Improving Software Security Analysis using Exploitation Properties


Reliable exploitation of software vulnerabilities has continued to become more
difficult as formidable mitigations have been established and are now included
by default with most modern operating systems.  Future exploitation of
software vulnerabilities will rely on either discovering ways to circumvent
these mitigations or uncovering flaws that are not adequately protected.
Since the majority of the mitigations that exist today lack universal bypass
techniques, it has become more fruitful to take the latter approach.  It is in
this vein that this paper introduces the concept of exploitation properties
and describes how they can be used to better understand the exploitability of
a system irrespective of a particular vulnerability.  Perceived exploitability
is of utmost importance to both an attacker and to a defender given the
presence of modern mitigations.  The ANI vulnerability (MS07-017) is used to
help illustrate these points by acting as a simple example of a vulnerability
that may have been more easily identified as code that should have received
additional scrutiny by taking exploitation properties into consideration.

1) Introduction

Modern exploit mitigations have become formidable opponents with respect to
the effect they have on reliable exploitation.  Some of the more substantial
modern mitigations include GuardStack (GS), SafeSEH, DEP (NX), ASLR, pointer
encoding, and various heap improvements[8, 9, 10, 15, 24, 3, 4].  The fact
that there have been very few public exploits that have been able to
universally bypass all of these mitigations at once is a testament to the
resilience of these techniques working in concert with one another.  It is
obvious that the absence of a given mitigation directly contributes to the
exploitability of the associated code.  Likewise, it is also well known that
most mitigations have situations in which they will offer little to no
protection[5, 16, 18, 20, 2, 4].  For instance, in certain cases, it may be
possible to perform a partial overwrite on Windows Vista to defeat ASLR due to
the fact that only 15 bits of most 32-bit addresses may be affected by
randomization[2, 17].  Other mitigations also have situations where they may
not provide adequate coverage.

Given the fact that the majority of mitigations have known limitations, it
makes sense to consider where this information might be useful.  In the field
of program analysis, whether it be manual, static, or dynamic, the question of
scoping is often pertinent.  This question typically revolves around figuring
out what areas of code should be reviewed and what precedence, if any, should
be assigned to different regions.  Typical approaches taken to accomplish this
often involve identifying code that straddles a trust boundary or performs
complex operations reachable from a trust boundary.  However, depending on
one's perspective, this type of approach is insufficient in the face of modern
mitigations because it may result in areas of code being reviewed that are
adequately protected by all mitigations.

To help address this perceived deficiency, this paper introduces the concept
of exploitation properties and describes how they can be used to provide a
better understanding of exploitability of a system if a vulnerability is found
to be present.  Regions of code that are found to have a number of distinct
exploitation properties may be more interesting from an exploitation
standpoint and therefore may warrant additional scrutiny from a program
analysis perspective.  The use of exploitation properties may benefit both an
attacker and a defender.  For example, companies may wish to perform targeted
reviews on areas of code that may be more trivially exploited in an effort to
prevent reliable exploits from being released in the future.  Likewise, an
attacker searching for a vulnerability may wish to avoid auditing regions of
code that are likely to be more difficult to exploit.

Exploitation properties represent additional criteria that can be used when
attempting to better understand the security aspects of a program.  Annotating
regions of code with exploitation properties makes it possible to use set
unions and intersections to identify the subset of interesting regions of code
for a particular analysis problem.  For example, an attacker may wish to
determine the regions of code that may permit the use of traditional
stack-based buffer overflow techniques as well as permitting a partial
overwrite of a return address in order to defeat ASLR.  Using these two
exploitation properties as criteria, a narrowed subset can be produced
which contains only those regions which meet both criteria by intersecting
those regions that have both exploitation properties.  For the purpose of
this paper, the term narrowing is not used in the strict mathematical
sense; rather, this paper uses narrowing to describe the process of
constraining the scope of analysis through the use of specific criteria.

The concept of using automated analysis as a precursor to more strenuous
program analysis is certainly not new.  There have been many tools ranging
from the simple detection of calls to strcpy to much more sophisticated forms
of static analysis.  Still, the use of exploitation properties can be seen as
an additional set of data points which may be useful in the context of program
analysis given the hypothesis that most reliably exploitable security
vulnerabilities are being pushed into areas of code that are less affected by

The concept of exploitation properties is presented as follows. Section 2
categorizes and defines a limited number of concrete exploitation properties.
Section 3 provides a concrete example of using exploitation properties to help
identify the function that contained the ANI vulnerability.  Section 4
describes some potential ways in which exploitation properties can be applied.
Section 5 gives a brief description of future work involving exploitation

