

The Project Object Model

1.POM definition:The POM is where a project’s identity and structure are declared, builds are configured, and projects are related to one another. The presence of a pom.xml file defines a Maven project.

2.The POM contains four categories of des-cription(真是服了这个神奇的国度,s-cript也成了监控关键字) and configuration:
(1)General project information
This includes a project’s name, the URL for a project, the sponsoring organization, and a list of developers and contributors along with the license for a project.

(2)Build settings
In this section, we customize the behavior of the default Maven build. We can change the location of source and tests, we can add new plugins, we can attach plugin goals to the lifecycle, and we can customize the site generation parameters.

(3)Build environment
The build environment consists of profiles that can be activated for use in different environments. For example, during development you may want to deploy to a development server, whereas in production you want to deploy to a production server. The build environment customizes the build settings for specific environments and is often supplemented by a custom settings.xml in ~/.m2. This settings file is discussed in Chapter 5, Build Profiles and in the section Section A.2, “Settings Details”.

(4)POM relationships
A project rarely stands alone; it depends on other projects, inherits POM settings from parent projects, defines its own coordinates, and may include submodules.

3.The Super POM:
The Super POM defines some standard configuration variables that are inherited by all projects. Those values are captured in the annotated sections:

(1) The default Super POM defines a single remote Maven repository with an ID of central. This is the central Maven repository that all Maven clients are configured to read from by default. This setting can be overridden by a custom settings.xml file. Note that the default Super POM has disabled snapshot artifacts on the central Maven repository. If you need to use a snapshot repository, you will need to customize repository settings in your pom.xml or in your settings.xml. Settings and profiles are covered in Chapter 5, Build Profiles and in Section A.2, “Settings Details”.

(2) The central Maven repository also contains Maven plugins. The default plugin repository is the central Maven repository. Snapshots are disabled, and the update policy is set to “never,” which means that Maven will never automatically update a plugin if a new version is released.

(3) The build element sets the default values for directories in the Maven Standard Directory layout.

(4) Starting in Maven 2.0.9, default versions of core plugins have been provided in the Super POM. This was done to provide some stability for users that are not specifying versions in their POMs.

4.The Effective POM

$ mvn help:effective-pom

Executing the effective-pom goal should print out an XML document capturing the merge between the Super POM and the POM from Example 3.2, “The Simplest POM”.

5.Project Dependencies--Dependency Scope
Example 3.3, “Project Dependencies” briefly introduced three of the five dependency scopes: compile, test, and provided. Scope controls which dependencies are available in which classpath, and which dependencies are included with an application. Let’s explore each scope in detail:
compile is the default scope; all dependencies are compile-scoped if a scope is not supplied. compile dependencies are available in all classpaths, and they are packaged.

provided dependencies are used when you expect the JDK or a container to provide them. For example, if you were developing a web application, you would need the Servlet API available on the compile classpath to compile a servlet, but you wouldn’t want to include the Servlet API in the packaged WAR; the Servlet API JAR is supplied by your application server or servlet container. provided dependencies are available on the compilation classpath (not runtime). They are not transitive, nor are they packaged.

runtime dependencies are required to execute and test the system, but they are not required for compilation. For example, you may need a JDBC API JAR at compile time and the JDBC driver implementation only at runtime.

test-scoped dependencies are not required during the normal operation of an application, and they are available only during test compilation and execution phases.

The system scope is similar to provided except that you have to provide an explicit path to the JAR on the local file system. This is intended to allow compilation against native objects that may be part of the system libraries. The artifact is assumed to always be available and is not looked up in a repository. If you declare the scope to be system, you must also provide the systemPath element. Note that this scope is not recommended (you should always try to reference dependencies in a public or custom Maven repository).

6.Optional Dependencies

7.Dependency Version Ranges
You don’t just have to depend on a specific version of a dependency; you can specify a range of versions that would satisfy a given dependency. For example, you can specify that your project depends on version 3.8 or greater of JUnit, or anything between versions 1.2.10 and 1.2.14 of JUnit. You do this by surrounding one or more version numbers with the following characters:

(, )
Exclusive quantifiers

[, ]
Inclusive quantifiers




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