
COM Strings


20 Jan 2001 13:59


COM uses Unicode exclusively.  COM strings are called "OLE Strings" or "Basic Strings."  COM objects that aren't built under Unicode must convert OLE strings to ASCII in order to pass them to Win32 and the standard C library.

See the information regarding passing strings between C++ functions.

MSDN articles

L"" Does not Create a BSTR!

  • This is really deceptive.  If you're calling an object in the same apartment, using L"" will work but it's incorrect and creates strings that can not be marshalled.
  • Use CComBSTR(L"") instead.

Use ! (==)  instead of != with CComBSTR

The following are not the same:

CComBSTR b1, b2;

if (b1 != b2) // this is wrong

if (!(b1 == b2)) // this is right

b1 != b2 compares the underlying BSTR pointers and does not perform a string comparison.

? operator doesn't work with CComBSTR

CComBSTR bar;
BSTR foo, baf;

baf = L"baf";
foo = bar ? bar:baf;

This won't do what you think...  You would think this code evaluates bar ? by converting bar to a BSTR.  But this code ends up calling CComBSTR(baf), causing foo to be assigned to a temporary object that is deleted whenever the compiler feels like it.  Instead, use bar.Length() ? bar:baf

Useful CComBSTR methods

  • AppendBSTR
  • Copy - produces a copy and returns the copy's BSTR
  • CopyTo - copies a BSTR to a BSTR *
  • Attach / Detach
  • CComBSTR(GUID) - converts GUID to string

& operator on CComBSTR results in memory leaks

  • Using the & operator is very dangerous -- if the BSTR * gets written to, the existing string data won't be deallocated
  • Call Empty() before calling operator &

CComBSTR Copy Efficiency

  • Creating a CComBSTR with a BSTR or CComBSTR uses _wcslen to get the length of the BSTR
  • Assigning a BSTR or a CComBSTR to a CComBSTR also uses _wcslen
  • It's undesirable to use _wcslen -- SysStringLen is much faster
  • Therefore, the most efficient way to copy a BSTR as a BSTR is:
    SysAllocStringLen(bstr, SysStringLen(bstr));
  • And the most efficient way to copy a BSTR as a CComBSTR is:
    CComBSTR(SysStringLen(bstr), bstr);
  • And the most efficient way to assign a BSTR to a CComBSTR is:
    bs.Attach(SysAllocStringLen(bstr, SysStringLen(bstr));

TCHAR, LPTSTR, _T, _tcs, OLE2T, and T2OLE

  • These various macros allow developers to write code for UNICODE and non-UNICODE (ASCII) environments easily
  • #include <tchar.h> to get them
  • #include <atlconv.h> to get OLE2T and T2OLE
  • If _UNICODE is defined, TCHAR is a WCHAR.  Otherwise it's a char.
  • LPTSTR is a typedef for TCHAR *
  • If _UNICODE is defined, _T creates LPOLESTR (_T becomes L in this case).  Otherwise _T creates ASCII strings (char *).  _T("foo")
  • The various functions _tprintf, _tcscpy, _tcscmp, _tcslen, etc. are macros that depend on _UNICODE.  If _UNICODE is defined, _tcscpy is wstrcpy.  Otherwise it's strcpy.
  • OLE2T converts UNICODE strings to LPTSTR - you must define USES_CONVERSION in the function that uses it
  • T2OLE converts LPTSTR to LPOLESTR - you must define USES_CONVERSION in the function that uses it


  • L creates hard-coded UNICODE strings, e.g., L"Foo"
  • LPOLESTR is a null-terminated UNICODE string
  • LPOLESTR is a LPWSTR which is a WCHAR *
  • BSTR and LPOLESTR are not identical
  • BSTRs are also null-terminated UNICODE strings, but the beginning of the string contains its length
  • BSTRs are the "preferred string" of COM, so all new interfaces should use BSTR and not LPOLESTR
  • CComBSTR is a convenient wrapper class around BSTR - #include <atlbase.h> to get it

OLE2T / T2OLE / Etc. Warning

In non-Unicode builds, each invocation of these macros allocates memory on the stack.   Therefore these macros should not be used in a loop.  If used in a loop (i.e., that runs 1,000 times) the stack may be overrun.  Stacks are typically only about 50k in size.

Secondly, you should be careful about assigning pointers to the return values of these macros.  The following is a classic error:

WCHAR *pwz = NULL;
try {
    pwz = OLE2T(L"Hello world");
wprintf("%ls", pwz);

After the code in the try block completes, pwz points to deallocated memory.  The behavior of this code snippet is unspecified and varies from machine to machine and also may vary depending on the build type (debug vs. release vs. Unicode).

Conversions / Operations

  • To create a hard-coded LPOLESTR:


  • Convert a BSTR to an LPOLESTR:

LPOLESTR wstr = bstr;

  • Convert an LPOLESTR or a BSTR to a TSTR:

TCHAR *sz = OLE2T(lpolestr_or_bstr);

See also WideCharToMultiByteWideCharToMultiByte does not create a null-terminated ASCII string.  You should avoid calling WideCharToMultiByte in UNICODE builds - use #ifdef _UNICODE.  Here is the correct usage:

HRESULT appendBSTR(basic_string<TCHAR>& t, BSTR wsz)
  if (!wsz) return S_OK;

#ifdef _UNICODE
long len = SysStringLen(wsz) + 1;
char * a = new CHAR[len];

if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wsz, len, (char*)a, len, NULL, FALSE))
    delete[] a;
   return E_FAIL;

*(a + len-1) = 0;

  delete[] a;

return S_OK;

  • Convert a TSTR to an LPOLESTR:

    LPOLESTR lpolestr = T2OLE(szText);

    See also MultiByteToWideChar.  You should avoid calling MultiByteToWideChar in UNICODE builds - use #ifdef _UNICODE.

  • Convert a TSTR to a BSTR:

CComBSTR bstr(_T("foo"));

  • Copy a BSTR:

CComBSTR bstr_copy(bstr);

Use bstr_copy.Detach() if you don't want the copy to get free'd.

BSTR in COM Interfaces

This section describes how to pass/return BSTRs via COM.

Empty BSTR strings are NULL pointers.

Input Parameters - Passing a BSTR to a COM method

Caller - Caller converts TSTR to BSTR and frees the BSTR:

CComBStr bstr(szThisIsA_TStr);
comObject -> someMethod(bstr);

COM method (callee) converts BSTR to TSTR:

LPCTSTR szParam = OLE2T(bstr);

Output Parameters - Returning a BSTR from a COM method

COM method (callee) converts internal TSTR data to BSTR:

CComBSTR bstr("Hi");
// pbstrOut is a BSTR *
*pbstrOut = bstr.Detach();

Caller - Caller converts BSTR to TSTR and frees the BSTR:


BSTR bstrName;
LPCTSTR szName = OLE2T(bstrName);

-or- (String is free'd for you automatically...)


CComBStr bstrName;
LPCTSTR szName = OLE2T(bstrName);

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