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转载 bundled software

Software that is sold with a computer or other hardware component as part of a package. As competition between computer manufacturers has intensified, bundling software has become a key strategy f

2017-04-29 22:15:32 336

转载 rails? Convention Over Configuration vs Don't Repeat Yourself

Ruby on Rails(官方简称为 Rails。也有人简称为 RoR,该缩写目前仍于一些中文讨论中被使用。),是一个使用Ruby语言写的开源Web应用框架,它是严格按照MVC结构开发的。它努力使自身保持简单,来使实际的应用开发时的代码更少,使用最少的配置。Rails的设计原则包括“不做重复的事”(Don't Repeat Yourself)和“惯例优于设置”(Convention

2017-04-29 22:11:25 280

转载 what's is build?

In the field of computer software, the term software build refers either to the process of converting source code files into standalone software artifact(s) that can be run on a computer, or the resul

2017-04-29 21:58:46 388

原创 dockerfile动手自己建image

1,熟悉dockerfile语法2,手动构建centos73,使用官网centos74,系统层--基于官网cenos7 添加 supervisor+ssh启动后即启动ssh 5,运行层—安装jdk6,app层安装tomcat,暴露8080.—supervisor接管. 设计原则:运行层和应用层均基于系统层.   1,docker file 设计

2017-04-28 16:22:16 3174

原创 dockerfile小记

解释:CMD指令中指定的命令会在镜像运行时执行,在Dockerfile中只能存在一个,如果使用了多个CMD指令,则只有最后一个CMD指令有效。当出现ENTRYPOINT指令时,CMD中定义的内容会作为ENTRYPOINT指令的默认参数,也就是说可以使用CMD指令给ENTRYPOINT传递参数。 注意:RUN和CMD都是执行命令,他们的差异在于RUN中定义的命令会在执行docke

2017-04-27 17:41:54 548

转载 Dockerfile reference

Dockerfile referenceDocker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the

2017-04-27 16:50:00 2452

原创 what is a geo clsuter?

Definition of Cluster:A group of servers that together act as a single system, enabling load balancing and high availability. Clustering can be housed in the same physical location (basic cluster) or

2017-04-27 14:18:20 438

原创 徒手启动jenkins-体会docker好处

docker run -d -u root \-p 8080:8080 \-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \-v $(which docker):/bin/docker \-v /var/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home \jenkins

2017-04-27 12:33:35 605

转载 How Builds, Deployments and Services Work in OpenShift V3

As promised last time, I’m going to cover some new capabilities that have just dropped in OpenShift v3. If you haven’t read part one of this series, you might want to go back and do so now so you’

2017-04-27 12:17:29 349

转载 Pipeline

Pipeline Chapter Sub-SectionsGetting Started with PipelineUsing a JenkinsfileBranches and Pull RequestsExtending with Shared LibrariesPipeline SyntaxTable of Conten

2017-04-27 12:15:26 870 1

原创 openshift origin v1.5.0安装

openshift origin1.5.0安装 openshift-ansible安装会自动生成origin-v1.5.0相关rpm的仓库.但是默认从git clone https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible.git 拉取的代码,ansible加的仓库如下文件[root@node1 ~]# ll /etc/yum.repo

2017-04-27 10:56:39 2093

原创 openshit工作工程


2017-04-26 22:29:09 455

原创 openshift logging efk部署及问题解决

openshift创建efkoc project loggingoc label node node1.ma.com label=logoc label node node2.ma.com label=logoc label node master.ma.com label=logoc get node -L label   oc secrets new log

2017-04-25 15:14:03 1362

原创 openshift registry固定ip不更新问题解决

初始安装openshift后,干掉默认的registry,然后添加registry. 给regsitry固定ip地址为:固定后push image后,在webui看,还是原来的ip,如下图 疑问点:我删掉了默认的registry,自建了registry,且固定其ip为172.30.0.3,openshift下image的ip没自动更新呢

2017-04-21 22:22:23 494

原创 Software Development Life Cycle

https://www.tutorialspoint.com/software_engineering/software_development_life_cycle.htm  Software Development Life Cycle, SDLC for short, is a well-defined, structured sequence of stages in softwa

2017-04-21 14:03:01 1246

原创 strategy和policy区别


2017-04-21 12:24:13 5267

原创 openshift认证

2017-04-21 12:05:53 1020

原创 钩子(hooks)—webhook-使用钩子自动触发部署

钩子(hooks)—webhook什么是webhook?wehookA webhook is an API concept that's growing(激发) in popularity. As more and more of what we do on the web can be described by events, webhooks are becoming even m

2017-04-20 10:46:29 38181

原创 all-in-one的openshift 创建管理员

https://github.com/openshift/origin/blob/master/examples/sample-app/container-setup.md all-in-one的openshift 容器启动后,进入容器,创建管理员htpasswd -c openshift.local.config/master/htpasswd admin授权时候报错opensh

2017-04-19 16:18:32 2009

原创 openshift origin simple-app报错解决

Container Setup for the Sample ApplicationOpenShift Origin is available as a Docker container. It has all of the software prebuilt and pre-installed, but you do need to do a few things to get it goi

2017-04-19 13:15:15 766

原创 [js]javascript事件处理

html>html lang="en">head> meta charset="UTF-8"> title>Titletitle> style> #demo{ width: 200px; height: 200px;

2017-04-17 11:04:13 243

原创 一张图告诉你什么是Iaas/Pass/Sass

2017-04-14 17:27:58 22965 1

原创 openshift跑app权限报错解决

openshift不能跑nginx the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:2nginx: [warn] the "user" directive makes sense on

