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原创 json文件格式


2024-08-05 15:47:20 185

原创 CS0006 C# 未能找到元数据文件“C:\Users\...问题

1. 刷新具体为 重新确定引用关系–>重新生成依赖关系—>重新生成解决方案。当这种方法不行时---------2. 调整版本调整引用的dll的.netFreamWork版本和当前项目的.netFreamWork版本,成相同版本。具体在,右击项目,属性,目标框架。...

2022-05-27 00:53:05 1882

原创 git远程操作总结(二)

一、合并本地很多分支到远程(rebase)远程仓库在变,本地仓库也有很多分支在协同工作例如:怎么把所有工作总结在一起并且推送到远程仓库呢?1. git fetch获取远程最新的提交(保持一致)2. git rebase o/master side1在o/master上面续上side13. git rebase side1 side2在side1上续上side2(从公共祖先那里续)4. git rebase side2 side3在side2上面续上side35. git

2022-03-10 09:04:03 279

原创 统计,写的是什么,,,,就这样吧

df.isnull().sum(axis=0) #所有行的空值df.isnull().sum(axis=1) #所有列的空值df.info() #所有列的空值df[‘坐落地址’].isnull.sum()(df[‘经纬度’]==0).sum()或者(df[‘经纬度’]==0).astype(int).sum() #不转换int也可以df.apply(lambda x : x.value_counts().get(0,0),axis=1)df[‘city’].value_counts

2022-03-10 09:01:52 211

原创 C#读取数据库数据并通过文本框显示

添加此代码的前提1.设置button控件(button1),双击进入代码编写2.数据库连接成功并有数据可以读3.有个textBox控件(textBoxShow)显示文本private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ Dao dao = new Dao(); dao.connect(); string sql = "select * from test_table"; //接收查询的所有信息 IDataRea

2022-02-24 14:03:50 4879

原创 C#最小化窗口(默认到任务栏)到托盘并设置双击恢复

1. 设置窗口需要更改的属性点到窗口设计的cs文件中点击窗口(不要点到其他地方),找到最大化属性,设置为False找到闪电图标,选择尺寸修改,双击后自动生成代码,生成后写上最小化到托盘的代码//最小化按钮设置private void Form1_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){ //当窗体最小化时 if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { //隐

2022-02-24 13:40:21 5385 1

原创 C#点击关闭按钮 弹出确认框

C#点击关闭按钮弹出确认框引言共两种方法实现一种重写系统的方法,一种更改关闭按钮事件的方法重写关闭方法 //重写关闭窗口按钮方法 protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("是否确认关闭?", "警告", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, M

2022-02-24 12:43:27 9899 3

原创 英语第十二次练习

1.DebateShould we cancel real estate agencies in big cities these days?Act as an intermediary2.Conversation makinghand over fist:At a brisk pace or rate.This doll is so popular that the manufacturer is making money hand over fist.top of the heap:

2021-09-27 17:30:35 165

原创 git推送报错error: RPC failed; HTTP 413 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 413


2021-09-14 16:07:36 438 1

原创 英语第十一次练习

1.DebateShould we stop our parents for crazily adoring certain celebrity with everything they have got?yesin any time, crazily adoring an individual is an irrational thing2.Conversation makinghale and hearty: Healthy.It’s true that she was in th

2021-08-29 18:53:07 116

原创 英语第十次练习

1.debateShould a boy ask for a girl’s permission to kiss her for the first time?yespolite; cherishthe first time is when two people show feelings, so asking for a permission is a euphemistic[ˌjuːfəˈmɪstɪk] way.2.Conversation makingstand-up guy :lo

2021-08-22 14:23:45 137

原创 英语短语句子总结二

Impound扣押Spacious宽敞Kids’ parenting is more important than extra income孩子的养育比额外的收入更重要It’s a symbol of gender equalityMiser打赌Hatch孵化Precondition前提Prone toYouths are prone to temptation.年轻人容易受诱惑。It’s beneficial to this relationshipThe husband will l

2021-08-17 23:10:43 311

原创 二叉树递归遍历结点个数

这里先直接按照上一篇博客单链表的递归套路写下来。int count(BiTree root){ if (root == NULL){ return 0; } int l_count = conut (root->lchild); int r_count = count (root->rchild); return l_count + r_count + 1;}其实,单链表是“一叉树”,遍历的时候只有写一个递归句子就好了,二叉树相当于向左遍历一次,向右遍历一次。难想的是,为

2021-08-17 21:57:57 1160

原创 英语第九次练习

1.DebateShould young people seize any chance to be famous as early as possible these days?2.Conversation makingthe best thing since sliced bread:A humorous and hyperbolic statement indicating one’s belief that something is excellent, especially somethi

