史上最强算法论战:请不要嘻哈,这是哈希 文章中算法的java实现

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1 篇文章 0 订阅
[*]2.CAS原语有好多种写法,目前的物理服务器都是多cpu多核心,所以需要按Test and test and set 的写法编程。
[*]3.当前的现代cpu,Cache Line 是64byte .机器的字长是64bit.cpu只对16,32,64 bit的数据提供原子操作。


package testPatternBox;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;

class BackOffAtomicLong

private final AtomicLong value = new AtomicLong ( 0L );

public long get ( )
return value.get ( );

public long incrementAndGet ( )
for ( ;; )
long current = get ( );
long next = current + 1;
if ( compareAndSet ( current ,
next ) )
return next;

public long subtractAndGet ( )
for ( ;; )
long current = get ( );
long next = current - 1;
if ( compareAndSet ( current ,
next ) )
return next;

public boolean compareAndSet ( final long current ,
final long next )
if ( value.compareAndSet ( current ,
next ) )
return true;
LockSupport.parkNanos ( 1L );
return false;

public void set ( final long l )
value.set ( l );


class DataItem
{// 数据项
* 而compoundKey为(股东代码,股票代码,持仓类型,flag)的复合体,股东代码占用最63~27位(5位字符和四个字节无符号整数),
* 股票代码占26~11位(两个字节),持仓类型占用10~6位(五个字节),isTail占用第5位,表示是否为尾部,
* 即后继元素中没有相同hash值的元素。 doWrite占用第4位,表示该key正在更改/写入,
* readerCount占用3~0为表示该key正在读的线程数量。
* 每条持仓记录,由三个信息来定位(key): 持仓类型(一位字符,A~F), 股东代码(10位字符,第1位A~Z,后面9位是数字0~9),
* 股票代号(short类型)
* 被定位到的持仓记录是一个64bit的值(value)
private BackOffAtomicLong compoundKey = new BackOffAtomicLong ( ); // 数据项的关键字
private BackOffAtomicLong value = new BackOffAtomicLong ( );;// 存储的值

public DataItem ( Long key , Long value )
this.compoundKey.set ( key );
this.value.set ( value );

public Long getKey ( )
return compoundKey.get ( );

public BackOffAtomicLong getBackOffAtomicLongKey ( )
return compoundKey;

public boolean setKey ( Long key )
return this.compoundKey.compareAndSet ( this.compoundKey.get ( ) ,
key );

public Long getValue ( )
return value.get ( );

public BackOffAtomicLong getBackOffAtomicLongValue ( )
return value;

public boolean setValue ( Long value )
return this.value.compareAndSet ( this.value.get ( ) ,
value );

public boolean equals ( DataItem di )
if ( this.getKey ( ) == di.getKey ( ) && this.getValue ( ) == di.getValue ( ) )
return true;
return false;


class DataItemUtils
{// 用来处理DataItem元素 ,由于看不懂文章里的维护策略,暂时没有使用。

* tail位为0时表示不是尾,为1时表示是尾
* @return 是否是最后一个元素
public static boolean isTail ( DataItem i )

return ( ( i.getKey ( ) ) & ( 12L ) ) == 12L;

public static boolean setIsTail ( DataItem i )
return i.setKey ( i.getKey ( ) | 12L );

public static boolean setIsNotTail ( DataItem i )
return i.setKey ( i.getKey ( ) & 9223372036854775791L );

* 0 未写入 1正在写入
* @param i
* @return
public static boolean isWrite ( DataItem i )
return ( ( i.getKey ( ) ) & ( 8L ) ) == 8L;

public static boolean setIsWrite ( DataItem i )
return i.setKey ( i.getKey ( ) | 8L );

public static boolean setIsNotWrite ( DataItem i )
return i.setKey ( i.getKey ( ) & 9223372036854775799L );

