working with IE

Concept: QTP can control an IE window using test object, butalso use IE COM interface. In this chapter we will work on how to work with theIE COM APIs, automation of web pages using HTML DOM and change configuration ofIE through the system registry.

26.1 Launching IE

'Method 1: USE QTP

SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe"

'Method 2 : Use Shell

Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

oShell.Run "iexplore.exe"

'Method 3: USE IE COM

Set oIEApp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

oIEApp.Visible = True

oIEApp.Navigate2 ""

When we use the third method to launch IE,we use the IE window's handle to reference the browser as a QTP test object using thefollowing code



 IE COM Method

The IE Application COM interface provide many useful method and propertieswe just list a few of the more common ones in the tables below

IE COM method

Method Name



navigate a specified URL


aborts the navigation


Refreshes the present URL


Close the browser


Navigates one page back


Navigate to home page


Navigate one page forward


Open the search page

IE COM Propertied

Properties Name





 Left position of the window



 Top position of the window



Width of the window



 Height of window



Controls whether address bar is shown



Maximize window and turn off statusbar,toolbar,menubar,and titlebar



Get a short(UI-friendly) name of the URL/File currently viewed



Get the full URL/path currently viewed



Return the path to the application



Control whether the window is resizable



Contol whether any dialog boxes can be shown



Retrun the type of contained document object



Determine whether the application is visible or hidden



Query to see if something is still in progress



Have any one of the following value:


Page synchronization

We can use busy property to determine whether IE is busy loading,the following example

Explains how we can wait for a page to load(note:this method can not work properly when the page has frame)

Set oIEApp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

oIEApp.Visible = True

oIEApp.Navigate2 ""



Loop while oIEApp.busy=true

msgbox "Page Loaded"


Enumerating all IE windows

'Function to enumerate all open IE windows

Function EnumerateIE()

  'This is needed in case an IE window is closed

  'while this function is executing

  On Error Resume Next


  'Create a dictionary for returning the collection of open IE windows

  Set EnumerateIE = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")


  'Get the windows shell application

  Set oWinShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")


  'Get a collection all open explore windows,

  'Microsoft Explorer + Internet Explorer

  Set allWindows = oWinShell.Windows


  'Loop through each window

  For Each oWindow In allWindows

    'Check if it is internet explorer process then only add it

    If InStr(1, oWindow.FullName, "iexplore.exe",vbTextCompare) Then


      EnumerateIE.Add oWindow.hwnd, oWindow

    End if


End Function



set all=EnumerateIE()

For each oIE in all.items



The code above can work in a pure vbscript without QTP,but in QTP we can also close IE with a single line of statement :


Finding an IE window

use the enumeration method above to search for an IE window,and we can search the IE window using its window's handle

Function GetIECOMByHwnd(byval ieHwnd)

   Set GetIECOMByHwnd=nothing

   set all=EnumerateIE()

For each oIE in all.items

       If  oIE.hwnd=ieHwnd Then


              set GetIECOMByHwnd=oIE

       End If



End Function

similarly we can search the IE window using its URL(if multiple browers have been opened with the same URL,it may return any one of the browser)

Function GetIECOMByURL(ByVal ieURL)

  'Return Nothing in case no windows are found

  Set GetIECOMByURL = Nothing


  Set allIE = EnumerateIE()


  For Each oIE In allIE.Items

    If InStr(oIE.LocationURL, ieURL) Then

      'We found the associated IE window. Return its COM interface object

      Set GetIECOMByURL = oIE


      Exit Function

    End If


End Function

Launching a new browser

If multiple IE windows were opened,how can we determine which one is launched by QTP,we can open the browser with a random number and then search the IE window(COM interface) using GetIECOMByURL function just created


'Generate a random string of digits of specified length

Function GetRandomNumberByLen(ByVal Length)

  GetRandomNumberByLen = ""


  'Generate the random number digit by digit

  For i = 1 To Length

    'Seed the radom generator with current timer

    Randomize Timer()


    'Generate and append the random number

    iRnd = CInt((9)*Rnd())

    iRnd = CStr(iRnd)

