Day-7 学习笔记--可信计算(7)

今天阅读的主要内容是《A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0》第二章的部分内容。

  • Brute Force
  • Attacks on the Algorithm Itself

从字面意思很容易就可以看出来,Brute Force就是暴力攻击,直接尝试所有的密码组合,应对这种攻击有两种方式。一个是增加密码的长度,使之在计算上不可行,或者是减少一段时间内可以尝试密码的次数
在Brute Force这一小节里还给出了安全哈希的两种评价标准

  1. 找到一个给定输出的输入所需要尝试的次数
  2. 找到两个不同的输入有同样的输出有50%的概率相同所需要尝试的次数(生日攻击)

Attacks on the Algorithm Itself是密码学攻击,应对这种攻击的方法是使用经过良好审查,国际接受的密码,并且用合适的方式使用。
接着介绍了Security Definitions:Message/Secrecy/Shared secret/Integrity/Authentication/Authorization/Anti-replayer/Nonrepudiation。

该消息是订购的物品数量以及任何机密的客户信息,例如信用卡号。 完整性确保订单在运输过程中没有更改,例如,从3件增加到300件。 身份验证证明订单来自买方。 授权会检查是否允许买方代表其公司购买商品。 防重播可防止攻击者再次发送买方的消息以多次购买三件物品。 而且不可抵赖性意味着买家无法声称他们从未订购过这些物品。

Secure Hash(安全哈希)、Hash extend(哈希拓展)、HMAC(消息鉴别)、Key Derivation Function(密钥派生)、ticket(票据)、Symmetric-Encryption Key(对称加密密钥)、Nonce(临时值)。

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A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security is a straight-forward primer for developers. It shows security and TPM concepts, demonstrating their use in real applications that the reader can try out. Simply put, this book is designed to empower and excite the programming community to go out and do cool things with the TPM. The approach is to ramp the reader up quickly and keep their interest.A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security explains security concepts, describes the TPM 2.0 architecture, and provides code and pseudo-code examples in parallel, from very simple concepts and code to highly complex concepts and pseudo-code. The book includes instructions for the available execution environments and real code examples to get readers up and talking to the TPM quickly. The authors then help the users expand on that with pseudo-code descriptions of useful applications using the TPM. What you’ll learn TPM 2.0 architecture fundamentals, including changes from TPM 1.2 TPM 2.0 security concepts Essential application development techniques A deep dive into the features of TPM 2.0 A primer on the execution environments available for application development. Learn as you go! Who this book is for Application software developers, OS developers, device-driver developers, and embedded-device specialists, who will benefit from mastering TPM 2.0 capabilities and building their own applications quickly. This book will give them the tools they need to experiment with and understand the technology. Software architects who need to understand the security guarantees provided by TPMs Managers who fund the projects that use TPMs. Non-technical users who may want to know why TPMs are on their computers and how to make use of them.
A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security is a straight-forward primer for developers. It shows security and TPM concepts, demonstrating their use in real applications that the reader can try out. Simply put, this book is designed to empower and excite the programming community to go out and do cool things with the TPM. The approach is to ramp the reader up quickly and keep their interest.A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security explains security concepts, describes the TPM 2.0 architecture, and provides code and pseudo-code examples in parallel, from very simple concepts and code to highly complex concepts and pseudo-code. The book includes instructions for the available execution environments and real code examples to get readers up and talking to the TPM quickly. The authors then help the users expand on that with pseudo-code descriptions of useful applications using the TPM. What you’ll learn TPM 2.0 architecture fundamentals, including changes from TPM 1.2 TPM 2.0 security concepts Essential application development techniques A deep dive into the features of TPM 2.0 A primer on the execution environments available for application development. Learn as you go! Who this book is for Application software developers, OS developers, device-driver developers, and embedded-device specialists, who will benefit from mastering TPM 2.0 capabilities and building their own applications quickly. This book will give them the tools they need to experiment with and understand the technology. Software architects who need to understand the security guarantees provided by TPMs Managers who fund the projects that use TPMs. Non-technical users who may want to know why TPMs are on their computers and how to make use of them. Table of Contents Chapter 1: History of the TPM Chapter 2: Basic Security Concepts Chapter 3: Quick Tutorial on TPM 2.0 Chapter 4: Existing Applications That Use TPMs Chapter 5: Navigating the Specification Chapter 6: Execution Environment Chapter 7: TPM Software Stack Chapter 8: TPM Entities Chapter 9: Hierarchies Chapter 10: Keys Chapter 11: NV Indexes Chapter 12: Platform Configuration Registers Chapter 13: Authorizations and Sessions Chapter 14: Extended Authorization (EA) Policies Chapter 15: Key Management Chapter 16: Auditing TPM Commands Chapter 17: Decrypt/Encrypt Sessions Chapter 18: Context Management Chapter 19: Startup, Shutdown, and Provisioning Chapter 20: Debugging Chapter 21: Solving Bigger Problems with the TPM 2.0 Chapter 22: Platform Security Technologies That Use TPM 2.0


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