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原创 多用户服务器搭建

1.ssh安装 2.用户建立(使用可以自动建立个人文件夹的命令),包括管理员用户,root用户 3.安装Xshell,用于命令行操作;安装xrdp多用户图形界面(别人装的,无法读取环境路径文件,不知道怎么回事) 4.文件权限知识:https://blog.csdn.net/ZY_20181010/article/details/80600269 文件权限修改:https://blog.cs...

2019-12-11 17:50:44 824

原创 从裸机到深度学习环境

Ubuntu启动盘制作 https://blog.csdn.net/zjc910997316/article/details/91812182 安装Ubuntu工作站无需建立引导 https://blog.csdn.net/flyyufenfei/article/details/79187656 根据显卡型号安装显卡驱动 https://blog.csdn.net/zhang970187...

2019-10-21 19:46:52 158

原创 迷宫问题BFS

相信大家在学习数据结构时都会遇到一个问题,即迷宫问题。一般来说大家都会像真实走迷宫一样进行DFS搜索,但我今天给出的是随机生成迷宫且找最短路径的代码。通过这一次的编程,我发现自己要注意以下两点:1.要注意程序运行过程中的变量改变;2.对于复杂的条件判断,需要细心。 Have fun coding,i_human.Have fun coding,everyone! THE CODE:

2016-10-13 18:41:56 265

原创 vector与deque

STL (一)  vector 与 deque vector相当于一个动态数组,是顺序储存结构,deque也一样。但deque对于vector的优势在于删除数后维护顺序结构时可以更快速。 以下为利用vector实现的大数相加算法。 Have fun coding,i_human.Have fun coding,everyone! THE CODE: // vector使用.cpp

2016-10-09 22:28:24 225

原创 network flow based on BFS

Hello,everyone.Long time no meeting.Graph theory is a little difficult for me.Because the code is difficult to write.And i have not learned STL yet.So i spend so time to find my own data structure,and

2016-09-29 23:41:56 243 1

原创 网络流 DFS实现

Hello,everyone.See you again.Today i want to show you the algorithm of network flow based on DFS.It is easy,and next i will show you the other ways to solve the network flow problem. Have fun coding,

2016-09-27 20:01:25 306 1


昨天给出了蹩脚的Bellman-Ford动态规划实现,今天给出一种更快的算法,SPFA。 在编程过程中遇到了两个问题: 1.没有充分考虑数组指向; 2.没有充分考虑递归过程中的条件制约。 希望大家可以帮忙看一下上一篇博客,解决一下那个问题。如果可以改进该算法,请各位大神不吝赐教。 Have fun coding,i_human.Have fun coding ,everyone! TH

2016-09-24 11:03:55 282 1

原创 Bellman-Ford 的动态规划实现

思考这个算法已经两天了。之前发过一个Bellman-Ford算法,但那一个使用的是收缩法,十分耗费时间。于是开始尝试动态规划,代码如下,已经可以解决有负值时的求解最短路径,但是没有处理负圈的功能。因为我没有能力在动态规划的递归函数中进行负圈的判断(个人感觉Algorithm design 中“n-1!=n"一说有误)。如果在递归外部判断,那么该方法就失去了相对于收缩法的优势,时间复杂度将相等。

2016-09-23 19:51:25 1481

原创 Bellman-Ford

In my opinion,this way of Bellman Ford is not the solution based on dynamic programming.Because it lists all the situation,which is a waste of time,no from bottom to top,and no Memorandum.So i will gi

2016-09-21 01:21:10 311

原创 a problem solved by dynamic programming and some ideals

Hello,everyone. Today is the second day,and i am fighting.You must know that dynamic programming is a flexible problem.And there is a ad problem.You want to make ad walls on a street to earn money.But

2016-09-19 19:13:13 626

原创 two simple problems solved by dynamic programming

Hello,everyone.I said i will spend three days to learn the dynamic programming.And today is the first day.I will show two simple problems solved by dynamic programming.And there is on doubt that if yo

2016-09-18 23:26:05 216

原创 0-1 knapsack problem

Hello,everyone.Today i want to show you the 0-1 Knapsack problem,which is based on dynamic programming.Although i can solve this problem,but i still do not  have a good command at the dynamic programm

2016-09-17 22:42:13 258

原创 Board covering problem

Good morning.everyone.Yesterday i said today i will give you some harder problems solved by divide and conquer.And here it is,The Board covering problem.The code is wrote by myself,and it is not simpl

2016-09-17 11:01:42 320

原创 some math problems solved by Recursion & divide and conquer

Hello,everyone.Yesterday is Mid-Autumn Festival.And i am so sorry that i waste my time on computer games.But today i come back and keep fighting,which is my responsibility.And today i am here to  solv

2016-09-16 23:25:09 228

原创 an important method -- quicksort

Hello,everyone!See you again.Today i want to show you an important method----quicksort. It is a useful to sort,because it waste less time than many other sort ways.

2016-09-14 23:13:58 221

转载 集合全排列问题

it is really a shame that today i can not write my own artical.i will try harder.good night,everyone!

2016-09-14 00:36:54 1253

原创 Kruskal based on Greedy Algorithm

Hello,everyone,see you again.Yesterday I showed you the single source shortest path,and today I want to show you the Kruskal based on greedy algorithm.The difficulity of this solution is how to judge

2016-09-13 01:48:12 374

原创 Single source shortest path

The single source shortest path problem is a typical problem.And I give a solution based on Dijkstra,which is as follow.

2016-09-12 00:22:12 366 2



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