WebUI Case(1): www.swt-designer.com 首页

本系列文章主要记录在网上发现的一些优秀的Web UI设计.


(1) WebUI Case 编号
(2) WebUI Case 名称,地址
(3) 截图
(4) 源代码
(5) 评价(可选)


(1)WebUI Case编号: 0001

(2) WebUI Case 名称: www.swt-designer.com 首页

(3) 截图



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< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > September 29, 2005: </ b >< br >  Version 4.1.1 latest 
            build released (SWT visual inheritance, enhanced SWT GridLayout 
            support, non-visual beans, custom SWT 
            widgets, code generation enhancements, expose property, etc.)
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > July 13, 2005: </ b >< br >  Swing SpringLayout
< target ="_top"  href ="demos/springLayout.html" > demo </ a >  added. </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > July 9, 2005: </ b >< br >  Version 4.1.0 released 
            (Eclipse 3.1 GA, new dockable flyout palette 
&amp;  property panes, 
            property filtering, automatic variable naming, improved NLS support, improved custom widget 
            support, improved Eclipse Forms support, new wizards, etc.)
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > July 4, 2005: </ b >< br >  New
< target ="content"  href ="docs/introduction/new_and_noteworthy_410.html" >
&amp;  Noteworthy </ a >  section added to the web site. See all of the 
            features that have been added in recent releases in one place.
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > April 5, 2005: </ b >< br >  Version 4.0.0 released (Eclipse 3.1 M6,
< target ="content"  href ="shots/jgoodies_formlayout.html" > JGoodies 
            FormLayout support
</ a > < b > SWT_AWT </ b >  support, SWT Spinner, Link, TreeColumn, 
&amp;  TableItem 
            support, enhanced keyboard navigation, custom swing
&amp;  editors, better custom widget support, code hiding, 
            improved SWT FormLayout support, etc.)
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > March 29, 2005: </ b >< br >  Visual Inheritance
< target ="_top"  href ="demos/VisualInheritance.html" > demo </ a >  added. </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > March 26, 2005: </ b >< br >  Added
< target ="content"  href ="tutorials.html" > Swing tutorials and 
</ a > . </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > March 20, 2005: </ b >< br >  New
< target ="content"  href ="faq.html" > FAQ </ a >  that answers many 
            commonly asked questions.
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > December 24, 2004: </ b >< br >  Updated  < href ="docs/nls/nls.html"  target ="content" > internationalization
</ a >  covering NLS tools and i18n features. </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > December 8, 2004: </ b >< br >  Version 3.0.0
            released (Eclipse 3.1 M1/M2/M3, 
< b > Eclipse Forms API </ b > < b > Swing visual
</ b > , performance improvements, replicate width/height, arrow key support,
            improved custom widget support, event handler code gen, etc.)
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > December 6, 2004: </ b >< br >  Updated  < href ="docs/wizards/wizards.html"  target ="content" > wizard
</ a >
            covering all wizards
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > October 14, 2004: </ b >< br >  WindowBuilder /
            Designer was 
< href ="http://www.devx.com/Java/Article/22186/0" > reviewed
            in DevX
</ a > . </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > September 5, 2004: </ b >< br >  Updated  < href ="docs/preferences/preferences.html"  target ="content" > preference
</ a >  covering all preferences </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 19, 2004: </ b >< br >  Version 2.1.0 released (Eclipse 3.0
            Final Release, FieldEditorPreferencePages, SpringLayout, enhanced NLS support, enhanced SWT ViewPart support, enhanced JFace
            Dialog support, plugin-relative images, etc.)
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > June 20, 2004: </ b >< br >  NLS Tools  < href ="demos/NLSExample.html"  target ="_top" > demo </ a >  added. </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > June 14, 2004: </ b >< br >  GridBagLayout Example  < href ="demos/GridBagLayout.html"  target ="_top" > demo </ a >  added. </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > June 12, 2004: </ b >< br >  Swing Example  < href ="demos/SwingExample.html"  target ="_top" > demo </ a >  added. </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > May 25, 2004: </ b >< br >  Version 2.0.0 released (New
< font  SIZE ="2" >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" >< href ="http://www.swing-designer.com"  target ="_top" >  Swing Designer </ a ></ font ></ b ></ font > ,
            Eclipse 3.0 M9/RC1 support, updated docs, enhanced NLS, new wizards, simplified menu creation,
            custom widget support, new license
            manager, etc.)
