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原创 Criteria to choose among String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder

String is immutable ,and StringBuilder ,StringBuffer both of them are mutable,they can change their valuecriteria to choose among themwhen your text value are not chageable ,you can use the String...

2010-07-02 15:02:26 140

原创 Difference between String StringBuffer and StringBuilder E-mail

String is immutable whereas StringBuffer and StringBuilder can change their values.The only difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder is that StringBuilder is unsynchronized whereas String...

2010-07-02 11:48:57 214

原创 the conept of schema

schema is a collection of database objects of a user

2010-06-29 16:56:48 130

原创 the concept of oracle profile

use the create profile statement to create the profile which a set of limits on database resourcesif you assign the profile to the use ,the use can not exceed these limitsSetting Profile Resourc...

2010-06-29 08:25:51 99

原创 database snapshot(2)

3 、在源数据库上,创建要同步表的快照日志Create snapshot log on medal_order;

2010-06-26 10:57:41 115

原创 database snapshot(1)

1 create database linkcreate public database link dblink_sportsdb connect to scott identified by scott using 'gxfmisys'其中 dblink_sportsdb为dblink的name

2010-06-26 10:51:57 113

database link

database link is the schema object in one database that enables you access objects on another database. the other database do not need be Oracle Database

2010-06-26 10:34:26 67

the type of table join

[[u]b]join:[/b] [/u] return rows at least one match in tablesinner join is the most common join type used in applications ,and can be regarded the default join type[b]outer join[/b][u][/u]: oute...

2010-06-25 11:47:34 101

原创 recover data after executing "delete " or "truncate table " in oracle

satyaki>satyaki>satyaki>select * from v$version; BANNER----------------------------------------------------------------Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - ProdPL/...

2010-06-10 11:37:19 107

原创 the sort of oracle lock

the lock is aiming to solve the porblem that when parallel minipupating the database,it can protect the datathe lock is divided into the following:1 S .such as select * from tablename2 RS .such...

2010-06-03 15:48:05 147

原创 oracle databases questions&&answers

完成下列操作,写出相应的SQL语句 1. 创建表空间neuspace,数据文件命名为neudata.dbf,存放在d:\data目录下,文件大小为200MB,设为自动增长,增量5MB,文件最大为500MB。(8分)答:create tablespace neuspace datafile ‘d:\data\neudata.dbf’ size 200m auto extend o...

2010-06-03 11:20:53 286

原创 ETL增量抽取(转)


2010-06-03 09:58:26 185

原创 Renaming Columns And Constraints

n addition to renaming tables and indexes Oracle9i Release 2 allows the renaming of columns and constraints on tables. In this example once the the TEST1 table is created it is renamed along with it's...

2010-06-03 08:48:52 80

原创 SOA与传统服务的区别

什么是SOASOA:面向服务的体系结构(Service-Oriented Architecture,SOA,也叫面向服务架构), SOA是指为了解决在Internet环境下业务集成的需要,通过连接能完成特定任务的独立功能实体实现的一种软件系统架构。SOA 是一个组件模型,它将应用程序的不同功能单元(称为服务)通过这些服务之间定义良好的接口和契约联系起来。接口是采用中立的方式进行定义的,它应...

2010-06-02 14:12:55 329

原创 Viewing Database Metadata

You've just taken on responsibility for a new database. New to you, that is -- the database has actually been running for some years. What's the first thing you want to do? If you're like me, you pro...

2010-06-02 10:05:09 88

原创 Database Normalization

1 the purpose of this ways ,fist ,it aims to eliminate the redudant data and ensure the dependenties make sense[b]The First Normal Form:[/b]1) elinimate the duplicated date from the same table2)...

2010-06-01 11:25:55 133

原创 Subquery or join?

Some tasks can be performed in two ways, both by joins and subqueries. Under what situations should we opt for subqueries?Write your query using a subquery instead of a join when it is easier for ...

2010-06-01 09:20:01 177

原创 Oracle listener.ora tnsnames.ora sqlnet.ora

in its most basic form ,Oracle uses threes files(listneres.ora ,tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora) for network configuration.1 listener.ora. this file contains the server side parameters configuration2 tnsn...

2010-05-31 16:31:24 175

原创 What is the difference between VARCHAR, VARCHAR2 and CHAR data types?

What is the difference between VARCHAR, VARCHAR2 and CHAR data types?Submitted by admin on Sat, 2005-11-26 08:30Both CHAR and VARCHAR2 types are used to store character string values, however, t...

2010-05-31 12:42:29 135

原创 plsql questions

1 can one call DDL statement from PL/SQL?one can call DDL statements like Create,DROP,Truncate ,etc from PL/SQL by using the "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE" statement examplesDECLARE var VARCHAR2(100);B...

2010-05-28 15:15:38 81

原创 Exists Versus In

1 exists just checks for the existence of rows,whereas in checks the acutal values2 exists typically offers better performence than in with subquery

2010-05-28 14:27:48 72

原创 how to use the "the alter table statement "

the alter table statement is used to modify ,add ,delete columns in an existing table1 to add a column in a table ,use the following syntax:alter table table_name add column_name datatype2 to de...

2010-05-28 11:26:32 67

原创 MQ - 消息中间件

WebSphere MQ 为用户和应用开发人员提供了一种直接,简单的手段以实现应用系统在不同操作系统平台之间稳定可靠地传递,交换重要的数据和信息,确保消息不丢失/不复传。MQ 消息传输产品之于企业 IT 应用,就如同电子邮件之于人一样,是 SOA 时代企业 IT 应用之间相互传递消息的最重要工具。但是,与由于网络原因而经常丢失消息的脆弱的电子邮件系统不同的是,MQ 强大而稳定,永远能够确保每一个字...

