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转载 DELPHI 中如何提升进程令牌

转:DELPHI 中如何提升进程令牌近一段时间在用DELPHI写个程序,当我写到一个结束其他进程的模块的时候有时不成功,那是因为其他进程,如病毒进程的权限高,通过常规的结束进程的函数行不通,要首先提高自身程序的权限,再结束其他进程在网上也看到了一些提升进程令牌的函数但都不怎么好用,最后我还是从一个黑客后门程序的源代码中提取出了一个好的提升进程令牌的函数,不敢独享,跟大家分享下 头部请加

2010-03-07 16:16:00 886

转载 Delphi 7事件的多处理机制

 Delphi 7事件的多处理机制Allen Tao2007-08-19    首先解释一下这个题目。在我使用Delphi 7的过程中发现,一个对象的事件只能被一个过程处理。如果多次给这个对象的事件赋给处理事件的过程,最后真正处理事件的将是最后赋值的那个过程。例如,有类TMyClass中定义了一个事件OnSomeFired,在类TClientClass中该类被实例化,它的事件被处理。如下所

2010-03-06 21:15:00 958

原创 libhaur笔记1:Usage

这里记录了几个重要函数。UsageInitialize document objectFirst, invoke HPDF_New() or HPDF_NewEx() to create an HPDF_Doc "document object". If user-defined memory management is needed, use HPDF_NewEx(). The do

2010-02-20 16:08:00 1221

转载 主程序与DLL之间的全局变量问题

主程序与DLL之间的全局变量问题作者:杨茂峰Email:DinkySoft@163.com有几个朋友经常向我问题在DLL中怎么共用一个全局变量。比如像用户登陆后的用户名(UserName)...其实这个问题很简单。下面我把我的做法写出来大家一起分享。把共享的变量放在主程序里:UserName,....等等,在主程序里写两个函数Function CurUserName():PChar;b

2010-02-16 16:00:00 1061

原创 css学习2

css学习1。一个类以.开头。例:.bigtext2。一个ID以#开头。例:#header3。定义一个层。例:#header {position: absolute; left: 32; top: 20}   在html中,    div必须给出id。4。overflow。检索或设置当对象的内容超过其指定高度及宽度时如何管理内容。所有对象的默认值是 visible ,除了 textarea 对象

2010-02-13 18:19:00 588

转载 Saving a RichEdit to a Metafile

IntroductionSometimes, you may want to store the contents of a rich edit control in a metafile.This article outlines an approach that stores this type of controls contents in enhanced metafiles, on

2010-02-11 18:26:00 666

转载 GradientFill found in 'msimg32.dll'

GradientFill found in msimg32.dllThis Delphi source code shows how the GradientFill function can be used to add smooth shading to a triangle or rectangle. For a triangle call the GradientFill functi

2010-02-11 18:22:00 778

原创 CSS可以做3件事

CSS可以做3件事 1. 设置页面中的字体。2. 定义层及在页面中的位置。3. 修改HTML标记。 怎么看都觉得3件事有畸轻畸重感。字体与修改标记跟层可以相提并论吗?刚开始看《CSS与HTML精髓》一书,等着被释惑。 

2010-02-11 13:45:00 719

原创 js学习笔记2

Task 32Calling Your JavaScript Code after the Page Has Loaded页面加载完成后调用JavaScript Codefunction hello() {window.alert(“Hello”);}// -->The page’s content. Task 43Check If Java Is Enabled with

2010-02-08 16:57:00 586

原创 IHTMLDocument Interface

IHTMLDocument InterfaceUsed to get information about a document, to examine and modify the HTML elements and text in the document, and to process related events. IHTMLDocument Members

2010-02-08 15:43:00 2104

原创 IHTMLCurrentStyle Interface

IHTMLCurrentStyle InterfaceProvides the ability to programmatically access the style properties of the element.IHTMLCurrentStyle Members<a id="ctl00_MTCS_main_ctl01" onclick="funct

2010-02-08 15:25:00 914

原创 IHTMLCaret Interface

IHTMLCaret Interface惭愧,以前就不知道有Caret这个接口Provides methods that control the insertion point (caret) in the editor.IHTMLCaret Members<a id="ctl00_MTCS_main_ctl01" onclick="function onc

2010-02-08 15:16:00 849

原创 IHTMLBodyElement Interface

  IHTMLBodyElement Interface这个接口很重要Provides access to the <a id="ctl00_MTCS_main_ctl01" onclick="function onclick(){function onclick(){function onclick(){function onclick()

2010-02-08 14:55:00 1263

原创 Interfaces and Scripting Objects

Interfaces and Scripting ObjectsLists the C/C++ object model interfaces, and identifies the scripting objects that match these interfaces most closely.Interface Object<a id="ctl00_

