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JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4
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Interface TransactionManager

public interface TransactionManager

The TransactionManager interface defines the methods that allow an application server to manage transaction boundaries. TransactionManager接口定义了一些用来让应用服务器管理事务的方法。

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Method Summary
void begin()
Create a new transaction and associate it with the current thread. 创建一个新事物并与当前线程关联。
void commit()
Complete the transaction associated with the current thread. 完成与当前线程关联的事务。
int getStatus()
Obtain the status of the transaction associated with the current thread. 获取与当前线程关联事务的状态。
Transaction getTransaction()
Get the transaction object that represents the transaction context of the calling thread. 获得表示调用线程事务上下文的事务对象。
void resume(Transactiontobj)
Resume the transaction context association of the calling thread with the transaction represented by the supplied Transaction object. 恢复调用线程的事务上下文与提供的Transaction对象表示的事务的关联。
void rollback()
Roll back the transaction associated with the current thread. 回滚与当前线程关联的事务。
void setRollbackOnly()
Modify the transaction associated with the current thread such that the only possible outcome of the transaction is to roll back the transaction. 修改当前线程的关联事务,使得事务的唯一可能结果是回滚该事务。
void setTransactionTimeout(intseconds)
Modify the timeout value that is associated with transactions started by subsequent invocations of the begin method. 修改随后使用begin方法调用开始的事务超时值。
Transaction suspend()
Suspend the transaction currently associated with the calling thread and return a Transaction object that represents the transaction context being suspended. 延迟调用线程当前关联的事务,返回表示事务上下文被延迟的Transaction对象。

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Method Detail
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Create a new transaction and associate it with the current thread. 创建一个新事物并与当前线程关联。

NotSupportedException - Thrown if the thread is already associated with a transaction and the Transaction Manager implementation does not support nested transactions. 当线程已经与事务关联,事务管理器的实现不支持嵌套事务时抛出。
SystemException - Thrown if the transaction manager encounters an unexpected error condition. 如果事务管理器遭遇无法预料错误的情况时抛出。
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Complete the transaction associated with the current thread. When this method completes, the thread is no longer associated with a transaction. 完成与当前线程关联的事务。方法完成后,线程不再与事务关联。

RollbackException - Thrown to indicate that the transaction has been rolled back rather than committed. 抛出表示事务已被回滚而不是提交。
HeuristicMixedException - Thrown to indicate that a heuristic decision was made and that some relevant updates have been committed while others have been rolled back. 抛出表示已经确定,某些相关更新已提交,然而其它一些被回滚。
HeuristicRollbackException - Thrown to indicate that a heuristic decision was made and that all relevant updates have been rolled back. 抛出表示已经确定,所有相关更新已回滚。
SecurityException - Thrown to indicate that the thread is not allowed to commit the transaction. 抛出表示当前线程不允许提交该事务。
IllegalStateException - Thrown if the current thread is not associated with a transaction. 如果当前线程没有和事务关联时抛出。
SystemException - Thrown if the transaction manager encounters an unexpected error condition. 如果事务管理器遭遇无法预料错误的情况时抛出。
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Obtain the status of the transaction associated with the current thread. 获取与当前线程关联事务的状态。

The transaction status. If no transaction is associated with the current thread, this method returns the Status.NoTransaction value. 事务状态。如果当前线程没有关联事务,方法返回Status.NoTransaction值。
SystemException - Thrown if the transaction manager encounters an unexpected error condition. 如果事务管理器遭遇无法预料错误的情况时抛出。
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Get the transaction object that represents the transaction context of the calling thread. 获得表示调用线程事务上下文的事务对象。

the Transaction object representing the transaction associated with the calling thread. 表示调用线程关联事务的Transaction对象。
SystemException - Thrown if the transaction manager encounters an unexpected error condition. 如果事务管理器遭遇无法预料错误的情况时抛出。
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Resume the transaction context association of the calling thread with the transaction represented by the supplied Transaction object. When this method returns, the calling thread is associated with the transaction context specified. 恢复调用线程的事务上下文与提供的Transaction对象表示的事务的关联。 当方法返回后,调用线程和指定事务上下文关联。

tobj - The Transaction object that represents the transaction to be resumed. 要恢复的表示事务的Transaction对象。
InvalidTransactionException - Thrown if the parameter transaction object contains an invalid transaction. 如果事务对象参数包含一个无效事务时抛出。
IllegalStateException - Thrown if the thread is already associated with another transaction. 如果线程已经与另一个事务关联时抛出。
SystemException - Thrown if the transaction manager encounters an unexpected error condition. 如果事务管理器遭遇无法预料错误的情况时抛出。
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Roll back the transaction associated with the current thread. When this method completes, the thread is no longer associated with a transaction. 回滚与当前线程关联的事务。方法完成后,线程不再与事务关联。

SecurityException - Thrown to indicate that the thread is not allowed to roll back the transaction. 抛出表示当前线程不允许回滚事务。
IllegalStateException - Thrown if the current thread is not associated with a transaction. 如果当前线程没有和事务关联时抛出。
SystemException - Thrown if the transaction manager encounters an unexpected error condition. 如果事务管理器遭遇无法预料错误的情况时抛出。
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Modify the transaction associated with the current thread such that the only possible outcome of the transaction is to roll back the transaction. 修改当前线程的关联事务,使得事务的唯一可能结果是回滚该事务。

IllegalStateException - Thrown if the current thread is not associated with a transaction. 如果当前线程没有和事务关联时抛出。
SystemException - Thrown if the transaction manager encounters an unexpected error condition. 如果事务管理器遭遇无法预料错误的情况时抛出。
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Modify the timeout value that is associated with transactions started by subsequent invocations of the begin method. 修改随后使用begin方法调用开始的事务超时值。

If an application has not called this method, the transaction service uses some default value for the transaction timeout. 如果应用没有调用该方法,事务服务将使用事务超时的默认值。

seconds - The value of the timeout in seconds. If the value is zero, the transaction service restores the default value. If the value is negative a SystemException is thrown. 以秒为单位的超时值。如果值为0,事务服务恢复为初始值。如果值为负,抛出SystemException。
SystemException - Thrown if the transaction manager encounters an unexpected error condition. 如果事务管理器遭遇无法预料错误的情况时抛出。
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Suspend the transaction currently associated with the calling thread and return a Transaction object that represents the transaction context being suspended. If the calling thread is not associated with a transaction, the method returns a null object reference. When this method returns, the calling thread is not associated with a transaction. 延迟调用线程当前关联的事务,返回表示事务上下文被延迟的Transaction对象。 如果调用线程未与事务关联,方法返回null对象引用。当方法返回后,调用 线程不再与事务关联。

Transaction object representing the suspended transaction. 表示延迟事务的Transaction对象。
SystemException - Thrown if the transaction manager encounters an unexpected error condition. 如果事务管理器遭遇无法预料错误的情况时抛出。
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JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4
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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.





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