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转载 2010年谷歌十大失误和不利事件:Buzz遭批评

<br /><br />腾讯科技讯(中涛)北京时间12月22日消息,美国知名IT杂志《eWeek》网络版今天刊文称,虽然谷歌多项产品在2010年期间取得了市场成功,但同样也出现了不少市场失误。不仅如此,由于谷歌知名度的提高,该公司还遭到了欧盟等监管部门的反垄断调查。《eWeek》为此评出了谷歌2010年十大产品失误和开局不利事件,其中包括谷歌街景收集用户上网隐私信息受指责、Buzz社交网络服务遭批评、没能成功收购美国团购网站Groupon等等。<br />《eWeek》认为,在谷歌创建以来的12年当中,20

2010-12-22 20:12:00 1108

Get Programming with Go (pdf+源码)

Get Programming with Go introduces you to the powerful Go language without confusing jargon or high-level theory. By working through 32 quick-fire lessons, you’ll quickly pick up the basics of the innovative Go programming language!


HTML5 and JavaScript Projects, 2nd Edition

Build on your basic knowledge of HTML5 and JavaScript to create substantial HTML5 applications. Through the many interesting projects you can create in this book, you'll develop HTML5 skills for future projects, and extend the core skills you may have learned with its companion book, The Essential Guide to HTML5.


Electron From Beginner to Pro

Discover how to take your existing web development skills and learn how to create desktop applications for macOS, Windows, and Linux, using GitHub's Electron. Learn how to combine the power of Node.js and Chromium to provide a powerful development platform for creating web applications that break free from the browser.


Decompiling Android

Decompiling Android looks at the the reason why Android apps can be decompiled to recover their source code, what it means to Android developers and how you can protect your code from prying eyes. This is also a good way to see how good and bad Android apps are constructed and how to learn from them in building your own apps.


C++ Quick Syntax Reference

The C++ Quick Syntax Reference is a condensed code and syntax reference to the C++ programming language. It presents the essential C++ syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference.


C# 7 Quick Syntax Reference, 2nd Edition

This quick C# 7 guide is a condensed code and syntax reference to the C# programming language, updated with the latest features of C# 7.3 for .NET and Windows 10. It presents the essential C# 7 syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference.


C Quick Syntax Reference

The C Quick Syntax Reference is a condensed code and syntax reference to the popular C programming language, which has enjoyed some resurgence of late. This book presents the essential C syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a quick and handy reference.


Beginning SVG

Develop SVG functionality for use within websites quickly and natively, using basic tools such as HTML and CSS. This book is a project-oriented guide to creating and manipulating scalable vector graphics in the browser for websites or online applications, using little more than a text editor or free software, and the power of JavaScript.


Beginning JSON

Beginning JSON is the definitive guide to JSON - JavaScript Object Notation - today’s standard in data formatting for the web. The book starts with the basics, and walks you through all aspects of using the JSON format. Beginning JSON covers all areas of JSON from the basics of data formats to creating your own server to store and retrieve persistent data. Beginning JSON provides you with the skill set required for reading and writing properly validated JSON data.


Beginning Java 9 Fundamentals

Learn the basics of Java 9, including basic programming concepts and the object-oriented fundamentals necessary at all levels of Java development. Author Kishori Sharan walks you through writing your first Java program step-by-step. Armed with that practical experience, you'll be ready to learn the core of the Java language. Beginning Java 9 Fundamentals provides over 90 diagrams and 240 complete programs to help you learn the topics faster.


Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX

Design and create video games using Java, with the LibGDX software library. By reading Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX, you will learn how to design video game programs and how to build them in Java. You will be able to create your own 2D games, using various hardware for input (keyboard/mouse, gamepad controllers, or touchscreen), and create executable versions of your games. The LibGDX library facilitates the game development process by providing pre-built functionality for common tasks. It is a free, open source library that includes full cross-platform compatibility, so programs written using this library can be compiled to run on desktop computers (Windows/MacOS), web browsers, and smartphones/tablets (both Android and iOS).


Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries

Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries completes the Apress Java learning journey and is a comprehensive approach to learning the Java Swing, JavaFX, Java Scripting, JDBC and network programming APIs.


Beginning Android Games, 2nd Edition

Beginning Android Games, Second Edition offers everything you need to join the ranks of successful Android game developers, including Android tablet game app development considerations. You'll start with game design fundamentals and programming basics, and then progress toward creating your own basic game engine and playable game apps that work on Android and earlier version compliant smartphones and now tablets. This will give you everything you need to branch out and write your own Android games.


Beginning Android C++ Game Development

Beginning Android C++ Game Development introduces general and Android game developers like you to Android's Native Development Kit (NDK). The Android NDK platform allows you to build the most sophisticated, complex and best performing game apps that leverage C++.


Android Quick APIs Reference

The Android Quick APIs Reference is a condensed code and APIs reference for the new Google Android 5.0 SDK. It presents the essential Android APIs in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference.


Android Apps for Absolute Beginners Covering Android 7, 4th Edition

Android Apps for Absolute Beginners Covering Android 7, 4th Edition


Advanced Topics in Java Core Concepts in Data Structures

Advanced Topics in Java Core Concepts in Data Structures


Javascript - The Web Warrior Series 6th Edition

Javascript - The Web Warrior Series 6th Edition


Build your own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games Using HTML5

Build your own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games Using HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL


Mathematics for 3D Game Programming&Computer Graphics

Mathematics for 3D Game Programming&Computer Graphics


cocos2d-x2.2.2 API帮助文档

cocos2d-x2.2.2 API帮助文档



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Teleport Ultra (离线浏览)V1.62 绿色汉化版

Teleport Ultra 所能做的,不仅仅是离线浏览某个网页 (让你离线快速浏览某个网页的内容当然是它的一项重要功能),它可以从 Internet 的任何地方抓回你想要的任何文件,它可以在你指定的时间自动登录到你指定的网站下载你指定的内容,你还可以用它来创建某个网站的完整的镜象,作为创建你自己的网站的参考。 如果你也和我一样,曾想把整个网页抓回来慢慢欣赏,如果你也曾像我一样,费尽千辛万苦只为了重复抓取同一网站的文件而做一些机械性的动作,Teleport Ultra 简直是我们的救星!它可以迅速、确实地将整个网站复制在你的硬盘中,为您节省大笔的上网费用与时间。 Teleport Ultra 是著名的离线浏览软件 Teleport Pro 版本的增强版! 更新记录: 1.新增了一项功能,使得该软件的Ultra, VLX, Exec, Exec/VLX版可以打开比较小的项目 2.新增了可以在UNC卷上运行项目的功能 3.在Exec和Exec/VLX版本中新增了API命令 4.更新了所有版本的文档 5.改进了脚本,可以处理更多的脚本命令 6.改进了规则引擎 7.修正了会取回一些不需要的URL的bug 8.重新设置了Ultra版的试用期 Pro 与 Ultra 的不同 更大的项目数据库 Pro 在项目数据库中,最大只能维持到 65,000 网址。Ultra 则可以到 250,000 网址。能够更方便的,在单一方案中处理更多数据。 增强的启始地址特性: Ultra 有两个额外的网址特性,加入新网址时或编辑时,可使用「包含」与「别名」功能。 增强的方案特性: 包括「同步化本地网站」「借用 Cookies」「自定义 http 标题」 其它功能: 电子邮件、导入启始网址、更短的启始网址、按次序执行、删除失效文件、导出首页,功能不胜枚举。


Easy CHM 3.84简体中文绿色特别版

Easy CHM是国华软件推出的一款强大的CHM电子书或CHM帮助文件的快速制作工具。使用EasyCHM只需要三个步骤就可以完成CHM的制作:1、用户指定一个目录,EasyCHM会自动导入全部目录及文件;2、设置CHM编译选项;3、开始制作。EasyCHM非常适合个人和单位制作高压缩比的带有全文检索及高亮显示搜索结果的网页集锦、CHM帮助文件、专业的产品说明、公司介绍、CHM电子书等等。



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