2) Exploitation Properties

Exploitation properties describe the ease with which an arbitrary
vulnerability might be exploited.  An understanding of a system's perceived
exploitability can provide useful insights when attempting to establish the
risk factors associated with it.  An example of this can be seen in threat
modeling where the DREAD model of classifying risk includes a high-level
evaluation of exploitability as one of the risk factors[14].  It is important
to note that exploitation properties do not provide any indication that a
vulnerability exists; instead, they are only meant to convey information about
how easily a vulnerability could be exploited.  The concept of an exploitation
property can be broken into different categories which are tied to the
configuration or context that the property is associated with.  Examples of
these categories include platforms, processes, binary modules, functions, and
so on.

The following subsections provide concrete examples to better illustrate the
concept of an exploitation property.  These examples are given by showing what
implications a property has with respect to exploitation as well as how a
property might be derived.  It should be noted that the examples given in this
paper do not represent a complete, exhaustive set of exploitation properties.

2.1) Platform Properties
Exploitation properties associated with a platform are meant to illustrate how
easily a vulnerability may be exploited when a given platform configuration,
such as the operating system or architecture, is used.  For example, Windows
2000 does not include support for enforcing non-executable pages.  This
implies that any vulnerability found within an application that runs in the
context of the Windows 2000 platform may be exploited more easily.  An
understanding of exploitation properties that are associated with a platform
may be useful when attempting to assess the risk of applications that might
run on multiple platforms.  There are many other examples of exploitation
properties that are tied to platforms.  In order to limit the scope of this
document, platform exploitation properties are not discussed at length.

2.2) Process Properties
Process exploitation properties carry some information about how easily
vulnerabilities found within the context of a running process may be
exploited.  For example, Internet Explorer running on 32-bit versions of
Windows Vista do not make use of hardware-enforced DEP (NX) by default.  This
means that any vulnerabilities found within code that runs in the context of
Internet Explorer will not be protected by non-executable regions.  An
understanding of exploitation properties that are associated with a process
context can help to provide a better understanding of the risks associated
with code that may run in the context of a given process.  In order to limit
the scope of this document, process exploitation properties are not discussed
at length.

2.3) Module Properties

Module exploitation properties are used to illustrate the effect that a
particular binary module has on ease of exploitation.  This category of
properties is useful when attempting to identify binaries that may be more
easily exploited if a vulnerability is found within them or in code that
depends on them.  This subsection describes two examples of module
exploitation properties.

2.3.1) No Support for ASLR

Windows Vista was the first major release of Windows to include a built-in
implementation of Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)[15,24].  In order
to head off potential application compatibility issues, Microsoft chose to
make ASLR an opt-in feature by requiring binaries to be compiled with a new
compiler switch (/dynamicbase)[21].  This compiler switch is responsible for
setting a bit (0x40) in the DllCharacteristics that are defined within a
binary.  If this bit is set, the Windows kernel will attempt to randomize the
base address of the binary when it is mapped into memory the first time.  If
the bit is not set, the binary will not have its base address randomized,
although it could be relocated in memory if the binary's preferred region is
already occupied by another allocation.  As such, any binary that does not
support ASLR may be mapped at a predictable location within a process address
space at execution time.  This can allow an attacker to make assumptions about
the address space which may make exploitation easier if a vulnerability is
found within any code that is mapped into the same address space as the module
of interest.

2.3.2) No Support for SafeSEH

With Visual Studio 2003, Microsoft introduced a compile-time change known as
SafeSEH which attempts to act as a mitigation for the SEH overwrite attack
vector[5,9].  SafeSEH works by adding a static list of known good exception
handlers that are considered valid as metadata within a given binary.
Binaries that support SafeSEH allow the exception dispatcher to perform
additional checks when dispatching exceptions.  The most important check
involves determining if an exception handler that is found to exist within the
mapped region of a given binary is actually considered to be one of the safe
exception handlers.  If the exception handler is not a safe exception handler,
the exception dispatcher can take steps to prevent it from being called.  This
behavior works to mitigate the potential exploitation vector.

In order to communicate this information to the exception dispatcher, modern
PE files include fields in the load config data directory which hold the
offset of the safe exception handler table and the number of elements found
within the table.  The load config data directory contains meta data that is
useful to the dynamic loader such as information about safe exception
handlers, the module's global security cookie address, and so on[13].  The
following output from dumpbin.exe illustrates what this might look like:

  310751E0 Safe Exception Handler Table
         1 Safe Exception Handler Count

Safe Exception Handler Table

  310357D1  __except_handler4

Unfortunately, as with ASLR, the benefits offered by SafeSEH are not complete
unless every binary that is loaded into an address space has been compiled to
make use of SafeSEH.  If a binary has not been compiled to make use of
SafeSEH, an attacker may be able to use any address found within the binary's
memory mapping as an exception handler in conjunction with an SEH overwrite.