    GetRandomNumberByLen = GetRandomNumberByLen & iRnd


End Function


'Function to get a new browser

Function GetNewBrowser()

  Set GetNewBrowser = Nothing


  'This is to store the random browser id generated

  'which can be later used to recognize the browser

  'which was launched

  browserID = GetRandomNumberByLen(10)


  SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "about:" & browserID


  'Wait for few seconds to make sure the process launches 

  Wait 3

  Set GetNewBrowser = GetIECOMByURL(browserID)

End Function


'Get a new browser

Set oBrowser = GetNewBrowser()


'Naviagte to a URL in the opened browser

oBrowser.Navigate2 ""

Getting the Web page DOM

IE COM interface expose the document object,the following technique can be run in pure VBScript without QTP


'Create an IE application

Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")


'Make the application visible

oIE.Visible = True


'Navigate to a web site

oIE.Navigate2 ""

While oIE.Busy: Wend


'Get DOM document object

Set oDOMDoc = oIE.Document


'Get all INPUT tag elements

Set allInput = oDOMDoc.getElementsByTagName("INPUT")


'Loop through all INPUT elements and

'set the value for all text boxes on the page

For Each oInput In allInput

  If oInput.type = "text" Then

    oInput.Value = "Set by IE COM/DOM access"

  End If


The detail about DOM,refer to the Chapter:html DOM

Accessing webpage script variable

Consider the below html source code



    <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">var PageName2 = {};

        PageName2["val1"] = "Tarun1";

        PageName2["val2"] = "Tarun2";



        <SCRIPT language="VBScript">

            Const PageName = "Tarun Lalwani"

                 Dim arr(1)

            Arr(0) = "Array 1"

            Arr(1) = "Array 2"

            Public Sub Func1(a, b)

                Msgbox a + b

            End Sub





'Get the Page test object

Set oPG = Browser("creationtime:=0").Page("micclass:=Page")


'Displays "Tarun Lalwani  "

Msgbox oPG.object.parentWindow.PageName


'Displays "Array 1"

Msgbox oPG.object.parentWindow.arr(0) 


'Displays "Tarun1"

Msgbox oPG.object.parentWindow.PageName2.Val1


'Displays a message box with value 5 in the browser

Call oPG.object.parentWindow.Func1(2,3)

Using IE to get user input


<SCRIPT language="vbscript">

    Dim userAction




    <INPUT type=text name=username value="Enter user name">



    <INPUT type=password name=password>



    <SELECT type=select name=env>






<INPUT type=button value="Submit" οnclick="vbscript:userAction='Submitted'">


<INPUT type=button value="Cancel" οnclick="vbscript:userAction='Cancelled'">


'Start a new browser

SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "C:\files.html"


Set oBrw = Browser("micclass:=Browser")

Set oPg = oBrw.Page("micclass:=Page")




'Resize the browser

oBrw.Object.Left = 350

oBrw.Object.Top = 300

oBrw.Object.Height = 200

oBrw.Object.Width = 300


'Disable all other browser features

oBrw.Object.AddressBar = False

oBrw.Object.Resizable = False

oBrw.Object.StatusBar = False

oBrw.Object.ToolBar = False


'Activate the browser window

Window("hwnd:=" & oBrw.GetROProperty("hwnd")).Activate


'Set the user action to blank

oBrw.object.Document.parentWindow.userAction = ""


'When user click submit or cancel button this userAction

'variable will be populated with a value

While oBrw.object.Document.parentWindow.userAction = ""

  Wait 1




If oBrw.object.Document.parentWindow.userAction = "Cancelled" Then

  'Check if user clicked cancelled

  Msgbox "User clicked cancelled"


  'User clicked Submit. Get the values

  Msgbox oPg.WebEdit("name:=username").GetROProperty("value")

  Msgbox oPg.WebEdit("name:=password").GetROProperty("value")

  Msgbox oPg.WebList("name:=env").GetROProperty("value")

