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这个BAPI一直还活着,不知道为什么,可能SAP没工夫升级吧。。。今天主要是GM_CODE的问题,对应如下,同时下面转一个同学的文章。。。GM_CODE Tcode 描述 MovementType 01 MB01 对采购订单收货 101/ 02 MB31 按生产订单收货 101/ 03 MB1A 消耗出货...

2019-02-27 23:37:35 5271

原创 SE16N变更为编辑模式


2018-09-19 10:27:05 1751

原创 SAP 示例

经常会用到一些SAP自带的小程序, 无TCODE, 或者是示例啥的, 慢慢整理一下, 在这里备查. 1. SAPRDEMOWORD97INTEGRATION     调用Word 示例 2. ACC_BAPI_TEST_DOCUMENT      A Test Program for BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_CHECK & BAPI_ACC_DOCU...

2018-07-11 13:08:42 711


搞搞SAP PI, come on baby,走起!!!

2016-08-30 14:33:30 271

原创 ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC) - About the TCode

ABAP测试驾驶舱这个翻译很牵强,姑且叫做ABAPer 的诊疗室,更强大的测试集成工具。 首先,如何使用,SE38--> Program--> Check--> ABAP Test Cockpit. 其次,TCode:ATC,配制测试的变量,每个人可以有所不同哦,原理和运行报表的变量一样。配置:ATC, Enable--> Yes; For Any Res...

2014-11-28 09:24:41 2420

原创 SAP SmartForms 字符处理

格式化数字等,在smartforms显示输出的格式。 Link:http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/1c/f40c6fddf311d3b574006094192fe3/frameset.htmOverviewFormatting Options for FieldsSyntaxDescription...

2014-05-14 14:44:34 797

原创 SAP Workflow TR about

 今天有人问workflow的传输问题,有些我也不懂,顺便察看了下系统,整理一下。1. 保存在本地的workflow是否可以传输?2. Workflow的相关TR信息存放在哪个表里? 1. Basic data -> Utilities -> Object directory entry -> Save;有时候为了测试,需要创建了一些本地local的wor...

2013-11-19 16:44:17 229

原创 Enhancements using Customer Exits (BOMs)

 Enhancements using Customer Exits (BOMs) UseIn order to optimize the BOM processing processes in your business, you can change some functions of the SAP System in BOMs by using Customer Exits....

2013-11-15 16:42:13 261

原创 SAP Code 增强

REPORT Z_FIND_BADI.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Enter the transaction code that you want to search through in order **& to find which...

2013-09-23 14:06:51 186

原创 转 ERP和SAP是什么意思?

From link.每天都在讲ERP,公司在做ERP软件,到底ERP是什么意思呢?ERP和SAP指什么意思呢?查询并整理了ERP和SAP的相关解释如下:ERP是英文Enterprise Resource Planning(企业资源计划)的简写。指建立在信息技术基础上,以系统化的管理思想为企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的管理平台。ERP系统集中信息技术与先进的管理思想於一身,成为现...

2013-08-19 17:47:33 317

原创 转 Offline Workflow Approval in ECC R/3 without SAP Logon from E-Mail (Outlook)

Offline Workflow Approval in ECC R/3 without SAP Logon from E-Mail (Outlook)By Anirban Bhattacharjee, KPIT Cummins and Infosystems from LinkPurpose: This document will demonstrate how you can se...

2013-08-19 09:57:32 4086

原创 两年了

9月2日,两年了,上天开的玩笑。有时间我会兑现去你家看看的,虽然是你走后对自己的要求。上大学时的憾事:1. 没有真正的玩一款网游,曾经的;2. 没有在国旗护卫队坚持下来,一直都是; 人生憾事很多,希望以后不给自己留下遗憾!我知道黄昏正在转瞬即逝,黑夜从天而降了。我看到广阔的土地袒露着结实的胸膛,那是召唤的姿态,就像女人召唤着她们的儿女,土地召唤着黑夜来临。    ---...

