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下载最新的 Spring

现在下载Spring真是不容易1、在百度里面搜索 Spring,搜索到 http://www.springsource.org/2、点击自动跳转到 http://spring.io/3、点击顶部的 Projects4、点击下面的 Spring Framework5、点击那个 猫 图标 (GitHub)6、到页面下面,点击 Downloading artifacts 下面...

2014-02-08 11:38:17 157

原创 Delete sub folder(FileUtils)

[code="java"]public class FileUtils { /** Delete all specified subFolder, e.g. delete all bin directory of c:/testApp. */ public static void deleteSubFolder(String sPath, String subFoldName,...

2013-11-28 18:03:19 248

原创 Ant 递归删除文件夹

发现用 Ant 1.7 删除文件夹的时候,必须先删除里面的文件,再删除文件夹。不能直接删除非空文件夹,记录一下。[code="xml"] simple example build file [/cod...

2013-11-28 15:17:24 311

原创 Spring 2.5 Annotation

[b]Spring 2.5 Annotation[/b][b]Reference:[/b] http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-lo-spring25-ioc/ http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-lo-spring25-mvc/ http://www.ib...

2013-11-27 11:33:53 134

原创 JavaScript 类,对象

[b]1. 构造函数方式[/b][code="javascript"]function Car(sColor,iDoors,iMpg) { this.color = sColor; this.doors = iDoors; this.mpg = iMpg; this.showColor = function() { alert(this.color); ...

2012-07-23 23:06:05 116

原创 JavaScript 继承

[code="javascript"]//父类function ClassA(sColor) { //Define Properties this.color = sColor; this.drivers = new Array("Mike","John"); this.showColor = function() { prt(this.col...

2012-07-23 22:58:17 96

原创 JavaScript 字符串连接

[code="JavaScript"]function StringBuffer () { this._strings_ = new Array();}StringBuffer.prototype.append = function(str) { this._strings_.push(str);};StringBuffer.prototype.toString...

2012-07-23 20:32:14 178

Get IP

[code="html"] [/code]Ref: http://www.ip.cn

2009-11-20 09:53:09 274

创建 maven 插件

创建 maven 插件:删除所有资源文件夹 mac 目录下面所有 grf 文件(target/classes/mac/**/*.grf)里面的内容:[code="xml"][/code]1)cd/d C:\Tempmvn archetype:create -DgroupId=org.xmlasia.plugins -DartifactId=edit-resour...

2009-11-10 16:40:02 122

Using platform encoding (Cp1252 actually), build is platform dependent

[b]Maven warning[/b][color=red][WARNING] Using platform encoding (Cp1252 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent![INFO] Copying 1 resource[/color][b]Solution:[...

2009-09-16 16:38:31 152


[code="xml"] 4.0.0 com.zero app.builder 1.0 pom App Builder App Builder org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 1.6 1.6 ...

2009-09-13 23:41:34 140

Component Explorer

Flex Builder 3 - Component ExplorerC:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0\samples\explorerbuild.batexplorer.html

2009-09-04 08:59:43 155

Eclipse dropins

You can also use an own extra dropins folder: simply add a parameter into eclipse.ini:-Dorg.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.dropins.directory= /your_path/e34shared_dropin

2009-09-03 14:32:34 233

SVN: RA layer request failed

Q: org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: RA layer request failedsvn: OPTIONS of 'http://zh.abc.org/svn/CAI/CMI/trunk/CMDA_DATA_ACCESS': 200 OK (http://zh.abc.org)A:C:\WINDOWS\sy...

2009-09-01 16:46:57 225


[code="java"]public class MatchFinder { //static List matchNames = new ArrayList(); static List nonMatchNames = new ArrayList(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exceptio...

2009-09-01 16:21:02 363

File Writer

[code="java"]public static void testWriter() throws FileNotFoundException { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("PrintWriter.txt", false))); for (int...

2009-09-01 16:09:31 131

Get machine name from IP

[code="java"]public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String addr = getMachineNameFromIP(""); System.out.println(addr);}static String getMachineNameFromIP...

2009-09-01 16:07:29 201

Credit Card

[code="java"]//e.g. (20, 20), (13, 26)static void prtCreditCardBill(int billDate, int payLimit) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); c.set(year, 0, ...

2009-09-01 16:05:54 152

Sun HttpServer

[code="java"]/**Provides a simple high-level Http server API, which can be used to build embedded HTTP servers. Both "http" and "https" are supported. The API provides a partial implementation...

2009-09-01 15:54:18 269

File Size

[code="java"]public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File file = new File("F:"); if (file.exists()) { prt("Total:", file.getTotalSpace()); prt("Usable:"...