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > May 24, 2004: </ b >< br >  Updated  < href ="docs.html"  target ="content" > documentation </ a >
            containing content courtesy of the 
< href ="http://www.cs.umanitoba.ca/~eclipse/"  target ="_top" >  University of Manitoba </ a ></ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > March 19, 2004: </ b >< br >  Version 1.2.4 released
< href ="shots/code_generation.html"  target ="content" >  code generation
</ a > options, editor layout options, ViewPart wizards, CLabel gradients,
            Eclipse 3.0 M7 support, etc.)
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > February 16, 2004: </ b >< br >  New  < href ="http://www.cs.umanitoba.ca/~eclipse/12-SWTDesigner.pdf"  target ="content" > comprehensive
</ a >  posted courtesy of the  < href ="http://www.cs.umanitoba.ca/~eclipse/"  target ="_top" >  University of Manitoba </ a ></ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > January 31, 2004: </ b >< br >  Version 1.2.3
            released (Morphing, Cut/Copy/Paste, StackLayout, ScrolledComposite,
            Canvas, StyledText, Extract Frame refactoring, Eclipse 3.0 M6 support, etc.)
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > January 10, 2004: </ b >< br >  Creating Custom
< href ="demos/CustomComposites.html"  target ="_top" > demo </ a >  added. </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > December 15, 2003: </ b >< br >  Templates  < href ="demos/Templates.html"  target ="_top" > demo </ a >
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > December 9, 2003: </ b >< br >  Version 1.2.2 is
            released (embedded frame support, performance enhancements, Eclipse
            help integration, Eclipse 3.0 M5 support, etc.)
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > November 25, 2003: </ b >< br >  FormLayout  < href ="demos/FormLayout.html"  target ="_top" > demo </ a >  added.
            JFace ApplicationWindow 
< href ="demos/AppWindow.html"  target ="_top" > demo </ a >
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > November 10, 2003: </ b >< br >  Version 1.2.1 released
            (FormLayout, multi-widget editing, custom composite creation, SWT
            project creation, platform undo/redo, etc.)
</ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > October 22, 2003: </ b >< br >< href ="shots/formlayout.html"  target ="content" > FormLayout
</ a >  pics released. </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > September 30, 2003: </ b >< br > Version 1.2.0 released (direct edit,
            cool bar, externalized strings, font support, application window
            support). SWT Designer
            acquired by Instantiations [
< font  color ="#000000" >< font  face ="Verdana"  size ="1" >< href ="../PR/030930.htm"  target ="content" > News </ a ></ font >< small >< small >< small >  |  </ small ></ small ></ small >< font
face ="Verdana"  size ="1" >< href ="../PR/SWT-Designer-QA.PDF"  target ="content" > FAQ </ a ></ font ></ font > ] </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > September 10, 2003: </ b >< br > Menu creation  < href ="demos/demo4.html"  target ="_top" > demo </ a >  added. </ p >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > September 4, 2003: </ b >< br > Version 1.12 is released (drag &drop , context menu support in control tree, test button and delete layout in context menu). </ p >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 20, 2003: </ b >< br > Version 1.11 is released (fixed bug with SashForm, compatibility with GEF 2.1.0,
            partial custom controls support).
</ p >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 19, 2003: </ b >< br > Documentation updated (installation and project configuration added). </ p >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 18, 2003: </ b >< br > Version 1.10 is released (Linux + GTK2 support, may be also other non-Windows platforms). </ p >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 17, 2003: </ b >< br > Linux screenshot published. </ p >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 15, 2003: </ b >< br > Version 1.04 is released (absolute layout, ViewPart and ViewForm support). </ p >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 12, 2003: </ b >< br > Version 1.03 is released (more bug fixes). </ p >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 11, 2003: </ b >< br > Version 1.02 is released (bug fixes only). </ p >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 7, 2003: </ b >< br > JFace Wizard page creation  < href ="demos/demo3.html"  target ="_top" > demo </ a >  added. </ p >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > July 31, 2003: </ b >< br > Fast event handlers access  < href ="demos/demo2.html"  target ="_top" > demo </ a >  added. </ p >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > &nbsp; </ td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > July 31, 2003: </ b >< br > Version 1.01 is released. </ p >
</ td ></ tr >
</ table >
</ body >
</ html >



