
# Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Sistina Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

# File system common functions


# Private return codes


# Using a global to contain the return value saves
# clone() operations.  This is important to reduce
# resource consumption during status checks.
# There is no way to return a string from a function
# in bash without cloning the process, which is exactly
# what we are trying to avoid.  So, we have to resort
# to using a dedicated global variable.  This one is
# for the real_device() function below.
declare LINK_DOWN
# Stub ocf_log function for when we are using
# quick_status, since ocf_log generally forks (and
# sourcing ocf-shellfuncs forks -a lot-).
 echo $*

# Assume NFS_TRICKS are not available until we are
# proved otherwise.
export NFS_TRICKS=1

# Quick status doesn't fork() or clone() when using
# device files directly.  (i.e. not symlinks, LABEL= or
if [ "$1" = "status" -o "$1" = "monitor" ] &&
   [ "$OCF_RESKEY_quick_status" = "1" ]; then
 echo Using Quick Status

 # XXX maybe we can make ocf-shellfuncs have a 'quick' mode too?
 export OCF_SUCCESS=0
 # Grab nfs lock tricks if available
 if [ -f "$(dirname $0)/svclib_nfslock" ]; then
  . $(dirname $0)/svclib_nfslock

 . $(dirname $0)/ocf-shellfuncs

 if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_name" ]; then
  ocf_log err "No file system name specified."
  return $OCF_ERR_ARGS
 return $OCF_SUCCESS

 if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_mountpoint" ]; then
  ocf_log err "No mount point specified."
  return $OCF_ERR_ARGS

 if ! [ -e "$OCF_RESKEY_mountpoint" ]; then
  ocf_log info "Mount point $OCF_RESKEY_mountpoint will be "\
    "created at mount time."
  return $OCF_SUCCESS

 [ -d "$OCF_RESKEY_mountpoint" ] && return $OCF_SUCCESS

 ocf_log err "$OCF_RESKEY_mountpoint exists but is not a directory."

 return $OCF_ERR_ARGS

# This used to be called using $(...), but doing this causes bash
# to set up a pipe and clone().  So, the output of this function is
# stored in the global variable REAL_DEVICE, declared previously.
 declare dev="$1"
 declare realdev


 [ -z "$dev" ] && return $OCF_ERR_ARGS

 # Oops, we have a link.  Sorry, this is going to fork.
 if [ -h "$dev" ]; then
  realdev=$(readlink -f $dev)
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   return $OCF_ERR_ARGS
  return $OCF_SUCCESS

 # If our provided blockdev is a device, we are done
 if [ -b "$dev" ]; then
  return $OCF_SUCCESS

 # It's not a link, it's not a block device.  If it also
 # does not match UUID= or LABEL=, then findfs is not
 # going to find anything useful, so we should quit now.
 if [ "${dev/UUID=/}" = "$dev" ] &&
    [ "${dev/LABEL=/}" = "$dev" ]; then

 # When using LABEL= or UUID=, we can't save a fork.
 realdev=$(findfs "$dev" 2> /dev/null)
 if [ -n "$realdev" ] && [ -b "$realdev" ]; then
  return $OCF_SUCCESS


 declare realdev

 if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_device" ]; then
        ocf_log err "No device or label specified."
        return $OCF_ERR_ARGS

 real_device "$OCF_RESKEY_device"
 if [ -n "$realdev" ]; then
  if [ "$realdev" != "$OCF_RESKEY_device" ]; then
   ocf_log info "Specified $OCF_RESKEY_device maps to $realdev"
  return $OCF_SUCCESS

 ocf_log err "Device or label \"$OCF_RESKEY_device\" not valid"

 return $OCF_ERR_ARGS

# mount_in_use device mount_point
# Check to see if either the device or mount point are in use anywhere on
# the system.  It is not required that the device be mounted on the named
# moint point, just if either are in use.
mount_in_use () {
 declare mp tmp_mp
 declare dev tmp_dev
 declare junka junkb junkc junkd

 if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
  ocf_log err "Usage: mount_in_use device mount_point".
  return $FAIL


 typeset proc_mounts=$(mktemp /tmp/fs.proc.mounts.XXXXXX)
 cat /proc/mounts > $proc_mounts

 while read -r tmp_dev tmp_mp junka junkb junkc junkd; do
  # XXX fork/clone warning XXX
  if [ "${tmp_dev:0:1}" != "-" ]; then
   tmp_dev="$(printf "$tmp_dev")"

  if [ -n "$tmp_dev" -a "$tmp_dev" = "$dev" ]; then
    case $OCF_RESKEY_fstype in
        return $YES