2.4) Function Properties

Function exploitation properties convey information about how a function
contributes to the exploitability of an application.  For example, a function
might make it possible to use certain exploitation techniques that might
otherwise be prevented if mitigations were present.  Alternatively, a function
might simply assist in the exploitation process.  Function exploitation
properties are especially useful because they provide more detailed
information than exploitation properties that are derived from the platform,
process, or module context.

2.4.1) Absence of GuardStack

The GuardStack (GS) support included with versions of the Microsoft Visual
Studio compiler since 2002 offers a compile-time mitigation to traditional
stack-based buffer overflows[23].  It supports this through a combination of a
random canary inserted into a stack frame at runtime and an intelligent stack
frame layout algorithm.  The random canary is pushed onto the stack when a
function is called and then popped off the stack and validated prior to
function return.  If the canary does not match the expected value, it is
assumed that a stack-based buffer overflow occurred and that the process
should be terminated.

Since the initial release of GS support a number of techniques have been
described that could be used to bypass or weaken it[5, 16, 20].  While these
techniques were at one time useful or have not yet been fully realized, the
author assumes that most would agree that the GS implementation provided by
the most recent compiler is robust (with the exception of SEH).  There is
currently no publicly known universal bypass technique for GS that the author
is aware of.  Given this assumption, functions that are protected by GS become
less interesting from the standpoint of identifying stack-based buffer
overflows.  On the other hand, functions that are not protected by GS can
instantly be qualified as interesting targets for review.  This is especially
true with binaries that have been compiled with GS support but contain a
number of functions that the compiler has chosen not to compile with GS
protections.  This choice is made by taking into account certain conditions such
as the presence or absence of local variables that are declared as fixed-size

As previous research has illustrated[27], it is possible to identify functions
that have not been compiled to use GS through the use of simple static
analysis tools.  It is also possible to further refine the approaches
described in previous research if one has symbols and one assumes that the
most recent compiler was used.  This can be accomplished by analyzing the call
graph of an executable and noting the set of functions that do not call
securitycheckcookie.  Considered another way, the same set of functions can be
identified by taking the set of all functions contained within a binary less
the subset that call securitycheckcookie.  The set of functions that is
identified by either approach can be annotated with an exploitation property
that indicates that they may contain stack-based buffer overflows that would
not be hindered by GS.

It may also be prudent to take the compiler version that was used into
consideration when analyzing binaries.  This is important due to the fact that
older versions of the compiler used a GS implementation that could be
trivially defeated in certain circumstances[16].  For example, previous versions
of GS did not layout the stack frame in a manner that would prevent an
attacker from overwriting other local variables and function arguments.  In
scenarios where this occurred and an overwritten local variable or parameter
was dereferenced (such as by invoking a function pointer), the mitigation
offered by GS would be meaningless.  Thus, a secondary exploitation property
could involve identifying functions where attacks such as the one described
above could be possible.

2.4.2) Partial Overwrite Feasibility

One of the unique consequences of implementing Address Space Layout
Randomization (ASLR) on Windows is the limitation that the system allocation
granularity imposes on the number of bits that can be randomized within most
memory allocations.  In particular, the allocation granularity used by Windows
enforces strict 16-page alignment for the base addresses of most memory
mappings in user-mode.  This restriction means that it is only possible to
introduce entropy into the low 15 bits of the high-order 16 bits of a 32-bit
memory mapping[17].  While this may sound odd at first glance, the high-order two
bits are not randomized due to the divide between kernel and user-mode.  This
assumes that a machine is booted without /3GB.  The low-order 16 bits remain
unchanged relative to the high-order bits.  This caveat means that it may be
possible to perform a partial overwrite of an address and thus bypass the
security features offered by ASLR[2]. However, the ability to perform a partial
overwrite also relies on the presence of useful code or data within a region
that is relative to the address that is being overwritten.

