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转载 ubuntu初始root密码问题

Ubuntu 安装后,root 用户默认是被锁定的,无法登录。Ubuntu 默认的 root 密码是动态的,您的系统每次启动后都是不一样的,那么要使用 root 权限登录桌面首先要设置一个固定的密码,设置的方法非常简单:    您只要使用以下命令来激活 Ubuntu 的 root 系统管理员帐号:$ sudo passwd[sudo] password for username:

2012-02-08 16:27:06 596

原创 XAMPP中的apache无法启动的解决方法

首先说下现象,运行xampp之后,启动apache,并没有出现预期的Running浅绿色状态标志,下面的消息框显示:Busy...Apache started [Port 80]网上的解决方法都说是80端口被占用了,但查询端口使用情况发现80端口并未被使用。后来查到说是跟443端口有关系,查看端口使用,果然443端口已被占用,占用的是一个服务进程Vmwarehosted。关掉该服务

2011-11-24 17:29:44 913

原创 PHP学习笔记

1、单引号和双引号的区别2、PHP 时区系统默认时区是UTC(php.ini默认配置),而中国时区为UTC+8,所以使用date()获取的时间要慢8个小时,修改php.ini配置即可[Date]date.timezone = "Asia/Shanghai"da

2011-09-18 10:59:27 511

原创 去除PDF水印的超简单方法

前提:pdf必须是非影印版,即是由文本格式转过来的pdf工具:Adobe Acrobat X version 10.1.0步骤:打开需要去水印的pdf,选择【view】->【tools】->【pages】,右边会出现一个pages选项卡,找到Edit Page Desig

2011-08-22 13:43:35 1325

原创 MFC里面的CString类竟然没有Split函数,不能忍受,自己写一个

<br />用过Java的同学应该知道,String.Split()函数是多么的好用,但今天写MFC程序的时候突然要用到该功能函数,但苦苦搜寻msdn没有找到类似的函数。没办法,自己写个<br /> <br />CStringArray* Split(CString str, char ch){ // 去掉两边的ch str.TrimLeft(ch); str.TrimRight(ch); int nStart = 0; int nLastStart = 0; CS

2011-04-30 18:42:00 997

原创 Web容器&Servlet 笔记

<br />Web容器会为每个请求创建一个线程,当一个Servlet实例服务多个请求时,就相当于Servlet被多个线程共同访问,所以要注意线程安全(Thread-safe)的问题。例如,在Servlet中有类变量(Class Variable)时就要特别注意,并非不可以在Servlet中定义类变量,基本上建议Servlet中的类变量在服务请求时,最好作为常数或只读对象使用应该避免在服务请求时对类变量设值,如果真要对类变量设值,记得处理同步化,但也要注意性能的问题。<br /> <br />在客户端只针对格

2011-04-30 16:08:00 614

原创 Eclipse没有Software updates选项的解决办法

可能有的版本默认没有这个选项,比如我的版本就没有其实只用设置一下就好了:Window/Preferences/General/Capabilities 勾选复选框Classic Update

2011-03-21 18:42:00 1758

原创 Eclipse调试时候出现“Source not found”的解决方法

<br />在调试一个Servlet的时候,要进入一个类的成员函数,然后提示:<br /> <br />Class File Editor<br /><br /><br />Source not found<br /><br /><br /><br />The JAR file D:/apache-tomcat-7.0.8/lib/catalina.jar has no source attachment.<br />You can attach the source by clicking Attach

2011-03-21 18:32:00 3052

原创 ubuntu下如何处理rar文档

<br />rar是windows下的压缩格式,linux默认不支持<br />安装解压:sudo apt-get install unrar<br />安装压缩:sudo apt-get install rar

