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原创 PHP Debug on Mac

初学PHP,一直苦于无法进行debug操作,通过打印日志的方式来查看debug信息,总感觉不是很直接、方便。今天通过摆渡和骨骼算是找到了比较完美的解决方案,先记录在此,后续如有更好的方法,再进行更新。1.安装xdebug 在终端查看是否已经安装xdebug,执行操作:brew search xdebug 查看是否已经安装对应版本的xdebug,如果没有则执行安装操作 brew inst

2016-11-23 17:28:29 1624

原创 Git bad permissions

Git bad permissionschmod 600 id_rsa

2016-05-18 09:44:06 710

原创 OpenResty安装 Mac

欢迎使用Markdown编辑器写博客本Markdown编辑器使用StackEdit修改而来,用它写博客,将会带来全新的体验哦:Markdown和扩展Markdown简洁的语法代码块高亮图片链接和图片上传LaTex数学公式UML序列图和流程图离线写博客导入导出Markdown文件丰富的快捷键快捷键加粗 Ctrl + B 斜体 Ctrl + I 引用 Ctrl

2016-03-22 14:00:51 2959

原创 manager start failed

xcode6 新建的工程,Info.plist里没有Bundle display name,把这个key添加进去就可以解决百度地图打印错误的信息的问题啦

2015-05-27 19:15:04 1417

转载 About configure

转载:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22202232/express-has-no-method-configure-errorTom in his blog post new-features-node-express-4 provides examples of how to convert from using app.configur

2015-03-01 17:41:25 416

转载 谈谈android反编译和防止反编译的方法

URL:http://www.cnblogs.com/zdz8207/archive/2012/01/28/de_compile.html android基于java的,而java反编译工具很强悍,所以对正常apk应用程序基本上可以做到100%反编译还原。因此开发人员如果不准备开源自己的项目就需要知道怎样防止反编译和反编译他人的项目来学习。2.3版本以上在eclipse自动生成的d

2015-02-10 12:06:22 527

原创 忘记MySQL root密码,怎么办?

确保服务器处于安全状态,即没有用户连接存在,最安全的方法是拔掉网线。1.修改登陆设置# vi /usr/my.conf添加如下一行skip-grant-tables保存,退出vi。2.执行如下命令,重启MySQL服务mysql service restart3.修改密码#mysql -u rootmysql> use mysql;mysql> upd

2015-01-28 16:38:59 550

转载 重叠的 CCMenu touch 优先级问题


2013-12-04 13:43:09 637

转载 Understanding node.js

That's right, everything runs in parallel, except your code.http://debuggable.com/posts/understanding-node-js:4bd98440-45e4-4a9a-8ef7-0f7ecbdd56cb

2013-11-27 11:34:38 958

转载 int to string

从int 到string的几种方法1.   int sprintf( char *buffer, const char *format [, argument] ... );      例如:      int ss;      char temp[64];      string str;      ss = 1000;      sprintf(temp,

2013-09-07 17:01:17 1394

原创 UIImageView帧动画

- (IBAction)onButtonClickHandler:(id)sender {        UIImageView *heartImageView = [[UIImageViewalloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100.0, 100.0, 50.0, 50.0)];    [self.view addSubview:heartImageVi

2013-02-17 20:51:03 3728

原创 UIView beginAnimations ARC

[UIView beginAnimations:nilcontext:(void *)imageView];[UIView setAnimationDelegate:self];[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.9]; imageView.alpha = 0.1; [imageView setFrame:CGRectMake(200.0 +sin(i)

2013-02-17 19:59:31 1291

转载 What size can textures be?

转之:http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/wiki/doku.php/faqThere are two cases to consider, non compressed textures and PVRTC compressed textures.For non compressed textures the textures must hav

2012-08-07 17:58:19 571

原创 cocos2d 1.0.1 卸载

环境:Mac OS X 版本 10.7.4Xcode 版本 4.3.2删除以下目录即可/Users/huyuguo/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/cocos2d/Users/huyuguo/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project Templates/c

2012-08-07 12:23:16 702

转载 Xcode 4.1/4.2/4.3/4.3.2 + iOS 5.1.1免证书(iDP)开发+真机调试+生成IPA全攻略


2012-07-08 14:39:52 851

原创 Xcode中debug取消debug信息


2012-06-26 11:02:30 1532

翻译 理解ARC在Objective-C中的应用

原文:http://longweekendmobile.com/2011/09/07/objc-automatic-reference-counting-in-xcode-explained/名词解释:Automatic Reference Counting(ARC):自动引用计数ARC在很大程度上消除了手动内存管理的负担,同时省去了追查内存泄露和过度释放对象引起的繁琐操作。尽管A

2012-06-04 17:18:09 8849

转载 ARC


2012-05-27 20:35:31 781

原创 [smartFox connect]

执行 [smartFox connect]打印如下日志信息2012-05-27 04:19:12.524 MyConnector[1412:f803] [SFS - INFO]SFS2X API version: 1.0.42012-05-27 04:19:14.330 MyConnector[1412:f803] +[NSStream getStreamsToHostNamed:po