To visualize how this type of information might be useful, consider a scenario
where an attacker is performing a partial overwrite of a return address on the
stack.  In this situation, it is often necessary for one or more useful
opcodes to be present at an address that is 16-page relative to the return
address.  For example, consider a scenario where the function  may have a
vulnerability that would permit a partial overwrite.  In this example,  is
called by  and .  In order to permit the use of a partial overwrite, a useful
opcode must be found within the same 16-page aligned region that either  or
reside on.  If a useful opcode is present, an exploitation property can be
attached to  in order to indicate that a partial overwrite may be feasible due
to the presence of a useful opcode within the same 16-page aligned region as
either  or .  For example, consider the following pseudo-disassembly
illustrating a case where the call f instruction in  is on the same 16-page
region as a useful opcode:

... useful jmp on same 16-page region 0x14c1XXXX
0x14c1fc04  jmp esp
... entry point to h()
0x14c1a910  push ebp
0x14c1a911  mov  ebp, esp
0x14c1a914  call f
... entry point to y(), not on same 16-page region
0x137f44c8  push ebp

While this captures the basic concept, a better approach might be to view a
binary in a different way.  For example, consider the following approach to
drawing the same conclusion: for each code region that contains a useful
opcode, identify the subset of functions that are called from call sites
within the same 16-page aligned region as the useful opcode.  This has the
effect of annotating all of the child functions that could potentially
leverage a partial overwrite of the return address with respect to a
particular collection of opcodes.

One important point that must be made about this exploitation property is that
is entirely dependent upon the definition of "useful code or data".
Exploitation is very much an art and it goes without saying that attempting to
constrain the approaches that an attacker might make use of is likely to be
folly.  However, defining a known-set of useful opcodes and using that set as
a base with which to draw the above conclusion can be said to be better than
not doing so at all.

2.4.3) Function or Parent Registers an Exception Handler

One of the unique exploitation vectors that exists in 32-bit programs that run
on Windows is known as an SEH overwrite[5].  An SEH overwrite makes it possible
to gain control of execution flow by overwriting an exception registration
record on the stack.  From an exploitation perspective, the act of registering
an exception handler within a function opens up the possibility of making use
of an SEH overwrite.  Since exception handlers are chained, the act of
registering an exception handler also implicates any functions that are
children of a function that registers the exception handler.  This makes it
possible to define an exploitation property that illustrates the possibility
of an SEH overwrite being abused within the scope of a specific set of
functions.  Detecting this property can be as simple as signaturing the
compiler generated code that is used to generate and register an exception
handler within a function.  An example of two functions,  and , that would
meet this criteria can be seen below:

void f() {
   __try {

void g() {

In addition to this information being useful from an SEH overwrite
perspective, it may also benefit an attacker in situations where an exception
handler simply swallows any exceptions that are dispatched without crashing
the process[1].  In the example given above, any exception that occurs in the
context of  will be swallowed by  without necessarily crashing the process.
This behavior may allow an attacker to retry their exploitation attempt
multiple times, thus enabling a bruteforce attack that would otherwise not be
feasible.  This can make defeating ASLR more feasible.

2.4.4) Function is an Exception Handler

The introduction of SafeSEH as a modern compile-time mitigation has caused the
particulars of how exception handlers are implemented to become more
interesting.  This has to do with the fact that SafeSEH restricts the set of
exception handlers that may be called by the exception dispatcher to those
that are specified as being valid within the scope of a given binary.  As
discussed previously in this paper, SafeSEH prevents traditional SEH
overwrites from being able to use any address as the overwritten exception
handler.  While this is effective in its primary intent, there is still the
possibility that a valid exception handler can be abused to make exploitation
more feasible[1].  This scenario is restricted to EH3 and prior exception
handlers as EH4 includes a check of a cookie before dispatching exceptions.
As such, it may be useful to flag the regions of code that are associated with
EH3 and prior exception handlers, including language-specific exception
handlers, as being potentially interesting from an exploitation perspective.

Unfortunately, as with ASLR, the benefits offered by SafeSEH are not complete
unless every binary that is loaded into a process address space has been
compiled to make use of SafeSEH.  If a binary has not been compiled to make
use of SafeSEH, an attacker may be able to use any address found within the
binary's memory mapping as an exception handler in the context of an SEH
overwrite.  This may make exploitation more feasible.

3) Case Study: MS07-017

The animated cursor (ANI) vulnerability was discovered by Alexander Sotirov in
late 2006 and patched by Microsoft with the MS07-017 critical update in April,
2007 .  Apart from being a client-side vulnerability that was exposed through
web-browsers and other mediums, the ANI vulnerability was one of the first
notable security issues that affected Windows Vista.  It was notable due to
the simple fact that even though Microsoft had touted Windows Vista as being
the most secure operating system to date, the exploits that were released for
the ANI vulnerability were very reliable.  These exploits were able to ignore
or defeat the protections offered by mitigations such as GS, DEP, and even
Vista's newest mitigation: ASLR.