2010-02-08 14:51:00 2309

原创 MSHTML Overviews

MSDNMSDN LibraryPlease WaitWeb DevelopmentPlease WaitInternet Explorer DevelopmentPlease WaitHosting and ReusePlease WaitMSHTML ReferencePlease WaitMSHTML Overviews

2010-02-08 14:47:00 618

原创 JavaScript in 10 Steps or Less

没有按别人的推荐,学什么圣经类的js书,而是随便挑了本《JavaScript in 10 Steps or Less》。花了3个小时,看了30个task。讲的非常浅显详细。虽然是E文,但很浅显易懂。 task31:Calling Functions from TagsOne of the benefits of JavaScript is to be able to t

2010-02-08 11:18:00 598

转载 一个德国人写的代码片段

uses mshtml_tlb, ActiveX; function TriggerEvent(WB: TWebbrowser; Element: OleVariant; EventName: WideString): Boolean; var Doc4: IHTMLDocument4; Doc2: IHTMLDocument2; EventObj: I

2010-02-06 21:44:00 1128

转载 Create a temporary file name in Windows temp area

Create a temporary file name in Windows temp area {******************************************************function skuGetTempFileName(prefix: string): string;Creates a temporary file name with th

2010-02-03 14:26:00 714

转载 Adding additional data members to forms

Adding additional data members to forms  Suppose you want to add a new data member to a form. You want to initialize it in the constructor. What you will add is a constructor with your own name and th

2010-02-03 14:04:00 575

转载 The magic of method pointers

The magic of method pointers Date added/modified: 11 Nov 1999 You may not realize it but this is a concept at the core of Delphi technology and makes it truly amazing. You use it a

2010-02-03 14:03:00 649

转载 如何获取多核、多cpu系统中指定cpu的序列号

如何获取多核、多cpu系统中指定cpu的序列号作者:SkyJacker(转贴请保持完整并注明作者和出处)http://www.cnpack.orgCnPack IV  QQ Group: 1309702007-01-23感谢:Passion,Bahamut,早安,空气,SkyJacker...没有Bahamut的奇思妙点,就没有这片文章。在多cpu、多核中,会随机的获得不同的序列号.这就为

2010-02-03 13:56:00 1801

转载 Delphi动态事件深入分析

Delphi动态事件深入分析2009-2-7 作者:不得闲核心提示:本实验证明了在类中方法的调用时候,所有的方法都隐含了一个Self参数,并且该参数作为对象方法的第一个参数传递...首先做一个空窗体,放入一Button。在implementation下面声明两个方法如下://外部方法,只声明一个参数,此时按照标准的对象内部事件方法TNotifyEvent声明,此声明中,Sender则对应为

2010-02-03 13:45:00 1273

转载 Delphi Question: Proper using of a Record Field/Property in a Class?

Delphi Question: Proper using of a Record Field/Property in a Class?Want to test your Delphi knowledge? Take a look at the following class declarations and code, then answer the poll question...

2010-02-02 23:27:00 959

转载 MDI without scrollbar

Etienne, this has no effect since the scrollbars do not belong to the MDI frame window itself, they belong to the client window, which is not a Delphi form. Which means one has to attack the problem

2010-01-27 10:28:00 621

转载 How to get the published properties of an persistent object

How to get the published properties of an persistent objectThe TypeInfo unit of Delphi declares several types and functions that gives you easy access to the puplished properties of an object and ot

2010-01-09 21:21:00 581

转载 Serialize / Stream (Read/Write) Configuration Settings

Serialize / Stream (Read/Write) Configuration SettingsStore Application Settings in a Delphi Class and Serialize it Binary to a FileCode submitted by Jens Borrisholt. Text by Zarko Gajic.  Learn h

2010-01-09 14:09:00 663

转载 NcSerializer

{ **************************************************************************** }{                                                                              }{ Serializer Classes                    

2010-01-09 12:19:00 715

转载 For those interested in storing components onto a stream

From: keeper@mindspring.com (Mark R. Johnson)Subject: Re: [Delphi] Solution: Using TStream/TWriDate: 19 May 1995 14:20:22 GMTFor those interested in storing components onto a stream, take a l

2010-01-09 12:09:00 731

转载 Delphi栈对象

 //如需转载请注明出处//作者: 逍遥萧//来源: http://www.xy13.cn估计很多用了Delphi很多年的都不知道Delphi有支持栈对象.C++里对象即可以创建为堆对象,也可以创建为栈对象常用的对象都是从TObject继承,此种对象需要创建释放,不然会内存漏洞而栈对象不需要创建,也不需要释放,当对生命周期完成时会自动清理下面测试一下效果type  PA = ^TA; 

