
#ifndef __SDS_H
#define __SDS_H

#define SDS_MAX_PREALLOC (1024*1024)

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

// sds 类型
typedef char *sds;

// sdshdr 结构,注意这个结构体的大小只有4+4,最后的buf是不占空间的
struct sdshdr {

    // buf 已占用长度,相当于strlen(buf);
    int len;

    // buf 剩余可用长度
    int free;

    // 实际保存字符串数据的地方
    // 利用c99(C99 specification中引入的 flexible array member,通过buf来引用sdshdr后面的地址,
    // 详情google "flexible array member"
    char buf[];

 * 返回 sds buf 的已占用长度
static inline size_t sdslen(const sds s) {
    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*)(s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
    return sh->len;

 * 返回 sds buf 的可用长度
static inline size_t sdsavail(const sds s) {
    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*)(s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
    return sh->free;
sds sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen);
sds sdsnew(const char *init);
//创建一个只包含空字符串 "" 的 sds(只包含‘\0’)
sds sdsempty();
size_t sdslen(const sds s);
sds sdsdup(const sds s);
void sdsfree(sds s);
//返回sds buf中的可用长度
size_t sdsavail(const sds s);
//将 sds 的 buf 扩展至给定长度,无内容部分用 \0 来填充
sds sdsgrowzero(sds s, size_t len);
sds sdscatlen(sds s, const void *t, size_t len);
//字符串拼接,其实是调用了sdscatlen(s, t, strlen(t))
sds sdscat(sds s, const char *t);
//拼接两个 sds ,其实是调用了sdscatlen(s, t, sdslen(t))
sds sdscatsds(sds s, const sds t);
sds sdscpylen(sds s, const char *t, size_t len);
sds sdscpy(sds s, const char *t);

sds sdscatvprintf(sds s, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
#ifdef __GNUC__
sds sdscatprintf(sds s, const char *fmt, ...)
    __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
sds sdscatprintf(sds s, const char *fmt, ...);
sds sdstrim(sds s, const char *cset);
sds sdsrange(sds s, int start, int end);
void sdsupdatelen(sds s);
//清除给定 sds buf 中的内容,让它只包含一个 \0 终结符
void sdsclear(sds s);
int sdscmp(const sds s1, const sds s2);
//依据sep将s分割,返回 一个二维数组
sds *sdssplitlen(const char *s, int len, const char *sep, int seplen, int *count);
void sdsfreesplitres(sds *tokens, int count);
void sdstolower(sds s);
void sdstoupper(sds s);
sds sdsfromlonglong(long long value);
sds sdscatrepr(sds s, const char *p, size_t len);
sds *sdssplitargs(const char *line, int *argc);
void sdssplitargs_free(sds *argv, int argc);

sds sdsmapchars(sds s, const char *from, const char *to, size_t setlen);

/* Low level functions exposed to the user API */
//对 sds 的 buf 进行扩展,扩展后的可用长度不少于 addlen 。(如果之前sds的可用长度就大于addlen就什么也不做,否则按照newlen = (len+addlen)的两倍进行扩展)
sds sdsMakeRoomFor(sds s, size_t addlen);
//在 sds buf 的右端添加 incr 个位置(空位)。
void sdsIncrLen(sds s, int incr);
//将sds buf 内多余的空间释放
sds sdsRemoveFreeSpace(sds s);
size_t sdsAllocSize(sds s);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "sds.h"
#include "zmalloc.h"

 * 创建一个指定长度的 sds 
 * 如果给定了初始化值 init 的话,那么将 init 复制到 sds 的 buf 当中
 * T = O(N)
sds sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen) {

    struct sdshdr *sh;

    // 有 init ?
    // O(N)
    if (init) {
        sh = zmalloc(sizeof(struct sdshdr)+initlen+1);
    } else {
        sh = zcalloc(sizeof(struct sdshdr)+initlen+1);

    // 内存不足,分配失败
    if (sh == NULL) return NULL;

    sh->len = initlen;
    sh->free = 0;