To better understand how this was possible it is important to dive deeper into
the details of the vulnerability itself.   gives a brief description of the
ANI vulnerability and some of the techniques that were used to successfully
exploit it.  Following this description,  illustrates how exploitation
properties, in combination with another class of properties, can be used to
detect functions that may contain vulnerabilities similar to the ANI
vulnerability.  This is meant to help illustrate the perceived benefits of
applying the concept of exploitation properties to aide in the process of
identifying regions of code that may deserve additional scrutiny based on
their perceived exploitability.

3.1) Background

While the ANI vulnerability was certainly unique, it was not the first time
the animated cursor code was found to have a security issue. Microsoft patched
an issue that was almost exactly the same as MS07-017 with MS05-002 roughly
two years prior.  In both cases, the underlying security issue was related to
a failure to properly validate input that was derived from the contents of an
animated cursor file.  Alexander Sotirov provided much of the initial research
on the ANI vulnerability and also gave an excellent write-up to its effect[22].
This paper will only attempt to highlight the flaw.

The vulnerability itself was found in user32!LoadAniIcon which is responsible
for processing a number of different chunks that may be contained within an
animated cursor file.  Each chunk is a TLV (Type-Length-Value) as described
by the following structure:

struct ANIChunk
    char  tag[4];        // ASCII tag
    DWORD size;          // length of data in bytes
    char  data[size];    // variable sized data

Keeping this structure in mind, the flaw itself can be seen in the abbreviated
pseudo-code below as modified slightly from Sotirov's original write-up:

01: int LoadAniIcon(struct MappedFile* file, ...) {
02:   struct ANIChunk  chunk;
03:   struct ANIHeader header;  // 36 byte structure
04:   while (1) {
05:     // read the first 8 bytes of the chunk
06:     ReadTag(file, &chunk);
07:     switch (chunk.tag) {
08:       case 'anih':
09:         // read chunk.size bytes into header
10:         ReadChunk(file, &chunk, &header);

On line 6, the chunk header is read into the local variable chunk using
ReadTag which populates the chunk's tag and size fields.  If the chunk's tag
is equal to 'anih', the data associated with the chunk is read into the header
local variable using ReadChunk on line 10.  The problem is that ReadChunk uses
the size field of the chunk as the amount of data to read from the file.
Since header is a fixed-size (36 byte) data structure and the chunk's size can
be variable, a trivial stack-based buffer overflow may occur if more than 36
bytes are specified as the chunk size.  In terms of the vulnerability, that's
all there is to it, but the implications from an exploitation perspective are
where things start to get interesting.

When attempting to exploit this vulnerability it may at first appear that all
attempts to do so would be futile.  Given Vista's security push, an attacker
would be justified in thinking that surely the LoadAniIcon function is
protected by a GS cookie.  This point is especially justified considering the
majority of all binaries shipped with Windows Vista have been compiled with GS
enabled[27].  However, there are indeed circumstances where the compiler will
choose to not enable GS for a specific function.  As chance would have it, the
compiler chose not to enable GS for the LoadAniIcon function because of the
simple fact that it does not contain any characteristics that would suggest
that a stack-based buffer overflow might be possible (such as the use of
stack-allocated arrays).  This means that an attacker is able to make use of
exploitation techniques that are associated with traditional stack-based
buffer overflows.  While this drastically increases the chances of being able
to produce a reliable exploit, there are still other mitigations that are of
potential concern.

Another mitigation that might be concerning in most circumstances is
hardware-enforced DEP (NX).  This would generally prevent an attacker from
being able to run arbitrary code within regions that are not marked as
executable (such as the stack and the heap).  However, as fate would have it,
Internet Explorer is configured to not run with DEP enabled.  This immediately
removes this concern from the equation for exploits that attempt to trigger
the ANI vulnerability through Internet Explorer.  With DEP out of the picture,
ASLR becomes a weakened but still potentially significant hurdle.

While it may appear that ASLR would be challenging to defeat in most
circumstances, this particular vulnerability provides an example of two
different ways in which ASLR can be bypassed.  The simplest approach, as taken
by Sotirov, involves making use of the fact that Internet Explorer is not
compiled with support for ASLR and therefore can be found at a fixed address
within the address space.  This allows an attacker to make use of opcodes
contained within iexplore.exe's memory mapping.  A second approach, as taken
by the author, involves using a partial overwrite to ignore the effects of
ASLR completely.  The details relating to how a partial overwrite works were
explained in 2.4.2.  In either case, an attacker is able to reliably defeat Vista's

To compound the problem, the particulars of the context in which this
vulnerability occur make it easier to exploit even without the presence of
mitigations.  This improved reliability comes from the fact that the
LoadAniIcon function is wrapped in an exception handling context that simply
swallows exceptions that are encountered.  This makes it possible for an
exploit to fail without actually crashing the process, thus allowing the
attacker to try multiple times without having to worry about making a mistake
that crashes the process.  When all is said and done, the simplicity of the
vulnerability and the ease with which mitigations could be bypassed are what
lead to the ANI vulnerability being quite unique.  Given the fact that this
vulnerability can be so easily exploited, it is prudent to describe how it
could have been detected as being a high risk function.