End If

IE Popup Dialogs


We can use the silent property to disable the display of IE dialog box

Browser(..).Object.Silent = True

But this solution is seldom the appropriate one because the default button of the dialog is nothen it will take a acton as no was clicked,so the following solution will be a good choice


Changing IE Settings

Windows Shell object provide the regWrite,regDelete,regRead to access and modify the windows registry

思路:这中办法在项目中经常应用,可以改变windows注册信息。 不过要小心点使用,而且建议改完后再恢复原值。

'Create a Window's shell object

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")


'Write to the registry

WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\TestThis", "TESTValue", "REG_SZ"


'Read from the Registry

Msgbox WshShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\TestThis")


'Delete a registry key

Msgbox WshShell.RegDelete("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\TestThis")

Popup Blocker

Dialog infor: Pop-up blocked. To see this popup or additionalaptions click here…….

1st  method:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")


popupKeyPath = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\New Windows\PopupMgr"


'Disable IE popup blocked


WshShell.RegWrite popupKeyPath,"no", "REG_SZ"


'Able IE popup blocked


WshShell.RegWrite popupKeyPath, "yes", "REG_SZ"

2nd method: Add this website to the popup allowed list by following code:

sDomain= ""


popupAllowKey = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\New Windows\Allow\"


WshShell.RegWrite  popupAllowKey & sDomain, 0 , "REG_BINARY"


Disable Sript Error dialog

Note: QTP error dialogs, e.g. runtime error dialogs:

Disable all script debug dialogs

WshShell.RegWrite  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Disable Script Debugger, yes, REG_SZ

WshShell.RegWrite  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Disable Script DebuggerIE, yes, REG_SZ

WshShell.RegWrite  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Error Dlg Displayed On Every Error, no, REG_SZ


Security Alert –Redirection popup

Note:  Infor: You are redirected to a connection that is not secure …….

Disable the dialogs

WshShell.RegWrite  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet_

Setting\WarnOnPosRedirect, no, REG_SZ


Security Alert –Certificate  warning

Note:  Infor: Informationyou exchange with this site cannot be viewed or changed by others. However …….

Disable the dialogs

WshShell.RegWrite  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet_

Setting\, no, REG_SZ


Security Alert –Secure  Connection

Note:  Infor: You are about to view pages over a secure connection……..

Disable the dialogs

WshShell.RegWrite  HKCU  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet_Setting\WarnOnPost, no, REG_SZ


 Security Information –Secure  and non-secure item


Note1:  Infor: This page contains both secure and nonsecure items…….

Note2: Security information settings are stored in a zone. Thereare five different zones in IE setting:

--       My Computer

--        Local Intranet Zone

--       Trusted sites Zone

--       Internet Zone

--       Restricted Sites Zone


Each setting belonging to a above zone has its correspondingcode. Pls find codes in MS KB article 182569 (


'Various zone codes

'Value    Setting


'0        My Computer

'1        Local Intranet Zone

'2        Trusted sites Zone

'3        Internet Zone

'4        Restricted Sites Zone


'0 - enabled, 1 - prompt, 3 - disabled

newValue = 0


'Disable the Security information secure non-secure popup in all the Zones

SettingCode = "1609"


'Change the setting for all 5 zones

For i = 0 To 4

  ChangeIEZoneSetting CStr(i), SettingCode, newValue



'Function to change specified setting in a specified zone

Function ChangeIEZoneSetting(ByVal ZoneCode, ByVal SettingCode, ByVal newValue)

  Dim WshShell

  Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")


  keyPath = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones"

  WshShell.RegWrite keyPath & "\" & ZoneCode & "\" & SettingCode, newValue, "REG_DWORD"

End Function


Active content/ Java Script prompt

Note:  Infor: To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file……


'Various zone codes

'Value    Setting


'0        My Computer

'1        Local Intranet Zone

'2        Trusted sites Zone

'3        Internet Zone

'4        Restricted Sites Zone


'0 - enabled, 1 - prompt, 3 - disabled

newValue = 0


'Disable all the Zones

SettingCode = "1400"