2021-08-15 20:33:39 165

原创 英语第八次练习

1.debateShould we cancel the tradition of gift money(彩礼) in a legal way?No, it is important for citizens that modifying the money’s distribution rather than limiting the money’s nameit is a choice rather than a standard, cancelling it hardly have effe

2021-08-09 16:06:06 151

原创 单链表 循环遍历和递归遍历 以及循 环求结点个数和递归求结点个数 的思考

我前面有很多文章一直说,递归和循环是一样的,可以相互转换。循环是一直重复某个语句,递归是一直调用自己。要想转化,递归就得好好想想自己的内部代码和循环执行的那句代码的关系(应当一样)。1.打印单链表非递归void printLnode (l* p){ while(p){ print(p); p = p->next; }}递归void printLnode (l* p){ print(p); printLnode (p->next);}内容上,打印的代码不变,循

2021-07-30 17:16:01 904

原创 英语第七次练习

1.DebateShould we lecture those naughty kids in the public if their parents turn a blind eye to the kids’ behavior?yesin the public, every should follow the guidelines, kids of course included.their parents stand outside, there are someone telling

2021-07-20 17:54:42 180

原创 英语第六次练习

1.Should the husband stay at home taking care of kids if the wife can make enough money to support the family?no2. Conversation makingword for word:using exactly the same wordsShe listened to everything I said and repeated it word for word to her

2021-07-19 19:44:35 134

原创 英语短语句子总结一

This habit will have super high marginal cost这种习惯将具有超高的边际成本Different people got different standards for perfectionNo one got the energy to perfect in every way没有人有精力在各方面都完美无缺The attitude is the keyPerfection stands for professionalism which is essentia

2021-07-19 17:49:53 2573

原创 英语第五次练习

1.Should we condemn those people for having the food fight in their private parties?we should’ntProductivity limits material quantityConsumption drives economic developmentThis is a natural manifestation of the relationship between supply and demandW

2021-06-17 22:53:22 245

原创 英语第四次练习

1.debateShould we set pursuing happiness as our ultimate goal in life?no we shouldn’thappiness is one of our emotions. we can justify stuff by feeling our different emotions.different people have many kinds of ultimate goals,such as happiness, wealthy

2021-06-06 20:54:16 147

原创 英语第三次练习

1.Should we reply work-related messages in the off work time if this choice is optional?shouldn’tcurrent time, work and life don’t balance, if it id optional, people want to balabce that,achieving more personal time.in the off work time, we are not pai

2021-05-27 14:22:53 132

原创 英语第二次练习

1.Is it a good thing trying to be perfect in doing things?yes1.most important is trying2.more perfect can’t be too much, as a old saying goes:Aim high or you may fall below the average.Aim the average or you may fall low.good thing defination2.Conve

2021-05-18 15:12:11 168

原创 英语第一次练习

1. Should we change the legal marriage age to 18?three points, corresponding examples, summary== should not change the legal marriage ==mindset is immature, and finance dont allow they to be responsible for a familyfor most people, 18 years old is

2021-05-07 23:06:42 148

原创 c++二叉排序树的非递归插入与递归插入,递归之间不同写法的思考

一、非递归非递归1:Node *bst_insert(Node *t, int key){ Node *p = t; while(p != NULL){ if(key = p->data){ return t; }else if(key < p->data){ p = p->lchild; }else { p = p->rchild; } } //执行到这里p为空 p = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));

2020-12-26 15:55:15 586 3

原创 F#数组相关问题记录

StringStringBuilder是一种数据类型,代表字符串可以更改open System.Textlet fa:StringBuilder array = Array.init 3 (fun index -> new StringBuilder(""))let sa = Array.copy fafa.[0] <- new StringBuilder("test1")fa.[0].Insert(0,"test22")结果为:val fa : StringBuilder ar

2020-12-26 14:28:54 110

原创 c++常用函数记录


2020-12-26 14:28:11 227

原创 非递归与递归循环读取数字的每一位c语言

#include<stdio.h>int main(){ int a; int res; scanf("%d", &a); while(a > 0){ res = a % 10; printf("%d\n", res); a /= 10; } return 0;}改成递归#include<stdio.h>int f

2020-11-29 19:19:39 196

原创 git重置(reset)、回滚(revert)、变基(rebase)总结

啊呜,经常被重置回滚和变基搞糊涂,需要使用的时候也会混乱。现在使用的次数多了,慢慢明白了,记录一下。前提:每次我们看到的commit都是经过-本地(工作区)->add(缓存区)->commit(提交)才会有哈希值出现。1. git reset重置就是传统意义上的重置。疑问:重置之后,3,4里面的内容怎么处理?处理方式一mixed(默认处理方式)git reset (–mixed)重置到2后,工作区内容是2后正在写的…3的工作区内容,暂存区内容被清空/离3就差add,然后再

2020-11-20 23:13:00 4563

原创 git删除远程仓库某分支及其所有内容


2020-11-20 14:31:51 1883

原创 C语言:求两数的最大公约数与最小公倍数

最大公约数我们知道辗转相除法是用来求最大公约数的,辗转相除法的代码演变可以看辗转相除法.这里的返回值就是n和m的最大公约数int gcd(int n, int m){ return m ? gcd(m, n%m) : n;}最小公倍数最小公倍数就是n*m去掉最大公约数int devgcd(int n, int m){ return n*m/gcd(n,m);}可运行版本:#include <stdio.h>int gcd(int n, int m){ .