3.2) Detection

The ease of exploitability associated with the ANI vulnerability makes it an
obvious candidate for study with respect to the exploitation properties that
have been described in this paper.  It should be possible to use extremely
simple criteria to accomplish two things.  First, the criteria must identify
the LoadAniIcon function.  Second, the criteria should be unique enough to
limit the size of the narrowed subset.  Reducing the subset size is beneficial
as it may permit the use of more complex program analysis tools which can
further constrain or explicitly identify instances of vulnerabilities.
Determining the specific criteria that is needed to identify the LoadAniIcon
function can help illustrate how one can make use of exploitation properties.
Given the description of the ANI vulnerability, one can easily deduce some of
the more interesting properties that it has.

An exploitation property that one might immediately observe is that the
LoadAniIcon function does not make use of GS (2.4.1).  This makes it possible to
define criteria which states that only functions that have not been compiled
with GS should be considered.  Functions that have been compiled with GS are
inherently less interesting for the purpose of this exercise due to the fact
that they are less likely to contain exploitable vulnerabilities.

A second property that the ANI vulnerability had with regard to exploitation
was that it was possible for an attacker to make use of a partial overwrite to
defeat ASLR.  The exploitation property described in 2.4.2 illustrates how one can
make this determination statically.  In the case of the ANI vulnerability, a
partial overwrite can be performed by making use of a jmp [ebx] that is
located within the same 16-page aligned region as the caller of LoadAniIcon.
Thus, any functions that could potentially make use of a partial overwrite can
be used as additional criteria.

At this point, a subset can be produced that is constrained to the regions of
code that are annotated with the GS and partial overwrite exploitation
properties.  It is possible to further refine the set of functions that should
ultimately be considered by studying the form that the ANI vulnerability took.
The first point to note is that the stack-based buffer overflow occurred when
writing beyond the bounds of a struct that was allocated on the stack.
Furthermore, the overflow did not actually occur in the immediate context of
the LoadAniIcon itself.  Instead, the overflow was triggered by passing a
pointer to the stack-allocated struct as a parameter when calling the function

Based on these data points it is possible to define a third criteria.  In this
case, the third criteria is not an exploitation property but is instead an
example of a vulnerability property.  While not discussed in detail in this
paper, many examples of vulnerability properties exist, though perhaps not
categorized as such.  A vulnerability property can be thought of as an
annotation that illustrates whether or not a region of code has a form that is
similar to that seen in vulnerabilities or has the potential of being a
vulnerability.  The complexity of a vulnerability property, as with the
complexity of an exploitation property, can range from highly sophisticated to
very simplistic.

For the purpose of this paper, a vulnerability property can be used that is
very simple and imprecise but nevertheless effective at further narrowing the
set of functions that should be reviewed.  This property is based on whether
or not a function passes a pointer to a stack-allocated variable as a
parameter to a child function.  This property is directly derived from the
general form that the ANI vulnerability takes.  At a minimum, a region of code
that matches this form suggests that a vulnerability could be present.

Using these three properties, it should be possible to easily identify both
the function that contains the ANI vulnerability as well as other functions
that could contain similar vulnerabilities.  However, it is important to note
that this process does not produce functions that definitely have
vulnerabilities.  This can be plainly seen by the fact that both the
vulnerable and fixed versions of the LoadAniIcon should be detected by the
criteria described above.  While this may seem to run counter to the purposes
of this paper, it is important for the reader to remember that the goal of
using these exploitation properties is not to identify specific instances of
vulnerabilities.  Instead, the goal is to identify regions of code that might
warrant additional scrutiny due to the relative ease with which a
vulnerability could be exploited if one is found to be present.

3.3) Test Case

The author developed an analysis tool as an extension to Microsoft's Phoenix
framework in order to test the ideas described in this paper[12].  Unfortunately,
the current release (July 2007 SDK) of Phoenix requires private symbol
information for native binaries.  This limitation prevented the author from
being able to run the analysis tool across the vulnerable version of
user32.dll.  In lieu of this ability, the author chose to generate a binary
containing test cases that closely mirror the form of the function containing
the ANI vulnerability.

