


class eventlet.event.Event

An abstraction where an arbitrary number of coroutines(任意数量的协同程序) can wait for one event from another.

Events are similar to a Queue that can only hold one item, but differ in two important ways:

  1. calling send() never unschedules the current greenthread
  2. send() can only be called once; create a new event to send again.

They are good for communicating results between coroutines, and are the basis for how GreenThread.wait() is implemented(他们有助于在协同程序之间传达结果,并且是实现GreenThread.wait()的基础).

>>> from eventlet import event
>>> import eventlet
>>> evt = event.Event()
>>> def baz(b):
...     evt.send(b + 1)
>>> _ = eventlet.spawn_n(baz, 3)
>>> evt.wait()
ready ( )

Return true if the wait() call will return immediately. Used to avoid waiting for things that might take a while to time out. For example, you can put a bunch of events into a list, and then visit them all repeatedly, calling ready() until one returns True, and then you can wait() on that one.


send ( result=Noneexc=None )

Makes arrangements for the waiters to be woken with the result and then returns immediately to the parent.

>>> from eventlet import event
>>> import eventlet
>>> evt = event.Event()
>>> def waiter():
...     print('about to wait')
...     result = evt.wait()
...     print('waited for {0}'.format(result))
>>> _ = eventlet.spawn(waiter)
>>> eventlet.sleep(0)
about to wait
>>> evt.send('a')
>>> eventlet.sleep(0)
waited for a

It is an error to call send() multiple times on the same event.

>>> evt.send('whoops')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Trying to re-send() an already-triggered event.

Use reset() between send() s to reuse an event object.


Same as send(), but sends an exception to waiters.

The arguments to send_exception are the same as the arguments to raise. If a single exception object(异常对象) is passed in, it will be re-raised when wait() is called, generating a new stacktrace.           send_exception的参数与引用的参数相同。 如果传入一个异常对象,调用wait()时会重新生成一个异常对象,生成一个新的堆栈跟踪

>>> from eventlet import event
>>> evt = event.Event()
>>> evt.send_exception(RuntimeError())
>>> evt.wait()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "eventlet/event.py", line 120, in wait

If it’s important to preserve(保护) the entire original stack trace, you must pass in the entire sys.exc_info() tuple.

>>> import sys
>>> evt = event.Event()
>>> try:
...     raise RuntimeError()	
... except RuntimeError:
...     evt.send_exception(*sys.exc_info())
>>> evt.wait()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "eventlet/event.py", line 120, in wait
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>

Note that doing so stores a traceback object directly on the Event object, which may cause reference cycles. See the sys.exc_info() documentation.

wait ( )

Wait until another coroutine calls send(). Returns the value the other coroutine passed to send().

>>> from eventlet import event
>>> import eventlet
>>> evt = event.Event()
>>> def wait_on():
...    retval = evt.wait()
...    print("waited for {0}".format(retval))
>>> _ = eventlet.spawn(wait_on) #执行函数wait_on,但此函数有wait,引起调度,切换到main greenlet
>>> evt.send('result') 
>>> eventlet.sleep(0)#让hub调度另外一个greenthread
waited for result

Returns immediately if the event has already occurred.

>>> evt.wait()
### 回答1: 在 Python 中使用 socket.io 发送消息到房间,你需要先安装 socket.io 库,然后使用下面的代码示例: ``` import socketio # 创建 socket.io 服务器 sio = socketio.Server() # 定义接收到 'send_message_to_room' 事件的处理函数 @sio.on('send_message_to_room') def send_message_to_room(sid, data): # data 包含房间名和消息内容 room = data['room'] message = data['message'] # 将消息发送到房间 sio.emit('receive_message', message, room=room) # 启动 socket.io 服务器 sio.run(app) ``` 如果你使用的是客户端,可以使用下面的代码示例发送消息到房间: ``` import socketio # 创建 socket.io 客户端 sio = socketio.Client() # 连接到 socket.io 服务器 sio.connect('http://localhost:3000') # 发送 'send_message_to_room' 事件到服务器 sio.emit('send_message_to_room', {'room': 'room-1', 'message': 'hello'}) # 关闭连接 sio.disconnect() ``` 希望这能帮到你! ### 回答2: 使用Python的Socket.IO给房间发送消息,你需要使用Socket.IO库和相应的方法。以下是使用Python给房间发送消息的基本步骤: 1. 首先,确保已经安装了对应的库。可以使用以下命令安装: ```python pip install python-socketio pip install python-socketio[client] ``` 2. 导入所需的模块和库: ```python import socketio ``` 3. 创建Socket.IO客户端实例: ```python sio = socketio.Client() ``` 4. 定义事件处理方法,该方法用于接收和处理从服务器端发送的消息: ```python @sio.on('message_event') def handle_message(data): print('Received message: ', data) ``` 请注意,`message_event`应该是服务器端定义的发送消息事件名称。 5. 连接到服务器: ```python sio.connect('http://localhost:5000') ``` 请将`localhost:5000`更改为你实际的服务器地址。 6. 使用`emit`方法发送消息给房间: ```python room_name = 'room1' message = 'Hello, room!' sio.emit('send_message', {'room': room_name, 'message': message}) ``` 请注意,`send_message`应该是服务器端定义的方法,用于发送消息给房间。 7. 最后,记得要断开连接: ```python sio.disconnect() ``` 以上就是使用Python的Socket.IO给房间发送消息的基本步骤。根据实际情况,你可能需要根据服务器端定义的事件名称和方法名称进行相应的更改。 ### 回答3: 在Python中,使用Socket.IO给房间发送消息需要经过以下步骤: 第一步,安装相应的库和模块:首先需要使用pip命令安装socketio和eventlet库,可以使用以下命令进行安装: ``` pip install python-socketio pip install eventlet ``` 第二步,导入库和模块:在Python脚本中,需要导入socketio和eventlet库以及相关的模块,可以通过以下代码进行导入: ```python import socketio import eventlet from flask import Flask, render_template ``` 第三步,创建服务器和Socket.IO应用程序对象:在Python脚本中,需要创建一个服务器和Socket.IO应用程序对象,可以使用以下代码进行创建: ```python sio = socketio.Server() app = Flask(__name__) ``` 第四步,定义事件处理函数:根据应用程序的需求,需要定义相应的事件处理函数,例如接收和发送消息等,可以使用以下代码进行定义: ```python @sio.on('join') def join(sid, data): room = data['room'] sio.enter_room(sid, room) @sio.on('message') def message(sid, data): room = data['room'] msg = data['message'] sio.emit('message', msg, room=room) ``` 第五步,启动服务器:使用eventlet库启动Socket.IO服务器,可以使用以下代码进行启动: ```python if __name__ == '__main__': app = socketio.Middleware(sio, app) eventlet.wsgi.server(eventlet.listen(('', 5000)), app) ``` 在以上示例代码中,join函数用于加入指定的房间,message函数用于接收并发送消息给指定的房间。 以上是使用Python的Socket.IO库给房间发送消息的基本步骤和示例代码。通过这种方法,你可以在Python中使用socket.io来实现与客户端的实时双向通信。




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