2009-09-01 15:25:58 163

批处理 bat

set currPath=%~dp0

2009-08-07 01:19:22 99

WSDL to Java

1) Download Axis Put axis at C:\axis-1_42)cd/d c:[code="java"]java -cp C:\axis-1_4\lib\axis.jar;C:\axis-1_4\lib\jaxrpc.jar;C:\axis-1_4\lib\saaj.jar;C:\axis-1_4\lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.ja...

2009-08-04 16:52:14 116


TestApp.mxml[code="xml"] [/code]ImageUtil.as[code="java"]package com.sinocai.flexui....

2009-07-28 23:13:17 181

Start Jetty Server

[code="java"]import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import org.mortbay.jetty.Connector;import org.mortbay.jetty.Handler;import o...

2009-07-04 23:53:16 243


JQuery + ExtJSAdobe Flex + BlazeDS + JavaAMF(ActionScript Message Format)Adobe AIR(Needs Flash Player, AIR runtime)MS SilverlightLaszlocompiled to SWF, Flex:http://shiger...

2009-06-24 17:45:51 90

Web Service Server

Server--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Dependencies: Jersey[code="java"]import com.sun.jersey.api.container.httpserver.HttpServerFactory;imp...

2009-06-23 11:13:38 99

Build RESTful web service using Jersey

Build RESTful web service using Jersey[b]Server side[/b]-----------------------------------------------------------1) Dependencies:[code="java"] jsr311.jar jersey-core.jar jerse...

2009-06-12 15:57:44 107

Start web container(Jetty) using code

1) Dependencies[code="java"]required:-------------------------------------------------geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec-1.2.jarjetty-6.1.18.jarjetty-util-6.1.18.jaroptional:-----------------...

2009-06-10 17:06:52 119

Build Web Service using CXF

[b]Build Web Service by CXF[/b]CXF(http://cxf.apache.org/)Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS...

2009-06-10 16:33:04 105


1)[code="java"]xcopy /E /Y /Q /I META-INF web\WEB-INF\classes\META-INFjar cvf StockService.war *.*pause[/code]2) GlassFish[code="java"]glassfish.properties-----------------------# Pa...

2009-06-09 10:07:27 129

Build Simple Restful Web App with Maven and Jersey

1) Create a New Project Layout[code="java"]cd/d C:\tmp\restfulmvn archetype:create -DgroupId=my.example.com -DartifactId=SimpleRESTApp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp[/code]It will cr...

2009-05-30 09:53:50 94

To show a custom area for toolbar.

To show a custom area for toolbar.[code="java"]public void postWindowOpen() { //...}//Add to postWindowOpen()final IWorkbenchWindow window = getWindowConfigurer().getWindow();List...

2009-05-11 16:10:33 93

Fully Qualified Domain Names

Fully Qualified Domain Names (Create an alias for localhost)1) Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc and open the hosts file in a text editor.2) Inside the hosts file it contains this line ...

2009-04-20 14:44:10 111

SSO 原理浅谈(ZT)

SSO 是一个非常大的主题,我对这个主题有着深深的感受,自从广州 UserGroup 的论坛成立以来,无数网友都在尝试使用开源的 CAS , Kerberos 也提供另外一种方式的 SSO ,即基于 Windows 域的 SSO ,还有就是从 2005 年开始一直兴旺不衰的 SAML 。 如果将这些免费的 SSO 解决方案与商业的 Tivoli 或 Siteminder 或...

2009-04-18 01:30:57 150

原创 SSO(Single Sign on)(ZT)

SSO(Single Sign on)-单点登录 目前的企业应用环境中,往往有很多的应用系统,如办公自动化(OA)系统,财务管理系统,档案管理系统,信息查询系统等等。这些应用系统服务于企业 的信息化建设,为企业带来了很好的效益。但是,用户在使用这些应用系统时,并不方便。用户每次使用系统,都必须输入用户名称和用户密码,进行身份验证;而 且,应用系统不同,用户账号就不同,用户必须同时牢...

2009-04-18 01:25:38 225

DEV Sites


2009-04-09 11:00:44 91

Drag and Drop in a Tree

[code="java"]public class TreeDragDropTest { private static Display display; private static Shell shell; public static void main(String[] args) { display = new Display(); ...

2009-04-06 18:05:20 96

SWT Menu background

[code="java"]invoke("setBackground", menuBar, new Class[] { Color.class }, new Color[] { bg });invoke("setBackground", menu1, new Class[] { Color.class }, new Color[] { bg });invoke("setBackground...

2009-04-04 18:00:49 183

mvn install:install-file

mvn install:install-file -DgeneratePom=true -DgroupId=jep -DartifactId=jep -Dversion=3.3.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=E:\lib\LIB_COMMON\jep-3.3.0-trial.jar

2009-04-04 08:11:44 1600

StyledText sample

[code="java"]StyledText text1 = new StyledText(parent, SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.BORDER);String msg = "Hello";text1.append(msg);StyleRange styleRange = new StyleRange();styleRange.foreground = Disp...

2009-03-23 22:42:49 222



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