2010-01-08 15:42:00 1638

转载 Delphi字符串函数大全

Delphi字符串函数大全uses StrUtils; 【字符串函数大全】       首部 function AnsiResemblesText(const AText, AOther: string): Boolean;       $[StrUtils.pas      功能 返回两个字符串是否相似      说明 ANSI(American National Standards Ins

2010-01-06 17:55:00 635

转载 拷贝控件的问题

拷贝控件的问题。其实Delphi提供了非常好的持久化机制,笔者写了一个类,提供两个方法,一个是将多个控件保存到流中,另一个是从流中读出控件。2008-11-13 16:02 拷贝控件的问题。其实Delphi提供了非常好的持久化机制,笔者写了一个类,提供两个方法,一个是将多个控件保存到流中,另一个是从流中读出控件。 下面是源代码: unit ComPersist; interfa

2010-01-02 10:48:00 723

转载 How do I use IStream?

IStream is a Win32 interface, accessable to alot of programing languages, but is not well documented for Delphi. How do I use IStream?  There are alot of articles here and elsewhere showing how to c

2009-12-25 21:24:00 945

转载 揭开Outlook Express编辑器的奥秘

揭开Outlook Express编辑器的奥秘  【前言】  Outlook Express是一款大家比较熟悉的邮件工具,其HTML编辑器一直是众多程序员竞相模仿的目标。作者最近在一个项目的开发中,开始接触HTML编辑器的设计,并遇到了很多的难题。目前网络上关于IE编程的文章中,涉及MSHTML编辑器的部分,又大多集中在VC领域,用Delphi作为解决方案的少之又少。在经过一番艰难的摸索之后,

2009-12-19 16:56:00 1413

转载 通过指点操作获得窗口句柄

通过指点操作获得窗口句柄赵砥:     我用VB的sendkeys编写了一个向其他程序模拟键盘发送字符的工具,因VB编的程序体积太大,    我想用Delphi重写,使用SendMessage等API函数,但我想找到一个用鼠标点一下其他进程的    窗口便可获得该窗口的线程id和窗口句柄的方法,请指点一下。(使用findwindow获得窗口    句柄要输入窗口标题,不好。) 回答:    

2009-12-16 16:28:00 776

转载 Invoke Hidden Commands in the TWebBrowser

Invoke Hidden Commands in the TWebBrowser// The following codes demonstrates an innovative way to invoke hidden// commands to show modal dialogs such as "Add To Favorite" dialog,// "Import/Export Wi

2009-12-08 19:25:00 565

转载 Automating IE

Automating IE       Connect   to   a   running   instance   of   Internet   Explorer                   1.   Using   ObjectFromLResult.         You   can   use   function   ObjectFromLResult   to   obt

2009-12-08 19:22:00 1497

转载 save all TWebbrowser Frame Sources

save all TWebbrowser Frame Sources? Author: Thomas Stutz  [ Print tip ]     Tip Rating (5):           // Code 1uses  ActiveX, MSHTML_TLB, ComCtrls, ComObj;function GetBrowserForFrame(Doc: IH

2009-12-06 23:38:00 948

转载 making mdi child forms MODAL

making mdi child forms MODAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can not show a MDIChild form as modal. their formStyle should be setto fsNormalI have

2009-12-06 20:25:00 621

转载 excel和word代码片断

unit ExcelConst;interfaceconst  xlCenter = -4108;  xlLeft = -4131;  xlRight = -4152;  xlDistributed = -4117;  xlJustify = -4130;  xlNone = -4142;  {HorizontalAlignment}  xlHAlignCenter = -4108;  xlHAl

2009-12-06 16:02:00 1071

转载 MCI Command String总览-完全参数篇

MCI Command String总览-完全参数篇作者: Sproll(注:本文以2000年七月的MSDN解释为准) (由于小弟在MCI指令方面的认识有限,本文误解、疏漏甚至错误之处在所难免,请朋友们不吝指正。小弟的信箱是gangaro@163.com) MCI Command String是多媒体设备的程序接口。通过它,我们可以打开一个多媒体文件,例如mp3,VCD,Mpeg4格式

2009-12-03 15:44:00 3234







Flash Layers Panel component

非常炫的效果,而且是免费的。 Flash Layers Panel component This component made as copy of Macromedia Flash Layers menu (left part of timeline). It can be used as replacement of TTreeView and could be necessary for different graphic editors or level editors. This component needs some more development: * Drag & Drop feature; * Folder functionality - expanding/collapsing, deleting; * Some features for adding flexible settings * etc



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