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2012-03-28 14:45:20 396

翻译 TFS:Team Foundation Build 2010(生成自动化) 1

第22章 Team Foundation Build 2010 Part 1Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2010 学习我们将介绍Team Foundation Server(TFS)生成自动化的能力——提供了什么功能,如何使用,如何定制以适合组织需要。除了版本控制,自动化生成是你可以用

2012-03-11 22:24:04 1675

翻译 第22章 项目管理介绍1

第22章 项目管理介绍1 Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2010学习笔记 软件开发是个团队运动。软件开发团队包括开发者、测试者、业务分析者、项目经理等等。项目经理要能与团队随时、清楚的交流,当需求改变或者相关资源出现问题时可以对项目计划进行相应的改变,如果特定团队成员不能完成任务

2012-03-07 22:29:16 368

翻译 DNN翻译:添加、管理页面

添加、管理页面添加页面      鼠标移动到Pages(页面)链接,直到显示Pages菜单。      设置页面的名称。该名称在菜单中显示。      选择模板。默认的页面模板包含一个html模块。      设置插入的位置。是所选页面的前面还是后面,或者是所选页面的子页面。      设置页面是否在菜单中显示。      默认情况下添加的页面,只有管理员可见。你可以在

2012-03-05 21:25:46 471

翻译 DNN翻译:介绍

DNN用户手册翻译介绍      本手册对应的DNN版本是6.1.3。关于DotNetNuke      DotNetNuke(DNN)是一个开源门户及内容管理框架,基于Microsoft的.NET技术。DNN为广大商业门户网站的开发提供了一个健壮的、可扩展的、功能完备的框架。      DNN是一个世界领先的开源门户和内容管理框架,被世界范围内数千个组织使用。通常门户为组织内

2012-03-05 21:23:32 486

原创 DNN汉化

从http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Resources/Language-Packs.aspx下载了一个汉化包使用host登录网站,从admin主菜单点击Languages,进入语言设置页面。在页面下方点击Install Language Pack,选择下载下来的zip汉化包一步一步的安装即可。安装完毕后,选择Site Default为中文,点击Update。这个汉化

2012-03-05 21:20:20 332

原创 安装配置DNN


2012-03-05 21:17:45 351

原创 申请了一个域名www.icommon.net做DNN站点来学习


2012-03-05 21:13:59 485

Node.js项目实践:构建可扩展的Web应用 2015年出版296页

适读人群 :本书适合熟悉Node.js基础,想在专业环境中构建应用程序的开发人员 √全球获好评最多的Node书籍,原著获数百人五星推荐 √国内**团队奇舞团精选领域第一书,倾情翻译 √迈向产品级开发的实战入门,理解更深,技能翻番 √面向项目,涵盖第三方模块和组合技术,实战案例丰富 《Node.js项目实践:构建可扩展的Web应用》会指导你逐步学习如何使用专业的开发工具来构建一系列基于Node.js的Web应用。Node.js是一个用于创建Web服务的平台,以创新设计和高效著称。但仅有Node.js核心本身并不能够解决所有问题!在现代Web开发中,通常需要将许多不同的组件组合在一起——路由、数据库驱动、ORM、会话管理、Oauth、HTML模板引擎、CSS编译器等。如果你已经对Node.js的基础知识有了一定的了解,那现在就是我们去探索它巨大的模块包生态系统并用来构建产品的时候了。作为一个Web开发者,你将通过本书了解到各种各样的标准和框架集合是如何完美地通过Node.js结合到一起的。 《Node.js项目实践:构建可扩展的Web应用》会从JavaScript与Node.js的基础概念讲起,随后是必要模块的安装和详细介绍,再循序渐进地讲解如何编写和部署Web应用项目等你想了解的一切相关知识。我们会讨论各种库的引用,包括但不限于Express.js 4和Hapi.js框架,操作MongoDB数据库的Mongoskin和Mongoose ORM,Jade和Handlebars模板引擎,授权用户认证的OAuth模块和集成OAuth的Everyauth库,Mocha单元测试框架和Expect TDD/BDD语法,基于WebSocket协议提供实时通信的Socket.IO和DerbyJS库。 能够动起手来跟着本书一起写代码的读者,可以接触到一个由众多小例子迭代开发形成的博客项目,你会从零开始构建数据库脚本,写REST API和添加单元测试等进行全栈式的应用开发。本书还会介绍如何使用Git管理你的代码并将它们部署到Heroku平台和Amazon Web Service云服务平台上去。我们还利用Nginx、Varnish缓存、Upstart脚本、init.d脚本,还有forever模块等技术保证了应用程序的稳定运行。最后还会教你如何写你自己的Node.js模块包和在NPM发布它们。 通过《Node.js项目实践:构建可扩展的Web应用》,你将学会:    使用Express.js 4、MongoDB和Jade模板引擎构建Web应用    利用MongoDB控制台操作数据    通过Mocha、Expect和TravisCI为Node.js Web服务做测试用例   基于token和session的身份验证    使用Everyauth库实现第三方(Twitter)OAuth授权认证    利用Redis、Node.js domains模块,以及cluster库等技巧和**实践来准备生产环境的代码    在Amazon Web Services(AWS)云服务上部署Node.js应用时需要安装的组件


