Protect Python Code with Bytecode Obfuscation


This is a English version of my original post in Chinese.


Please keep the original address of the post when reprinting.

There are several ways to protect Python source. Some of them are not so effective and some of them are effective but with side effects. This post gives a brief analysis of these ways and then gives out a solution to effectively protect Python code without side effect.

<0x01> Source code obfuscation

I tried two source code obfuscation tools. One is pyminifier and the other one is These two tools work in a similar way, they rename the class/function/variables and even scramble some Python constants (for example, True, False and None). Once the source is obfuscated, it becomes difficult for human reading and understanding. But this kind of obfuscation can barely confront with simple text searching&replacement. Generally a source code obfuscator will have no effect on source protection until it supports abstract syntax tree analysis and modification. Check this post for a deeper analysis on Python source obfuscation using ASTs.

<0x02> Packing source code into executable

py2exe and PyInstaller can pack Python source and Python Interpreter into a executable, so that your Python code can be executed on a target machine without Python installation. py2exe packs source code and its dependency files into a zip file. Unzip the file and all pyc files are there and ready to be de-compiled. PyInstaller is more secure than py2exe, it supports encryption of the source with AES, but the plain-text AES key also can be easily found in the packed file.

Another choice is Cython. It enables Python and C co-existency. You can call your module written in C from Python. The C module is built into native binary code, the binary code could be X86-PE on Windows platform or ARM-elf on ARM machine running with Linux. Reverse engineering on a C module is somewhat more difficult than on Python module, so that Cython may protect your C code but not Python code.  Two side effects of using Cython are:

1. The C module is built into native binary code and makes your whole application no longer  platform in-dependable.

2. Developing with C is a little more difficult then with Python.

If you are willing to pay the price, Cyt





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