2017-04-14 12:19:27 3370

原创 openshift搭建registry-持久存储nfs

新增registry:oc delete dc docker-registry registry-console routeroc delete svc docker-registry registry-console routeroc delete serviceaccounts registry router  mkdir -p /opt/openshift-regis

2017-04-14 10:28:57 2914

原创 openshift新增本地仓库

openshift新增本地仓库 新增registry:oc delete dc docker-registry registry-console routeroc delete svc docker-registry registry-console routeroc delete serviceaccounts registry router  mkdir -p

2017-04-14 10:01:42 2604

原创 tomcat和jboss对比

http://blog.csdn.net/u013573133/article/details/23379565   Tomcat:应用也算非常广泛的web服务器,支持部分j2ee,免费,出自apache基金组织,支持Servlet、jsp。       JBoss:开源的应用服务器,比较受人喜爱,免费(文档要收费)   JBoss还具有如下六大优点: 1、JBoss是免

2017-04-13 15:14:19 22438 3

原创 docker安装及其常用命令

1,docker概述docker码头工人openstack基于kvm 通过硬件虚拟化技术docker基于lxc 通过内核虚拟化(linux内核) namespace机cgroup好处:资源利用率高 docker 三大理念:构建 运输 运行 容器是完全使用沙箱机制,相互之间不会有任何接口(类似 iPhone 的 app)。 2,docker组件

2017-04-12 17:35:30 536

原创 Linux 下ssh创建ip加密码隧道

Linux 下ssh创建ip加密码隧道 http://zhou123.blog.51cto.com/4355617/1329047 Linux 下SSH 创建ip加密隧道基于SSH的加密通道:SSH(SecureShell)是一套安全的网络连接程序,它可以实现通过网络远程登录其他系统,它就是加密的telnet协议。但是openssh除了具有远程登录功能外,更可以建立加密ip隧道。

2017-04-12 09:39:54 650

原创 [容器]docker registry安装 https

1,安装registryyum install httpd-tools -ydocker run -d --name docker-registry -v /opt/registry:/tmp/registry-dev registry:2 mkdir /opt/registrycd /opt/registryopenssl req -x509 -days 3650 -no

2017-04-08 11:12:39 1172

原创 dnsmasq学习

先查hosts 再查缓存 在从上游dns查询https://www.freehao123.com/dnsmasq/ http://www.ilanni.com/?p=10624 http://www.cnblogs.com/kevinchou/p/5844091.html  智能dns server=/cn/屏蔽广告 address

2017-04-07 14:34:06 502

原创 [容器]openshift初始安装

添加hostscat > /etc/hosts <<EOF127.0.0.1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 192.

2017-04-07 10:21:29 3950 4

原创 CentOS 6 安装 MySQL-python

CentOS 6 安装 MySQL-python yum install -y mysql-devel python-devel python-setuptools pip install MySQL-python

2017-04-06 12:14:29 547

原创 [ansible] Ansible Inventory Manager

Ansible Inventory Manager http://ansible-inventory-manager-demo.herokuapp.com/inventories  点一个进去看到hosts 和数组 ,简单来讲就是个统计软件了.避免了excel记录. 但是excel可以记录密码哈 各有利弊

2017-04-06 10:37:02 1235

原创 [ansible] ansibleui semaphore安装

项目地址:https://github.com/ansible-semaphore/semaphore  安装: 参考项目GitHub的wikiDependenciesMySQL >= 5.6.4/MariaDB >= 5.3 ansible in $PATH git >= 2.x in $PATH #这个默认yum安装即可 Dependency in

2017-04-06 09:36:18 6033

原创 [容器]k8s安装harbor

https://github.com/vmware/harbor/blob/master/docs/kubernetes_deployment.md http://blog.fleeto.us/content/vmware-harbor-zai-kubernetes-shang-de-bu-shu

2017-04-05 15:33:42 1950

原创 [容器]helm安装配置使用

客户端安装:helm(船舵)wget https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-helm/helm-v2.2.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz mv linux-amd64 helm-v2.2.3-linux-amd64mv helm /usr/local/bin/ 服务端安装:tiller(舵手)helm init --

2017-04-05 13:23:16 1882

原创 [容器]ansible依赖包安装 &kargo安装命令&k8s易用性

yum install python-netaddr libselinux-python -yCONFIG_FILE=inventory/inventory.cfg python3 contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py -i inventory/inventory.cfg cluster.y

2017-04-05 12:19:05 546

原创 [容器]helm

自建 Chart简单的一个 helm create 命令就可以初始化一个 chart。 ├── Chart.yaml # Chart 的文件主要信息 ├── charts # 依赖的 Chart├── templates # 模板目录,用 gotpl 编写 Kubernetes 运行 App 所需的各种对象定义 │ ├── NOTES.txt│ ├──

2017-04-05 12:16:25 1256

原创 简单的 Kubernetes Pod 日志查看工具 Kubetail

​简单的 Kubernetes Pod 日志查看工具 Kubetail 传统来说,Kubernetes 环境下的日志都是靠 FluentD + ElasticSearch + Kibana 的组合实现的,这一组合的功能和强大,所以成为一个事实标准来使用,但是在一些比较简陋的测试集群中,或者不具备浏览器条件的自动化/控制台环境下,归并多个 Pod 的日志进行集中的查看和处理还是很有用的

2017-04-05 09:34:40 8781

原创 [容器]k8s常用命令


2017-04-05 08:55:58 1593



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