* 是否有线程在读
public static boolean isReading ( DataItem i )
return ( ( i.getKey ( ) ) & ( 7L ) ) != 0L;

public boolean incrementReading ( DataItem i )
if ( ( ( i.getKey ( ) ) & ( 7L ) ) == 7L )
return true;

i.getBackOffAtomicLongKey ( ).incrementAndGet ( );
return true;

public boolean subtractReading ( DataItem i )
if ( ( ( i.getKey ( ) ) & ( 7L ) ) == 0L )
return true;

i.getBackOffAtomicLongKey ( ).subtractAndGet ( );
return true;

public class MemoryHashTable
{// 数组实现的哈希表,开放地址法之再哈希法
private DataItem[] hashArray; // 存数据的数组
private int arraySize;
private DataItem nonItem; // 已删除标志
private int contstant; // 二次hash函数因子。

MemoryHashTable ( int size )
{// 哈希表构造函数
arraySize = findPrimeNumber ( size );
hashArray = new DataItem[arraySize];
nonItem = new DataItem ( -1L , -1L );
contstant = findPrimeNumber ( arraySize / 10 );

public void displayTable ( )// 输出哈希表
System.out.print ( "Table: " );
for ( int j = 0 ; j < arraySize ; j++ )
if ( hashArray[j] != null )
System.out.print ( hashArray[j].getKey ( ) + " " );
System.out.print ( "** " );
System.out.println ( "" );

// 哈希函数1
private int hashFunc1 ( long key )
return Integer.parseInt ( Long.toString ( key % arraySize ) );

// 哈希函数2,不同于哈希函数1,用于再哈希。
private int hashFunc2 ( long key )
// array size must be relatively prime to 5, 4, 3, and 2
return Integer.parseInt ( Long.toString ( contstant - key % contstant ) );

// 哈希表中插入数据 这里的CAS是 Test and Test and Test and set
public void insert ( long key ,long value)

int hashVal = hashFunc1 ( key); // 求关键字的哈希值
int stepSize = hashFunc2 ( key ); // 再探测步长的大小

while ( hashArray[hashVal] != null && hashArray[hashVal].getKey ( ) != -1 )
if ( hashArray[hashVal].getKey ( ) == key)
hashArray[hashVal].setValue ( value );
return ;
hashVal += stepSize; // 单元被占用,再探测
hashVal %= arraySize;
hashArray[hashVal] = new DataItem ( key , value );

// 在哈希表中删除
public DataItem delete ( long key )
int hashVal = hashFunc1 ( key );
int stepSize = hashFunc2 ( key );

while ( hashArray[hashVal] != null )
{// 直到一个空单元出现
if ( hashArray[hashVal].getKey ( ) == key )
DataItem temp = hashArray[hashVal];
hashArray[hashVal] = nonItem; // 作删除标记
return temp;
hashVal += stepSize; // 再探测
hashVal %= arraySize;
return null;

// 在哈希表中搜索
public long find ( long key )
int hashVal = hashFunc1 ( key );
int stepSize = hashFunc2 ( key );

while ( hashArray[hashVal] != null )
if ( hashArray[hashVal].getKey ( ) == key )
return hashArray[hashVal].getValue ( );
hashVal += stepSize;
hashVal %= arraySize;
return 0L;

* 找出大于capacity 的最小质数,并且该质数容量是minseed的7分之10 hashtable的装载率不能大于70%
* 用开放地址探测的散列,要保证在一定步数内找到一个空位, 你必须让数组长度为一个质数。在装载率为70%的情况下,
* 一个质数长度的数组,基本就是几步之内你就一定能找到一个空位。
* @param capacity
* hashtable的容量。
* @return
private Integer findPrimeNumber ( int capacity )
capacity = capacity * 10 / 7; // 预计装载量是hashtable容量的70%
if ( capacity % 2 == 0 )
// 质数肯定是奇数
capacity++ ;
if ( capacity <= 1 )
return 2;
if ( capacity == 2 || capacity == 3 )
return 5;
while ( true )
int sqrt = (int) Math.sqrt ( capacity );

for ( int i = 3 ; i <= sqrt ; i += 2 )
if ( capacity % i == 0 )
capacity += 2;

return capacity;





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