    // 如果给定了 init 且 initlen 不为 0 的话
    // 那么将 init 的内容复制至 sds buf
    // O(N)
    if (initlen && init)
        memcpy(sh->buf, init, initlen);

    // 加上终结符
    sh->buf[initlen] = '\0';

    // 返回 buf 而不是整个 sdshdr
    return (char*)sh->buf;

 * 创建一个只包含空字符串 "" 的 sds
 * T = O(N)
sds sdsempty(void) {
    // O(N)
    return sdsnewlen("",0);

 * 根据给定初始化值 init ,创建 sds
 * 如果 init 为 NULL ,那么创建一个 buf 内只包含 \0 终结符的 sds
 * T = O(N)
sds sdsnew(const char *init) {
    size_t initlen = (init == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(init);
    return sdsnewlen(init, initlen);

 * 复制给定 sds
 * T = O(N)
sds sdsdup(const sds s) {
    return sdsnewlen(s, sdslen(s));

 * 释放 sds 所对应的 sdshdr 结构的内存。
 * 如果 s 为 NULL ,那么不做动作。
 * T = O(N)
void sdsfree(sds s) {
    if (s == NULL) return;
    zfree(s-sizeof(struct sdshdr));

 * 更新给定 sds 所对应的 sdshdr 结构的 free 和 len 属性
 * T = O(n)
void sdsupdatelen(sds s) {

    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));

    // 计算正确的 buf 长度
    int reallen = strlen(s);

    // 更新属性
    sh->free += (sh->len-reallen);
    sh->len = reallen;

 * 清除给定 sds buf 中的内容,让它只包含一个 \0 终结符
 * T = O(1)
void sdsclear(sds s) {

    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));

    sh->free += sh->len;
    sh->len = 0;
    sh->buf[0] = '\0';

/* Enlarge the free space at the end of the sds string so that the caller
 * is sure that after calling this function can overwrite up to addlen
 * bytes after the end of the string, plus one more byte for nul term.
 * Note: this does not change the *size* of the sds string as returned
 * by sdslen(), but only the free buffer space we have. */
 * 对 sds 的 buf 进行扩展,扩展后的可用长度不少于 addlen 。(如果之前sds的可用长度就大于addlen就什么也不做,否则按照newlen = (len+addlen)的两倍进行扩展)
 * T = O(N)
sds sdsMakeRoomFor(
    sds s,
    size_t addlen   // 需要增加的空间长度
    struct sdshdr *sh, *newsh;
    size_t free = sdsavail(s);
    size_t len, newlen;

    // 剩余空间可以满足需求,无须扩展
    if (free >= addlen) return s;

    sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));

    // 目前 buf 长度
    len = sdslen(s);
    // 新 buf 长度
    newlen = (len+addlen);
    // 如果新 buf 长度小于 SDS_MAX_PREALLOC 长度
    // 那么将 buf 的长度设为新 buf 长度的两倍
    if (newlen < SDS_MAX_PREALLOC)
        newlen *= 2;
        newlen += SDS_MAX_PREALLOC;

    // 扩展长度
    newsh = zrealloc(sh, sizeof(struct sdshdr)+newlen+1);

    if (newsh == NULL) return NULL;

    newsh->free = newlen - len;

    return newsh->buf;

/* Reallocate the sds string so that it has no free space at the end. The
 * contained string remains not altered, but next concatenation operations
 * will require a reallocation. */
 * 在不改动 sds buf 内容的情况下,将 buf 内多余的空间释放出去。
 * 在对 sds 执行这个函数之后,下一次对这个 sds 的拼接操作必然需要一次内存分配。
 * T = O(N)
sds sdsRemoveFreeSpace(sds s) {

    struct sdshdr *sh;

    sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));

    // 修改 buf 长度为 sh->len + 1 
    // 不保留任何多余空间
    sh = zrealloc(sh, sizeof(struct sdshdr)+sh->len+1);

    sh->free = 0;

    return sh->buf;

