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AS(G)070YTA12R 数据手册

AS(G)070YTA12R 数据手册,AS070YTA12R,AG070YTA12R 7.0 英寸 800x480 分辨率 65K 色 真彩显示 串口指令屏 AGUS



Building Automation / Access Control ⚫ Smart home appliances ⚫ Medical/Health Care ⚫ Industrial Automation Systems ⚫ Point Of Sale system (POS) ⚫ Auto electronic


The QNX® Neutrino® Cookbook Recipes for Programmers

he QNX Neutrino Cookbook: Recipes for Programmers provides “recipes” that will help you understand how to design and write programs that run on the QNX Neutrino RTOS. There's a separate archive of the source code for the programs that the book describes.


Screen Graphics Subsystem Developer's Guide

Screen Graphics Subsystem is a compositing windowing system that can composite graphics from several different rendering technologies. Screen allows developers to create specific vertical applications using industry-standard tools in a UI development environment. UI technologies that Screen can combine include HTML5, Elektrobit GUIDE, Crank Storyboard, Qt, and native (e.g., OpenGL ES) code.


10 Steps to Developing a QNX Program Quickstart Guide

QNX SDP 6.6.0 BSPs describes what's new with the QNX SDP 6.6.0 BSPs in 10 Steps to Developing a QNX Program Quickstart Guide


QNX Persistent Publish/Subscribe Developer's Guide

The QNX Neutrino PPS Developer's Guide includes: • QNX Neutrino PPS service (p. 11) — an introduction to the Persistent Publish/Subscribe service, and how to run it • Objects and their attributes (p. 13) — a description of the PPS service's objects and their attributes • Persistence (p. 19) — how PPS manages persistence • Publishing (p. 25) — how to publish to PPS • Subscribing (p. 29) — how to subscribe to PPS • Working with server objects (p. 53) — how to use the special ?server PPS objects • Options and qualifiers (p. 39) — pathname open options, and object and attribute qualifiers • PPS encoding and decoding API (p. 55) — a description of the publicly visible PPS encoding and decoding API functions and data types


QNX® Neutrino® RTOS Writing a Resource Manager

This guide will help you create a resource manager, a process that registers a name in the filesystem name space, which other processes then use to communicate with the resource manager.



The System Architecture guide accompanies the QNX Neutrino RTOS and is intended for both application developers and end-users. This guide describes the philosophy of QNX Neutrino and the architecture used to robustly implement the OS. It covers message-passing services, followed by the details of the microkernel, the process manager, resource managers, and other aspects of the OS.



The QNX Neutrino Programmer's Guide is intended for developers who are building applications that will run under the QNX Neutrino RTOS.


Building Embedded Systems

The Building Embedded Systems guide is intended for developers who are building embedded systems that will run under the QNX Neutrino RTOS.


QNX® Neutrino® OS Audio Developer's Guide

The Audio Developer's Guide is intended for developers who wish to write audio applications using the QNX Sound Architecture (QSA) drivers and library.


QDB Developer's Guide

The QNX Database (QDB) Developer's Guide accompanies the QDB database server and is intended for application developers.


Adaptive Partitioning User's Guide

The Adaptive Partitioning User's Guide will help you configure adaptive partitioning to divide system resources between competing processes.


OpenWF Display Configuration Developer's Guide: Modifying the Wfdcfg library

If you are integrating a new display, you must configure and provide the parameters of your display based on its specifications via the OpenWF Display Configuration API (Wfdcfg Library).


Multicore Processing User's Guide

The Multicore Processing User's Guide describes how you can use symmetric multiprocessing to get the most performance possible out of a multiprocessor system. It also describes how to use bound multiprocessing to restrict which processors a thread can run on.


Instant Device Activation User's Guide

The Instant Device Activation User's Guide will help you set up a “minidriver” to start devices quickly when the system boots. This guide is intended for software developers who want to develop instant device activation code.


i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide

This document’s purpose is to help software engineers create board bring up and test code for their own custom boards based on the i.MX 6 series of application processors. It provides example driver code that demonstrates the proper initialization, boot up and basic I/O operation of i.MX 6 peripherals and controllers. This code can be implemented into test suites or boot code to help ensure proper board functionality. Engineers are expected to have a working understanding of the ARM processor programming model, the C programming language, tools such as compilers and assemblers, and program build tools such as MAKE. Familiarity with the use of commonly available hardware test and debug tools such as oscilloscopes and logic analyzers is assumed. An understanding of the architecture of the i.MX 6 series of application processors is also assumed. This guide is released along with the i.MX 6 series Platform SDK release package, which consists of a working set of sample drivers and test code for customer reference and use. The README.pdf document in the package describes how to build and run the drivers and the test code.