2012-05-27 04:28:04 1353

原创 ARC forbids explicit message send of 'release

异常信息截图解决方法:将Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting 修改为NO

2012-05-27 02:07:25 1577

原创 App图标与启动图片设置


2012-05-26 22:33:10 746

原创 系统状态栏隐藏


2012-05-26 22:21:46 454

原创 屏幕方向设置

竖屏设置操作环境:Xcode 4.3.2一、在工程配置文件中设置(XXX-Info.plist)--该操作无效,具体原因不明,需要后续关注。二、程序中控制,每一个自定义的 UIViewController 都有一个方法- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrie

2012-05-26 22:15:58 1164

原创 更新locale

修改/var/lib/locales/supported.d/local 比如:en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8 zh_CN.GBK GBK zh_CN GB2312运行locale-gen 或 sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales,即可完成修改。

2012-04-30 14:35:05 658

原创 CMD中文乱码和不能输入中文的解决方案

运行->regedit,进入注册表编辑器,修改如下表项的值:[HKEY_CURRENT_USER"Console"%SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe] "CodePage"=dword:000003a8小说明一下: 十六进制"3a8"或十进制"936",表示“936 (ANSI/OEM - 简体中文 GBK)”。 十六进制"fde9"或十进制"650

2012-01-15 13:10:51 1092

转载 在flash cs5.5中使用 Adobe AIR 3.1 SDK


2012-01-09 16:20:56 3205 1

原创 Timer使用小结

/** * Constructs a new Timer object with the specified delay * and repeatCount states. *  *   The timer does not start automatically; you must call the start() method * to start it. * @par

2011-11-15 15:54:07 635

原创 单独获取当前的年,月,日,时,分,秒

单独获取当前的年,月,日,时,分,秒Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new java.util.Date()); int   year=cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); int   month=cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1; int   date=cal.get(Calenda

2011-11-12 14:49:32 494

原创 通过帧标签获取对应的帧

var frameNum:int = _eggFL.totalFrames;var labelArray:Array = _eggFL.currentLabels;for (var i:uint = 0; i {trace(labelArray[i].frame);}说明:在使用addFrameScript时传入的参数为对应的帧数-1,无法使用标签。为了使用

2011-11-09 13:59:16 1432

原创 addFrameScript 函数使用

package {import flash.display.Sprite;import flash.events.Event;import flash.text.TextField;import flash.text.TextFormat;/*** ...* @author huyuguo*/public class TextInputExample e

2011-11-09 12:04:56 797

原创 Flash帧标签


2011-11-09 11:27:15 4014

原创 Flex Image 边框添加


2011-10-12 20:20:56 149

原创 Eclipse添加静态库

工程右键-->Properties-->C/C++ Build -->Settings -->MinGW C++ Linker -->Miscellaneous Add对应的.a文件即可。

2011-08-30 14:52:40 968

原创 linux查看目录大小(转)

常用du -sh,du -sm,du -h,du -mDu(Disk Usage)命令功能说明:统计目录(或文件)所占磁盘空间的大小。   语  法:du [-abcDhHklmsSx] [-L ][-X ][--block-size][--exclude=] [--max-depth=][--help][--version][目录或文件]  常用参数:  -a或-al...

2011-07-25 16:58:50 97

原创 AIR Loader资源释放

public function unload():void{ try{ (_loader.content as IDisposable).dispose(); } catch(e:Error){ _logger.error("unload 1:" + e.message); } try{ _loader.unloa...

2011-06-09 14:35:15 94

原创 AIR 本地文件读写

//写文件var testXML:XML =huyuguo.iteye.comhuyuguo; var file:File = File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath("test.xml"); var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream(); fileStream.open(file,...

2011-06-08 13:53:24 143

Yii2 Application Development Cookbook

This book will help you create modern web applications quickly, and make sure they perform well using examples and business logic from real life. You will deal with the Yii command line, migrations, and assets. You will learn about role-based access, security, and deployment. We'll show you how to easily get started, configure your environment, and be ready to write web applications efficiently and quickly.


Go in Action

Many of the normal concerns you face as an application developer are amplified by the challenges of web-scale concurrency, real-time performance expectations, multi-core support, and efficiently consuming services without constantly managing I/O blocks. Although it's possible to solve most of these issues with existing languages and frameworks, Go is designed to handle them right out of the box, making for a more natural and productive coding experience. Developed at Google for its own internal use, Go now powers dozens of nimble startups, along with name brands like Canonical, Heroku, SoundCloud, and Mozilla, who rely on highly performant services for their infrastructure. Go in Action introduces the Go language, guiding you from inquisitive developer to Go guru. The book begins by introducing the unique features and concepts of Go. (We assume you're up to speed with another programming language already, so don't expect to spend a lot of time rehearsing stuff you already know.) Then, you'll get hands-on experience writing real-world applications including web sites and network servers, as well as techniques to manipulate and convert data at speeds that will make your friends jealous. In the final chapters, you'll go in-depth with the language and see the tricks and secrets that the Go masters are using to make their applications perform. For example, you'll learn to use Go's powerful reflection libraries and work with real-world examples of integration with C code.


Node.js v0.10.30 Manual & Documentation

Node.js v0.10.30 Manual & Documentation 后续会根据 Node.js的版本的变化,不断提供新的文档。离线文档,方便阅读,无关乎网速。


SmartFoxServer 2X

http://docs2x.smartfoxserver.com/网站的速度不是很理想,每次查看文档都感觉不太方便,而且无法离线查看,SmartFoxServer 2X的离线文档。


Expert Spring MVC and Web Flows

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flows





The c programming language




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