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< class ="pbig" >< img  border ="0"  src ="../images/new1.gif"  align ="absmiddle"  width ="40"  height ="28" >
< strong >< font  color ="#FF0000" > SWT Designer v4.1.0 Released!  </ font ></ strong >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="21"  height ="297" ></ td >
< td  width ="265"  height ="297"  valign ="top" >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/shots/main.html"  target ="content" >
< img
src ="shots/designer_small.gif"  border ="0"  align ="top"  width ="259"  height ="175" ></ a >
< align ="center" >< href ="../windowbuilder/shots/main.html"  target ="content" >
< form  method ="post"  action ="http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Web_Links&file=index" >
< table  align ="center"  border ="0"  cellspacing ="0"  cellpadding ="0" >
< tr >< td  align ="center"  colspan ="2" > If you like our product, please
                rate it a
< br >
&nbsp; Eclipse Plugin Central </ td ></ a ></ tr >
< tr >< td  align ="center" >
< href ="http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com"  target ="_top" >
< img  border ="0"  src ="images/EPiC-logo-sm.jpg"  align ="left"  width ="122"  height ="40" ></ a >
</ td >< td  align ="center" >
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< tr >< td  valign ="top" >
< select  name ="rating" >
< option  selected > 10 </ option >
< option > 9 </ option >
< option > 8 </ option >
< option > 7 </ option >
< option > 6 </ option >
< option > 5 </ option >
< option > 4 </ option >
< option > 3 </ option >
< option > 2 </ option >
< option > 1 </ option >
</ select >
</ td >< td  valign ="top" >
< input  type ="hidden"  name ="ratinglid"  value ="15" >< input  type ="hidden"  name ="ratinguser"  value ="outside" >< input  type ="hidden"  name ="req"  value ="addrating" >< input  type ="submit"  value ="Vote!" >
</ td ></ tr ></ table >
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< tr >< td  align ="center" >
</ td >< td  align ="center" >
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</ td >
< td  width ="20"  height ="297" ></ td >
< td  colspan ="3"  width ="858"  height ="297"  valign ="top" >
  Major new release includes support for
    new dockable flyout palette 
&amp;  property panes,  < br >
    property filtering, automatic variable naming, improved NLS support, 
    improved Eclipse 
< br >
    Forms support, new wizards,
&nbsp; Eclipse 3.1 GA support plus many other new features.
< ul >
< li >
< align ="left" >< b >
< font  SIZE ="2" >
                Support for Eclipse 3.1 GA
</ font ></ b ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New  < b >
< target ="content"  href ="../windowbuilderpro/docs/preferences/preferences_editor_layout.html" >
                Dockable Flyout Palette 
&amp;  Property Editor </ a ></ b >< ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Dock the Property Editor  &amp;  Palette to 
                    different sides of the design view
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Palette  &amp;  Property Editor may be easily 
                    collapsed and expanded
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Palette  &amp;  Property Editor available as 
                    separate views
</ li >
</ ul ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added new  < b >
< target ="content"  href ="../windowbuilderpro/docs/preferences/preferences_property_manager.html" >
                Property Manager
</ a ></ b >< ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Important properties are highlighted in bold 
                    and sorted to the top of the list
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Hidden properties are removed from the 
                    property list
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New preference page for configuring 
</ li >
</ ul ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Automatically  < b >
< target ="content"  href ="../windowbuilderpro/docs/preferences/preferences_variable_names.html" >