 * 计算给定 sds buf 的内存长度(包括已使用和未使用的)
 * T = O(1)
size_t sdsAllocSize(sds s) {

    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));

    return sizeof(*sh)+sh->len+sh->free+1;

/* Increment the sds length and decrements the left free space at the
 * end of the string accordingly to 'incr'. Also set the null term
 * in the new end of the string.
 * This function is used in order to fix the string length after the
 * user calls sdsMakeRoomFor(), writes something after the end of
 * the current string, and finally needs to set the new length.
 * Note: it is possible to use a negative increment in order to
 * right-trim the string.
 * Using sdsIncrLen() and sdsMakeRoomFor() it is possible to mount the
 * following schema to cat bytes coming from the kerenl to the end of an
 * sds string new things without copying into an intermediate buffer:
 * oldlen = sdslen(s);
 * s = sdsMakeRoomFor(s, BUFFER_SIZE);
 * nread = read(fd, s+oldlen, BUFFER_SIZE);
 * ... check for nread <= 0 and handle it ...
 * sdsIncrLen(s, nhread);
 * 在 sds buf 的右端添加 incr 个位置。
 * 如果 incr 是负数时,可以作为 right-trim 使用
 * incr 为正数的例子:
 * hdr = sdshdr {
 *          len = 10;
 *          free = 10;
 *          buf = "hello moto\0";
 *       }
 * sdsIncrLen(hdr->buf, 2);
 * hdr = sdshdr {
 *          len = 12;
 *          free = 8;
 *          buf = "hello moto\0[ ]\0";
 *       }
 * 这里的 [ ] 表示一个任意内容的 byte 。
 * incr 为负数的例子:
 * hdr = sdshdr {
 *          len = 10;
 *          free = 10;
 *          buf = "hello moto\0";
 *       }
 * sdsIncrLen(hdr->buf, -2);
 * hdr = sdshdr {
 *          len = 8;
 *          free = 12;
 *          buf = "hello mo\0";
 *       }
 * T = O(1)
void sdsIncrLen(sds s, int incr) {
    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));

    assert(sh->free >= incr);
    sh->len += incr;
    sh->free -= incr;
    assert(sh->free >= 0);

    s[sh->len] = '\0';

/* Grow the sds to have the specified length. Bytes that were not part of
 * the original length of the sds will be set to zero. */
 * 将 sds 的 buf 扩展至给定长度,无内容部分用 \0 来填充
 * T = O(N)
sds sdsgrowzero(sds s, size_t len) {

    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*)(s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));

    size_t totlen, curlen = sh->len;

    // 现有长度比给定长度要大,无须扩展
    if (len <= curlen) return s;

    // 扩展 sds
    s = sdsMakeRoomFor(s,len-curlen);
    if (s == NULL) return NULL;

    /* Make sure added region doesn't contain garbage */
    // 使用 \0 来填充空位,确保空位中不包含垃圾数据
    sh = (void*)(s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
    memset(s+curlen,0,(len-curlen+1)); /* also set trailing \0 byte */

    // 更新 len 和 free 属性
    totlen = sh->len + sh->free;
    sh->len = len;
    sh->free = totlen - sh->len;

    return s;

 * 按长度 len 扩展 sds ,并将 t 拼接到 sds 的末尾
 * T = O(N)
sds sdscatlen(sds s, const void *t, size_t len) {

    struct sdshdr *sh;

    size_t curlen = sdslen(s);

    // O(N)
    s = sdsMakeRoomFor(s,len);
    if (s == NULL) return NULL;

    // 复制
    // O(N)
    memcpy(s+curlen, t, len);

    // 更新 len 和 free 属性
    // O(1)
    sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
    sh->len = curlen+len;
    sh->free = sh->free-len;

    // 终结符
    // O(1)
    s[curlen+len] = '\0';

    return s;

 * 将一个 char 数组拼接到 sds 末尾 
 * T = O(N)
sds sdscat(sds s, const char *t) {
    return sdscatlen(s, t, strlen(t));

