DX 英语辅导员之我的“谢幕演说”

DX 英语辅导员之我的“谢幕演说”
  Good evening, my dear friends
  Thank you for coming here tonight, and tonight maybe the last night that we are gather together and recall those days we have spent, I mean that this is the last time that I just stand on this platform and deliver a speech and have all of you listened to me.
  First of all, I want to thank that English teacher which I don’t know her name gave me this chance and let me pass the interview and succeed in selecting this position and then became your English Instructor.
  Next, I want to thank my partners, Shen Wanting and Duan Miao, the two considerate girl who have given me so much help in the process of my work, they are really helpful and we have established good relationship with each other.
  Then, I want to thank my roommates, which all of you presented have never seen, they are really lovely boys, they share our stories and most importantly, they have to endure to turn off the night at 11 o’clock in the evening and bear the noise the I have made in the dark morning. To all my friends that support me, tonight I really thank you for all the positive thinking that you have given to me, I am really grateful to them.
  然后,我想要感谢我的室友――那些在座的各位都没有见过的可爱的男孩们。他们分享着我们的故事,最重要的是,他们还要忍受晚上 11 点关灯和我在漆黑的早晨早起发出的嘈杂声响。对于那些支持我的朋友们,谢谢你们给予我的积极看法,我非常感谢你们。
  Above all, tonight in this classroom and on this platform where I stand, at this quiet moment, I know the person I truly want to thank. My dear friends, it is you that have given me the courage and confidence to carry on; it is you that have made me realize something in my live deserve my effort; it is you that have helped me to strengthen my dream and have told me never gave up. So tonight, my dear classmates, thank you so much!
  In the beginning of this semester, I told all of you that, once you have a chance to give a speech in front of the crowd, just seize it and enjoy it! Well, there are also many other elements for expressing ourselves. Courage, confidence, intelligence and so on. Undoubtedly, intelligence, which was called knowledge in the same way, play a vital role in expressing ourselves.
  Guided by this principle, in the last 16 weeks, we have done so many things to improve our English. We read obama’s speech, recited Martin Luther King ’s famous speech 《 I have a dream 》 ; We read Steve Jobs’ classic quotations, enjoyed some beautiful essays.
  在这个原则下,在过去的 16 个星期里,我们做了很多来提高我们的英语。我们读奥巴马的演讲词,背诵马丁 ??路德??金的著名演讲《我有一个梦想》,我们读斯蒂夫??乔布斯的经典语录,还读一些好的美文。
  But not only that, at the same time, we paid more attention to the preparation of CET-4. We learned some new words, accumulated many phrases, remembered many beautiful and useful sentences and compositions.
  However, I have to admit that that period of time is really miserable and unforgettable. Fortunately, we overcame so many difficulties and persisted to the end, slowly but surely those time really taught us something that deserve remembering.
  We introduced ourselves in English in front of the class, we enjoyed movies together, we recited the compositions at night in front of our dormitory, those memories are still fresh and we should cherish every second we have spent together.
  Time is short, but we still have methods to make us fully enjoy what life gives us. Someone asked me that why are you so passionate and have the will to persist on? I told them that it is because I love my job and I love my classmates. If you want one, be one, that is, if you want a good friend, you should do as a good friend first. Nothing is difficult if you truly set your mind to do it, and once you determine to do it, you ought to do it well.
  During my interview, the teacher asked me:”why do you prefer to be an instructor rather than to work for the Students Union?”I answered that:”Because it is really happy to study with a group of students.” Time has proved my “prediction”, as a matter of fact I really enjoy this period of time and have obtained lots of happiness.
  In the beginning of this English class meeting, I’m afraid that at this time when we must say “goodbye”, when I will feel sad and don’t know what to say. Consequently, I made this preparation yesterday and share it with all of you today.
  My dears friends, this morning we had a really College English Test of band 4. Just think about how many mornings and how many nights we have been spent for it. No pains, no gains, on the contrary, if we truly set our minds into it and then we can definitely make it. Believing me and Believing in yourself, all of you can pass the CET-4 and make a big difference. Remembering what I have told you that “we shall overcome” and ”yes, we can!”
  My dear friends, this is all I want to share with you tonight; My dear classmate, thank you for your participation and in the end, I want to say that I truly love all of you very much.
  Goodbye !
  Liu Wangmin
  English Instructor
  Class Two of Advertisement, 2011
  The College of Literature and Journalism
  Xiangtan University
  湘潭大学文学与新闻学院 2011 级广告学二班英语辅导员 柳王敏
  ( 865 words in total )
  (共 865 字)




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