2010-05-24 16:33:35 104

原创 Apache 2.2 Tomcat 6.0 cluster

一、软件准备Apache 2.2 :Tomcat 6.0 二、软件安装 把Apache安装为运行在80端口的Windows服务,安装成功后在系统服务列表中可以看到Apache2.2服务。对于已安装IIS的机器,在启动 Apache服务之前必须首先停止IIS Admin服务,不然会因为端口冲突而无法启动。服务启动后在浏览器中输入http:/...

2010-05-12 15:43:01 173

原创 TRUNCATE 命令用法

TRUNCATE TABLE 在功能上与不带 WHERE 子句的 DELETE 语句相同:二者均删除表中的全部行。但 TRUNCATE TABLE 比 DELETE 速度快,且使用的系统和事务日志资源少。DELETE 语句每次删除一行,并在事务日志中为所删除的每行记录一项。TRUNCATE TABLE 通过释放存储表数据所用的数据页来删除数据,并且只在事务日志中记录页的释放。TRU...

2010-05-12 10:03:28 308

原创 SCA的架构思想

一、认识SCASCA(Service Component Architecture)中文翻译为“服务组件架构”,是一种全新的软件架构思想。SCA中,最重要的一个概念是Service----服务,它的内涵式独立于具体的技术。因此,SCA不会称之为 Java组件架构,或Web Service 组件架构。所谓的具体技术,主要有两层含义:一是程序语言,而是传输协议。现有的组件是和...

2010-05-11 10:23:38 141

原创 编写你自己的单点登录(SSO)服务(转)


2010-05-07 08:47:17 98

how to define webserivce

webserivce 是基于网络的分布式组件,通过发布能通过web进行访问的api。基于xml。主要的技术支持协议有:wsdl ,xsd,xml,soap,http,uddi and so on

2010-04-16 15:55:25 64

DDT origin(转)


2010-04-14 16:32:32 138

debug eclipse common procedures

首先来讲一下step into step over step return的区别:step into就是单步执行,遇到子函数就进入并且继续单步执行;(F5)step over是在单步执行时,在函数内遇到子函数时不会进入子函数内单步执行,而是将子函数整个执行完再停止,也就是把子函数整个作为一步。(F6)step return就是单步执行到子函数内时,用step retur...

2010-04-08 10:55:43 77


1. RequestDispatcher.forward()  是在服务器端起作用,当使用forward()时,Servlet engine传递HTTP请求从当前的Servlet or JSP到另外一个Servlet,JSP 或普通HTML文件,也即你的form提交至a.jsp,在a.jsp用到了forward()重定向至b.jsp,此时form提交的所有信息在 b.jsp都可以获得,参数自动...

2010-04-07 17:44:07 83

Read/Write the Registry (Windows)

his technique was first seen in this post.package com.rgagnon.howto;import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;import java.lang.reflect.Method;import java.util.HashMap;import jav...

2010-03-31 14:31:24 120

invoke google api demo

package request;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;import java.net.URL;import java.n...

2010-03-31 14:06:16 108

Lucene introduce(转)

Lucene是一个基于Java的全文索引工具包。 1. 基于Java的全文索引引擎Lucene简介:关于作者和Lucene的历史 2. 全文检索的实现:Luene全文索引和数据库索引的比较 3. 中文切分词机制简介:基于词库和自动切分词算法的比较 4. 具体的安装和使用简介:系统结构介绍和演示 5. Hacking Lucene:简化的查询分析器...

2010-03-31 09:02:40 85


Lucene基本使用介绍 本文的目的不在于对Lucene的概念和设计这些进行介绍,仅在于介绍怎么样去使用Lucene来达到自己想要的几种常见的全文检索的需求,如果想深入了解Lucene的话本文不会带给你什么收获的。看完本文后想更深入的了解Lucene请访问:http://lucene.apache.org 一. 概述随着系统信息的越来越多,怎么样从这些信息...

2010-03-30 18:24:26 92



2010-03-18 15:53:41 375 1


2009-08-20Windows下删除.svn文件夹的最简易方法建立一个文本文件,取名为kill-svn-folders.reg(扩展名由txt改为reg),内容如下: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\DeleteSVN...

2010-03-15 15:40:06 156


Java中获取文件路径的几种方式关于绝对路径和相对路径:绝对路径就是你的主页上的文件或目录在硬盘上真正的路径,(URL和物理路径)例如:C:xyz est.txt 代表了test.txt文件的绝对路径。http://www.sun.com/index.htm也代表了一个URL绝对路径。相对路径:相对与某个基准目录的路径。包含Web的相对路径(HTML中的相对目录),例如:在Servle...

2010-03-15 15:21:49 99

what aop techology can make ?

usually , you can aop implements many functions.such as the bellow following :1、权限控制 access control2、日志管理 log administration3、事务管理 transaction administration4、缓存功能 cach administration5、性能监...

2010-02-26 14:20:39 131

原创 Session详解(转)

Session详解(转)摘要:虽然session机制在web应用程序中被采用已经很长时间了,但是仍然有很多人不清楚session机制的本质,以至不能正确的应用这一技术。本文将详细讨论session的工作机制并且对在Java web application中应用session机制时常见的问题作出解答。目录:一、术语session二、HTTP协议与状态保持三、理解cooki...

2010-01-29 12:08:18 88



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