 * 拼接两个 sds 
 * T = O(N)
sds sdscatsds(sds s, const sds t) {
    return sdscatlen(s, t, sdslen(t));

 * 将一个 char 数组的前 len 个字节复制至 sds
 * 如果 sds 的 buf 不足以容纳要复制的内容,
 * 那么扩展 buf 的长度,让 buf 的长度大于等于 len 。
 * T = O(N)
sds sdscpylen(sds s, const char *t, size_t len) {

    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));

    // 是否需要扩展 buf ?
    size_t totlen = sh->free+sh->len;
    if (totlen < len) {
        // 扩展 buf 长度,让它的长度大于等于 len
        // 具体的大小请参考 sdsMakeRoomFor 的注释
        // T = O(N)
        s = sdsMakeRoomFor(s,len-sh->len);
        if (s == NULL) return NULL;
        sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
        totlen = sh->free+sh->len;

    // O(N)
    memcpy(s, t, len);
    s[len] = '\0';

    sh->len = len;
    sh->free = totlen-len;

    return s;

 * 将一个 char 数组复制到 sds
sds sdscpy(sds s, const char *t) {
    return sdscpylen(s, t, strlen(t));
sds sdscatvprintf(sds s, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
    va_list cpy;
    char *buf, *t;
    size_t buflen = 16;

    while(1) {
        buf = zmalloc(buflen);
        if (buf == NULL) return NULL;
        buf[buflen-2] = '\0';
        vsnprintf(buf, buflen, fmt, cpy);
        if (buf[buflen-2] != '\0') {
            buflen *= 2;
    t = sdscat(s, buf);
    return t;
sds sdscatprintf(sds s, const char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;
    char *t;
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    t = sdscatvprintf(s,fmt,ap);
    return t;
sds sdstrim(sds s, const char *cset) {
    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
    char *start, *end, *sp, *ep;
    size_t len;

    sp = start = s;
    ep = end = s+sdslen(s)-1;
    while(sp <= end && strchr(cset, *sp)) sp++;
    while(ep > start && strchr(cset, *ep)) ep--;
    len = (sp > ep) ? 0 : ((ep-sp)+1);
    if (sh->buf != sp) memmove(sh->buf, sp, len);
    sh->buf[len] = '\0';
    sh->free = sh->free+(sh->len-len);
    sh->len = len;
    return s;
sdsrange(1,1) -> i
sdsrange(1,-1) -> sdsrange(1,-1+4)->sdsrange(1,3) -> iao
sdsrange(-2,-1)-> sdsrange(-2+4,-1+4) -> sdsrange(2,3) ->ao
sdsrange(2,1) -> 不合法返回NULL

sds sdsrange(sds s, int start, int end) {
    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
    size_t newlen, len = sdslen(s);

    if (len == 0) return s;
    if (start < 0) {
        start = len+start;
        if (start < 0) start = 0;
    if (end < 0) {
        end = len+end;
        if (end < 0) end = 0;
    newlen = (start > end) ? 0 : (end-start)+1;
    if (newlen != 0) {
        if (start >= (signed)len) {
            newlen = 0;
        } else if (end >= (signed)len) {
            end = len-1;
            newlen = (start > end) ? 0 : (end-start)+1;
    } else {
        start = 0;
    if (start && newlen) memmove(sh->buf, sh->buf+start, newlen);
    sh->buf[newlen] = 0;
    sh->free = sh->free+(sh->len-newlen);
    sh->len = newlen;
    return s;
void sdstolower(sds s) {
    int len = sdslen(s), j;

    for (j = 0; j < len; j++) s[j] = tolower(s[j]);

 * 将给定 sds 中的字符全部转为大写
void sdstoupper(sds s) {
    int len = sdslen(s), j;

    for (j = 0; j < len; j++) s[j] = toupper(s[j]);
*	比较两个sds,实际上就是memcmp
*	当s1<s2时,返回值<0
*	当s1=s2时,返回值=0
*	当s1>s2时,返回值>0
int sdscmp(const sds s1, const sds s2) {
    size_t l1, l2, minlen;
    int cmp;

    l1 = sdslen(s1);
    l2 = sdslen(s2);
    minlen = (l1 < l2) ? l1 : l2;
    cmp = memcmp(s1,s2,minlen);
    if (cmp == 0) return l1-l2;
    return cmp;

