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write by 九天雁翎(JTianLing) -- blog.csdn.net/vagrxie

<<Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++>>

--《数据结构与算法分析c++描述》 Mark Allen Weiss著 人民邮电大学出版 中文版第63-71面, 图3-113-16,实现的一个用链表实现的列表List类。


1 #ifndef __LIST_H__
2 #define __LIST_H__
4 template<typenameT>
5 classCList
6 {
7 private:
8 structCNode
9 {
10 CNode( constT& aData = T(), CNode *apPrev = NULL, CNode *apNext = NULL)
11 : mData(aData),mpPrev(apPrev),mpNext(apNext) { }
12 T mData;
13 CNode *mpPrev;
14 CNode *mpNext;
15 };
17 public:
18 classconst_iterator
19 {
20 public:
21 // in the book, We have Head and Tail, why we still need
22 // to use this constructor? I Don't think we need this.
23 const_iterator():mpCurrent(NULL) { }
25 constT& operator*() const
26 {
27 returnretrieve();
28 }
30 const_iterator& operator++()
31 {
32 mpCurrent = mpCurrent->mpNext;
33 return*this;
34 }
36 const_iterator operator++(int)
37 {
38 const_iterator lOld = *this;
39 ++(*this);
40 returnlOld;
41 }
43 booloperator== ( constconst_iterator& aoOrig) const
44 {
45 return(mpCurrent == aoOrig.mpCurrent);
46 }
48 booloperator!= (constconst_iterator& aoOrig) const
49 {
50 return!(*this== aoOrig);
51 }
53 protected:
54 T& retrieve() const
55 {
56 returnmpCurrent->mData;
57 }
59 const_iterator(CNode *apCur) : mpCurrent(apCur) { }
61 friendclassCList<T>;
63 CNode* mpCurrent;
64 };
66 classiterator : publicconst_iterator
67 {
68 public:
69 iterator() { }
71 T& operator* ()
72 {
73 // derived from const_iterator
74 // standard C++ need this.....but VS2005 don't need it.
75 returnthis->retrieve();
76 }
78 // Anybody tell me why we need this?
79 // If we really need this const thing
80 // why not use using statement
81 constT& operator* () const
82 {
83 returnconst_iterator::operator*();
84 }
86 usingconst_iterator::mpCurrent;
87 iterator& operator++()
88 {
89 // standard C++ need this.....but VS2005 don't need it.
90 this->mpCurrent = this->mpCurrent->mpNext;
91 return*this;
92 }
94 iterator operator++(int)
95 {
96 iterator lOld = *this;
97 ++(*this);
98 returnlOld;
99 }
101 protected:
102 iterator(CNode *apCur) : const_iterator(apCur) { }
104 friendclassCList<T>;
105 };
107 public:
108 CList()
109 {
110 init();
111 }
113 CList(constCList& aoOrig)
114 {
115 init();
116 *this= aoOrig;
117 }
119 ~CList()
120 {
121 clear();
122 deletempHead;
123 deletempTail;
124 };
126 constCList& operator= (constCList &aoOrig)
127 {
128 if(this== &aoOrig)
129 {
130 return*this;
131 }
133 clear();
135 for( const_iterator lit = aoOrig.begin();
136 lit != aoOrig.end(); ++lit)
137 {
138 push_back(*lit);
139 }
141 return*this;
142 }
144 voidinit()
145 {
146 miSize = 0;
147 mpHead = newCNode;
148 mpTail = newCNode;
149 mpHead->mpNext = mpTail;
150 mpTail->mpPrev = mpHead;
151 }
153 iterator begin()
154 {
155 returniterator(mpHead->mpNext);
156 }
158 const_iterator begin() const
159 {
160 returnconst_iterator(mpHead->mpNext);
161 }
163 iterator end()
164 {
165 returniterator(mpTail);
166 }
168 const_iterator end() const
169 {
170 returnconst_iterator(mpTail);
171 }
173 intsize() const
174 {
175 returnmiSize;
176 }
179 boolempty() const
180 {
181 return(size() == 0);
182 }
184 voidclear()
185 {
186 while( !empty())
187 {
188 pop_front();
189 }
190 }
192 T& front()
193 {
194 return*begin();
195 }
197 constT& front() const
198 {
199 return*begin();
200 }
202 T& back()
203 {
204 return*--end();
205 }
207 constT& back() const
208 {
209 return*--end();
210 }
212 voidpush_front(constT& aoOrig)
213 {
214 insert(begin(), aoOrig);
215 }
217 voidpush_back(constT& aoOrig)
218 {
219 insert(end(), aoOrig);
220 }
222 voidpop_front()
223 {
224 erase(begin());
225 }
227 voidpop_back()
228 {
229 erase(--end());
230 }
232 iterator insert(iterator aItr, constT& aoOrig)
233 {
234 CNode *lpCur = aItr.mpCurrent;
235 ++miSize;
236 returniterator( lpCur->mpPrev = lpCur->mpPrev->mpNext = newCNode(aoOrig, lpCur->mpPrev, lpCur));
237 }
239 iterator erase(iterator aItr)
240 {
241 CNode *lpCur = aItr.mpCurrent;
242 iterator litRet(lpCur->mpNext);
243 lpCur->mpPrev->mpNext = lpCur->mpNext;
244 lpCur->mpNext->mpPrev = lpCur->mpPrev;
246 deletelpCur;
247 --miSize;
249 returnlitRet;
250 }
252 iterator erase( iterator aitStart, iterator aitEnd)
253 {
254 for(iterator lit = aitStart; lit != aitEnd; NULL)
255 {
256 lit = erase(lit);
258 }
260 }
263 private:
264 intmiSize;
265 CNode *mpHead;
266 CNode *mpTail;
268 };
277 #endif