2010-12-31 16:20:00 578

转载 CListCtrl用法

<br /><br />以下未经说明,listctrl默认view 风格为report<br />1. CListCtrl 风格<br />      LVS_ICON: 为每个item显示大图标<br />      LVS_SMALLICON: 为每个item显示小图标<br />      LVS_LIST: 显示一列带有小图标的item<br />      LVS_REPORT: 显示item详细资料<br />      直观的理解:windows资源管理器,“查看”标签下的“大图标,小图标,列

2010-12-24 14:54:00 492

原创 SQL2000建表时"MMC检测到此管理单元发生一个错误,建议关闭并重新启动MMC。"的解决方法


2010-12-19 16:09:00 720

原创 XAMPP无法启动apache的解决方法

<br />XAMPP版本:xampp-win32-1.7.3<br />操作系统:Windows 7旗舰版<br /> <br />问题现象:在xampp control panel下按start按钮,running一秒后自动停止<br /> <br />查看apache/logs/error.log日志,描述如下:<br /><br />[Sat Dec 18 12:35:40 2010] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authenticat

2010-12-18 12:58:00 1305 1

原创 10月27日

priority [ prai?r?ti ] 优先

2010-10-27 10:37:00 533

原创 解决linux下打开及解压文件后产生乱码的问题

<br />       windows下的文件在linux下有可能产生中文乱码问题,甚至打不开文件,这是由于二者的编码方式不同,前者用GBK,后者UTF-8.这必然产生乱码。可以用编码转换工具convmv来改变文件的编码方式。<br />       如果系统还没有convmv,输入 sudo apt-get install convmv 安装。安装好后,进入乱码文件的相应目录,输入 <br />convmv -f GBK -t UTF-8 --notest  <filename> 即可消除乱码。<br

2010-10-26 17:07:00 777

原创 解决在linux下用eclipse打开windows文本文件产生中文乱码的问题

windows默认采用GBK编码,而Ubuntu 默认采用UTF8编码,可以方便global。但对中文支持,还不细致,即便默认采用中文安装,也并不会自动添加GB*等支持,致使在Ubuntu下访问部分Win文本文件时,出现乱码。I. 配置系统环境 执行 sudo vi /var/lib/locales/supported.d/zh 加入以下配置参数 zh_CN.GB18030 GB18030 (最新汉字编码字符集,向下兼容GBK,GB2312) zh_CN.GBK

2010-10-25 21:44:00 938

原创 不熟悉的单词

URI    统一资源标识符(Uniform Resource Indentifier) 

2010-10-25 18:38:00 548

原创 10月24日

archive  档案add-on 一种硬件设备、附件component 组件trigger 引发、触发、触发器consult 查阅workbench  工作台overview  综述subsystem  子系统implement  实现depict  描画platform  平台term  术语seamless  无缝的integration 

2010-10-24 18:16:00 499

原创 一些语句

CBrush *pBrush = CBrush::FromHandle((HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));        获取透明画刷设计自己的窗口类: Code: BOOL  CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)       {       

2010-08-23 12:20:00 544

原创 我还是个newbie,什么时候能niubi?

