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原创 Step by step for a helloworld android application
http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/hello-world.html 1. Install the Android SDK http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html 2. Create Android project by commond line an
2011-11-20 08:31:20 236
原创 客户端和应用服务器之间利用HttpClient和Servlet交互JSON对象进行通信
记录下最近研究的关于如何在Android 应用程序和服务器之间通信的方法。 环境: 1.应用服务器Tomcat http://tomcat.apache.org 2.客户端 HttpClient http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-cli
2011-10-18 13:21:32 1611
原创 cairo 研究1
/** * cairo_matrix_t: * @xx: xx component of the affine transformation * @yx: yx component of the affine transformation * @xy: xy component of the affine transformation * @yy: yy component o
2008-04-16 13:35:00 365
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