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Why can not mount sdcard in emulator

vold.conf is missed in system.img .rebuild system.img by mkyaffs2image ( ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/) will solve this issue.But why vold.conf is missed during building? Need to be investigate la...

2010-03-02 20:48:32 114

原创 寻址的最小单位 BYTE, not word

p++, 要看p 的所指类型占用的 byte 数

2009-12-22 18:04:46 943

shell split string

Method 1[code="java"]#!/bin/sh# for usb auto suspend , triggered by usb insertstringK=$1i=1seg="1-1"while [ -n "$seg" ]do if [ "$i" -eq "1" ]; then stringU=$seg else st...

2009-12-18 19:04:02 234

原创 modprobe --- no symbol version for struct_module

这个错误很可能是由于 kernel version 不一致导致的

2009-12-18 12:07:12 159

原创 How to: Compile Linux kernel

http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-26.htmlStep # 1 Get Latest Linux kernel codeVisit http://kernel.org/ and download the latest source code. File name would be linux-x.y.z.ta...

2009-12-17 19:37:19 126

原创 USB auto suspend udev sysfs


2009-12-11 11:42:39 218

原创 interface


2009-12-02 16:37:18 82

原创 Exit from X to console

/etc/init.d/gdm stopto reback to X/etc/init.d/gdm start

2009-11-27 23:42:59 89

原创 gnome resolution pre user

gnome resolution config files are located in .gconf/desktop/gnome/screen/it is used with higher priority than xorg after gdm login.

2009-11-27 23:41:06 111

原创 Linux touchpad too sensitive

http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Disable_the_touchpad_while_typinghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig TouchpadDisable the touchpad while typingThe utilit...

2009-11-27 19:35:34 150

原创 lspci lsusb

liunx 硬件查看lsusblspcidmesg

2009-11-27 19:34:17 138

原创 check dirty page on linux

1. top ->'f' ->'v'http://www.linuxforums.org/articles/using-top-more-efficiently_89.html.Note: On 2.6.x, this field is always zero without unknown reason.2.you can check the size of dirty ...

2009-11-24 15:44:59 148

原创 undefined reference to `wxColour::IsOk() const'


2009-11-20 16:51:38 101

[Postgres] copy Table from windows filename

filename The absolute path name of the input or output file. Windows users might need to use an E'' string and double backslashes used as path separators. example: copy bi_k1_q_net fr...

2009-10-10 15:15:18 120

Install postgresql-8.4.1-1 on windows

Please don't select "default" in locale when you are using no-English version windows, or you will the following error > Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly...

2009-10-03 21:36:15 146

原创 inittab


2009-07-30 15:44:48 83

原创 unsigned signed cast

unsigned 和 signed 一起运算时, signed 会 cast 为 unsigned -1 > 0U (unsigned 0)

2009-07-27 18:03:20 204

原创 negative mod

(-10) % 3 = ?(-10) - (3* -4) = 2

2009-07-27 17:59:20 90

Linux 上运行Windows的程序---Wine

FAQ:1. How to installDebian/Ubuntu$ apt-get install wine Or Compile source of wine directly2. How to use$ winecfgwill create ~/.wine in you home directory3. 乱码问题copy simsu...

2009-04-26 21:37:10 95

全局静态变量 global static variable

全局静态变量与 全局变量的区别在于全局静态变量只能在被本源文件中使用。[header.h]static int i = 0;void setStatic();[s1.c]#include #include "header.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[]){setStatic();printf("%d %...

2009-04-25 20:49:35 425

如何查看wifi 的 frequency 和 out power

iwconfig 的输出中有 frequency 和 Tx-power

2009-04-25 20:48:59 550

如何查看BT (BlueTooth) 的信息

lsusb -vvbluez下面hciconfig hcitool

2009-04-25 20:48:24 265

return value of GTK callback function

False:如果你想在你的Callback 之后继续把signal 传递给system继续处理True:如果你想到此为止(不再把signal 传递给system继续处理)

2009-04-25 20:47:47 64

原创 函数的声明 (Too Much Default Visibility)

函数的使用范围应该得到最大程度的限制,而不是default 的 globle。如果不想 global ,就应该在前面加上static (only 在本源文件中使用)#这个以前没有注意到#参考来源 deep c secrets# Too Much Default Visibility...

