





How to replace msflxgrd.ocx with latest file

09-25-2005, 12:57 PM

I have discovered that a complied version of my program does not work on my grand-daughter's computer as it indicates that the version I used of msflxgrd.ocx is outdated.

I have just downloaded the latest verion of this file, and now find that I cannot replace the file used in the application with that of the latest *.ocx file.

How can I replace the old with the newest version???

09-25-2005, 10:05 PM
sir i think you need to update also your oper. sys. or update your common controls. you can download those at microsoft.com.sometimes you cannot just change the .ocx to run your application.you have also to update its .dll and other file links

09-25-2005, 11:11 PM
Dear Generalpaul:

Thank you for the response.

My operating system is the latest for Windows XP Prof, and it has all the latest updates including Service Pack 2.

The Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for VB 6 dates back to 1998.

I cannot find any downloads you mention at MSDN.

Could you kindly be more specific as to the file I may need???

I may have to redesign the application with the downloaded latest version of msflxgrd.ocx from Drivers.com.

Any other thoughts would be welcomed.

09-25-2005, 11:24 PM
Most likely, your Grand Daughter's file is out-of-date.

Download and install Visual Studio 6 Service Pack 6 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/downloads/updates/sp/vs6/sp6/default.aspx) in your computer.

Create a Setup package of your application. (By Package & Deployment Wizard or Visual Studio Installer (http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/downloads/tools/vsi11/default.aspx))

Run and install Install the setup packege in your grand daughter's computer. It should update all required system files on your granddaughter's computer.

(Your granddaughter may need to install the latest service pack for her OS.)

09-26-2005, 07:09 AM
Dear Mr. Pranab:

Thank you for your reply.

I just finished ordering the SP 6 CD as my dail-up line would take too long.

I failed to mention that my grand-daughter computer is completely updated with Windows XP Prof including SP2, and that her msflxgrd.ocx file is more current than mine.

I shall follow through on your suggestions, but will have to defer my grand-daughter setup routine until my next visit in Xmas as she lives 3 hours away, and I do not enjoy driving.

09-26-2005, 08:27 AM
Dear Mr. Pranab:

I tried the Package & Deployment wizard but it states that the following dependent files are missing:

I can't find anywhere whether MSDN or on the net the file msstcdfmt.dll, and I can't understand why it does not see the msflxgrd.ocx file in use by the application.

I downloaded the mscomctl.ocx file from microsoft which contains both msconctl.ocx and mscomct2.ocx.

Any suggestions as to what is happening???

Most likely, your Grand Daughter's file is out-of-date.

Download and install Visual Studio 6 Service Pack 6 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/downloads/updates/sp/vs6/sp6/default.aspx) in your computer.

Create a Setup package of your application. (By Package & Deployment Wizard or Visual Studio Installer (http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/downloads/tools/vsi11/default.aspx))

Run and install Install the setup packege in your grand daughter's computer. It should update all required system files on your granddaughter's computer.

(Your granddaughter may need to install the latest service pack for her OS.)

09-26-2005, 08:59 AM
First, please call me only 'Pranab'. :)

I fear something bad has happened in your system. Dependency information of those files might be removed from registry. (A virus attack ?)

My favourite solution is reinstalling Windows/VB. :D
But wait until you receive SP6 CD. In the mean time try this,

Does the microsoft DLLs come with an installer ? If not copy those files to your .../Windows/system32 folder.
Register each file by running Regsvr32.exe from Run prompt.
Regsvr32.exe "C:/Windows/System32/Mscomctl.ocx"
(change path according to your system32 path)

Restart the computer and see if the problem remains.

If this doesn't solve the problem : (Not sure about WinXP. If the files were not installed when WinXP is installed it will not work)
Place your Windows CD in cd-drive.
Run command prompt.
In command-prompt run System File Checker by typing SFC.exe
It will show it's options.
Run SFC again with the options you want. for example,
SFC.exe /SCANNOW will start scanning for incorrect system files immediately.

Sorry, I can't help you much further. :(

09-26-2005, 10:36 AM
Dear Pranab:

Thanks again for your prompt response.

I shall follow through on each of your steps.

Please forgive my formality. I am acustomed to addressing all by Dear or Mr.

Sorry, but old habits never die, especially at 78.

09-26-2005, 10:40 AM
Ask me anytime if you face other problems. :)

I really doubt if I will have energy to learn someting new when I'm 78. :)

09-26-2005, 12:54 PM
Dear Mr. Pranab:

I did as suggested in registering all the issue-Dll &/or ocx files, along with the sfc of the window files, rebooted and recreated the Package & depaloyment of the application and this time around no references were made of the lack of dependency info. So it worked.

Now Please examine the snapshot attached, and kindly explain why these files have grown from a 80 KB exe file to over 7.62 MB in size??? Does this mean I have to load these files unto any other computer via a CD???

A good conscience is a continual Christmas

09-26-2005, 02:23 PM
Yes. You'll need to run the setup.exe file in your grand-daughter's computer. The CAB file and the LST file must be in the same folder as the exe.

You may delete the 'support' folder. This folder has all those files in uncompressed mode. You can edit the Setup.lst file in this folder to change setup options manually and using the BATch file you can make a new CABinate file.

09-26-2005, 02:30 PM
... ... and please, please, please call me ONLY 'Pranab'. :)

09-26-2005, 03:37 PM

Are you saying that the make.exe files are not stand-alone applications that can run on any computer with Windows???

How can one make small manageable files for distribution??

I was planning in providing the local Real Estate Brokers, and lending brokers with copies of my program (free of charge) so that they could give me feedback for further improvements to be built-into the application.

If this is so I am disappointed with the Enterprise Edition for VB6.

Making CD would become a costly affair. :o

09-26-2005, 04:09 PM
You'll need atleast those 3 files (Setup.exe, Setup.lst and YourApp.cab).

You can use WinRAR to combine those 3 files into a single self-extracting RAR file. As rar's compression ratio is better than cab, it will reduce some size.

A VB6 program needs MSVBVM60.dll (MS VB6 Runtime) and some other files to run. It will also need all dll/ocx you used. Without these files the program will not run on a client's computer. When installing an app, setup.exe checks for these files in client machine. If those files are not installed, it will install them.

Don't know how much it costs in the US, here in India, a CD is cheaper than a floppy. You may consider a free webhosting site and upload the files there, or you could mail the file to the borkers. Upload/mail them as a single rar/zip file.

09-26-2005, 04:27 PM

Thank you for all the attention.

I shall studying the suggestions and see which one is most economical to use.

Please consider this topic now fully RESOLVED.




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