C++ is a complex language and an evolving one, and its standard definition (the ISO C++ standard) was only recently completed. As a result, your C++ compiler may occasionally surprise you, even when its behavior is correct.



11.9.2. Name lookup, templates, and accessing members of base classes

The C++ standard prescribes that all names that are not dependent on template parameters are bound to their present definitions when parsing a template function or class.[1] Only names that are dependent are looked up at the point of instantiation. For example, consider

 void foo(double);

 struct A {
 template <typename T>
 void f () {
 foo (1); // 1
 int i = N; // 2
 T t;
 t.bar(); // 3
 foo (t); // 4

 static const int N;

Here, the names foo and N appear in a context that does not depend on the type of T. The compiler will thus require that they are defined in the context of use in the template, not only before the point of instantiation, and will here use ::foo(double) and A::N, respectively. In particular, it will convert the integer value to a double when passing it to ::foo(double).

Conversely, bar and the call to foo in the fourth marked line are used in contexts that do depend on the type of T, so they are only looked up at the point of instantiation, and you can provide declarations for them after declaring the template, but before instantiating it. In particular, if you instantiate A::f<int>, the last line will call an overloaded ::foo(int) if one was provided, even if after the declaration of struct A.

This distinction between lookup of dependent and non-dependent names is called two-stage (or dependent) name lookup. G++ implements it since version 3.4.

Two-stage name lookup sometimes leads to situations with behavior different from non-template codes. The most common is probably this:

 template <typename T> struct Base {
 int i;

 template <typename T> struct Derived : public Base<T> {
 int get_i() { return i; }

In get_i(), i is not used in a dependent context, so the compiler will look for a name declared at the enclosing namespace scope (which is the global scope here). It will not look into the base class, since that is dependent and you may declare specializations of Base even after declaring Derived, so the compiler can't really know what i would refer to. If there is no global variable i, then you will get an error message.

In order to make it clear that you want the member of the base class, you need to defer lookup until instantiation time, at which the base class is known. For this, you need to access i in a dependent context, by either using this->i (remember that this is of type Derived<T>*, so is obviously dependent), or using Base<T>::i. Alternatively, Base<T>::i might be brought into scope by a using-declaration.

Another, similar example involves calling member functions of a base class:

 template <typename T> struct Base {
 int f();

 template <typename T> struct Derived : Base<T> {
 int g() { return f(); };

Again, the call to f() is not dependent on template arguments (there are no arguments that depend on the type T, and it is also not otherwise specified that the call should be in a dependent context). Thus a global declaration of such a function must be available, since the one in the base class is not visible until instantiation time. The compiler will consequently produce the following error message:

 x.cc: In member function `int Derived<T>::g()':
 x.cc:6: error: there are no arguments to `f' that depend on a template
 parameter, so a declaration of `f' must be available
 x.cc:6: error: (if you use `-fpermissive', G++ will accept your code, but
 allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)

To make the code valid either use this->f(), or Base<T>::f(). Using the -fpermissive flag will also let the compiler accept the code, by marking all function calls for which no declaration is visible at the time of definition of the template for later lookup at instantiation time, as if it were a dependent call. We do not recommend using -fpermissive to work around invalid code, and it will also only catch cases where functions in base classes are called, not where variables in base classes are used (as in the example above).

Note that some compilers (including G++ versions prior to 3.4) get these examples wrong and accept above code without an error. Those compilers do not implement two-stage name lookup correctly.


其实看过这个问题的解释后,我才想起来,Effective C++也有类似的描述。

Effective C++,3rd,Item 43,Know How to access names in templatized base classes.



1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <iterator>
5 #include <algorithm>
6 #include "list.h"
7 usingnamespacestd;
9 intmain(intargc, char* argv[])
10 {
11 CList<int> loList1;
12 loList1.push_back(1);
13 loList1.push_back(2);
14 loList1.push_back(3);
15 loList1.push_back(4);
16 CList<int> loList2(loList1);
18 CList<int> loList3;
19 loList3 = loList2;
21 for(CList<int>::iterator lit = loList3.begin();
22 lit != loList3.end(); ++lit)
23 {
24 cout <<*lit <<" ";
25 }
27 cout <<endl;
30 exit(0);
31 }


write by 九天雁翎(JTianLing) -- blog.csdn.net/vagrxie

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