Budget Holiday IR

Java Python Budget Holiday I

This is a regular task. You must submit a PDF, which can be produced using the LATEX template on Moodle, exported from a word processor, hand-written or any other method.

In this task, we’ll look at the following problem:

You are going on a holiday to to Austria, but are on a limited budget. Austria has n towns, each with an airport.

Each town t has a cost of Arrive(t) to enter Austria via that airport, and a cost of Depart(t) to leave from there.

There are also m roads between the towns.

• Each road r has an associated cost Toll(r).

• It is possible to reach any town from any other town by a sequence of roads. In other words, if a graph is constructed with vertices and edges corresponding to towns and roads, the graph is guaranteed to be connected.

A holiday is a path through Austria where you arrive at a town by plane, visit zero or more other towns connected by roads, then leave by plane (possibly from the town where you started). You want to determine the cheapest cost of a holiday to Austria.

In this example, the cheapest holiday is to enter Austria at town a, travel to b then c, and leave via c. The total cost is Arrive(a) + Toll(a ↔ b) + Toll(b ↔ c) + Depart(c) = 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 6.

It is very expensive to arrive in or depart from town d, and also to visit it by road. A holiday does not have to include all towns.

(a) A simple way to solve this problem involves applying Dijkstra’s algorithm starting from each town. Explain why this method solves the problem, then analyse the time complexity.

(b) We would like to improve upon the approach from (a). It is possible to construct a new graph and get the solution by running Dijkstra’s algorithm only once. Explain how to construct a graph based on the map of Austria such that the minimum cost of a holiday is equal to the length of the shortest path between two specified vertices. Analyse the time complexity of this approach.

Hint: You might want to add additional edges and vertices to the original graph; you might want to include arrival and departure costs to ensure that paths between your elected vertices are valid holidays.

Constructing a new graph so that we can apply a known algorithm is a co Budget Holiday IR mmon technique, so keep it in mind for future problems!


(a) Briefly explain how we can find the cost of the cheapest holiday using this method. Analyse the time complexity in terms of n (the number of towns) and m (the number of roads).

Expected length: a short paragraph.

(b) Describe how to construct the graph. Clearly identify the vertices, the edges, and the weights of each edge in your graph. Specify two particular vertices, and briefly explain why the shortest path between them represents the cheapest holiday. Analyse the time complexity in terms of m and n.

Expected length: less than half a page.


Part (b) will probably be quite challenging for students since we are introducing it before the Flow module. If students are struggling and you would like to provide hints, try to get them to think about the fact that the holiday actually starts at home, not at any of the towns in Austria. This might guide them towards the idea of adding a vertex for starting “at home”, and another vertex for ending “at home”.

Sample Solution.

(a) We can run Dijkstra’s algorithm n times to find the shortest path between every pair of towns, and then iterate over all pairs and choose the pair that minimises Arrive u+d(u, v) + Depart v.

The n applications of Dijkstra’s algorithm will take O(nm log n) time, and iterating over all pairs will take O(n 2 ) time, giving a total time complexity of O(nm log n).

(b) Construct the graph as follows:

• Create a vertex ‘Start’, connected to each town t with an edge with weight Arrive(t)

• Create a vertex ‘End’, connected to each town t with an edge with weight Depart(t)

• Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the single-source shortest path from Start to End. The length of this path is the cost of the cheapest holiday.

A path in G from ‘Start’ to ‘End’ is made up of an arrival cost, a sequence of tolls be-tween connecting towns, and then some departure cost. The cost of the cheapest holiday is therefore given by the length of the shortest path from s to e.

The graph will have m + 2n = O(m) edges and n + 2 = O(n) vertices, so the total run-time will be O(m log n) from using Dijkstra’s algorithm         

### 回答1: Matlab是一种矩阵计算、数据分析和可视化的工具,并且也是ITU链路预算计算中常用的软件之一。 ITU链路预算计算是指在设计通信系统中,计算信号传输的距离、衰减和噪声等参数,以及预测接收端的信号强度和质量。这些参数对于通信系统设计的正确性和可行性至关重要。 对于ITU链路预算计算,Matlab提供了多种内置函数和工具箱,如通信工具箱、信号处理工具箱、无线通信工具箱等,可以方便地进行链路预算计算。此外,Matlab中的图形用户界面(GUI)也提供了一系列的可视化工具,帮助用户更直观地分析和比较数据结果。 总之,Matlab作为ITU链路预算计算中重要的工具之一,能够大大提高计算精度和效率,并且提供了多种可视化手段方便用户分析和展示计算结果。 ### 回答2: MATLAB itu-link budget是一种基于MATLAB平台的工具,用于计算和分析卫星通信链路预算。该工具主要用于分析和设计卫星通信中使用的天线、收发机、信号处理等各个环节的性能指标和参数,以实现卫星通信质量的最佳化。使用MATLAB itu-link budget,可以方便地进行频率规划、天线选型、功率分配、信噪比分析等工作,并对不同情况下的指标表现进行有效的评估和比较。此外,MATLAB itu-link budget不仅可以用于卫星通信系统的设计和优化,还可用于对实际卫星通信链路的性能进行监测和分析。通过实时获取系统数据并进行分析处理,能够及时发现问题并进行修复,提高卫星通信系统的稳定性和性能。因此,MATLAB itu-link budget是一种基于MATLAB的有效工具,可以为卫星通信系统的设计、优化和维护提供实用的支持和帮助。




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