  # Mountpoint from /proc/mounts containing spaces will
  # have spaces represented in octal.  printf takes care
  # of this for us.
  tmp_mp="$(printf "$tmp_mp")"

  if [ -n "$tmp_mp" -a "$tmp_mp" = "$mp" ]; then
   return $YES
 done < $proc_mounts
 rm -f $proc_mounts

 return $NO

# is_mounted device mount_point
# Check to see if the device is mounted.  Print a warning if its not
# mounted on the directory we expect it to be mounted on.
is_mounted () {

 declare mp tmp_mp
 declare dev tmp_dev
 declare ret=$FAIL
 declare found=1
 declare poss_mp

 if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
  ocf_log err "Usage: is_mounted device mount_point"
  return $FAIL

 real_device "$1"
 if [ -z "$dev" ]; then
  ocf_log err "$OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE: is_mounted: Could not match $1 with a real device"
  return $OCF_ERR_ARGS

 if [ -h "$2" ]; then
  mp="$(readlink -f $2)"


 # This bash glyph simply removes a trailing slash
 # if one exists.  /a/b/ -> /a/b; /a/b -> /a/b.

 typeset proc_mounts=$(mktemp /tmp/fs.proc.mounts.XXXXXX)
 cat /proc/mounts > $proc_mounts

 while read -r tmp_dev tmp_mp junk_a junk_b junk_c junk_d
  # XXX fork/clone warning XXX
  if [ "${tmp_dev:0:1}" != "-" ]; then
   tmp_dev="$(printf "$tmp_dev")"

  # CIFS mounts can sometimes have trailing slashes
  # in their first field in /proc/mounts, so strip them.
  tmp_dev="$(echo $tmp_dev | sed 's/\/*$//g')"
  real_device "$tmp_dev"

  # XXX fork/clone warning XXX
  # Mountpoint from /proc/mounts containing spaces will
  # have spaces represented in octal.  printf takes care
  # of this for us.
  tmp_mp="$(printf "$tmp_mp")"

  if [ -n "$tmp_dev" -a "$tmp_dev" = "$dev" ]; then
   # Check to see if its mounted in the right
   # place
   if [ -n "$tmp_mp" ]; then
    if [ "$tmp_mp" != "$mp" ]; then
 done < $proc_mounts
 rm -f $proc_mounts

 if [ $ret -eq $YES ] && [ $found -ne 0 ]; then
  case $OCF_RESKEY_fstype in
      ocf_log warn "Device $dev is mounted on $poss_mp instead of $mp"

 return $ret

# is_alive mount_point
# Check to see if mount_point is alive (testing read/write)
 declare errcode
 declare mount_point="$1"
 declare file=".writable_test.$(hostname)"
 declare rw

 if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
         ocf_log err "Usage: is_alive mount_point"
  return $FAIL

 [ -z "$OCF_CHECK_LEVEL" ] && export OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=0

 test -d "$mount_point"
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  ocf_log err "${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}: is_alive: $mount_point is not a directory"
  return $FAIL

 [ $OCF_CHECK_LEVEL -lt 10 ] && return $YES

 # depth 10 test (read test)
 ls "$mount_point" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
 if [ $errcode -ne 0 ]; then
  ocf_log err "${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}: is_alive: failed read test on [$mount_point]. Return code: $errcode"
  return $NO

 [ $OCF_CHECK_LEVEL -lt 20 ] && return $YES

 # depth 20 check (write test)
 for o in `echo $OCF_RESKEY_options | sed -e s/,/\ /g`; do
                if [ "$o" = "ro" ]; then
 if [ $rw -eq $YES ]; then
  while true; do
   if [ -e "$file" ]; then
  touch $file > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
  if [ $errcode -ne 0 ]; then
   ocf_log err "${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}: is_alive: failed write test on [$mount_point]. Return code: $errcode"
   return $NO
  rm -f $file > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

 return $YES

# Decide which quota options are enabled and return a string
# which we can pass to quotaon
 declare quotaopts=""
 declare opts="$1"
 declare mopt

 for mopt in `echo $opts | sed -e s/,/\ /g`; do
  case $mopt in
   return 0

 echo $quotaopts
 return 0


# Enable quotas on the mount point if the user requested them
 declare -i need_check=0
 declare -i rv
 declare quotaopts=""
 declare mopt
 declare opts="$1"
 declare mp="$2"

 if ! type quotaon &> /dev/null; then
  ocf_log err "quotaon not found in $PATH"

 quotaopts=$(quota_opts $opts)
 [ -z "$quotaopts" ] && return 0

 ocf_log debug "quotaopts = $quotaopts"