'Change the setting for all 5 zones

For i = 0 To 4

  ChangeIEZoneSetting CStr(i), SettingCode, newValue




File Download -- Information Bar

Note:  Infor: To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has blocked  this site from downloading files ……


'Various zone codes

'Value    Setting


'0        My Computer

'1        Local Intranet Zone

'2        Trusted sites Zone

'3        Internet Zone

'4        Restricted Sites Zone


'0 - enabled, 1 - prompt, 3 - disabled

newValue = 0


'Disable all the Zones

SettingCode = "2200"


'Change the setting for all 5 zones

For i = 0 To 4

  ChangeIEZoneSetting CStr(i), SettingCode, newValue



Handing popup dialog by using a code:


'Public Function CleanBrowserPopups(oBrw)

  'Get the popup dialog

  Set oPopDlg   = oBrw.Dialog("ispopupwindow:=True")


  CleanBrowserPopups = False

  If oPopDlg  .Exist(0) Then

    'There is a popup dialog

    'Get its title

    sPopTitle = oPopDlg.GetROProperty("title")


    Select Case LCase(sPopTitle)

      Case "security information", "security alert", "security warning"  "error"

        'Either a OK button would be there or a yes button

        'Use a regular expression to cater both in a single statement


        CleanBrowserPopups = True

        Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, sPopTitle, "Closed IE dialog popup"

      Case "enter network password"

        'CODE to handle enter network password widows

        'this is application to Windows 2000 OS

      Case Else

        If Left(LCase(sPopTitle),10) = "connect to" Then

          'CODE to handle enter network password windows

          'this is application to Windows XP OS


          MsgBox "Unknown dialog box - " & sPopTitle

        End If

    End Select

  End If

End Function


'We can register this as user defined user method

RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "CleanBrowserPopups", "CleanBrowserPopups"


If Browser("creationtime:=0").CleanBrowserPopups = True Then

  MsgBox "Cleaned all dialogs in the browser"

End if

 It would make it more convenient to intergrate the above function with the Browser and Page

Sync method,we can do that by using the code given below

 'New sync methods which will clear browser popups

'as well

Public Function NewSync(oObject)

       If oObject.GetTOProperty("micclass") = "Page" Then

              Set oBrw = oObject.GetTOProperty("parent")


              Set oBrw = oObject

       End If





       'Clean browser popups

       Call CleanBrowserPopups(oBrw)


       'Re sync


End Function


'Register them as user defined methods

RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "Sync", "NewSync"

RegisterUserFunc "Page", "Sync", "NewSync"


File Dowloading –Security Warning popup

思考: 就是通过DP拿到对象。

There are 3 dialogs occur:

 --File Download – SecurityWarning

--Save As

--File Download


'Function to download a file from IE

Public Function IEDownloadFile(ByVal oDlg, ByVal sFileName, ByVal bWaitComplete)

  sPopup = "ispopupwindow:=true"

  sBtn = "nativeclass:=button"


  'We will use window handle because the title will change later

  'From "File Download" to "Download Complete", but handle will remain

  'the same

  hWnd = oDlg.GetROProperty("hwnd")


  With Dialog("hwnd:=" & hwnd)

    'Get the value of the close on download complete checkbox



    'Check if the security wanring dialog is present

    If .Dialog(sPopup).Exist(0) Then

      'Two click events needed sometimes as the first one does not do anything


      'Make the second click option in case the first one works

      'And to use OptionalStep we need to use the Complete statement

      OptionalStep.Dialog("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Dialog(sPopup).WinButton("text:=&Save",sBtn).Click

    End if


    'Enter the complete file name in the save windo



      .Dialog(sPopup).WinEdit("nativeclass:=Edit","attached text:=File &name\:").Set ""

      .Dialog(sPopup).WinEdit("nativeclass:=Edit","attached text:=File &name\:").Type sFileName



    'Check if the file already exist dialog has appeared

    'We get the Save As dialog handle and then check for the

    'File allready exist. Going by the normal way we would have used

    'Dialog("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Dialog(sPopup).Dialog(sPopup).Exist(0)

