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原创 LeetCode | 119. Pascals Triangle II

题目:Given a non-negativeindexkwherek≤33, return thekthindex row of the Pascal's triangle.Note that the row index starts from0.In Pascal's triangle, each number is the sum of the two numbers directly above it.Example:Input: 3Output: ...

2020-05-31 20:39:48 140

原创 LeetCode | 118. Pascals Triangle

题目:Given a non-negative integernumRows, generate the firstnumRowsof Pascal's triangle.In Pascal's triangle, each number is the sum of the two numbers directly above it.Example:Input: 5Output:[ [1], [1,1], [1,2,1], [1,3,3,1],...

2020-05-31 20:31:07 135

原创 LeetCode | 115. Distinct Subsequences

题目:Given a stringSand a stringT, count the number of distinct subsequences ofSwhich equalsT.A subsequence of a string is a new string which is formed from the original string by deleting some (can be none) of the characters without disturbing ...

2020-05-31 20:24:24 162

原创 LeetCode | 113. Path Sum II

题外话:又到了一月一度的coding time!题目:Given a binary tree and a sum, find all root-to-leaf paths where each path's sum equals the given sum.Note:A leaf is a node with no children.Example:Given the below binary tree andsum = 22, 5 / \ ...

2020-05-31 20:21:55 161

原创 Pytorch | Pytorch框架中模型和数据的gpu和cpu模式:model.to(device), model.cuda(), model.cpu(), DataParallel

背景介绍我们在使用Pytorch训练时,模型和数据有可能加载在不同的设备上(gpu和cpu),在算梯度或者loss的时候,报错信息类似如下:RuntimeError: Function AddBackward0 returned an invalid gradient at index 1 - expected type torch.cuda.FloatTensor but got torch.FloatTensorRuntimeError: Expected object of devi...

2020-05-09 16:46:42 19384 9




Semantic Co-segmentation in Videos

Discovering and segmenting objects in videos is a challenging task due to large variations of objects in appearances, deformed shapes and cluttered backgrounds. In this paper, we propose to segment objects and understand their visual semantics from a collection of videos that link to each other, which we refer to as semantic co-segmentation. Without any prior knowledge on videos, we rst extract semantic objects and utilize a tracking-based approach to generate multiple object-like tracklets across the video. Each tracklet maintains temporally connected segments and is associated with a predicted category. To exploit rich information from other videos, we collect tracklets that are assigned to the same category from all videos, and co-select tracklets that belong to true objects by solving a submodular function. This function accounts for object properties such as appearances, shapes and motions, and hence facilitates the co-segmentation process. Experiments on three video object segmentation datasets show that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against the other state-of-the-art methods.


Efficient Inference in Fully Connected CRFs with Gaussian Edge Potentials

Most state-of-the-art techniques for multi-class image segmentation and labeling use conditional random fields defined over pixels or image regions. While regionlevel models often feature dense pairwise connectivity, pixel-level models are considerably larger and have only permitted sparse graph structures. In this paper, we consider fully connected CRF models defined on the complete set of pixels in an image. The resulting graphs have billions of edges, making traditional inference algorithms impractical. Our main contribution is a highly efficient approximate inference algorithm for fully connected CRF models in which the pairwise edge potentials are defined by a linear combination of Gaussian kernels. Our experiments demonstrate that dense connectivity at the pixel level substantially improves segmentation and labeling accuracy.


Feature Space Optimization for Semantic Video Segmentation

We present an approach to long-range spatio-temporal regularization in semantic video segmentation. Temporal regularization in video is challenging because both the camera and the scene may be in motion. Thus Euclidean distance in the space-time volume is not a good proxy for correspondence. We optimize the mapping of pixels to a Euclidean feature space so as to minimize distances between corresponding points. Structured prediction is performed by a dense CRF that operates on the optimized features. Experimental results demonstrate that the presented approach increases the accuracy and temporal consistency of semantic video segmentation.


An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms

最大流/最小割算法的简介,理解常用最大流最小割概念的文献,值得学习。 minimum cut/maximum flow algorithms on graphs emerged as an increasingly useful tool for exact or approximate energy minimization in low-level vision. The combinatorial optimization literature provides many min-cut/max-flow algorithms with different polynomial time complexity. Their practical efficiency, however, has to date been studied mainly outside the scope of computer vision. The goal of this paper is to provide an experimental comparison of the efficiency of min-cut/max flow algorithms for applications in vision. We compare the running times of several standard algorithms, as well as a new algorithm that we have recently developed. The algorithms we study include both Goldberg-Tarjan style “push-relabel” methods and algorithms based on Ford- Fulkerson style “augmenting paths.” We benchmark these algorithms on a number of typical graphs in the contexts of image restoration, stereo, and segmentation. In many cases, our new algorithm works several times faster than any of the other methods, making near real-time performance possible. An implementation of our max-flow/min-cut algorithm is available upon request for research purposes.


(matlab) Seam_Carving

Shai Avidan Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, SeamCarving for Content-Aware Image Resizing, 2007 源码资料; 图像智能缩放的经典算法; 值得学习。


Robust Image Retargeting via Axis

图像智能缩放(Image Retargeting)方向的优秀文章!值得学习!


Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing




任务 为了帮助萧邦顺利通过跨省冒险,助华尔兹反败为胜,大家要去捡尽可能多的粮草,你可以 上下左右 四种方式行走,找到粮食便可以捡起,最后上报你能拿到的粮食的最大数量。由于阿尔塞斯的粮仓诡异莫测,你会被传送到粮仓的任意一个地方。 输入 阿尔塞斯有多个粮仓,所以输入数据有多组,每一组数据先输入两个数字,分别代表粮仓的长x和宽y(没有greedisgood指令,所以资源有限,x和y<=2000)然后输入相应大小的粮仓构造,由y行x列组成。当x和y都为0的时候输入结束。 其中:“.”代表是粮食,“#”代表是防护网(意味着你不可以跨越),“@”代表你被传送的位置(传送到的位置上面有粮食) 公开的第一个用例即是格式。可以自行理解。 输出 在你被传送到的位置上,可以捡到的最大粮食数量。



实验要求:用堆排序算法按关键字递减的顺序排序。 程序输入:待排序记录数(整数)和待排序记录(整数序列); 程序输出:建堆结果和建堆后第一、第二次筛选结果。(注:待排序记录数大于等于3)



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