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function [results] = hyperAce(M, S)
% HYPERACE Performs the adaptive cosin/coherent estimator algorithm
% Performs the adaptive cosin/coherent estimator algorithm for target
% detection.
% Usage
% [results] = hyperAce(M, S)
% Inputs
% M - 2d matrix of HSI data (p x N)
% S - 2d matrix of target endmembers (p x q)
% Outputs
% results - vector of detector output (N x 1)
% References
% X Jin, S Paswater, H Cline. "A Comparative Study of Target Detection
% Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery." SPIE Algorithms and Technologies
% for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XV. Vol
% 7334. 2009.
[p, N] = size(M);
% Remove mean from data
u = mean(M.').';
M = M - repmat(u, 1, N);
S = S - repmat(u, 1, size(S,2));
R_hat = hyperCov(M);
G = inv(R_hat);
results = zeros(1, N);
% From Broadwater's paper
%tmp = G*S*inv(S.'*G*S)*S.'*G;
tmp = (S.'*G*S);
for k=1:N
x = M(:,k);
% From Broadwater's paper
%results(k) = (x.'*tmp*x) / (x.'*G*x);
results(k) = (S.'*G*x)^2 / (tmp*(x.'*G*x));
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