fv    = {f0,f1};
   fv.push_back                  ([](double x){return x*x;});
   for(int i=0;i<fv.size();i++)  std::cout << fv[i](2.0) << "\n";
   for(int i=0;i<3;i++)          std::cout << fa[i](2.0) << "\n";
   for(auto &f : fv)             std::cout << f(2.0) << "\n";
   for(auto &f : fa)             std::cout << f(2.0) << "\n";

Improving Performance of std::function


std::count_if(v.begin(), v.end(),std::cref([n](int i){return i%n == 0;}));


The templatefunction async runs the function f asynchronously (potentially in aseparate thread) and returns a std::future that will eventually hold theresult of that function call.

template <typename RAIter>
int parallel_sum(RAIter beg, RAIter end){
    typename RAIter::difference_type len = end-beg;
    if(len < 1000)
        return std::accumulate(beg, end, 0);
    RAIter mid = beg + len/2;
    auto handle = std::async(std::launch::async, parallel_sum<RAIter>, mid, end);
    int sum = parallel_sum(beg, mid);
    return sum + handle.get();

§  If the async flag isset (i.e. policy & std::launch::async != 0), then async spawns a new thread of executionas if by std::thread(f, args...), except that if the function f returns a value or throws anexception, it is stored in the shared state accessible through the std::future that async returns to the caller.

§  If the deferred flagis set (i.e. policy & std::launch::deferred != 0), then async converts args... the same way as by std::thread constructor, but does not spawn anew thread of execution. Instead, lazy evaluation isperformed: the first call to a non-timed wait function on the std::future that async returned to the caller will cause f(args...) to be executed in the currentthread. All further accesses to the same std::future will return the resultimmediately.

Smart Pointer




Regular Expression 

To be continue....





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