 # Ok, create quota files if they don't exist
 for f in quota.user aquota.user quota.group aquota.group; do
  if ! [ -f "$mp/$f" ]; then
   ocf_log info "$mp/$f was missing - creating"
   touch "$mp/$f"
   chmod 600 "$mp/$f"

 if [ $need_check -eq 1 ]; then
  ocf_log info "Checking quota info in $mp"
  quotacheck -$quotaopts "$mp"

 ocf_log info "Enabling Quotas on $mp"
 ocf_log debug "quotaon -$quotaopts \"$mp\""
 quotaon -$quotaopts "$mp"
 if [ $rv -ne 0 ]; then
  # Just a warning
  ocf_log warn "Unable to turn on quotas for $mp; return = $rv"

 return $rv

# Agent-specific actions to take before mounting
# (if required).  Typically things like fsck.
do_pre_mount() {
 return 0

# Default mount handler - for block devices
do_mount() {
 declare dev="$1"
 declare mp="$2"
 declare mount_options=""
 declare fstype_option=""
 declare fstype

 # Get the filesystem type, if specified.
 case "$fstype" in
 ""|"[  ]*")
 *) # found it
  fstype_option="-t $fstype"

 # Get the mount options, if they exist.
 case "$opts" in
 ""|"[  ]*")
 *) # found it
  mount_options="-o $opts"

 # Mount the device
 ocf_log info "mounting $dev on $mp"
 ocf_log err "mount $fstype_option $mount_options $dev $mp"
 mount $fstype_option $mount_options "$dev" "$mp"
 if [ $ret_val -ne 0 ]; then
  ocf_log err "\
'mount $fstype_option $mount_options $dev $mp' failed, error=$ret_val"
  return 1

 return 0

# Agent-specific actions to take after mounting
# (if required).
do_post_mount() {
 return 0

# Agent-specific actions to take before unmounting
# (if required)
do_pre_unmount() {
 return 0

# Agent-specific actions to take after umount succeeds
# (if required)
do_post_unmount() {
 return 0

# Agent-specific force-unmount logic, if required
# return = nonzero if successful, or 0 if unsuccessful
# (unsuccessful = try harder)
do_force_unmount() {
 return 1

# start_filesystem
start_filesystem() {
 declare -i ret_val=$OCF_SUCCESS
 declare mp="${OCF_RESKEY_mountpoint}"
 declare dev=""   # device
 declare fstype=""
 declare opts=""
 declare mount_options=""

 # Check if mount point was specified.  If not, no need to continue.
 case "$mp" in
 ""|"[  ]*")  # nothing to mount
  return $OCF_SUCCESS
 /*)   # found it
 *)   # invalid format
   ocf_log err \
"start_filesystem: Invalid mount point format (must begin with a '/'): \'$mp\'"
  return $OCF_ERR_ARGS

 # Get the device
 real_device "$OCF_RESKEY_device"
 if [ -z "$dev" ]; then
   ocf_log err "\
start_filesystem: Could not match $OCF_RESKEY_device with a real device"
   return $OCF_ERR_ARGS

 # Ensure we've got a valid directory
 if [ -e "$mp" ]; then
  if ! [ -d "$mp" ]; then
   ocf_log err"\
start_filesystem: Mount point $mp exists but is not a directory"
   return $OCF_ERR_ARGS
  ocf_log err "\
start_filesystem: Creating mount point $mp for device $dev"
  mkdir -p "$mp"
  if [ $ret_val -ne 0 ]; then
   ocf_log err "\
start_filesystem: Unable to create $mp.  Error code: $ret_val"
   return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC

 # See if the device is already mounted.
 is_mounted "$dev" "$mp"
 case $? in
 $YES)  # already mounted
  ocf_log debug "$dev already mounted"
  return $OCF_SUCCESS
 $NO)  # not mounted, continue
  return $FAIL

 # Make sure that neither the device nor the mount point are mounted
 # (i.e. they may be mounted in a different location).  The'mount_in_use'
 # function checks to see if either the device or mount point are in
 # use somewhere else on the system.
 mount_in_use "$dev" "$mp"
 case $? in
 $YES)  # uh oh, someone is using the device or mount point
  ocf_log err "\
Cannot mount $dev on $mp, the device or mount point is already in use!"
  return $FAIL
 $NO)  # good, no one else is using it
  return $FAIL
  ocf_log err "Unknown return from mount_in_use"
  return $FAIL

 case $? in
  return $OCF_SUCCESS

 do_mount "$dev" "$mp"
 case $? in
  return $OCF_SUCCESS

 case $? in
  return $OCF_SUCCESS

 enable_fs_quotas "$opts" "$mp"

 return $OCF_SUCCESS

# stop_filesystem - unmount a file system; calls out to
stop_filesystem() {
 declare -i ret_val=0
 declare -i try
 declare -i sleep_time=5  # time between each umount failure
 declare umount_failed=""
 declare force_umount=""
 declare self_fence=""
 declare quotaopts=""