    'Which is expected to work but it does not. So  to reduce one level

    'of hierarchy we take the hWnd and use it

    If Dialog("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Dialog(sPopup).Exist(0) Then

      Dialog("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Dialog(sPopup).WinButton(sBtn,"text:=&Yes").Click

    End If


    If bWaitComplete Then

      'Once download is complete either the window is closed if the checkbox

      'was checked or the Open Folder on the window will change get enabled

      While .Exist(0) and Not .WinButton("text:=Open &Folder").GetROProperty("enabled")

        Wait 1



      'If the checkbox OFF then we need to close the dialog   

      If sCloseAfterDownload = "OFF" then .Close

    End if

  End with

End Function



'Get the dialog window

Set oDlg = Dialog("text:=File Download","Index:=0")


'Download the file synchronously

IEDownloadFile oDlg , "C:\Test.exe", True

Msgbox "Download Complete"


'Download the file asynchronously

IEDownloadFile oDlg , "C:\Test.exe", False

MsgBox "The download has started"


Checking for Broken images on a web page

Note: Broken image has following property values:

--fileSize = -1

--readyState = “uninitialized”

思路: 利用htmlDom 得到image的属性值, 和上面的value相比。


'Function to Check for broken images on a page

Public Function CheckBrokenImages(oPage)

  pgTitle = oPage.GetROProperty("title")

  Set allImages = oPage.object.Images

  iCount = allImages.Length - 1


  For i = 0 To iCount

    Set curIMG = allImages.item(i)

    sHTML = "HTML = " & curIMG.outerHTML

    If curIMG.fileSize = -1 Then

      'The image did not load

      Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, pgTitle & "Broken Image", sHTML


      Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, pgTitle & "Valid Image", sHTML

    End if


End Function



CheckBrokenImages Browser("micclass:=Browser","index:=0").Page("micclass:=Page")


Using a Browser Object as a Window Object

Note:  有时候你要用Window的自带方法,就把Browser转换为Window

Use windows handle property (hwnd)

hwnd = Brwser(“”).GetROProperty(hwnd)

Set oBrowserWindow = Window(hwnd:= &hwnd)

now you can use any window method



'Window methods being used with the Browser

Public Function BrowserType(oBrw, Text)

       Dim hwnd

       hwnd = oBrw.GetROProperty("hwnd")


       Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Type hwnd

End Function


Public Function BrowserMaximize(oBrw)

       Dim hwnd

       hwnd = oBrw.GetROProperty("hwnd")


       Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Maximize

End Function


Public Function BrowserMinimize(oBrw)

       Dim hwnd

       hwnd = oBrw.GetROProperty("hwnd")


       Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Minimize

End Function


Public Function BrowserDblClick(oBrw, X, Y, MouseButton)

       Dim hwnd

       hwnd = oBrw.GetROProperty("hwnd")


       Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).DblClick X, Y, MouseButton

End Function


Public Function BrowserResize(oBrw, width, heigh)

       Dim hwnd

       hwnd = oBrw.GetROProperty("hwnd")


       Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Resize width, height

End Function


Public Function BrowserRestore(oBrw)

       Dim hwnd

       hwnd = oBrw.GetROProperty("hwnd")


       Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Restore

End Function


Public Function BrowserMouseMove(oBrw, X, Y)

       Dim hwnd

       hwnd = oBrw.GetROProperty("hwnd")


       Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).MouseMove X, Y      

End Function


Public Function BrowserMove(oBrw, X, Y)

       Dim hwnd

       hwnd = oBrw.GetROProperty("hwnd")


       Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Move X, Y

End Function


Public Function BrowserhWnd(oBrw)

       hwnd = oBrw.GetROProperty("hwnd")

End Function


RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "Maximize", "BrowserMaximize"

RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "Minimize", "BrowserMinimize"

RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "DblClick", "BrowserDblClick"

RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "Resize" , "BrowserResize"

RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "Restore", "BrowserRestore"

RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "MouseMove", "BrowserMouseMove"

RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "Move" ,"BrowserMove"

RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "hWnd" ,"BrowserhWnd"






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