/* Split 's' with separator in 'sep'. An array
 * of sds strings is returned. *count will be set
 * by reference to the number of tokens returned.
 * On out of memory, zero length string, zero length
 * separator, NULL is returned.
 * Note that 'sep' is able to split a string using
 * a multi-character separator. For example
 * sdssplit("foo_-_bar","_-_"); will return two
 * elements "foo" and "bar".
 * This version of the function is binary-safe but
 * requires length arguments. sdssplit() is just the
 * same function but for zero-terminated strings.
sds *sdssplitlen(const char *s, int len, const char *sep, int seplen, int *count) {
    int elements = 0, slots = 5, start = 0, j;
    sds *tokens;

    if (seplen < 1 || len < 0) return NULL;
    tokens = zmalloc(sizeof(sds)*slots);
    if (tokens == NULL) return NULL;

    if (len == 0) {
        *count = 0;
        return tokens;
    for (j = 0; j < (len-(seplen-1)); j++) {
        /* make sure there is room for the next element and the final one */
        if (slots < elements+2) {
            sds *newtokens;

            slots *= 2;
            newtokens = zrealloc(tokens,sizeof(sds)*slots);
            if (newtokens == NULL) goto cleanup;
            tokens = newtokens;
        /* search the separator */
        if ((seplen == 1 && *(s+j) == sep[0]) || (memcmp(s+j,sep,seplen) == 0)) {
            tokens[elements] = sdsnewlen(s+start,j-start);
            if (tokens[elements] == NULL) goto cleanup;
            start = j+seplen;
            j = j+seplen-1; /* skip the separator */
    /* Add the final element. We are sure there is room in the tokens array. */
    tokens[elements] = sdsnewlen(s+start,len-start);
    if (tokens[elements] == NULL) goto cleanup;
    *count = elements;
    return tokens;

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < elements; i++) sdsfree(tokens[i]);
        *count = 0;
        return NULL;
void sdsfreesplitres(sds *tokens, int count) {
    if (!tokens) return;
//将一个long long类型的整数转换为一个sds
sds sdsfromlonglong(long long value) {
    char buf[32], *p;
    unsigned long long v;
    v = (value < 0) ? -value : value;
    p = buf+31; /* point to the last character */
    do {
        *p-- = '0'+(v%10);
        v /= 10;
    } while(v);
    if (value < 0) *p-- = '-';
    return sdsnewlen(p,32-(p-buf));
sds sdscatrepr(sds s, const char *p, size_t len) {
    s = sdscatlen(s,"\"",1);
    while(len--) {
        switch(*p) {
        case '\\':
        case '"':
            s = sdscatprintf(s,"\\%c",*p);
        case '\n': s = sdscatlen(s,"\\n",2); break;
        case '\r': s = sdscatlen(s,"\\r",2); break;
        case '\t': s = sdscatlen(s,"\\t",2); break;
        case '\a': s = sdscatlen(s,"\\a",2); break;
        case '\b': s = sdscatlen(s,"\\b",2); break;
            if (isprint(*p))
                s = sdscatprintf(s,"%c",*p);
                s = sdscatprintf(s,"\\x%02x",(unsigned char)*p);
    return sdscatlen(s,"\"",1);

/* Helper function for sdssplitargs() that returns non zero if 'c'
 * is a valid hex digit. */
int is_hex_digit(char c) {
    return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') ||
           (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F');

/* Helper function for sdssplitargs() that converts an hex digit into an
 * integer from 0 to 15 */
int hex_digit_to_int(char c) {
    switch(c) {
    case '0': return 0;
    case '1': return 1;
    case '2': return 2;
    case '3': return 3;
    case '4': return 4;
    case '5': return 5;
    case '6': return 6;
    case '7': return 7;
    case '8': return 8;
    case '9': return 9;
    case 'a': case 'A': return 10;
    case 'b': case 'B': return 11;
    case 'c': case 'C': return 12;
    case 'd': case 'D': return 13;
    case 'e': case 'E': return 14;
    case 'f': case 'F': return 15;
    default: return 0;