2020-11-15 22:53:34 308

原创 c语言实现可变参数的使用

带有可变参数的函数int kkkkkkkk(int num, ...){}num 是可变参数的个数,… 是可变参数定义变量存可变参数int kkkkkkkk(int num, ...){ va_list v1; //int a;}类似于int a;va_list是重点初始化变参变量int kkkkkkkk(int num, ...){ va_list v1; //int a; va_start(v1, num); //a = 6;}类似于a = 6;**.

2020-10-28 13:52:38 225

原创 git远程操作总结(一)

1. git clone 地址把远程仓库的东西克隆下来在本地仓库里面可以得到一模一样的信息,此时分支名为:origin/master,代表克隆的是远程仓库origin的master分支2. git commit原来:提交之后:origin/master远程分支不会动,本地的master分支会自己动2.1git checkout origin/master把HEAD分支拿到origin/master上面2.2git commit会从HEAD分支继续提交3.git fetch

2020-10-21 03:58:41 806

原创 素数筛选,从O(n^2)到O(n),从暴力到线性筛,从小白到欧几里得

1暴力筛选素数从2开始:4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 …都是合数从3开始:6 9 12 15 18 21 24 …都是合数从4开始:8 12 16 20 24 28 …都是合数……从2开始依次向后开始遍历(i),每次遍历过程中,都乘以2,乘以3,乘以4标记(这里写成每次都加上i,也就是相乘的意思)#include <stdio.h>#define MAX_N 100int prime[MAX_N + 5];void init(){ for(int

2020-10-07 19:23:15 278

原创 C语言中scanf函数与空格回车

scanf()函数有返回值,且返回值是正确读取的个数scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);若是x,y都被正确读取了,则返回值是2;若只有x被正确读取了,则返回值是1;(不存在x没有被正确读取,但是y被正确读取的情况)若x,y都没有被读取,则返回值为0;若是遇到错误或者文件末尾,则返回-1,这个-1就是常见的E0F(end of file),他俩等价;scanf是从缓存区读取数据的每成功读取就会把缓存区的该数据删掉;若是需要读取但是缓存区还没有值,scanf..

2020-09-28 00:22:47 2334 2

原创 辗转相除法求最大公约数递归与非递归代码c++

非递归int gcd(int n, int m){ if(n<m) swap(n,m); while(m>0){ int t = n%m; n = m; m = t; } return n;}递归int gcd(int n, int m){ if(n>=m){ if(m==0) return n; int t = n%m; n = m; m = t; gcd(n,m); }else{ return gcd(m,n); }.

2020-09-07 01:10:21 934

原创 linux与vim杂谈

进入系统adduser xiaoming //创建新用户home文件里,系统自动为它分配一个组usermod -G sudo xiaoming //把小明加进sudo组,sudo是具有很多系统权限的组。G是别的组,区别于自己的小组sudo - xiaoming //使用高级权限初始化并进入小明的home文件里xshell复制粘贴ctrl + insert //复制shift + insert //粘贴logout //登出当前用户,快捷键ctrl + dvimyy复制当前行p粘贴

2020-09-02 17:54:53 232

原创 并查集查找的递归与非递归代码c++

非递归int Find(int s[],int x){ while(s[x]>=0){ x=s[x]; } return x;}递归int Find(int s[],int x){ if(s[x]>=0){ x=s[x]; Find(s,x); } return x;}递归与非递归可以通过while循环转换。

2020-08-21 00:35:43 274

原创 华为AppEngine学习

一.App Engine平台概述平时开发:低效、可复用少、架构难…App Engine平台可以解决这些,让应用复制成本低App Engine核心能力:行业套件、数字能力(工具),开发者直接使用即可例如:可以直接识别图片,进行调整界面。有设计即开发,在线测试,在线发布等优点应用架构可复用材料7步开发自己的app二.App Engine前端开发能力标准页面下拉框,选项树,级联框等表单对象的表单,拖拽出来会自动叫你填充相关信息自定义的表单,需要自己设置字

2020-08-03 15:45:49 2107 2

原创 描述统计学


2020-08-01 01:48:38 178














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