Node.js进阶之路 2017年出版206页

本书内容涵盖了 Node.js高并发的原理、源码分析以及使用 Node.js开发应用所需要的不同层面 的技术实践。具体来讲,本书包括 Node.js异步机制(配以源码分析)、编辑与调试、测试技术、 Docker 部署、模块机制、V8 引擎与代码优化、Promise 和 ES6 Generator、LoopBack 开源框架、使 用 C 编写扩展、JavaScript严格模式、编码规范等内容。在 LoopBack 章节,本书详细介绍了使 用此框架开发企业级 Web 应用的步骤,帮助读者迅速掌握使用这个强大框架的诀窍。*后一章详 细介绍了编写不同类型的 C 模块的知识,并对堆内存管理等内容做了深入探讨。 本书适合所有前端和后端的开发人员阅读。


Android Studio实战:快速高效地构建Android应用高清 2016年出版397页

《Android Studio实战 快速、高效地构建Android应用 全面涵盖关于Android Studio及其庞大工具生态系统的内容,包括Git和Gradle:除了介绍Android Studio与Git(用于源代码管理)和Gradle(一款构建及测试工具)的无缝工作方式外,还演示了如何使用诸如GitHub和Bitbucket的远程Git Web服务进行开发/协作。本书配有4个完整的Android项目,它们均可从公共的Git仓库下载。   通过学习本书,读者将能够掌握Android工具生态系统中最新、最实用的工具 ,以及Android App开发中的最佳实践。可以将实验代码作为模板或框架并在自己的类似App中重用和定制。   Android Studio是一款简单直观、功能丰富且极具包容性的集成开发环境,在开发Android App方面比Eclipse更加高效易用。有了这本书,你将快速掌握Android Studio并最大化Android开发时间。远程Web服务上的源代码均面向最新的Android Studio发行版——1.2版。 主要内容 ● 如何开始使用Android Studio IDE ● 如何导航及使用Android Studio ● 如何使用Git进行版本控制 ● 如何使用Gradle ● 如何使用崭新的Android Wear框架 ● 如何使用Android Studio调试代码 ● 如何管理应用项目 ● 如何测试应用 ● 如何分析并重构代码 ● 如何定制Android Studio 


HTML5+JavaScript 动画基础 2013年出版423页

《HTML5+JavaScript动画基础》包括了基础知识、基础动画、高级动画、3D动画和其他技术5大部分,分别介绍了动画的基本概念、动画的JavaScript基础、动画中的三角学、渲染技术、速度向量和加速度、边界与摩擦力、用户交互:移动物体、缓动与弹动、碰撞检测、坐标旋转与斜面反弹、撞球物理、粒子与万有引力、正向运动学:让事物行走、反向运动学:拖曳与伸出、三维基础、三维线条与填充、背面剔除与三维灯光、矩阵数学、秘诀与技巧等内容。   这些内容都是Web开发人员在深入如加速度、速度、缓冲、弹簧、碰撞检测、动量守恒、3D以及正向和反向运动物理概念之前,需要知道的所有关于三角函数的知识。在阅读本书的过程中,读者不但可以掌握脚本动画背后的概念,还可以创造出各种形式的精彩动画和游戏。   《HTML5+JavaScript动画基础》面向所有使用HTML5或从Flash转过来的Web开发人员。