QNX® Momentics® Tool Suite Integrated Development Environment User's Guide

ou can use the QNX Momentics IDE to build your QNX Neutrino-based systems. Once you understand the basic concepts, you can set up your projects, write code, debug, test, and fine-tune your project.


High Availability Framework Developer's Guide

The High Availability Framework Developer's Guide describes how to build robust high-availability software running on the QNX Neutrino RTOS.


Glview Library Reference

The glview library allows you to more easily develop apps with OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0. This header file provides all the functions used by libglview. The purpose of this library is to simplify development when you want to use OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0 for rendering graphics in apps.


Get Programming with the QNX® Neutrino® RTOS

Get Programming with the QNX Neutrino RTOS is intended to introduce realtime programmers to the QNX Neutrino RTOS and help them develop applications and resource managers for it.


Gestures Library Reference

he Gestures library provides gesture recognizers to detect gestures through touch events that occur when you place one or more fingers on a touch screen.


Device Publishers Developer's Guide

The Device Publishers Developer's Guide is aimed at developers who write applications that read device information through the Presistent Publish/Subscribe (PPS) service. This guide describes the contents of all PPS objects created and used by device publishers and also lists the command options you can set when restarting the publishers.


Core Networking Stack User's Guide

This guide introduces you to the QNX Neutrino Core Networking stack and its manager, io-pkt. The following table may help you find information quickly in this guide: For information on: Go to: io-pkt and its architecture Overview (p. 9) Examining and modifying packets, and creating a firewall Packet Filtering (p. 21) Setting up secure connections IP Security and Hardware Encryption (p. 29) 802.11 a/b/g (Wi-Fi) Wi-Fi Configuration Using WPA and WEP (p. 37) io-pkt and Qnet Transparent Distributed Processing (p. 65) Support for different types of network drivers Network Drivers (p. 67) Related utilities, etc. Utilities, Managers, and Configuration Files (p. 81) How to write your own network driver Writing Network Drivers for io-pkt (p. 83) Sample code for the above A Hardware-Independent Sample Driver: sam.c (p. 95) More information about writing a network driver Additional Information (p. 103) Terms used in this document Glossary


BSP User Guide Freescale i.MX6x SABRE Smart Device

BSP User Guide: Freescale i.MX6x SABRE Smart Devices contains installation and start-up instructions for the QNX Board Support Package (BSP) for the Freescale i.MX6x SABRE Smart Devices boards. This BSP is valid for Freescale i.MX6x SABRE Smart Devices boards with Quad, Dual, DualLite or Solo processors. For convenience, in this document we may sometimes just use “SABRE” to denote these boards.


Quickstart Guide

QNX Quickstart Guide,his guide will help you install and configure the QNX Software Development Platform, which includes the QNX Neutrino RTOS and the QNX Momentics Tool Suite, so you can start developing right away! 1. Requirements (p. 4) 2. Installing QNX SDP on the development host (p. 6) 3. Installing the QNX Neutrino RTOS on the target system (p. 7) 4. Networking with the QNX Neutrino RTOS (p. 8) 5. Creating a program project (p. 9) 6. Communicating with the QNX Neutrino RTOS (p. 12) 7. Compiling and linking (p. 14) 8. Preparing to launch the program (p. 17) 9. Starting and debugging (p. 19) 10. Making the program your own (p. 22)



USBCAN-I intelligent module integrates one isolate CAN-bus interface. With USB interface, it can transfer data between PC and CAN-bus. The CAN-bus interfaces accord with the CAN Specification 2.0A/B, and it supports the any baud rate from 5Kbps to 1Mbps. It has perfect protection function and high reliability as a CAN-bus node.



CANalyst-II使用手册主要介绍了 can 通信的分析,端子介绍,以及连接使用方法!


Source_Insight_3.5 代码浏览工具

Source_Insight_3.5 代码浏览工具,很好的vc代码浏览工具。






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