2013-08-19 09:57:19 137

原创 SAP SE38 增强

最近很多人在搞SE38增强,没事就在系统里面挂一个test 的菜单,都快疯了,收集一下,如何察看SE38增强,希望对大家有帮助方法: 用tcode CMOD,查找实现的project。1。 在CMOD界面,点击F4,然后选择All selections(shift+F7),在enhancement 里面输入SEU00002;2。 点击执行(enter),这样就找到实现的enhanc...

2013-08-19 09:57:08 2307

原创 NND 搞Eclipse

NND,为了HANA, 我还得重新研究一下JAVA,日阿,老早的东西,都快忘记光了呢!!!Java - 环境变量JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_38 CLASSPATH:.;%JAVA_HOME%\lib; Path:%JAVA_HOME%\bin; Hello world 程序package src; ...

2013-08-19 09:56:47 193

原创 转 How to Trigger Class based workflow

How to Trigger Class based workflowBy Rakesh Dhudipala from Link Scenario:This explains a simple scenario to trigger Class based Workflow from program.   Step by Step procedure:   Go to ...

2013-08-15 09:45:23 115

原创 转 Consistency and Extended Checks for Workflow Template and Tasks

Consistency and Extended Checks for Workflow Template and TasksBy Anirban Bhattacharjee, KPIT Cummins and Infosystems from LinkPurpose: The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how to perf...

2013-08-15 09:45:11 119

原创 转 Program Exits in Work Item for Workflow

Program Exits in Work Item for WorkflowBy Anirban Bhattacharjee, KPIT Cummins and Infosystems from LinkPurpose: The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how to use Program Exits in a Work ...

2013-08-15 09:44:57 308

原创 转 Simplified Business Workplace -> Workflow Inbox in SAP R/3

Simplified Business Workplace -> Workflow Inbox in SAP R/3By Anirban Bhattacharjee, KPIT Cummins and Infosystems from LinkPurpose: The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how to displa...

2013-08-15 09:44:26 264

原创 转 Forward a work item to your own currently logged in SAP ID

Forward a work item to your own currently logged in SAP IDBy Anirban Bhattacharjee, KPIT Cummins and Infosystems from LinkPurpose: The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how you can forw...

2013-08-15 09:43:24 235

原创 转 Process a User Decision Programmatically at Background

Process a User Decision Programmatically at BackgroundBy Anirban Bhattacharjee, KPIT Cummins and Infosystems from LinkPurpose: This document will show how to process a branch in a User Decision ...

2013-08-13 13:42:26 136

原创 转 Capture Rejection Reason Text from User Decision in Workflow

Capture Rejection Reason Text from User Decision in WorkflowBy Anirban Bhattacharjee, KPIT Cummins and Infosystems from LinkPurpose: The purpose of this document is to capture the rejection reas...

2013-08-13 13:41:08 261

原创 转 Modify the run-time value of workflow containers

Modify the run-time value of workflow containersBy Anirban Bhattacharjee, KPIT Cummins and Infosystems from LinkPurpose: The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how to modify the values o...

2013-08-13 13:40:25 195

原创 转 Display Dynamic Attachments in Work Item in Workflow

Display Dynamic Attachments in Work Item in WorkflowBy Anirban Bhattacharjee, KPIT Cummins and Infosystems from LinkPurpose: The purpose of this article is to show you how to display dynamic att...

2013-08-13 13:39:57 125

原创 转 Call instance method from workflow using class

Call instance method from workflow using classBy Rakesh Dhudipala from LinkScenario:Below document explains how to call instance Method from Workflow task   Prerequisites: ABAP objects   ...

2013-08-13 13:38:10 97

原创 转 Demo on working with “Nested / SubWorkflows”

Demo on working with "Nested / SubWorkflows"By Avinash Palavai, StraVis IT Solutions from Link Prerequisite :  Should have basic idea of worklow and usage of Send Mail and Activity Steps.1) ...

2013-08-07 11:41:23 86

原创 转 Sending multiple attachment in user decision step of workflow

Sending multiple attachment in user decision step of workflowBy Lokesh Tripathi, Infosys from LinkBusiness RequirementThis document describes how to send multiple attachments in the user dec...