Node Cookbook, 3rd Edition 2017年出版999页

Over 60 high-quality recipes covering debugging, security, performance, microservices, web frameworks, databases, deployment and more; rewritten for Node.js 8, Node.js 6, and Node.js 4 About This Book Actionable recipes across the full spectrum of Node.js development Cutting edge techniques and tools for measuring and improving performance Best practices for creating readily-scalable production systems Who This Book Is For If you have good knowledge of JavaScript and want to build fast, efficient, scalable client-server solutions, then this book is for you. Some experience with Node.js is assumed to get the most out of this book. If working from a beginner level Node Cookbook 2nd Edition is recommended as a primer for Node Cookbook 3rd Edition. What You Will Learn Debug Node.js programs Write and publish your own Node.js modules Detailed coverage of Node.js core API's Use web frameworks such as Express, Hapi and Koa for accelerated web application development Apply Node.js streams for low-footprint data processing Fast-track performance knowledge and optimization abilities Persistence strategies, including database integrations with MongoDB, MySQL/MariaDB, Postgres, Redis, and LevelDB Apply critical, essential security concepts Use Node with best-of-breed deployment technologies: Docker, Kubernetes and AWS In Detail Today's web demands efficient real-time applications and scalability. Asynchronous event-driven programming is ideal for this, and this is where Node.js comes in. Server-side JavaScript has been here since the 90s, but Node got it right. With Node for tooling and server-side logic, and a browser-based client-side UI, everything is JavaScript. This leads to rapid, fluid development cycles. The full-stack, single language experience means less context-switching between languages for developers, architects and whole teams. This book shows you how to build fast, efficient, and scalable client-server solutions using the latest versions of Node. The book begins with debugging tips and tricks of the trade, and how to write your own modules. Then you'll learn the fundamentals of streams in Node.js, discover I/O control, and how to implement the different web protocols. You'll find recipes for integrating databases such as MongoDB, MySQL/MariaDB, Postgres, Redis, and LevelDB. We also cover the options for building web application with Express, Hapi and Koa. You will then learn about security essentials in Node.js and advanced optimization tools and techniques. By the end of the book you will have acquired the level of expertise to build production-ready and scalable Node.js systems. The techniques and skills you will learn in this book are based on the best practices developed by nearForm, one of the leaders in Node implementations, who supported the work of the authors on this book. Style and approach This recipe-based practical guide presents each topic with step-by-step instructions on how you can create fast and efficient server side applications using the latest features and capabilities in Node 8 whilst also supporting usage with Node 4 and 6.


Vue.js 2 Cookbook 2017年出版760页

101 hands-on recipes that teach you how to build professional, structured web apps with Vue.js About This Book Understand and use Vue's reactivity system, data binding, and computed properties Create fluid transitions in your application with Vue's built-in transition system Use Vuex and Webpack to build medium-to-large scale SPAs and enhance your development workflow Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who want to learn about Vue.js through practical examples to quickly and efficiently build modern, interactive web applications. Prior experience and familiarity with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are recommended as the recipes build upon that knowledge. It will also enable both new and existing Vue.js users to expand their knowledge of the framework. What You Will Learn Understand the fundamentals of Vue.js through numerous practical examples Piece together complex web interfaces using the Vue.js component system Use Webpack and Babel to enhance your development workflow Manage your application's state using Vuex and see how to structure your projects according to best practices Seamlessly implement routing in your single page applications using Vue Router Find out how to use Vue.js with a variety of technologies such as Node.js, Electron, Socket.io, Firebase, and HorizonDB by building complete applications In Detail Vue.js is an open source JavaScript library for building modern, interactive web applications. With a rapidly growing community and a strong ecosystem, Vue.js makes developing complex single page applications a breeze. Its component-based approach, intuitive API, blazing fast core, and compact size make Vue.js a great solution to craft your next front-end application. From basic to advanced recipes, this book arms you with practical solutions to common tasks when building an application using Vue. We start off by exploring the fundamentals of Vue.js: its reactivity system, data-binding syntax, and component-based architecture through practical examples. After that, we delve into integrating Webpack and Babel to enhance your development workflow using single file components. Finally, we take an in-depth look at Vuex for state management and Vue Router to route in your single page applications, and integrate a variety of technologies ranging from Node.js to Electron, and Socket.io to Firebase and HorizonDB. This book will provide you with the best practices as determined by the Vue.js community. Style and approach This book offers detailed, easy-to-follow recipes that will help you harness full potential of Vue.js. The guide will provide you with working code examples for many of the common problems that web developers face. Each recipe is designed to help you quickly understand and solve a particular problem that is commonly faced by developers using Vue.js in a simple and intuitive manner. This book also includes larger recipes to address obstacles arising from building medium-to-large scale applications with Vue.js.