                rename variables
</ a ></ b >  based on text property < ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Rename always, never or only for defaults </ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Specify renaming patterns using text, 
                    classname and acronym
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New preference page for configuring variable 
</ li >
</ ul ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Enhanced  < b >
< target ="content"  href ="../windowbuilderpro/docs/nls/nls.html" >
</ a ></ b >  support < ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added flag icons for all locales </ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for 
&quot; name &quot; ).getString( &quot; key &quot; ) </ li >
</ ul ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Enhanced  < b > SWT </ b >  support < ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for setting SWT tab order within a 
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added  < b > BIDI </ b >  (RIGHT_TO_LEFT) support 
                    for SWT GridLayout, FlowLayout and RowLayout
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added an Eclipse Forms Composite wizard </ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added an  < b > SWT Dialog </ b >  wizard </ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for direct edit/double click for  < b >
</ b ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Enhanced support for  < b > FormLayout </ b ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for drop down toolbar items and 
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for  < b > ColorRegistry </ b >   &amp;   < b >
</ b ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for Eclipse 3.1  < b > GridLayout </ b >  
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added tooltips for FormLayout popup figures </ li >
</ ul ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Enhanced  < b > JFace  &amp;  RCP </ b >  support < ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for adding existing actions for  < b >
</ b > / < b > ViewPart </ b ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Enhanced display of  < b > ViewParts </ b >  and  < b >
</ b ></ li >
</ ul ></ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Editor  &amp;  Property Pane enhancements < ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > New toolbar options to evenly  < b > distribute </ b >  
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Keyboard navigation for menus </ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New  < b > Rename </ b >  command to rename multiple 
                    widgets at once
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New  < b > Set Layout </ b >  command on the context 
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New  < b > Autosize widget </ b >  command for null 
</ li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New  < b > Change Style </ b >  command on the 
                    context menu
</ li >
</ ul ></ li >
</ ul >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="21" ></ td >
< td  width ="265"  valign ="top" >< font  face ="Verdana" >< font
size ="1" >< em >< strong > &quot; I had forgotten just how much fun and easy it
      can be building Java GUIs.
&quot; </ strong ></ em ></ font >< small >< small >< small >< small >
< br >
</ small > --Sally Rich, RSS Solutions </ small ></ small ></ small ></ font >
< p > &nbsp;
</ td >
< td  width ="20" ></ td >
< td  colspan ="3"  width ="858" >< href ="http://www.devx.com/Java/Article/22186/0"  target ="_blank" >< img
src ="../images/devx-s.gif"  alt ="DevX"  border ="0"  align ="absmiddle"  width ="48"  height ="45" >   < font  face ="Verdana" >< small >< small >< small > Read
  a review of WindowBuilder on DevX
</ small ></ small ></ small ></ font ></ a >
< p > &nbsp;
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="21"  height ="46" ></ td >
< td  width ="755"  colspan ="3"  rowspan ="2"  height ="322" >