2013-08-07 11:40:55 188

原创 转 Demo on Workflow using Classes

Demo on Workflow using ClassesBy Richa Gupta, Sparta Consulting from Link PurposeTo develop workflow using OOPS concept instead of using standard Business Object.   NOTE: Before following ...

2013-08-07 11:40:38 123

原创 转 Delegate a Subtype to Supertype

Delegate a Subtype to SupertypeBy Richa Gupta, Sparta Consulting from LinkPurpose:When a workflow is created using a Business Object, then sometimes it is needed to customize the Business Obje...

2013-08-07 11:39:52 136

原创 转 Archiving SAP Work items

Archiving SAP Work itemsBy Pratik Vora, Wipro from LinkIntroductionEven the most modern and technologically advanced database systems can suffer from performance bottlenecks caused by large da...

2013-08-07 11:39:07 155

原创 转 Working with Dynamic Task Submission in Workflow

Working with Dynamic Task Submission in WorkflowBy Gaurang Kotecha, L&T Infotech from Link Agenda:This document will help implementing the dynamic submission of tasks in a workflow templat...

2013-08-01 10:23:26 97

原创 转 Registering WEB DYNPRO/BSP Application with a Workflow Work item

Registering WEB DYNPRO/BSP Application with a Workflow Work itemBy Gaurang Kotecha, L&T Infotech from Link Agenda:This document will help understanding how a web-dynpro/BSP application can...

2013-08-01 10:23:16 122

原创 转 Sending workflow notification to Requestor in HTML format

Sending workflow notification to Requestor in HTML formatBy Manica Senapati, Intelligroup from Link Aim: To Send Workflow Notification to Requestor in HTML FormatStep1: Create Function modul...

2013-08-01 10:21:55 139

原创 转 Debugging SAP events

Debugging SAP eventsBy Saurabh Asthana, Infosys Technologies from Link Overview:This document explains how receiver Function module can be used as a Substitute of BAPIs and Exits in particul...

2013-08-01 10:19:46 224

原创 转 Extended notification configuration

Extended notification configurationBy Mohan Babu K J, IBM India from Link Goto T-code SWNCONFIG.Copy the STANDARD Category to ZMAILNOTIF and save as shown below. Select the Category an...

2013-08-01 10:18:55 147

原创 转 Raising events based on changed document

Raising events based on change document (Workflow)By Kartik Tarla, Infosys from Link T-Code: SWEC, SWETYPV.Table: TCDOB, SWECDVALUE, CDPOSIntroduction:Many business objects are changed fre...

2013-07-31 15:15:35 116

原创 转 To instantiate any Business object in a Workflow

To instantiate any Business object in a WorkflowBy Swetabh Shukla, Infosys from Link 1. Go to SWDD and create a new workflow. This workflow will have two steps. This is just for test purpose...

2013-07-31 15:15:14 106

原创 转 Working with Business Objects

Working with Business Objects in SAPBy Swetabh Shukla, Infosys from Link Business Object type contains methods, attributes and events which give a component based view of any Business Process....

2013-07-31 15:14:43 139

原创 转 Passing a hyperlink in a Work item

Passing a hyperlink in a Work item注:SAP听歌神器!!!(把那个默认网址替换成123.sogou.com/ting/)By Sourav Roychowdhury, Capgemini India from Link In this scenario, we will check how a hyperlink is passed in a ...

2013-07-31 15:14:15 99

原创 转 Triggering Workflow using Business Transaction Events

Triggering Workflow using Business Transaction Events (BTE)from Link What are Business Transaction Events?·        The enhancement technique (Open FI) that were developed for Financial Accou...

2013-07-31 15:08:03 99

原创 转 Starting Workflow from Messages

Trigger Workflow from MessagesBy Suresh Kumar Parvathaneni from Link This document details about the procedure in triggering the workflows from a message (For e.g., error or warning message). ...

2013-06-03 09:49:39 153





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