SVG Animations 2017年出版246页

SVG is extremely powerful, with its reduced HTTP requests and crispness on any display. It becomes increasingly more interesting as you explore its capabilities for responsive animation and performance boons. When you animate SVG, you must be aware of normal image traits like composition, color, implementation, and optimization. But when you animate, it increases the complexity of each of these factors exponentially. This practical book takes a deep dive into how you can to solve these problems with stability, performance, and creativity in mind. Learn how to make SVG cross-browser compatible, backwards compatible, optimized, and responsive Plan and debug animation Make a complex animation responsive, as many sites are responsive Profile each animation technique in terms of performance so that you know what you're getting in to with each library or native technology


React Native Cookbook 2016年出版536页

Take your React Native application development to the next level with this large collection of recipes About This Book Build rich and engaging user experiences in React Native while maintaining peak application performance Leverage the best of iOS and Android for React Native development while maximizing code reuse and cohesion Implement architecture patterns in your React Native application that support efficient data access, routing, and testing Who This Book Is For This book is for web developers who are familiar with React.js and know the basics of UI development. You may or may not have used React Native before, but it's ideal for you if you want to develop native applications for iOS and Android using React Native. Existing knowledge of JavaScript ES2015 is highly recommended. What You Will Learn Build simple and complex UIs using React Native Create advanced animations for UI components Build universal apps that run on phones and tablets Leverage Redux to manage application flow and data Expose both custom native UI components and application logic to React Native Integrate with existing native applications on iOS and Android Deploy your React Native application to the Google Play and Apple App Store Add automated testing to your React Native application In Detail React has taken the web development world by storm, and it is only natural that the unique architecture and its ecosystem of third-party support be applied to native application development. This book will take you through the basics of React Native development all the way through to some more advanced components. This book covers topics in React Native ranging from adding basic UI components to successfully deploying for multiple target platforms. The book follows a top-down approach beginning with building rich user interfaces. These UIs will be created with both built-in and custom components that you will create, style, and animate. You will then learn about different strategies for working with data, including leveraging the popular Redux library and optimizing the performance of the application. Then, you will step further into exposing native device functionality. Finally, we will discuss how to put your application into production and maintain its reliability. Style and approach This is a fast-paced guide with clear, concise recipes that let you discover and take advantage of the many features offered by React Native to build compelling mobile apps. This book will take your skills to the next level and equip you with the expertise to build high performing, native mobile apps in JavaScript.


Mastering React Native 2017年出版496页

Leverage frontend development skills to build impressive iOS and Android applications with React Native About This Book Apply flexbox to get layout and build rich animations that bring your React Native application to life Integrate third-party libraries and develop customized components that run natively on iOS and Android platforms Combine React Native with Redux, Redux middleware, and a remote API to build scalable data-driven applications Who This Book Is For This book is for anyone who wants to build cross-platform native mobile applications using only JavaScript and the React Native framework. In particular, this book is especially useful for front-end developers who want to use their current skillset to build mobile applications. An existing working knowledge of JavaScript will help you get the most out of this book. What You Will Learn Implement native React Native components and APIs Explore React's JSX syntax Manage data using Redux and Redux middleware Build applications with React Native on both iOS and Android platforms Perform animations in your applications using the animation APIs Understand routing and Navigator comparison Create your own Native module In Detail React Native has completely revolutionized mobile development by empowering JavaScript developers to build world-class mobile apps that run natively on mobile platforms. This book will show you how to apply JavaScript and other front-end skills to build cross-platform React Native applications for iOS and Android using a single codebase. This book will provide you with all the React Native building blocks necessary to become an expert. We'll give you a brief explanation of the numerous native components and APIs that come bundled with React Native including Images, Views, ListViews, WebViews, and much more. You will learn to utilize form inputs in React Native. You'll get an overview of Facebook's Flux data architecture and then apply Redux to manage data with a remote API. You will also learn to animate different parts of your application, as well as routing using React Native's navigation APIs. By the end of the book, you will be able to build cutting-edge applications using the React Native framework. Style and approach This comprehensive guide will take your React Native skills to the next level. It shows you how to develop a clear workflow to build scalable applications, and how to implement the architectural concepts covered to build applications that shine in the real world.



ios 11 英文版 Packt.Mastering.iOS.11.Programming.2nd.Edition.2017.pdf






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