 # Get the mount point, if it exists.  If not, no need to continue.
 case "$mp" in
 ""|"[  ]*")  # nothing to mount
  return $OCF_SUCCESS
 /*)   # found it
 *)  # invalid format
   ocf_log err \
"stop_filesystem: Invalid mount point format (must begin with a '/'): \'$mp\'"
  return $FAIL

 # Get the device
 dflen=$(df -h | grep "$dev" | grep "oracle")
 LEN=$(expr length "$dflen")
 real_device "$OCF_RESKEY_device"
 if [ -z "$dev" -a "$LEN" -le 0 ]; then
   ocf_log err "\
stop: Could not match $OCF_RESKEY_device with a real device"
 if [ -z "$dev" ]; then
  if [ "$LEN" -gt 0 ]; then

 # Get the force unmount setting if there is a mount point.
 case ${OCF_RESKEY_force_unmount} in
        $YES_STR) force_umount=$YES ;;
 on)  force_umount=$YES ;;
 true)  force_umount=$YES ;;
 1)  force_umount=$YES ;;
        *)  force_umount="" ;;

 case ${OCF_RESKEY_self_fence} in
        $YES_STR) self_fence=$YES ;;
 on)  self_fence=$YES ;;
 true)  self_fence=$YES ;;
 1)  self_fence=$YES ;;
        *)  self_fence="" ;;

 case $? in
  return $OCF_SUCCESS

 # Preparations: sync, turn off quotas

 quotaopts=$(quota_opts $OCF_RESKEY_options)
 if [ -n "$quotaopts" ]; then
  ocf_log debug "Turning off quotas for $mp"
  quotaoff -$quotaopts "$mp" &> /dev/null

 # Unmount the device.
 for try in 1 2 3; do
  if [ $try -ne 1 ]; then
   sleep $sleep_time
 if [ "$LINK_DOWN" -ne 1 ];then
  is_mounted "$dev" "$mp"
  case $? in
   ocf_log info "$dev is not mounted"
  $YES) # fallthrough
   return $FAIL

  ocf_log info "unmounting $mp"
  umount "$mp"
  if  [ $ret_val -eq 0 ]; then

  ocf_log debug "umount failed: $ret_val"

  if [ -z "$force_umount" ]; then

  # Force unmount: try #1: send SIGTERM
  if [ $try -eq 1 ]; then
   # Try fs-specific force-unmount, if provided
   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    # if this succeeds, we should be done

   ocf_log warning "Sending SIGTERM to processes on $mp"
   fuser -TERM -kvm "$mp"
   ocf_log warning "Sending SIGKILL to processes on $mp"
   fuser -kvm "$mp"

   case $? in
    return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
 done # for

 case $? in
  return $OCF_SUCCESS

 if [ -n "$umount_failed" ]; then
  ocf_log err "'umount $mp' failed, error=$ret_val"

  if [ "$self_fence" ]; then
   ocf_log alert "umount failed - REBOOTING"
   reboot -fn

 return $OCF_SUCCESS

do_start() {
 declare tries=0
 declare rv

 while [ $tries -lt 3 ]; do
  if [ $rv -eq 0 ]; then
   return 0

  sleep 3
 return $rv

do_stop() {
 return $?

do_monitor() {
 ocf_log debug "Checking fs \"$OCF_RESKEY_name\", Level $OCF_CHECK_LEVEL"

 # Get the device
 real_device "$OCF_RESKEY_device"
 if [ -z "$dev" ]; then
   ocf_log err "\
start_filesystem: Could not match $OCF_RESKEY_device with a real device"
   return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING

 is_mounted "$dev" "${OCF_RESKEY_mountpoint}"

 if [ $? -ne $YES ]; then
  ocf_log err "${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}: ${OCF_RESKEY_device} is not mounted on ${OCF_RESKEY_mountpoint}"

 if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_quick_status" = "1" ]; then
  return 0

 is_alive "${OCF_RESKEY_mountpoint}"
 [ $? -eq $YES ] && return 0

 ocf_log err "fs:${OCF_RESKEY_name}: Mount point is not accessible!"

do_restart() {
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

 return 0

do_metadata() {
 return 1

do_validate() {
 return 1

main() {
 case $1 in
  exit $?
  exit $?
  exit $?
  exit $?
  exit $?
  echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|status|monitor|restart|meta-data|validate-all}"
 exit 0






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