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原创 MySql 将查询结果多列合并成一行GROUP_CONCAT

MySql 将查询结果多列合并成一行GROUP_CONCATGROUP_CONCAT(expr)该函数返回带有来自一个组的连接的非NULL值的字符串结果。其完整的语法如下所示: GROUP_CONCAT([DISTINCT] expr [,expr ...] [ORDER BY {unsigned_integer | col_name ...

2017-03-22 08:44:25 21589

原创 安装 Spring Boot CLI

安装 Spring Boot CLI点击下载 Spring Boot CLI将下载的文件解压到任意目录将“D:\Program Files\spring-1.5.2.RELEASE\bin” 目录添加到系统路径里。查看安装的CLI版本号:...

2017-03-13 10:03:49 18906

原创 Java多线程CyclicBarrier学习

Java多线程CyclicBarrier学习 CyclicBarrier是多线程并发控制实用工具CyclicBarrier初始化时规定一个数目,然后调用await()方法进入等待的线程数。当线程数达到了这个数目时,所有进入等待状态的线程被唤醒并继续执行。 await() 方法没被调用一次,计数便会减少1,并阻塞住当前线程。当计数减至0时,阻塞解除,所有在此 Cycl...

2017-03-10 14:00:52 19015

原创 脏读,不可重复读,幻读

脏读,不可重复读,幻读脏读(Dirty Read) 脏读意味着一个事务读取了另一个事务未提交的数据,而这个数据是有可能回滚。 不可重复读(Unrepeatable Read) 不可重复读意味着,在数据库访问中,一个事务范围内两个相同的查询却返回了不同数据。这是由于查询时系统中其他事务修改的提交而引起的。 例如:事务B中对某个查询执行两次,当第一次执行完时,事务A对其数据进行了修改...

2017-03-08 14:58:56 18643

原创 Spring事务的传播属性

Spring事务的传播属性PROPAGATION_REQUIRED 支持当前事务,如果当前没有事务,就新建一个事务。这是最常见的选择。 PROPAGATION_SUPPORTS 支持当前事务,如果当前没有事务,就以非事务方式执行。 PROPAGATION_MANDATORY 支持当前事务,如果当前没有事务,就抛出异常。 PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW 新建事...

2017-03-08 14:04:16 18520

原创 Spring事务的隔离级别

Spring事务的隔离级别ISOLATION_DEFAULT: 这是一个PlatfromTransactionManager默认的隔离级别,使用数据库默认的事务隔离级别,另外四个与JDBC的隔离级别相对应。 ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED: 这是事务最低的隔离级别,它充许令外一个事务可以看到这个事务未提交的数据。这种隔离级别会产生脏读,不可重复读和幻像读。...

2017-03-08 13:58:28 18686

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:41:29 12426

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:41:17 12431

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:41:04 12429

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:40:52 12429

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:40:37 12429

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:39:55 12426

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:39:40 12425

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:39:09 12428

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:37:52 12431

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:37:26 12427

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:36:07 12429

原创 css笔记

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.

2017-03-03 08:35:54 12428

Control-M 作业配置手册

Control-M (简称CTM)作业定义指南,详细介绍CTM中作业的运行方式和定义方式,并根据实际经验介绍在作业定义过程中需要考虑的因素和知识点。 本文针对初次接触CTM的用户,同时也可作为有经验用户的参考资料。 Control-M (简称CTM)作业定义指南,详细介绍CTM中作业的运行方式和定义方式,并根据实际经验介绍在作业定义过程中需要考虑的因素和知识点。 本文针对初次接触CTM的用户,同时也可作为有经验用户的参考资料。 Control-M (简称CTM)作业定义指南,详细介绍CTM中作业的运行方式和定义方式,并根据实际经验介绍在作业定义过程中需要考虑的因素和知识点。 本文针对初次接触CTM的用户,同时也可作为有经验用户的参考资料。 Control-M (简称CTM)作业定义指南,详细介绍CTM中作业的运行方式和定义方式,并根据实际经验介绍在作业定义过程中需要考虑的因素和知识点。 本文针对初次接触CTM的用户,同时也可作为有经验用户的参考资料。


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