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原创 P1017 - 进制转换
2020-04-04 14:31:21 214
原创 POJ 2503 Babelfish
题目来自POJ 2503链接题目Input consists of up to 100,000 dictionary entries, followed by a blank line, followed by a message of up to 100,000 words. Each dictionary entry is a line containing an English wo...
2020-03-23 11:08:36 140
原创 ZOJ 1383 Binary Numbers 二进制数
突然有打算记录一下做过的题目,目前为止都是很简单的题,还请多多指教。题目来自ZOJ 1383 链接题目Given a positive integer n, print out the positions of all 1’s in its binary representation. The position of the least significant bit is 0.Exam...
2020-03-12 19:50:19 323
原创 ACM入门-ZOJ 2812 Quicksum 快速求和
突然有打算记录一下做过的题目,目前为止都是很简单的题,还请多多指教。题目来自ZOJ 2812 链接A checksum is an algorithm that scans a packet of data and returns a single number. The idea is that if the packet is changed, the checksum will als...
2020-03-12 19:40:55 489
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