Using these test cases, the author used the features provided by the analysis
tool to determine the exploitation and vulnerability properties described in
the previous section and to identify the resulting subset of functions meeting
all criteria.  This was accomplished by first attempting to identify the
subset of functions that do not contain GS within the scope of the target
binary.  After identifying the subset of functions without GS, a second subset
was taken which consists of the functions that pass a pointer to a
stack-allocated local variable as a parameter to a child routine.  This was
accomplished by using Phoenix's static single assignment (SSA) and alias
implementations to collect the requisite data flow information[12,25].  Using this
data flow information, it is possible to perform backwards data flow analysis
to determine the potential storage location of the parameter being passed at
each point along a given data flow path starting from the operand associated
with a parameter at a call site.  The analysis terminates either when a fixed
point is reached or when it is determined that a pointer to a stack-allocated
variable could be passed as the parameter.

While the previous section described the potential for using the partial
overwrite exploitation property to detect the function containing the ANI
vulnerability[6], it is not possible to create a meaningful parallel between the
test binary and that of the ANI vulnerability.  This is due in part to the
fact that while it would certainly be possible to artificially place a useful
opcode at a specific location in the test binary, it would not add any value
beyond showing that it is possible to detect useful opcodes within the same
16-page aligned region as the caller of a given function.  The author feels
that this point is somewhat moot given the fact that it has already been
proven that a partial overwrite can be used with the ANI vulnerability.  The
only additional benefit that it could offer in this case would be to help
further constrain the resultant set size.  However, without being able to run
this analysis against the vulnerable version of user32.dll, it is not possible
to draw meaningful conclusions at this point in time.

3.4) Results

The results of running the analysis tool against the test binary produced the
expected behavior.  To illustrate this, it is helpful to consider a sampling
of the functions that were analyzed.  The following functions have a form that
is similar to the ANI vulnerability.  These functions also match the criteria
described in the previous subsection.  Specifically, these functions do not
make use of GS and pass a pointer to a stack-allocated local variable (var) to
a child function:

int tc_df_pass_local_ptr_to_callee() {
  int var;
  return 0;
int tc_df_pass_local_ptr_to_callee_alias() {
  int var;
  int *p = &var;
  return 0;
int tc_df_pass_local_ptr_to_callee_alias_struct(
    struct _foo *foo) {
  int var;
  foo->ptr = &var;
  return tc_df_pass_local_ptr_to_callee_func(
  return 0;

Additionally, a handful of different test functions were also included in the
target binary in an effort to ensure that other scenarios were not improperly
detected as matching the criteria.  Some examples of these functions include:

int tc_df_pass_local_to_callee_alias() {
  int var = 2;
  int p = var;
  return 0;
int tc_df_pass_local_to_callee_deref() {
  int var = 2;
  int *p = &var;
  return 0;
int tc_df_pass_heap_ptr_to_callee(struct _foo *foo) {
  return 0;

When running the analysis tool against the target binary, the following output
is shown:

>PhaseRunner.exe detectani.xml dfa.exe
Running phase: ANI Detection ... 1 target(s)

Displaying 3 normalizables at the
  ProgramElement.Method granularity...

00001: dfa!tc_df_pass_local_ptr_to_callee_alias
00002: dfa!tc_df_pass_local_ptr_to_callee
00003: dfa!tc_df_pass_local_ptr_to_callee_alias_struct

While this unfortunately does not prove that these techniques could be used to
identify the function containing the ANI vulnerability, it does nevertheless
hint at the potential for detecting the function containing the ANI
vulnerability using its suggested exploitation and vulnerability properties.
As an side, another interesting way in which this type of detection can be
accomplished is through the use of Language Integrated Queries (LINQ) which
are now supported in Visual Studio 2008[11].  For instance, a simple LINQ
expression for the above narrowing operation can be expressed as:

var matches =
   Method method in engine.GetScopeMethods()
   !method.IsGuardStackEnabled() &&
select method;

foreach (var method in matches)
   Console.WriteLine("{0} matches", method);

4) Potential Uses

Program analysis is one area that may benefit from the use of exploitation
properties.  In particular, an auditor can make use of exploitation properties
to assist in the process of identifying regions of code that should be audited
more closely or with greater precedence.  This determination can be made by
using exploitation properties to understand the ease of exploitation
associated with specific binaries or functions.  By combining this information
with other data that is collected either manually or automatically, an auditor
can get a better understanding of the security aspects that are associated
with a system.  This is beneficial both to an attacker and a defender.  An
attacker can identify regions of code that would be easier to exploit and thus
devote more time to auditing those regions.  Likewise, a defender can use this
information to the same extent but for different purposes.  This type of
information is especially useful to a defender who needs to balance the cost
associated with performing security reviews because it should offer a better
understanding of what the business cost might be if a vulnerability is found
in a region of code.  This cost can be derived from the negative publicity and
response effort needed to cope with a flaw that is found publicly in a region
of code that is widely exploited.  For example, consider some of the Windows
flaws that have lead to wormable issues and the cost they have had relative to
other issues.

