用NDB Cluster替代Mysql Memory存储


People often wants to use the MySQL memory engine to store web sessions or other similar volatile data.
There are good reasons for that, here are the main ones:

  • Data is volatile, it is not the end of the world if it is lost
  • Elements are accessed by primary key so hash index are good
  • Sessions tables are accessed heavily (reads/writes), using Memory tables save disk IO

Unfortunately, the Memory engine also has some limitations that can prevent its use on a large scale:

  • Bound by the memory of one server
  • Variable length data types like varchar are expanded
  • Bound to the CPU processing of one server
  • The Memory engine only supports table level locking, limiting concurrency

Those limitations can be hit fairly rapidly, especially if the session payload data is large. What is less known is that NDB Cluster can creates tables that behave similarly to a Memory table without the limitations. With NDB, if you create a table with the following syntax:

mysql> set ndb_table_no_logging=1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table WebSession (session_key char(30), session_payload varchar(4000), primary key (session_key) using hash) engine=ndb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.75 sec)

mysql> set ndb_table_no_logging=0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Describing the table using the ndb_desc tool shows us the following:

root@yves-laptop:/usr/local/mysql-5.1.29-ndb-6.3.19# ./bin/ndb_desc -d test WebSession
-- WebSession --
Version: 31
Fragment type: 5
K Value: 6
Min load factor: 78
Max load factor: 80
Temporary table: yes
Number of attributes: 2
Number of primary keys: 1
Length of frm data: 291
Row Checksum: 1
Row GCI: 1
SingleUserMode: 0
ForceVarPart: 1
TableStatus: Retrieved
-- Attributes --
session_key Char(30;latin1_swedish_ci) PRIMARY KEY DISTRIBUTION KEY AT=FIXED ST=MEMORY
session_payload Longvarchar(4000;latin1_swedish_ci) NULL AT=MEDIUM_VAR ST=MEMORY

-- Indexes --
PRIMARY KEY(session_key) - UniqueHashIndex

NDBT_ProgramExit: 0 - OK

The important point here is the “Temporary table: yes” which means the table will not be logged to disk in the RedoLog and will not be dumped in the LCP. So basically, no disk activity for this table. What are the characteristics of those NDB temporary tables:

  • Row level locking
  • Hash index for the primary key
  • Varchar not expanded, true varchar size
  • Scalable, can be spread across a large number of servers, more memory, more CPU
  • Many MySQL servers can access the session table in a consistent way. A good practice is a local MySQL daemon on each application server
  • Less volatile then the Memory engine, as long as the cluster is up, the table is there

Too good to be true… I recently experimented with NDB temporary tables for session of a popular online game. We pushed the cluster very hard, with 10 servers simulating 4 millions active simultaneous game sessions and the cluster handled that very easily. The cluster was large, 24 data nodes (2 per server) and 20 SQL nodes. At full load, the ndbd processes were running at 20% of CPU usage. Even with such a large cluster, the session load would have too large for the disks of the ndb nodes without the use of “set ndb_table_no_logging=1;”.

So, one thing to remember, if you need a large temporary table, have a look to MySQL NDB cluster.





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