< class ="pbig"  align ="left" >< img  border ="0"  src ="images/WB-32x32.gif"  align ="absmiddle"  width ="32"  height ="32" >
What is Designer?
</ p >

< align ="justify" >  Designer is a powerful and easy to use two-way Java GUI designer based on
Eclipse SWT technology. It is very easy to
&nbsp; create Java GUI applications without
spending a lot of time writing code to display simple forms. With SWT Designer you can
create complicated
&nbsp; windows in minutes. Use the visual designer and Java code will be
generated for you. You can easily add controls using drag-and-drop, add event handlers to
your controls, change various properties of controls using a property editor and
&nbsp; much
</ p >

< class ="pbig"  align ="left" > How does it work? </ p >

< align ="justify" >  Designer is built as a plugin to  < a
href ="http://www.eclipse.org"  target ="_blank" > Eclipse </ a >  and the various
WebSphere Studio IDEs (WSSD, WSAD, WSED, etc.). The plugin builds an abstract
syntax tree (AST) to navigate the source code and uses 
< a
href ="http://www.eclipse.org/gef/"  target ="_blank" > GEF </ a >  to display and manage
the visual presentation. Using WYSIWYG layout tools, you don't need to write any lines of java
code - the code will be generated for you by the designer. You can easily add any control
to a composite by using drag-and-drop, add an event handler to your controls,
change various properties of controls using property editors and
&nbsp; < a
href ="../windowbuilder/features.html"  target ="content" > much more </ a > . Generated code doesn't require any
additional non-SWT library to compile and run: all of the generated code can be used
without having Designer installed. Designer can read and write almost any format
and reverse-engineer most hand-written Java GUI code. It also supports free form
code editing (make changes anywherenot just in 
< i > special </ i >  areas) and most
user refactorings (you can move, rename and subdivide methods without a
</ p >

< class ="pbig"  align ="left" > Download </ p >

< align ="justify" > We offer a free  < href ="download.html"  target ="content" > trial </ a >
version of
&nbsp;  SWT Designer or can  < href ="order.html"  target ="content" > purchase a
</ a >  of &nbsp;  Designer. &nbsp;   < href ="http://www.digibuy.com/cgi-bin/order.html?Instantiatio+106381649216" >
< img  src ="../codepro/images/buyitnow.gif"  alt ="Buy now"
="0"  align ="absmiddle"  width ="68"  height ="15" ></ a >   </ p >

< class ="pbig"  align ="left" > Product Brochure </ p >

< div  align ="left" >
< table  border ="0"  cellpadding ="0"  cellspacing ="0"  width ="349" >
< tr >
< td  width ="22" ></ td >
< td  width ="100" >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/WindowBuilderLowRes.pdf" >< img  border ="0"  src ="images/wb-box.gif"  width ="113"  height ="130" ></ a ></ td >
< td  width ="221" >

< align ="justify" >< font  face ="Verdana"  size ="1" >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/WindowBuilder.pdf" >< img
src ="../images/pdf-sm.gif"  alt ="PDF"  align ="absmiddle"  border ="0"  width ="17"  height ="17" >   </ a ></ font >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/WindowBuilder.pdf" > HiRes
</ a >   </ p >

< align ="justify" >< font  face ="Verdana"  size ="1" >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/WindowBuilderLowRes.pdf" >< img
src ="../images/pdf-sm.gif"  alt ="PDF"  align ="absmiddle"  border ="0"  width ="17"  height ="17" >   </ a ></ font >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/WindowBuilderLowRes.pdf" > LowRes
</ a >   </ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
</ td >
< td  rowspan ="2"  width ="7"  height ="322" ></ td >
< td  width ="300"  height ="40" >
< class ="pbig" >< href ="../codepro/default.htm"  target ="_top" >
< img  src ="../codepro/images/32x32codepro.gif"  alt ="CodePro Studio"  border ="0"  align ="absmiddle"  width ="32"  height ="32" >
&nbsp; us &nbsp; about &nbsp; CodePro </ a ></ p >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="21"  height ="276" ></ td >
< td  width ="300"  valign ="top"  height ="276" >
< ul >
< li >< font  size ="1"  color ="#FF0000" >< b > 700 </ b ></ font >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" >< small > + Code Audit Rules w/ QuickFix </ small ></ font ></ b ></ li >
< li >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" >< small > 50+ Code Metrics w/ Drilldown </ small ></ font ></ b ></ li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > Powerful Dependency Analyzer </ font ></ b ></ small ></ li >
< li >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" >< small > JUnit Test Case Generation  &amp;
          Code Coverage
</ small ></ font ></ b ></ li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > Design Patterns  &amp;  Code
</ font ></ b ></ small ></ li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > Automated Javadoc Repair </ font ></ b ></ small ></ li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > Integrated Spell Checker </ font ></ b ></ small ></ li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > Build  &amp;  Deployment Automation </ font ></ b ></ small ></ li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > 100's of Productivity Enhancements </ font ></ b ></ small ></ li >
</ ul >
< align ="center" >< href ="../codepro/codeaudit.htm"  target ="_top" >
< img  src ="../codepro/images/auditrulecount.gif"  border ="0"  align ="center"  width ="91"  height ="51" ></ a ></ td >
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