Exploitation properties may also benefit the security community by helping to
identify ways in which future mitigations can be applied.  This would involve
analyzing regions of code that could be more easily exploited in an effort to
determine what other forms of mitigations could help to protect these regions,
if any.  This information could be fed back to the compiler to make it
possible for mitigations to be enabled that might otherwise be disabled by
default.  For example, a function that by default would not have GS but is
subsequently found to be highly exploitable may benefit from having the
compiler insert GS.

5) Future Work

While this paper has defined exploitation properties and described a handful
of concrete examples, it has not attempted to formally define the correlation
between exploitation properties and the exploitation techniques they are
associated with.  Future research will attempt to concretely define this
relationship as it should lead to a better understanding of the variables that
permit the use of various exploitation techniques.  Using more formal
definitions of exploitation properties, a larger scale case study can be
completed which collects data about the effect of using exploitation
properties to improve program understanding for a variety of purposes.  The
author views exploitation properties as being one component in a larger model.
This larger model could be used to join major areas of study within computer
security including attack surface analysis, vulnerability analysis, and
exploitation analysis to form a more complete understanding of the true risks
associated with a system.

6) Conclusion

This paper has introduced the general concept of exploitation properties and
described how they can be used to better understand the exploitability of a
system.  The purpose of an exploitation property is to help convey the ease
with which a vulnerability might be exploited if one is found to be present.
Exploitation properties can be broken down into different categories based on
the configuration or context that a given property is associated from.  These
categories include operating platforms, running processes, binary modules, and

Exploitation properties can be used to provide an alternative understanding of
an application's attack surface from the perspective of which areas would be
most trivially exploited.  This can allow an attacker to focus on finding
security issues in code that would be more easily exploited.  Likewise, a
defender can draw the same conclusions and direct resources of their own at
reviewing the associated code.  It may also be possible to use this
information to augment existing mitigations or to come up with new
mitigations.  A contrived example based on the form of the ANI vulnerability
was used to illustrate an automated approach to extracting exploitation
properties and using them to help identify a constrained subset of regions of
code that meet a specific criteria.  Future research will attempt to better
define the extent of exploitation properties and their uses.

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[2] Durden, Tyler.  Bypassing PaX ASLR Protection.  July, 2002.

[3] Howard, Michael.  Protecting against Pointer Subterfuge (Kinda!).

[4] Johnson, Richard.  Windows Vista: Exploitation Countermeasures.

[5] Litchfield, David.  Defeating the Stack Based Buffer Overflow Prevention
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[6] Metasploit.  Exploiting the ANI vulnerability on Vista.

[7] Microsoft Corporation.  Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-002.  Jan, 2005.

[8] Microsoft Corporation.  /GS (Buffer Security Check).

[9] Microsoft Corporation.  /SAFESEH (Image has Safe Exception Handlers).

[10] Microsoft Corporation.  A detailed description of the Data Execution
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[11] Microsoft Corporation.  The LINQ Project.

[12] Microsoft Corporation.  Phoenix.

[13] Microsoft Corporation.  Microsoft Portable Executable and Object File
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[14] Microsoft Corporation.  Threat Modeling.  June, 2003.

[15] PaX Team.  ASLR.

[16] Ren, Chris et al.  Microsoft Compiler Flaw Technical Note.

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[18] skape, Skywing.  Bypassing Windows Hardware-enforced DEP.

[19] skape.  Preventing the Exploitation of SEH Overwrites.

[20] skape.  Reducing the Effective Entropy of GS Cookies.

[21] Skywing.  Vista ASLR is not on by default for image base addresses.

[22] Sotirov, Alexander.  Windows Animated Cursor Stack Overflow
     Vulnerability.  March, 2007.

[23] Wikipedia.  Stack-smashing protection.

[24] Wikipedia.  Address space layout randomization.

[25] Wikipedia.  Static single assignment form.

[26] University of Wisconsin.  Wisconsin Program-Slicing Project's Home Page.

[27] Whitehouse, Ollie.  Analysis of GS protections in Microsoft Windows
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