2010-01-01 10:03:00 887 6

原创 我在CSDN学生大本营的第一篇日志

2009-12-31 19:29:00 535

Understanding the Linux Kernel



Understanding Linux Network Internals



Running Linux



Linux in a Nutshell

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Excitement of Linux 2 Distribution and Support 3 Commands on Linux 3 What This Book Offers 4 Sources and Licenses 6 Beginner’s Guide 7 Communication 7 Comparisons 8 File Management 8 Media 9 Printing 9 Programming 9 Program Maintenance 10 Searching 10 Shell Programming 11 Storage 11 System Status 11 Text Processing 12 Miscellaneous 13 2. System and Network Administration Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Common Commands 14 Clocks 14 Daemons 14 Hardware 15 Host Information 15 Installation 16 Mail 16 Managing Filesystems 16 Managing the Kernel 17 Networking 18 Printing 18 Security and System Integrity 18 Starting and Stopping the System 19 System Activity and Process Management 19 Users 20 Miscellaneous 20 Overview of Networking 21 TCP/IP Administration 21 NFS and NIS Administration 22 Overview of TCP/IP 22 IP Addresses 23 Gateways and Routing 25 Name Service 26 Configuring TCP/IP 27 Troubleshooting TCP/IP 28 Overview of Firewalls and Masquerading 28 Overview of NFS 29 Administering NFS 30 Daemons 30 Exporting Filesystems 30 Mounting Filesystems 30 Overview of NIS 31 Servers 31 Domains 31 NIS Maps 31 Map Manipulation Utilities 31 Administering NIS 32 Setting Up an NIS Server 32 Setting Up an NIS Client 32 NIS User Accounts 32 RPC and XDR 32 3. Linux Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Alphabetical Summary of Commands 34 4. Boot Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 The Boot Process 505 LILO: The Linux Loader 506 The LILO Configuration File 507 The lilo Command 514 lilo Command Options 515 LILO Boot Errors 516 GRUB: The Grand Unified Bootloader 516 Installing GRUB 518 The GRUB Configuration File 521 Using the Menu Interface 523 The GRUB Shell 523 GRUB Commands 525 Command-Line and Global Menu Commands 526 Command-Line and Menu-Entry Commands 530 Dual-Booting Linux and Windows 2000/XP/Vista 536 Boot-Time Kernel Options 539 initrd: Using a RAM Disk 541 5. Package Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Yum: Yellowdog Updater Modified 545 The yum Command 545 yum Command Summary 547 Plugins and yum-utils 551 The Red Hat Package Manager 552 RPM Package Concepts 552 The rpm Command 553 RPM Examples 563 The rpmbuild Command 564 The Debian Package Manager 565 Files 565 Package Priorities 566 Package and Selection States 567 Package Flags 567 Scripts 568 Debian Package Manager Command Summary 569 6. The Bash Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596 Overview of Features 597 Invoking the Shell 597 Options 598 Arguments 599 Syntax 599 Special Files 599 Filename Metacharacters 599 Quoting 600 Command Forms 602 Redirection Forms 602 Coprocesses 604 Functions 605 Variables 606 Variable Substitution 606 Built-in Shell Variables 607 Other Shell Variables 609 Arrays 611 Special Prompt Strings 612 Arithmetic Expressions 613 Operators 613 Examples 613 Command History 614 Line-Edit Mode 614 The fc Command 614 Programmable Completion 615 Job Control 617 Command Execution 618 Restricted Shells 619 Built-in Commands 619 7. Pattern Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654 Filenames Versus Patterns 654 Metacharacters 655 Search Patterns 655 Replacement Patterns 656 Metacharacters, Listed by Program 657 Examples of Searching 658 Examples of Searching and Replacing 659 8. The Emacs Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661 Conceptual Overview 661 Modes 661 Buffer and Window 662 Point and Mark 662 Kill and Yank 662 Notes on the Tables 662 Absolutely Essential Commands 663 Command-Line Syntax 663 Summary of Commands by Group 663 File-Handling Commands 663 Cursor-Movement Commands 664 Deletion Commands 664 Paragraphs and Regions 665 Stopping and Undoing Commands 665 Transposition Commands 665 Search Commands 665 Capitalization Commands 666 Word-Abbreviation Commands 666 Buffer-Manipulation Commands 666 Window Commands 666 Special Shell Characters 667 Indentation Commands 667 Centering Commands 668 Macro Commands 668 Detail Information Help Commands 668 Help Commands 669 Summary of Commands by Key 669 Control-Key Sequences 669 Meta-Key Sequences 671 Summary of Commands by Name 