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原创 Django WebSocket Channel Redis

2019-09-03 07:48:21 866

翻译 10 社交网络

10 社交网络10.2 社交网络的聚类分析10.2.1 社交网络的距离量度10.2.2 标准的聚类方法点分配法: * 假设用k-means 算法聚类, 选k=2, 随机选一个点,以这个点创建一个类,在选择一个离他最远的点作为另一个类,这个点选得约晚越好。 * 10.2.3 中间性 中间性指的是一条边多大程度处在两个聚类之间,成为这两个聚类的桥梁。 一条边的中间性值越大,说明有越多的任意两点,他们

2017-01-18 10:43:56 447

Mining of Massive Datasets.pdf

This book evolved from material developed over several years by Anand Rajaraman and Jeff Ullman for a one-quarter course at Stanford. The course CS345A, titled “Web Mining,” was designed as an advanced graduate course, although it has become accessible and interesting to advanced undergraduates. When Jure Leskovec joined the Stanford faculty, we reorganized the material considerably. He introduced a new course CS224W on network analysis and added material to CS345A, which was renumbered CS246. The three authors also introduced a large-scale data-mining project course, CS341. The book now contains material taught in all three courses.


Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 3.epub

英文原版 带目录 精排 About the Book This book guides you down the path to creating your own iOS applications. I want to get you past the initial difficulties to help you understand the way that iOS applications work and how they are built. As you work your way through this book, you will create a number of small applications, each designed to highlight specific iOS features and to show you how to control or interact with those features. If you combine the foundation you’ll gain through this book with your own creativity and determination, and then add in the extensive and well-written documentation provided by Apple, you’ll have everything you need to build your own professional iPhone and iPad applications.”


The Internet of Things with Swift for iOS

“What Is the Internet of Things? The Internet of Things refers to the push to make applications and hardware devices, or “things,” “smart” by receiving or logging data from the Internet and other things. The goal of the Internet of Things is to use these additional data sources to make common tasks in your life richer and easier to perform. One of the earliest drivers of the Internet of Things was the Quantified Self movement, a trend that suggested people could lose weight and exercise at more sustainable levels by constantly logging and monitoring their diet and workout information. Although this started out with data gleaned from calorie-counting journals and pedometers, the creation of apps like MyFitnessPal, which would help you find....


React Native for iOS Development

“Introduction As the title suggests, this is an introduction to React Native. React has become a leading technology for building fast, responsive native iOS apps. You will begin by understanding the path breaking concepts of React, which makes it distinctive. React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces and yet is much more. You will set up React Native and begin exploring the anatomy of React Native apps. You will learn about the React “way of thinking” and “write once and read everywhere” and how that works. You will learn why the DOM can impede the speed of any usage heavy or large app and how React offers an incredible and simple solution in Virtual DOM to speed your applications. You’ll also learn about flux architecture, how it differs from MVC, and how you can include it in your React Native project to solve problems differently and efficiently. You will learn to create stunning user interfaces and interact with the various device capabilities. You will then boost your development capabilities by including some popular packages already developed by the React Native community that will helps you write less but do more. Finally, you’ll learn to how write test[…]”



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