/* Split a line into arguments, where every argument can be in the
 * following programming-language REPL-alike form:
 * foo bar "newline are supported\n" and "\xff\x00otherstuff"
 * The number of arguments is stored into *argc, and an array
 * of sds is returned. The caller should sdsfree() all the returned
 * strings and finally zfree() the array itself.
 * Note that sdscatrepr() is able to convert back a string into
 * a quoted string in the same format sdssplitargs() is able to parse.
sds *sdssplitargs(const char *line, int *argc) {
    const char *p = line;
    char *current = NULL;
    char **vector = NULL;

    *argc = 0;
    while(1) {
        /* skip blanks */
        while(*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
        if (*p) {
            /* get a token */
            int inq=0;  /* set to 1 if we are in "quotes" */
            int insq=0; /* set to 1 if we are in 'single quotes' */
            int done=0;

            if (current == NULL) current = sdsempty();
            while(!done) {
                if (inq) {
                    if (*p == '\\' && *(p+1) == 'x' &&
                                             is_hex_digit(*(p+2)) &&
                        unsigned char byte;

                        byte = (hex_digit_to_int(*(p+2))*16)+
                        current = sdscatlen(current,(char*)&byte,1);
                        p += 3;
                    } else if (*p == '\\' && *(p+1)) {
                        char c;

                        switch(*p) {
                        case 'n': c = '\n'; break;
                        case 'r': c = '\r'; break;
                        case 't': c = '\t'; break;
                        case 'b': c = '\b'; break;
                        case 'a': c = '\a'; break;
                        default: c = *p; break;
                        current = sdscatlen(current,&c,1);
                    } else if (*p == '"') {
                        /* closing quote must be followed by a space or
                         * nothing at all. */
                        if (*(p+1) && !isspace(*(p+1))) goto err;
                    } else if (!*p) {
                        /* unterminated quotes */
                        goto err;
                    } else {
                        current = sdscatlen(current,p,1);
                } else if (insq) {
                    if (*p == '\\' && *(p+1) == '\'') {
                        current = sdscatlen(current,"'",1);
                    } else if (*p == '\'') {
                        /* closing quote must be followed by a space or
                         * nothing at all. */
                        if (*(p+1) && !isspace(*(p+1))) goto err;
                    } else if (!*p) {
                        /* unterminated quotes */
                        goto err;
                    } else {
                        current = sdscatlen(current,p,1);
                } else {
                    switch(*p) {
                    case ' ':
                    case '\n':
                    case '\r':
                    case '\t':
                    case '\0':
                    case '"':
                    case '\'':
                        current = sdscatlen(current,p,1);
                if (*p) p++;
            /* add the token to the vector */
            vector = zrealloc(vector,((*argc)+1)*sizeof(char*));
            vector[*argc] = current;
            current = NULL;
        } else {
            return vector;

    if (current) sdsfree(current);
    return NULL;
void sdssplitargs_free(sds *argv, int argc) {
    int j;

    for (j = 0 ;j < argc; j++) sdsfree(argv[j]);

/* Modify the string substituting all the occurrences of the set of
 * characters specifed in the 'from' string to the corresponding character
 * in the 'to' array.
 * For instance: sdsmapchars(mystring, "ho", "01", 2)
 * will have the effect of turning the string "hello" into "0ell1".
 * The function returns the sds string pointer, that is always the same
 * as the input pointer since no resize is needed. */
sds sdsmapchars(sds s, const char *from, const char *to, size_t setlen) {
    size_t j, i, l = sdslen(s);

    for (j = 0; j < l; j++) {
        for (i = 0; i < setlen; i++) {
            if (s[j] == from[i]) {
                s[j] = to[i];
    return s;


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