2009-04-25 20:47:15 77

ERROR: Unable to identify a valid CodeWarrior for

ActivePerl- an application(HelloWord) for the emulator from the CLI>bldmake bldfiles>abld build winscw udebERROR: Unable to i...

2009-04-25 20:46:10 110

Error: No rule to make target XXX

在Src 目录下new 几个新的目录和文件,Make 就出现上面的Error 了。〔问题原因〕应该是在Make的过程中没有找到 指定的file。〔解决方法〕可以在Makefile.am 或者 Makefile 中 加入 VPATH(搜索path)例如:VPATH = base utils engineer...

2009-04-25 20:44:47 148

原创 Linux 2.6.18 下安装 usb 无线网卡(zd1211)

[设备采购] SAGEM XG-760A chipset :zd1211 价格:30RMB 新旧程度:旧 使用状况:良好 http://auction1.taobao.com/auction/item_detail-0db2-01f4ed18b77e327bf152606009114236.jhtml?pm1=1 [安装Driver]参考 http://blog.linym.net...

2009-04-25 20:43:33 254

原创 usb mass storage

refer to http://www.linux-usb.org/gadget/file_storage.html

2009-04-25 20:39:14 86

原创 How to Take a Screenshot in Linux With the Termina

please refer to:http://tips.webdesign10.com/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-ubuntu-linuximport MyScreenshot.pngorsleep 10; import -window root MyScreenshot2.png

2009-04-25 20:35:58 96

原创 How to make root file system image file

Refer to : http://topic.csdn.net/t/20051103/17/4369767.html# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_device dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/tmp_loop bs=1k count=512 (容量根据需要自定义) losetup /dev/loop0 /tmp/tmp_l...

2009-04-25 20:35:19 103

about malloc

做了一个调用malloc 分配memory 的小程序.执行之后,top/ ps -A -o pcpu,pmem,cmd发现memory 没有分配。在malloc 后面添加 memset ,memory 才被分配

2009-04-25 20:33:17 69

原创 initrd

http://hi.baidu.com/liyangzhao/blog/item/24628f36a93851320b55a9f5.htmlhttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-initrd.htmlOpen# mkdir temp ; cd temp# cp /boot/initrd-

2009-04-25 20:32:55 97

如何生成 xorg.conf

Xorg -configure

2009-04-25 20:32:18 221

how to make zaurus(C750) recognize the 2G SD Card

Install 〔Zentek SD-Link11b Zaurus Driver 〕 之后reboot就可以识别了 2G SD Card 了download URL:http://www.zentek.co.jp/sd/data/link11b/sd-link11b_jp_jpn_arm.ipk有的时候,日语还是能派上很大用场的参考如下文章http://window...

2009-04-25 20:30:46 99

config sound card in Dell laptop (Latitude LS)

# install alsa utiltyapt-get install alsa-utils# view dmesg and lspci to comfirm that# sound card has been found by systemalsamixer# but all of item is off# config sound card b...

2009-04-25 20:30:06 100

play audio(mp3)/vedio online (mozilla)

#install mozilla plugins --- mplayerapt-get install mozilla-mplayer

2009-04-25 20:29:26 144

when string passing as parameter(const)

It means when you hold the point that point "XXXX", you * Can not modify the content * Can not free it

2009-04-25 20:28:55 89

多维pointer 如何free

free 的方法与之前如何 alloc的相关。 * 如果之前是 一次alloc(例如:指向一个二维数组 char ** p = new char arr[3][3]), 那么申请的一整块连续的heap space, 那么应该也只有一个manage structor, 所以只需要free 一次(即set manage structor 中的availiable flag = 1)...

2009-04-25 20:26:58 81

关于 #include 的位置

是放在*.h or *.c 里面? * 如果是*.h 的内容要用到#include,就需要放到*.h里面 * 否则,放到*.c

2009-04-25 20:26:21 198

c++ 编译问题

一个简单的vector 的c++ 程序, 编译错误#include int main(){std::vector vet;}错误原因:使用的gcc 命令(应该使用g++命令)gcc :“GCC” is a common shorthand term for the GNU Compiler Collection. This is both...

2009-04-25 20:25:29 87



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