672 9. The vi, ex, and vim Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677 Conceptual Overview 677 Command-Line Syntax 678 Command-Line Options 678 Review of vi Operations 681 Command Mode 681 Insert Mode 681 Syntax of vi Commands 681 Status-Line Commands 683 vi Commands 683 Movement Commands 683 Insert Commands 686 Edit Commands 687 Saving and Exiting 688 Accessing Multiple Files 689 Window Commands 689 Interacting with the System 690 Macros 691 Miscellaneous Commands 691 vi Configuration 692 The :set Command 692 Options Used by :set 692 Sample .exrc File 696 ex Basics 696 Syntax of ex Commands 696 Addresses 696 Address Symbols 697 Options 697 Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands 697 10. The sed Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 Conceptual Overview 711 Typical Uses of sed 711 sed Operation 712 Command-Line Syntax 712 Standard Options 712 GNU sed Options 713 Syntax of sed Commands 713 Pattern Addressing 714 Pattern Addressing Examples 714 GNU sed Regular Expression Extensions 715 Group Summary of sed Commands 715 Basic Editing 716 Line Information 716 Input/Output Processing 716 Yanking and Putting 716 Branching Commands 717 Multiline Input Processing 717 Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands 717 11. The gawk Programming Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726 Conceptual Overview 726 Command-Line Syntax 727 Standard Options 728 Important gawk Options 728 Patterns and Procedures 729 Patterns 729 Procedures 730 Simple Pattern-Procedure Examples 730 Built-in Variables 731 Operators 732 Variable and Array Assignment 732 Escape sequences 733 Octal and Hexadecimal Constants in gawk 734 User-Defined Functions 734 gawk-Specific Features 735 Coprocesses and Sockets 735 Profiling 735 File Inclusion 736 Internationalization 736 Implementation Limits 737 Group Listing of awk Functions and Commands 737 Alphabetical Summary of awk Functions and Commands 738 Output Redirections 746 printf Formats 746 12. Source Code Management: An Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749 Introduction and Terminology 749 Usage Models 751 Source Code Management Systems 752 Other Source Code Management Systems 753 13. The Subversion Version Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755 Conceptual Overview 755 Basic Version-Control Operations 755 Key Features 756 Special File Properties 757 Obtaining Subversion 759 Using Subversion: A Quick Tour 759 The Subversion Command Line Client: svn 761 Common svn Options 761 svn Subcommands 766 Repository Administration: svnadmin 794 Common svnadmin Options 794 Common svnadmin Subcommands 795 Examining the Repository: svnlook 799 svnlook Options 799 svnlook Subcommands 800 Providing Remote Access: svnserve 803 svnserve Options 804 14. The Git Version Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805 Conceptual Overview 805 Git Repository Format 806 Referring to Commits 806 Using Git: A Quick Tour 808 Before You Start 808 Example: The Linux Kernel Repository 809 Creating and Sharing a New Repository 810 The Git Command Line Client: git 811 The git Command 811 Accessing Git’s Online Help 812 git Subcommands 812 15. Virtualization Command-Line Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837 Conceptual Overview 838 System Requirements 838 Virtualization Technology 839 Network Concepts 839 libvirt Tools and Terminology 839 Basic Virtualization Operations 840 Creating Virtual Systems 840 Managing Virtual Systems 841 Graphic and Console Interfaces 842 Configuring Networks 842 MAC Addresses 844 Making Changes to Virtual Machines 844 Creating and Manipulating Disk Image Files 844 Xen 845 Paravirtualization and Architecture 846 Xen Networking 846 Xen Commands 846 KVM 849 QEMU 849 Ubuntu Builder Scripts 850 libvirt and Red Hat Virtual Machine Manager 850 XML Configuration Files 850 Connection URIs 850 Connection URI Examples 850 Remote GUI control 851 IP Forwarding and libvirt Networking 851 libvirt and Virtual Machine Manager Commands 852 VMware ESX 3.5 862 ESX Management Client 862 Virtual Center 862 VMware Networking 863 Shared Disks 863 Snapshots 863 VMware Tools 864 ESX Server Commands 864 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875


Linux Device Drivers(2nd)






MySQL5.1 参考手册中文版(chm)







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